Privacy Enhancing Data Access Control for Ambient Assisted Living
Hendrik Kuijs
, Timo Bayer
, Christoph Reich
, Martin Knahl
and Nathan Clarke
Institute for Cloud Computing and IT Security, Furtwangen University, Furtwangen, Germany
Centre for Security, Communications and Network Research, Plymouth University, Plymouth, U.K.
Privacy, Data Flow, OSGi, Access Control, Context Aware, Ambient Assisted Living.
As private data is key to applications in the field of Ambient Assisted Living, access control has to be in place
to regulate data flows within the environment and to preserver the privacy of a user. We present a data access
control system based on an easy to understand policy language with the ability to be extended by context
information. Context information are enabling applications in the field of Ambient Assisted Living to adapt
their behaviour to temporal, emergency or environmental conditions. The system is able to monitor and control
data flows in OSGi environments by proxy services, without the need of modifying the core platform or the
service logic of bundles. This is necessary to inform data subjects, to enable the data subject to control the
environment and to enforce data access policies that are compatible with legal requirements.
Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) emerged out of tech-
nologies which are known as Ambient Intelligence
(AMI), the technological foundation for sensitive and
adaptive environments that have the ability to respond
to actions of persons or real world objects and cater
for their needs. This development is fostered by two
social and political phenomena: The increasing aver-
age life expectancy and a decrease of birth-rate leads
to a continuously shrinking proportion of the young
working population in developed countries world-
wide (United Nations, 2001). Politics try to compete
with this trend by introducing programs for new nurs-
ing or day-care facilities (Llena-Nozal et al., 2011).
But without trained personnel and already existing
facilities one key concept is to minimize the needed
time-span for professional care facilities by introduc-
ing technology in the known living environment of
the target group. Surveys show that this trend is sup-
ported by elderly people who want to stay at home as
long as possible (Grauel and Spellerberg, 2007). With
the introduction of supporting systems in the home of
the elderly, new concerns arise about the protection of
privacy. Focus groups and users are feeling observed
and do not want an uncontrollable surveillance sys-
tem which they don’t trust incorporated in their liv-
ing environment (Dario and Cavallo, 2014, pp. 89
ff.)(Rosencrantz et al., 2015).
In our work we show a system that can raise trans-
parency and hand over the control on the private data
collected and processed in an AAL system back to the
Section 2 presents related work in the field of pri-
vacy for AAL and data security in OSGi, the main
middleware for platforms in AAL. In Section 3 a new
solution for data access management is presented in
three parts: A new module for monitoring and con-
trol in OSGi, the access control system and the ba-
sics of the new privacy policy. An evaluation of the
main concepts of the policy language and access con-
trol system is shown in Section 4, followed by con-
clusions and remarks on future work in Section 5.
The AALIANCE (Broek et al., 2010) determined in
their AAL Roadmap of 2010 that in existing AAL
systems a huge amount of data is collected by sen-
sors in the living environment to assist the user in his
daily life. These data (vital data, location data) is then
aggregated with other information (from communica-
tion systems, organizational tools, or household ap-
pliances) to draw conclusions about the current situ-
ation, the health state and the well-being of the user.
In many cases this information is made available to
relatives and informal caregivers (primary group of
stakeholders in AAL (Dario and Cavallo, 2014)), or
professional care providers, e.g. doctors or nurses
(secondary group of stakeholders).
Kuijs, H., Bayer, T., Reich, C., Knahl, M. and Clar ke, N.
Privacy Enhancing Data Access Control for Ambient Assisted Living.
DOI: 10.5220/0007735804480455
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER 2019), pages 448-455
ISBN: 978-989-758-365-0
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
2.1 Privacy in Ambient Assisted Living
According to (Memon et al., 2014) privacy preserva-
tion is not yet seen as a quality attribute of AAL sys-
tems. Although security (encryption and access con-
trol) is of importance for acceptability among the end-
users, other major quality attributes are usability, re-
liability, maintainability, efficiency, safety, accuracy,
and dependability.
