Assessment of Computational Thinking in K-12 Context: Educational
Practices, Limits and Possibilities - A Systematic Mapping Study
cia Helena Martins-Pacheco, Christiane Annelise Gresse von Wangenheim
and Nathalia da Cruz Alves
Department of Informatics and Statistics, Federal University of Santa Catarina,
Campus Universitário s/n. Trindade, Florianópolis, Brazil
Keywords: Computational Thinking, Assessment, K-12, CT Approaches, CT Instruments.
Abstract: The computational thinking (CT) concept has been the basis for several studies in the K-12 educational
context. However, there are many questions that need to be deepened to attend K-12 educational demands.
One great challenge is concerning assessment. Aiming to contribute to understanding this issue we present a
systematic mapping study. We found 46 articles that approach assessment in this context, and we extract this
information. The vast majority are recent publications, there is no consensus in CT characteristics, block-
based languages are the most commonly used tool, instruments for assessment that are more used are pre and
post-tests/questionnaires/surveys; samples sizes are usually small, and there is some psychometric rigor in
just a few studies. Generally, the CT approaches were an isolated course or application, and their length of
time was very different. Pedagogical foundations concerning the cognitive development stages and principles
of knowledge structuration were rare. In addition, questions as “what has to be taught to the youngster?” and
“how to teach and to assess in alignment with K-12 goals?were not appropriately answered. Therefore, there
are many research opportunities for the further development of this field.
According to Wing (2006)’s seminal article,
Computational thinking involves solving problems,
designing systems, and understanding human
behavior, by drawing on the concepts fundamental to
computer science. Computational thinking includes a
range of mental tools that reflect the breadth of the
field of computer science” (p.33). This primordial
idea has impacted academic and educational groups
(NRC, 2010); (NRC, 2011); (Brennan and Resnick,
2012); (CSTA, 2012); (CSTA, 2016) that have tried
to comprehend how to make it feasible in educational
practices. This effort is justified due to the widespread
use of electronic devices such as desktops, notebooks,
tablets and cell phones all around the world. Also, this
is a booming job market that can potentially offer
opportunities for brilliant careers.
Moreover, technological developments in
computer science interactive programming
environments allowed for other ways to use
computers. Several user-friendly visual languages
were created, which constitute ludic environments
that are easily programmable. The formal syntax that
traditionally needed to be programmed can now be
replaced for graphical tools, such as block-based
language, which is very intuitive and can quickly
show results. As examples of those environments, we
can cite Scratch, Blockly, AppInventor, and Snap!
(von Wangenheim et al. 2017A and 2017B; Alves et
al., 2018). Therefore, programming no longer
requires exhaustive high cognitive reasoning efforts
and, consequently, it makes it possible to focus on
logic instead of strict mechanical writing of computer
commands (Lye and Koh, 2014).
Despite the boost that academic groups have
given to CT, there are still many challenges in terms
of pedagogical and psychological educational
practices (Grover and Pea, 2013; Shute et al., 2017;
Seiter and Foreman, 2013). For example, questions as
“how to match teaching and learning with the
cognitive development of children?”, “how to train
teachers to motivate students to engage in learning
CT?”, “what kind of contents must be taught?”, “how
to assess what was learned?” urge to be answered.
Aligned with this concern, in this study we present
Martins-Pacheco, L., von Wangenheim, C. and Alves, N.
Assessment of Computational Thinking in K-12 Context: Educational Practices, Limits and Possibilities - A Systematic Mapping Study.
DOI: 10.5220/0007738102920303
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2019), pages 292-303
ISBN: 978-989-758-367-4
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
some important issues related to educational
assessment for CT in the K-12 context. The aim is to
gather data about what has been done to assess CT
and further the discussion on the topic. Firstly, we
present some relevant aspects of educational
assessment followed by a systematic mapping review,
data analysis, discussion, and the conclusion.
According to Brookhart and Nitko (2015),
assessment provides information for decisions about
students; schools, curricula, and programs; and
educational policy,” aiming to improve the teaching-
learning process. A great variety of assessment
methods can be used to gather information: formal
and informal observations of a student; paper-and-
pencil tests; a student’s performance on homework,
lab work, research papers, projects, and during oral
questioning; and analyses of a student’s records.” In
addition, this information may be used to polish the
entire educational system.