Braun et al. show in their study that the target
audience emphasize that they have a sense of shame
when confronted with a video system, but are at the
same time willing to accept sharing of personal data
with other entities in AAL environments (Braun et al.,
2016). In their view this could be due to the abstract
nature of the term data privacy, but the immediate
feeling of shame. However a loss of data to criminal
subjects is seen as a real threat by the target audience.
J. van Heek et. al directly focus on data security
and privacy in their study (van Heek et al., 2017). Al-
though the average needs for data security and pri-
vacy were on a moderate level with regard to all in-
terviewed participants, they stated that they wanted to
have control over the access of their data, see data se-
curity as an important attribute for AAL, and realize
the possibility of abuse of leaked data. The own pri-
vacy of the participants is as important to them as the
privacy of others and they want to control their own
Stutz et al. define measures that have to be imple-
mented by system developers and providers to sup-
port data protection and information security in AAL
systems (Stutz et al., 2016). Their work is based on
the approach of Privacy by Design and by Default
(Cavoukian, 2010), that is also included as a central
concept in the EU General Data Protection Regulation
(The European Parliament and the Council of the Eu-
ropean Union, 2016). They propose a consent based
system where a user has to be informed about the data
usage and no data is allowed to be transferred, stored
or processed without the consent of the user.
In this work a model and a first implementation for
data protection and data flow control in AAL systems
is presented based on OSGi.
2.2 Data security in OSGi
The AALIANCE consortium recommends using a
modular and open approach for new services and soft-
ware in the context of AAL (AALIANCE, 2010). For
remote management for software upgrades and in-
stalling new software to an existing platform, OSGi
is seen as the most adopted middleware in AAL en-
vironments The central feature of OSGi is the pos-
sibility to include, update, start and stop services as
modular bundles during runtime without the need for
a restart of the whole environment. Existing systems
based on OSGi are among others universAAL (Sadat
et al., 2013), openAAL (Wolf et al., 2010) or Soprano
(Schmidt et al., 2009).
The downside to the flexible extensibility and
adoptability of OSGi based systems is the vulnera-
bility to malicious software extensions that can vi-
olate security concepts or disrupt the whole system.
Huang et al. propose an Advanced OSGi Security
Layer (AOSL) to audit bundles and detect anomalies
during runtime (e.g. denial-of-service attacks by ex-
ceeding load or thread-duration) (Huang et al., 2007).
A similar way of anomaly detection is presented by
Wang et al. (Wang et al., 2012): By using a Service
Monitor and JVM Monitor and service proxies they
keep track of the execution time and memory con-
sumption of services to provide assistance in finding
anomalies. Although the presented work does not fo-
cus in anomalie detection, service proxies are used to
intervene in the platform processes without the need
of modifying the deployed bundles.
A solution of Security-by-Contract (SxC) in OSGi
(Gadyatskaya et al., 2012) is presented by Gady-
atskaya et al. The manifest-file of each bundle is ex-
tended by a contract that contains information about
the functional requirements and the accessibility by
other bundles of the OSGi environment and is evalu-
ated during deployment by the Platform Security Pol-
icy. If the evaluation fails and contracts are incom-
patible with the current platform policy, the bundle
will not be deployed. Putting initial requirements and
further descriptive entries in the manifest-file is also
of interest in the presented approach to further detail
the purpose and the implications of a new installed
service. Parrend et al. present a Privacy-Aware Ser-
vice Integration (Parrend et al., 2007). They propose a
framework for ensuring privacy policy compliant ser-
vices and a metadata language for privacy checks in
an OSGi environment. The service provider has to
ensure that all offered services are secure and tested
prior installation and that they provide the informa-
tion needed by the platform during deployment and
for privacy evaluations. Service restrictions are then
realized by so called RestrictedContext: Bundles are
only able to access other bundles they are allowed to
discover by policy.
Due to the believe that it is not easy to control
both, the service provider and the client, in a way
to guarantee a sound, secure and privacy consistent
platform, the presented solution has lesser necessary
preparatory work and basic assumptions.
Privacy Enhancing Data Access Control for Ambient Assisted Living
The security and privacy enhanced cloud infrastruc-
ture for Ambient Assisted Living (SpeciAAL) is a
Platform as a Service (PaaS) approach for an AAL en-
vironment that is based on OSGi. (Kuijs et al., 2015;
Kuijs et al., 2016). As personal information about the
user is the key data for AAL, security measures for
data protection (e.g. data access, access roles and pri-
vacy policies) have to be implemented to secure and
monitor data access and data transfer at all time.
To protect privacy, design strategies can be used
when designing a system from scratch. In gen-
eral, a design strategy describes an abstract approach
to achieving a particular design goal. A listing of
eight different strategies is presented by the European
Union Agency for Network and Information Security
(ENISA) (Danezis et al., 2015). In addition, each
strategy identifies design patterns for implementation.
In our approach we focus on three defined strategies:
Inform: Data subjects should always be informed
about which information is processed, for what
purpose, and by which means when using a sys-
tem. This necessary information includes the
ways of data protection, the overall security of a
system, possible sharing of data with third parties,
and personal data access rights. This strategy is
supported by different policy languages, mecha-
nisms, and frameworks.
Control: To gain user consent for processing of
personal data the user has to have agency to view,
update or delete personal data at any given time.
Above this a user can control and define the data
that is processed and whether to use a certain sys-
tem. Design Patterns for establishing consent are
a user centric identity management, and end-to-
end encryption support control. An example for
intervenability is a sensor in a smart home envi-
ronment that can be deactivated during a visit of
friends for privacy reasons.
Enforce: To ensure that a privacy policy is in
place, there should be always be one enforced by
default that is compatible with legal requirements.
This strategy can be implemented by access con-
trol, or privacy rights management.
The described architecture is based on two main com-
ponents. A OSGi component that is enabling the user
to monitor and control the environment and the autho-
rization system. On top of these we developed a pol-
icy language that is (as described earlier) able to be
enriched with context conditions to support the spe-
cial needs of users in AAL environments.
3.1 Monitoring
In order to protect the potentially personal data in-
side the platform, monitoring has to be initially im-
plemented at all critical points. It must take place
between installed bundles, between bundles and the
database, but also at interfaces to other parts of the
AAL system (e.g., web-interfaces or interfaces to ex-
ternal services). In the presented approach this is re-
alized by a central protection bundle, that automati-
cally creates a proxy service during the deployment
of a bundle in OSGi that mirrors the original bundle
with all its methods. By injecting logging facilities
inside the proxied bundles it is possible to log access
to the data source of the service but also indirect ac-
cess between bundles and to external interfaces. The
gathered information of the logging implementation
can then be stored and presented to the user in a sim-
plified and non-technical way. In a second step these
proxies can be extended by decision logic to allow or
deny communication with other services within the
platform. This enables us to have detailed control
over the data flows inside the environment without
the need to have full control of all installed bundles
before deployment or doing security checks and code
inspections of all bundles to whitelist them for use in
the AAL environment.
The OSGi-Core specification describes an Event
Listener Hook, to respond to events in the Service
Registry (The OSGi Alliance, 2014, Chapter 55.4).
This hook is used to inject program code in the service
registration process. The automatic generation of the
proxy is triggered and by the use of Java Reflection
(Glen McCluskey, 1998) a proxy class is generated
that acts on behalf of the actual class and accepts their
calls. It offers the same methods as the original class
and can be extended by code functionality to log its
activities and control its behaviour. To ensure that the
proxy and not the original bundle is called by other
bundles in the OSGi environment, the proxy is pri-
oritized higher in the Service Registry of OSGi (The
OSGi Alliance, 2014).
This is realized by implementing a Component
Protection Bundle within the OSGi environment and
allows us to apply the generated access rules to the
system. Figure 1 shows the sequence diagram of the
access between a caller bundle and the service bun-
dle through the presented proxy mechanism. In this
example the requested name is only accessible if the
access is authorized inside the Proxy Service.
CLOSER 2019 - 9th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
Figure 1: Sequence diagram for access control.