According to the same authors, evaluation is the
process of making a value judgment about the worth
of a student’s product or performance” and “may or
may not be based on measurements or test results.”
Evaluation can be influenced by bias, subjectivity,
and inconsistency. In contrast, assessments are based
on tests and measurements, which tend to be
standardized and objective, consequently reducing
the influence of subjectivity.
It is important to highlight two kinds of
assessment: formative assessment and summative
assessment. According to Dixson and Worrel (2016),
formative assessment aims to improve teaching and
learning, to diagnose student difficulties (ongoing
before and during instruction), and to ask, what is
workingand what needs to be improved.” As for
summative assessment, it focuses on the evaluation of
learning, placement and promotion decisions. It is
usually formal, cumulative, after instruction, and asks
does student understand the material and Is the
student prepared for the next level of activity.” The
psychometric rigor in summative assessment is
higher than in formative assessment.
On the topic of assessing CT, there are five
relevant studies. Araújo et al., (2016) made a
systematic mapping study about assessing
computational thinking abilities, that analyzed 27
studies. Alves et al. (2018) present a systematic
mapping study looking for approaches to assess CT
competencies in K-12 education based on code
analysis. They identified 12 approaches that mostly
focused on the assessment of the Scratch program
use. Kalelioglu et al., (2016) analyzed 125 papers
about CT aiming to define a framework for CT.
According to them “CT literature is at an early stage
of maturity, and is far from either explaining what CT
is, or how to teach and assess this skill.” Grover and
Pea (2013) framed discourses on CT in K-12
education, identified gaps in research, and articulated
priorities for future inquiries. Finally, Shute et al.
(2017) found a variety of definitions, interventions,
assessments, and models for CT. They proposed a
definition and a model of CT to inform instructions
and assessments that can be used across disciplines
and educational settings.
In order to discover the state of the art on CT
assessment in K-12 education, we conducted a
systematic mapping study (SMS) according to
Petersen et al., (2008) definition.
3.1 Definition of the Mapping Protocol
3.1.1 Research Question
Which approaches exist for the assessment of
computational thinking (CT) in the context of K-12
education? We unfold this research question into the
following analysis questions.
3.1.2 Pedagogical Approaches
AQ1: Which approaches exist and what are their
AQ2: Which theoretical, pedagogical foundations are
3.1.3 Assessment Approaches
AQ3: Which concepts of CT are assessed and how
they are assessed?
AQ4: Which assessment methodology is used, and
which instruments are used?
AQ5: Are there instructional assessments and
3.1.4 Measurement Approaches
AQ6: How does the instrument assign weights in the
AQ7: Are there psychometric bases in the
Assessment of Computational Thinking in K-12 Context: Educational Practices, Limits and Possibilities - A Systematic Mapping Study
3.1.5 Data Source
We examined all published English-language articles
that were available on Scopus, Web of Science, Wiley
Online Library, ACM Digital Library, IEEE Xplore,
APA Psycnet, Science Direct, with access through the
CAPES Portal
and free-access. To increase
publication coverage including grey literature, we
also used Google Scholar, which indexes a large set
of data across several different sources as suggested
by Haddaway et al., (2015).
3.1.6 Inclusion/Exclusion Criteria
We considered only English-language articles that
presented an approach about the assessment of CT in
K-12. We considered articles that were published
after 2005, because the concept of “computational
thinking” was only proposed by Wing in March 2006
(Wing, 2006). In our searches, we established that
“computational thinking” must be in the title of the
article. We excluded approaches that act out of K-12
context or approaches focusing on other educational
contexts, such as higher education or teacher training,
given that they are out of the scope of our research
3.1.7 Quality Criteria
We considered only articles that present substantial
information on the presented approach, to enable the
extraction of relevant information for the analysis
questions. Articles that provided, for example, only a
summary of a proposal and for which no further
information could be found, were excluded.