3.2 Access Control
To realize the design strategies ”control” and ”en-
force” (Danezis et al., 2015) the presented approach
is an access control system based on the established
XACML reference architecture (Kafura, 2004). The
Figure 2: Architecture overview of the access control sys-
structure of the developed system, as shown in Figure
2, is divided into two responsibilities, the creation and
administration of authorization policies and the secur-
ing of the access patterns defined during a request for
stored data. A particular focus of the developed plat-
form was to ensure the highest possible interoperabil-
ity for the integration of a large number of individual
services. In order to keep it simple to operate for the
target audience, the system also has a central user in-
terface for administering the policies. The purpose of
the user interface is to provide the user with the high-
est possible level of transparency and comprehensive
control over the granted authorizations while abstract-
ing the technical details. Thus, the user is always
able to manipulate existing permissions, remove them
when deactivating a service or grant new permissions.
The PolicyManagement module contains the sub-
components for creating and managing authorization
policies. The creation of a policy can be done via
user-friendly input forms within the user interface
or by importing pre-defined XML files. In the case
of form-based authoring, the information about the
authorizations to be granted is provided via HTTP
endpoints of the sub-component PolicyCreator. Us-
ing the subcomponent PolicyValidator, these are first
checked for their semantic correctness and then a cor-
responding XML file is generated. However, a par-
ticular focus of the implementation of this compo-
nent is the ability to integrate pre-defined authoriza-
tion policies by allowing services to provide them di-
rectly to the user during service deployment. To pre-
serve transparency and control for the user, the access
rules defined within the XML files are initially inter-
preted by the platform and presented in a readable
form within the user interface. The user thus has the
option of easily disabling individual rules or adapting
them to his wishes. One speciality of the user inter-
face is the possbility of adding context to the access
rules, that may permit the access of data or function-
ality only at a special time, a special location or in
special occasions. If new policies are inserted in this
way as an XML file, an additional review of syntactic
correctness will take place.
The created policies are stored within the Policy-
Store, in which the contents of the authorization poli-
cies are transferred to a relational data model for high-
performance and targeted querying. Due to the de-
fined interfaces, the platform supports both local and
remote database systems, which can be used individ-
ually depending on the desired form of the platform.
Since the allowed access patterns can also change
over time, an additional option for manipulating ex-
isting policies has been integrated into the platform.
This is done via the component PolicyUpdater. Ma-
nipulating existing policies is equivalent to creating
them by updating existing information either through
user interface forms or directly within the correspond-
ing XML files. Such a case has relevance both in the
delivery of a new version of the service concerned and
in the need for manual adaptation of the rules by the
user. The associated component also provides this
functionality via HTTP endpoints, which, after suc-
cessful completion, result in an update of PolicyStore
data. Because of the resulting interfaces, it is also pos-
sible to integrate this functionality into higher-level
applications, such as a central instance for managing
all permissions within a given domain.
The other part of the system is responsible for
the enforcement of the created authorization policies
within the module PolicyEnforcement. An entity at-
tempts to access the stored and protected data within
the DataStore by specifying its own identity, the de-
sired resource and the respective access pattern by
Privacy Enhancing Data Access Control for Ambient Assisted Living
calling the defined HTTP endpoints of the Request-
Validator. The indication of the identity has particu-
lar relevance to counteract possible abuse. For this,
a certificate-based matching of the identities within
the RequestValidator takes place. If the given identity
can be confirmed, the request is forwarded to the Poli-
cyEnforcer component. Using the stored policies, this
component checks whether the requested access cor-
responds to the defined authorizations and, if positive,
responds with the requested data. In the negative case,
access to the data is denied. The verification of the
permitted access patterns is done in a similar way to a
conventional firewall systems in decreasing granular-
ity. As soon as a corresponding rule has been found,
access is immediately permitted or denied. This al-
lows for efficient processing of data access by consid-
ering only a subset of all rules. If the data access is
permitted, the data can be queried by use of the con-
nector component of the respective persistence media.