3.1.8 Definition of Search String
According to our research objective, we defined the
search string by identifying that “computational
thinking” must be in the title of the article. The terms
“assess,” “assessment,” “assessing" were searched in
the title and other fields. We highlight that in some
bases as, for example, IEEEXplore using “assess”
also returns “assessing” and “assessment” but in other
bases just the exact word. Also, we search for
psychometrics studies in APA Psycnet base using in
title “computational thinking” and terms as
“psychometrics,” “validity” and “reliability.” We do
not use “evaluation” because we consider the before
mentioned definition that distinguishes “assessment”
Portal with access to scientific databases worldwide
sponsored by Brazilian Education Ministry, only available
for research institutions.
and “evaluation” (Brookhart and Nitko, 2015). Using
these keywords, the search string was calibrated and
adapted in conformance with the specific syntax of
each of the databases.
3.2 Execution of the Search
The search has been executed in February 2018 by the
first author and revised by the co-authors. The
definition of the search string was handled together
by all authors. The first author carried out the initial
search that resulted in the selection of 310 articles but,
as it expected, some of them appeared in several
databases. Then we proceeded to analyze the title and
the abstract, excluding those that were not related to
K-12 context, some poster presentations or when only
the abstract was available. In the first analysis stage,
we reviewed titles, abstracts, and keywords to
identify the articles that matched the inclusion
criteria, resulting in 58 potentially relevant articles
based on the results from all databases. Secondly,
considering that we are interested in the article that
deepens the assessment subject, we analyzed those
that emphasize it. For this reason, 12 more articles
were excluded, which resulted in the final selection of
46 articles.
In this section, we present the distribution of the
studies per year, and according to their focus, as well
as discuss the analysis questions. The distribution of
studies according to their year of publication is shown
in Figure 1. In 2018 we found three articles since the
search was done at the beginning of the year
(February). More than 50% were published in 2016
and 2017, showing the increase in publications in this
subject in the last years.
Considering the types of studies found, we
classified them into eight categories, according to
their focus. Figure 2 shows the distribution of the
articles into these categories.
The most frequent category was “Implementation,”
followed by “Framework and Implementation.” By
“implementation” we mean the studies that dealt with
practical approaches such as a course or a test
application. By “framework” we mean the ones that
present a theoretical conceptual structure to model
computational thinking. Some of them are testing an
CSEDU 2019 - 11th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Figure 1: Amount of publications include in defined criteria
per year.
instrument in comparison to a formal instrument, that
already had acknowledged validity and reliability,
such as in Moreno-León et al. (2017) and Jiang and
Wong (2017). Finally, “dataset comparison” refers to
the analysis of standard examination databases in
comparison to CT tests (Rodrigues et al., 2016).
Figure 2: Articles distribution according to our
classification. I-Implementation; FW-Framework; FWC-
Framework with Comparison; FWI- Framework with
Implementation (usually pilot implementation); FWR-
Framework and Literature Review or Mapping; IC-
Implementation with Comparison; R- Literature Review or
Mapping; and DSC Dataset Comparison.
AQ1: Which approaches exist and what are their
To analyze the approaches and the theoretical
pedagogical foundations we considered just the
categories that involved implementation or
framework. Table 1 summarizes the most frequent
approaches found and Table 2 summarizes the most
frequently used tools in the studies. It is important to
consider that some articles show more than one
approach or more than one tool. Most implementation
studies apply CT principles in non-computer science
curricular courses (e.g., Aiken et al., 2013; Werner et
al., 2012). Also, unplugged activities were usual (e.g.,
Brackmann et al., 2017; Feldhausen et al., 2018; Jiang
and Wong, 2017; Rodriguez et al., 2017), as well as
block-based programming, such as Scratch.
We classified 17 approaches. Most of them (12)
just appear once in our search (age-appropriate
computational activities; agile software engineering;
blended learning; interest-driven creator (IDC)
theory; modeling and simulations; mind maps; SGD
(Scalable Game Design); scaffold learning / a set of
hypertext resources and formative assessment
quizzes in the system; storyboard; Student-driven
instruction tutorial; virtual robot; Zombinis puzzles).
Therefore, there was a great variety of approaches,
that was only used once in our literature search.
Table 1: Most frequent CT approaches used in the studies.
CT context of non-computing - curriculum
Unplugged activities
Agent-based modelling
Drag-and-drop programming tools
As for the tools used, we found ten different
options. Seven of them only appear once in our
search: Arduino, Game Maker Studio, Lego EV3
Robotic Kit, Lego Mindstorms NTX 2.0, LOGO,
Mighty Micro Controller, NetLogo. The other three
tools that are cited more than once are shown in Table
2. The most cited tool is Scratch.
Table 2: Most frequent tools used in the studies.
Alice, Storytelling Alice
Python, VPython
Regarding the implementation length of time,
there were significant variations. The range varied
from some hours (e.g., Jenson and Droumeva (2016),
that took about 20 hours) to years, in an incremental
teaching-learning process (e.g., Grgurina et al. (2015)
and Feldhausen et al. (2018) that took three years).
Therefore, it is difficult to compare its impact in the
processes. Shute et al. (2017) had similar findings.
Assessment of Computational Thinking in K-12 Context: Educational Practices, Limits and Possibilities - A Systematic Mapping Study
AQ2: Which theoretical pedagogical foundations are
Regarding theoretical pedagogical foundations,
many articles do not explicit the chosen principles.
Some of them are based on CT practices and
interaction with a system or a group. Other authors
follow some assumptions concerning the following
questions: “how someone learns?”, “how contents
have to be taught?”, how to align human
development in the teaching-learning process,
especially in childhood?”, “how to insert CT practices
in the educational context?”, and so on. Grover and
Pea (2013) asked in their study what can we expect
children to know or do better once they’ve been
participating in a curriculum designed to develop CT
and how can this be evaluated?”.
We classified 18 approaches. Most of them (10)
just appear once in our search: EDM/LA-BBPE
(Grover et al., 2017); Gamma et al.,(1995) in (Seiter
and Foreman, 2013); Comer et al., (1989) in
(Grgurina et al., 2015); Computing Progression
Pathways - Dorling; Walker, (2014) in (Bilbao et al.,
2017); PSL (problem-solving learning); Salomon and
Perkins, (1987) in (Witherspoon et al., 2017); Zone of
Proximal Development (ZPD); Webb, (2010); Linn,
(1985) in (Werner et al,, 2012); 5E Instructional
in (Ouyang et al., 2018), and ISTE Standard.
Table 3 shows the chosen foundation of each study
that deals with implementation or framework that
appeared more than once in our search.
The most usual foundation was Constructivism
and Constructionism, which are traditional in
pedagogy and educational psychology approaches.
Constructivism defends that the learner has an active
role in creating, and in changing the knowledge
representation. Constructionism (Papert 1980; Papert
1991) considers that knowledge construction is
related to concrete and practical action, resulting in a
real product. LOGO language is the main tool for this
Bloom’s taxonomy, it is a hierarchical
organization regarding the educational goals. It is
very popular, especially in the USA. Scaffolding
approaches consider that, in the beginning, learners
have to be supported to facilitate understanding and
making it possible to consolidate knowledge
representation process (Lye and Koh, 2014).
Top-down and bottom-up approaches are used in
several levels of knowledge structures. For example,
Basogain et al. (2018) took explicitly top-down and
bottom-down approaches in their study. Problem
Bybee, R. (1997). Achieving Scientific Literacy,
Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann..
based learning and Game based learning are also top-
down approaches. Usually, it is applied in a real-
world problem. It induces the learner to established
strategies such as decomposition, modeling, reuse
and so on to solve the problem. CSTA provides
curriculum guidelines for concepts and practices of
computing, including computational thinking
Table 3: Pedagogical foundations used in the studies.
Constructivism / constructionism
Game-based learning
Bloom's taxonomy
Peer collaboration
Brennan and Resnick (2012)
CSTA (2011)
Adaptive scaffolding
AQ3: Which concepts of CT are assessed and how they
are assessed?
CT concepts were classified: abstraction;
algorithm; data representation/collection/analysis;
debugging; decomposition; events; flow control;
loops, sequences and conditionals; modeling;
modularity; parallelism; problem solving; reuse;
synchronization; variables; and user interactivity.
Also, some authors refer to CTSA or Brennan and
Resnick (2012) concepts, but only take some aspects
of them (e.g., Román-González et al. (2017)).
Similarly, we consider that CTSA, CTt, and even
Scratch as “umbrellas” for approaching CT. We do not
address these concepts in depth here due to the size
limitation of this paper, but for details, we suggest to
refer to the following papers: Brennan and Resnick
(2012), Grover and Pea (2013), Shute et al. (2017) and
Alves et al. (2018).