3.3 Privacy Policy
The privacy policies that are currently discussed, are
the Platform for Privacy Preferences (P3P) (Cranor
et al., 2006), S4P (Becker et al., 2010), and SIMple
Privacy Language (SIMPL)(le M
etayer, 2009). P3P
describes privacy information of websites, such as ed-
itor information, collected data, dispute scenarios and
retention time of data. S4P on the other hand is used
for privacy descriptions of services and what personal
information is used for what purpose. SIMPL is used
to specify preferences and policies with a small sub-
set of English. Only a small part is already specified
for future use and it is not easy to comprehend for hu-
mans. To keep the policies in a natural language and
Figure 3: Proposed privacy policy based on 5W1H ques-
easy to understand for the target group of AAL the
approach is to give answers to the 5W1H questions
(shown in Figure 3). On the left side the questions are
listed (each followed by a corresponding example),
divided in a service description and access description
part. On the right side the technical implementations
and corresponding configuration options are shown.
Title and Description can be found in the manifest-
file of a bundle, data defines the accessed data cate-
gory of the information to be processed by the ser-
vice, and the Access-Rights are based on the CRUD
acronym. Special to our use case in AAL is the possi-
bility to add context to each policy. In this early stage
we are supporting environment based and temporal
context, where environment considers the location of
the user, external influences, or emergency situations.
Temporal context-based access could be periodic, e.g.
during working hours on week-days, to preserver the
users privacy during night and on weekends.
To put it in natural language:
An entity is given access to data for some defined task,
if the particular context applies - otherwise access is
This flexibility leads to very fine granular access
control mechanisms that can be applied by applying
our policy language.
The basis of our proposed access control system is
the definition of the authorization policy. The chosen
structure of the policy is based on the lightweight rep-
resentation of the eXtensible Access Control Markup
Language (XACML) (Kafura, 2004). XACML is a
declarative, attribute-based markup language for the
presentation of authorization policies and is charac-
terized in particular by its high interoperability, ex-
tensibility and the resulting general validity. The main
aspect of the definition of an authorization policy are
the data to be protected, which vary depending on the
specific application scenario, the sensitivity and pur-
pose. To efficiently map this variability, the definition
of an authorization policy is based on the requesting
entity. This design choice results in increased flexibil-
ity in which new services can be added or their priv-
ileges can be revoked or manipulated without global
Figure 4: Monitoring data access in a distributed OSGi en-
CLOSER 2019 - 9th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
This is depicted by the attribute Subjects shown
in Figure 4. In addition to defining the services in-
volved, a policy includes a variable set of rules that
are used to determine the desired access permissions.
A rule always refers to a concrete resource that can
be further restricted by specifying a Category for fine
granular authorization assignment. In a first attempt
to categorize the data, the main concepts of the im-
plemented ontology are used (Fredrich et al., 2014):
Personal information, contacts, capabilities, prefer-
ences, interests, activities, health information, educa-
tion and environment. The heart of such a defined rule
is the attribute Actions. Within this the permitted ac-
cess patterns can be defined (according to the CRUD
To ensure context-sensitive access authorizations,
the defined rules can be supplemented with additional
conditions by means of the Context attribute. The
available conditions are defined by the Privacy Policy
and include, for example, mapping time- or location-
dependent access patterns. In the presented authoriza-
tion policy includes a location restriction of the per-
mitted accesses.
The default behavior of the developed solution
prevents any data access without an appropriate pol-
icy, which is why all access patterns of a service must
be defined within a corresponding rule. The indi-
vidual rules are interpreted sequentially and therefore
have to be defined in descending access granularity.
The described structure of an authorization policy can
be arbitrarily extended to represent more complex ac-
cess authorizations and has the possibility to be con-
verted into a format conforming to the XACML spec-
ification that provides complete interoperability with
deviating implementations.
This section is divided in two parts. First, the applica-
tion of the policy language is clarified with three ex-
amples. After this it is examined if the overall system
meets the functional and non functional requirements
for an access control system in AAL.
4.1 Application of Policy
The first example is an online medication plan, that is
connected with an drug dispenser. The three informa-
tion that are accessible for this service are: the sched-
ule for the drug ingestion, the information whether
or not the drugs have been taken, and the reason for
the medication. The user always has the full access
on his own data. Informal caregivers (e.g. a neigh-
bor) may have access to the schedule (name and time
to take the drug), professional caregivers (e.g. nurses
or doctors) also know the reason for the medication
and are allowed to control the taking of the drugs, but
only (context dependency) if they are visiting the pa-
tient. Figure 5 shows the example and the granularity
of access rights, where the ”if... icon is indicating the
described context based attribute to the access policy.