Figure 3 shows the frequency of concepts in
CSEDU 2019 - 11th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Figure 3: Frequency of CT concepts.
The way to assess CT depends on the approach.
Some implementation studies use formative
assessment during all process, others in some stages,
others just in the end. There are several instruments
for assessment, and they are analyzed in the next
AQ4: Which assessment methodology is used, and
which instruments are used?
At first, we analyze the articles that proposed a
model or those that have some psychometric rigor or
potential for that.
REACT (Real Time Evaluation and Assessment
of Computational Thinking) proposed by Koh et al.
(2014) “enables formative assessment of game design
projects and teacher summative assessment of
student game design projects” also it “can be used by
the teacher for effective in-class management through
intervention” and itcan lead student self-assessment
and peer interaction, and teacher/student 2 way
validation”. The authors’ foundation is Vygotsky’s
Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD).
Computational Thinking using Simulation and
Modeling (CTSiM) (Basu et al., 2014; Basu et al.,
2015; Basu et al., 2017) is an open-ended learning
environment for middle school students. They can
choose different tools offered in the environment and
construct their models. Also, the environment
provides feedback and clues that make it easier for
student to reach their learning goals. Some formative
assessment is given during the teaching-learning
process. The environment was tested and has
demonstrated some psychometric properties.
The final model of CTt (CT test) is shown in
Román-González et al., (2017). The test was applied
to 1251 individuals and compared with Primary
Mental Abilities (PMA) battery, and RP30 problem-
Grade Point Average
solving test. As the authors assert “we have provided
evidence of reliability and criterion validity of a new
instrument for the assessment of CT, and additionally
we expanded our understanding of the CT nature
through the theory-driven exploration of its
associations with other established psychological
constructs in the cognitive sphere.” Therefore, it is an
interesting instrument with psychometric properties,
but it is independent of the educational context.
DISSECT (DIScover SciEnce through
Computational Thinking) is a project aimed at
introducing students to computer science principles
by establishing computational thinking (CT) as a
problem-solving technique within middle school and
high school Science, Technology, Engineering, and
Mathematics (STEM) courses (Nesiba et al., 2015;
Burgett et al., 2015). This project applies four
assessments: (1) CT term recognition, (2) CT term
definitions, (3) Likert job questions, such as “Getting
a job in computing would allow me to...”, (4) Likert
interest questions: How much interest do you have
in the following?”. Then the assessment is not just CT
skills, but also other important skills for student’s
development. They used pre and post assessment and
experimental groups and control groups to know
about student’s performance and to assess their
SDARE uses an instrument that contains 23 items,
organized into 6 item sets. Among these items are 15
multiple-choice questions, and eight open-ended
questions. Everyday scenarios and robotics
programming are assessed by the instrument. It shows
some psychometric properties.
Doleck et al., (2017) developed a CT scale that
comprises 29 items and is divided into five
dimensions: algorithmic thinking, cooperativity,
creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving.
These items were scored on a 5-point Likert scale.
Academic performance is also self-reported by
students. Demographics and prior achievements (age,
gender, high school GPA
) are used as the control
variables in the model. The study aimed to investigate
the relationship between CT skills and academic
performance empirically. They did not find a strong
correlation between the variables; however, the
instrument has shown some psychometric properties.
We classified 13 approaches that did not present a
specific model. Most of them (7) just appear once in
our search: P2P assessment (Basogain et al., 2018);
Paper and pencil test (Worrell et al., 2015) ; Online
interactive assessment (Weintrop et al., 2014); Test
(Basogain et al., 2018); Video analysis (Rowe et al.,
Assessment of Computational Thinking in K-12 Context: Educational Practices, Limits and Possibilities - A Systematic Mapping Study
2017); Written essay (Aiken et al., 2013) , and Data set
(Doleck et al., 2017). The most frequent
implementation instruments are shown in Table 4,
just those appear more than once.
Table 4: Others implementation instruments.
Pre-post test/survey/ questionnaire
Survey/ questionnaire
Project/Design/Artifact resulted
Matched pair or paired groups
Self-assessment/ report
The more frequent instruments used are Pre- post-
test/ survey/ questionnaire followed by interview
instruments. The items could be scored by a number
or qualitatively depending on the statistical
methodology. It is common to do just one survey,
questionnaire or test, showing the final results or
state. Besides, interviews are also used allowing to
understand the students point of view. It is interesting
to highlight that the results of the assignments, such
as project/design/artifact, are important inside the
educational environment as assessment instruments.
This kind of assignments could be associated with
formative assessment, with constructionism or with
scaffolding procedures, allowing students to engage
in learning attitudes. Problem based learning and
Game based learning approaches are usually chosen
for this kind of assessment. In addition, achievement
of goals tends to motivate students (Jiang and Wong,
2017). Another way to assess methods is by using
matched pair or paired groups experiments, that are
very traditional statistical methods.
Dr. Scratch (Moreno-León et al., 2015) analyzes
concepts such as abstraction, logic, and parallelism
scoring each concept based on a rubric. Open-ended
ill-structured problems are checked by static code
analysis. For each programming exercise, a set of
concepts are analyzed. Therefore, Dr. Scratch
provides an automatic assessment of the student’s
The PECT approach presents a rubric to perform
manual analysis for open-ended ill-structured
problems (Seiter and Foreman, 2013). Based on
Gamma et al., (1995), the model provides foundations
for age-appropriate CT curriculum. The concept of
design patterns categorizes the level of skill utilized
in the student’s design, “calculated by measurable
evidence from programs written in Scratch.” It is
interesting to address the question related to “age-
appropriateness” since in terms of psychological
development is fundamental care. The scoring
accounts for three levels: Basic; Developing and
Proficient. The model was tested in 25 projects. Fairy
Assessment approach (Werner et al., 2012) makes use
of a rubric to assess the code for the open-ended well-
structured problem. Fairy Assessment, being aimed
for Alice programs, works with CT concepts of
thinking algorithmically, and making effective use of
abstraction and modeling. Students are engaged with
CT in a three-stage progression called Use-Modify-
Three-Dimensional Integrated Assessment
(TDIA) framework, proposed by Zhong et al. (2016),
aims to integrate three dimensions (directionality,
openness, and process) into the design of effective
assessment tasks. It uses three pairs of tasks: closed
forward tasks and closed reverse tasks; semi-open
forward tasks and semi-open reverse tasks; and open
tasks with a creative design report and open tasks
without a creative design report. This framework
diversified assessment tasks and extended the
theoretical basis for designing assessment tasks.
From this analysis, it is evident that there is a wide
variety of implementation instruments for the
assessment CT.
AQ5: Are there instructional assessments and
Only a few articles show the details about
formative assessment, summative assessment and
about feedbacks explicitly. Some authors are looking
for an instrument with psychometrics properties;
others are more interested in the process of learning
and teaching CT, in a way to keep students motivated
with the technological practices.
REACT (Koh et al., 2014) uses an embedded
assessment for helping teachers to give a formative
assessment and communicate students’ progress.
CTSiM (Basu et al., 2014; Basu et al., 2015; Basu et
al., 2017) makes use of a mentor agent to give
feedback to students during their interaction with the
system. DISSECT (Nesiba et al., 2015; Burgett et al.,
2015) applies four tests during the teaching-learning
process, making adjustments possible in the student’s
performance. Fairy Assessment (Werner et al., 2012)
uses survey, attendances and four tasks during the
process of teaching-learning, to follow a student’s
performance and to give them feedback. TDIA
(Zhong et al., 2016) uses scaffolding methods and
three tests to follow the student’s performance. Then,
in fact, a formative assessment takes place in several
practices, even though without being explicitly
CSEDU 2019 - 11th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
In this sense, even P2P (peer to peer) practices
could facilitate formative assessment. Also,
automatic assessment by code analysis could be
performed in some kinds of formative assessments,
quickly giving some clues about the decisions made
by students to solve problems.
AQ6: How does the instrument use weights in the
The most usual approach to weight assessments is
to score each item in a test or questionnaire, e.g., CTt
(Román-González et al., 2017). CTt has a length of
28 items, and it addresses the following CT concepts:
conditionals; defined/fixed loops; undefined/unfixed
loops; simple functions; functions with
parameters/variables. The score is calculated as the
sum of correct answers along the 28 items of the test
(minimum 0 and maximum 28). Werner et al., (2012)
graded each task on a scale from zero to ten, with
partial credit possible, resulting in a maximum score
of 30.