Figure 5: Examples for policies based on three groups of
In our second example a nursing service has the
right to access all values of a heart rate sensor only
when accessing the system from within the users
home (e.g. at the users own terminal during a daily
visit). Otherwise the access rights only permit the ac-
cess of average values. The informal caregiver has no
rights to access the data, but this can be overridden
by critical values. In this case the contextual portion
of the access right could be set to in emergency situa-
tions (see Figure 5).
Our third example is based on a location tracking
service, that is able to indicate, if the user is at home,
moving inside his home, and can show his location. in
this example all stakeholders have the right to see if
the user is at home, professional caregiver are allowed
to know if the user is moving during weekdays, and
informal caregivers are allowed to access the location
of the user in case of an emergency.
These brief examples show the flexibility of our
developed data access policy language.
4.2 Compliance with Requirements
The Access Control component is able to meet differ-
ent functional (F1 - F5) and non-functional require-
ments (NF1- NF3) that are briefly described below:
Privacy Enhancing Data Access Control for Ambient Assisted Living
F1 Introduction of a Central Control Authority
for the Regulation of Access: The main focus
of the development of the access control system
is the possibility to control all access to the stored
data of the user. To make this possible, the plat-
form is extended by a unit to control all data ac-
cess. Since the accesses are made exclusively
via the defined interfaces of the system, the data
stores and data sources can be completely decou-
pled from the serving services.
F2 Unified Integration of Variable Data Sources:
The variety of possible data sources, such as
health gauges or recording the user’s temporary
environmental conditions, requires the definition
of common interfaces for the persistence of the
information. Thus, the data sources may use
the functionality of the platform to store their
recorded data, regardless of the persistence tech-
nology used. In addition to increased interoper-
ability, this enables a flexible exchange of tech-
F3 Possibility of Finely Granular Definition of the
Permitted Access Patterns: Since the access
management on the basis of the data categories of-
ten has no satisfactory granularity, it is necessary
to subdivide these further. Thus, the defined pol-
icy language always offers the possibility of as-
signing individual subcategories.
F4 Definition of Context based Allowed Accesses:
The allowed data accesses can vary greatly de-
pending on the service in their requirements. The
high flexibility of the authorization policies used
to regulate the access allows an individual defini-
tion of specific access rules, which go far beyond
the usual CRUD operations in this environment.
F5 User-friendly Definition and Manipulation of
Authorization Policies: According to the target
group of the developed system, the simple usage
is another requirement. Since the used structure of
the authorization policies is primarily optimized
for efficient machine readability, the system is ex-
tended by a natural language definition of the per-
mitted access patterns.
NF1 Lightweight: When operating on resource-poor
hardware, it must not be restricted in its function-
ality. This requirement is fulfilled by the stream-
lined structure of the authorization policies as well
as a lightweight and individual implementation
for machine processing.
NF2 Interoperability: The Access Control compo-
nent enables the integration of versatile data
sources and intelligent systems, as well as the con-
sistent use of the platform by the requesting ser-
vices. The services can access the platform via
defined HTTP endpoints, creating a variety of in-
tegration options, such as the use of mobile device
applications or web applications.
NF3 Extensibility: Due to the generic structure of the
platform, a variety of application areas are pos-
sible. In order to meet the specific requirements
of the respective domains, the implementation is
based on a modular structure. This provides clear
interfaces between the modules, which can thus
be extended by adaptation or additional modules.
The presented work is an access control component
in a platform for AAL that consists out of three main
parts: An OSGi mechanism to intervene in the com-
munication process of bundles and have the ability to
monitor and control data flows on service level, an ac-
cess control system to manage access rights based on
rules, and a policy language to define these rules, that
is extended by context to better suit the requirements
of AAL use cases.
Although first tests of the presented implemen-
tation seem promising, a larger field test with focus
groups and thorough performance tests are still to be
carried out. One still missing part is the preparation of
user friendly logging information to further enhance
transparency of data flows.
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Privacy Enhancing Data Access Control for Ambient Assisted Living