Fronza et al., (2017) calculated cyclomatic
complexity for each project and classified it as low,
medium, high. CTSiM (Basu et al., 2014; Basu et al.,
2015; Basu et al., 2017) calculates vector distance
model accuracy metric to evaluate the difference
between a reference of correctness and result
presented. Doleck et al., (2017) use a Likert scale.
Rodriguez et al., (2017) classified results as
Proficient, Partially Proficient, and Unsatisfactory.
Seiter and Foreman (2013) classify the assessment as
Basic, Developing, Proficient.
Therefore, there several ways to weight or ponder
the assessment depending on the objective of the
study or implementation. Surveys and interviews also
give feedback and are usually used for qualitative
AQ7: Are there psychometric bases in the
Only four studies present psychometrics
properties three of them only partially, and one
(CTt) more complete. The former uses as reference
consolidated psychometrics instruments (PMA
battery and RP30). Psychometrics properties are
related to validity and reliability and depend on the
theoretical construct. This construct must be reliable
in modeling or in representing the psychological
reality. And the statistical methodology allows
generalization, according to the size of the sample (n).
Among the searched studies, 30 present an
application of instruments to individuals. Except for
Román-González et al., (2017) work (n=1251), the
studies analyzed small samples. We calculated the
distribution of the sizes of the samples by box-plot
parameters: minimum=5; first quartile= 26;
median=88,5; third quartile= 149; maximum=441.
Therefore, just 15 studies (50%) have “n” greater
than 88 individuals, and eight studies less than 26
individuals. So, the statistical representativity is not
strong for psychometric properties.
Considering our research question, "Which
approaches exist for assessment computational
thinking (CT) in the context of K-12 education?" we
gathered publications that the use of Wings’ concept
of CT and assessment in K-12 are recent. The oldest
article dates from 2011, and therefore it is a very new
field. Sixteen articles (35% of total) have proposed
frameworks for CT, which indicates the need for
theoretical support to cope with this issue.
Approaches for CT teaching-learning in K-12
were classified into 17 categories, but some work
together. The most common approach is CT within
the context of non-computing disciplines followed
by unplugged activities,” “agent-based modeling
and use of “robots.” These findings differ from
Araújo et al., (2016), they found that programming
courses are the most common pedagogical
approaches to promote CT for K-12 students”. But
Kalelioglu et al., (2016) found that the main topics
covered in the papers composed of activities
(computerised or unplugged) that promote CT in the
The most commonly used tool is “Scratch”
followed by “Alice, Storytelling Alice.” Therefore,
teaching and assessing CT using block-based
language probably is the most interesting approach,
because these environments are usually free, easy to
use, with a graphic appeal, some of them have
automatic code analysis, making quick feedback
Regarding pedagogical, theoretical foundations,
we can highlight the choice of constructivism and
constructionism, followed by Game based learning.
This last could be understood encompassed by
constructionism principles. These findings agree with
Kalelioglu et al., (2016) position that Gamed-based
learning and constructivism were the main theories
covered as the basis for CT papers.” The
construction of games or game playing could be an
interesting way to associate higher cognitive process,
such as abstraction, with concrete results, besides
allowing for some fun. However, in general, the
articles analyzed did not deepen the pedagogical
Assessment of Computational Thinking in K-12 Context: Educational Practices, Limits and Possibilities - A Systematic Mapping Study
approaches, and many of them did not even show any
concern about this issue.
CT aspects or concepts are represented by a great
variety of concepts, and some of them are synonyms.
Several authors (e.g., Alves et al., (2018), Shute et al.,
(2017)) point out the lack of consensus among
concepts, and they show some concerns about this. In
computer science, ill-defined concepts are more
difficult to deal with and constrain standardization.
They make comparing and repeating experiments
difficult, as well as impact educational practices.
Meanwhile, it brings up a vast amount of possibilities
to solve problems, allowing for more creative
Excluding others (see Figure 3), the most
frequent CT concept was abstractionfollowed by
algorithm,” data representation/ collection/
analysis,” “decomposition” and “loops, sequences,
and conditionals.” Araújo et al., (2016) found that the
abilities more assessed are solving problem,
algorithms, and abstraction. In our analysis inside
others” (see Figure 3) there are several concepts that
cannot be framed within those that we presented.
Some are very specific, and others make use of high-
level structures or top-down approaches.
Regarding “assessment methodologies” we found
that the majority deals with isolated experiences. That
is, they are not framed within the whole educational
context, and, therefore, do not provide “information
for decisions about students; schools, curricula, and
programs; and educational policy (Brookhart and
Nitko, 2015). Some are long-term projects and have
good theoretical support, others are looking for a
standardized test with psychometric rigor, while some
are just practices in a computational environment.
The assessments take place in a teaching-learning
context, and the methodology and results depend on
the length time of courses and the goals of each
The more usual assessment instruments are Pre or
post-test/ survey/ questionnaire followed by
interviews, surveys, and questionnaires (just one
stage). These are traditional ways to measure a
student’s performance, by means of a numerical
score. It is an interesting option, which makes
statistical and numerical data analysis possible. This
gives clues about the student’s performance and the
effectiveness of the used processes. It is also possible
to consider qualitative variables, using Likert scales,
for example. Araújo et al., (2016) found that codes
and multi-choice questionnaires are the most
common artifacts for assessing CT abilities.” And
Shute et al., (2017) found that Questionnaires and
surveys are the most commonly used measure for
knowledge of and/or attitudes towards CT”
Some approaches are concerned with formative
and summative assessments, making use of
educational intervention during all their processes.
This kind of feedback tends to be more efficient and
generally is based on more than just the student’s
cognitive aspects. Alves et al., (2018) noticed a lack
of consensus on the assessment criteria and also in the
instructional feedback. They point to the need to
promote a more comprehensive feedback process.
Shute et al., (2017) affirm that: Because of the
variety of CT definitions and conceptualizations, it's
not surprising that accurately assessing CT remains
a major weakness in this area. There is currently no
widely-accepted assessment of CT. This makes it
difficult to measure the effectiveness of interventions
in a reliable and valid way”. Also, Kalelioglu et al.,
(2016) pointed out that a personal view about CT is
very common in the papers.
Regarding psychometric rigor, most of the studies
deal with small samples, which does not assure
statistical representativity for the generalization of the
results, which concerns the validity and reliability of
the assessment instruments.
CT in K-12 context associated with new tools of
programming is becoming an interesting possibility
to teach the principles of Computer Science for a
younger audience. Thus, the conceptual “umbrella
of computational thinking CT - is important and has
been evoking a great number of researches until now.
So far, Wing (2006) article has been cited over 4,200
times. Perhaps its greatest contribution was in the
assertion that reasoning for solving a problem in
computer science could be useful in several contexts
and does not necessarily need to be formal, strict and
logically complicated.
Nonetheless, there are programming approaches
in K-12 that are not based on Wing’s article. For
example, Mühling et al., (2015) present a preliminary
version for a psychometric test, for measurement of
basic programming abilities. It already has been
experimentally applied in a secondary school in
Germany. They did not use Wing’s CT definition as
a reference. Therefore, researches in computer
science in K-12 context should consider not only the
“CT umbrella,” but also keep synergy with
educational principles, as well as include other
approaches of teaching computer science for
youngsters, and non-majors.
CSEDU 2019 - 11th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Studies do not usually approach pedagogical
foundations concerning the cognitive development
stages and principles of knowledge structuration.
Grover and Pea (2013) consider: much remains to be
done to help develop a more lucid theoretical and
practical understanding of computational
competencies in children. What, for example, can we
expect children to know or do better once they’ve
been participating in a curriculum designed to
develop CT and how can this be evaluated? These are
perhaps among the most important questions that
need answering before any serious attempt can be
made to introduce curricula for CT development in
schools at scale”. In addition, questions as “what has
to be taught to the youngster?” and “how to teach and
to assess in alignment with K-12 goals?” were not yet
appropriately answered.
Due to several new technologies, there are a lot of
different possibilities that challenge educators to
explore new ways of learning and teaching. In this
sense, the present study intends to contribute to
understand what is CT assessment in educational K-
12 context, showing that there are many research
opportunities for the further development of this field.
Finally, we find that there is a need to expand the
conceptual foundations that underlie teaching CT in
K-12. The conceptual gaps might fuel innovative
ideas for new researches, producing more scientific
knowledge, enlarging the possibilities for everyone.
The authors would like to thank Renata Martins
Pacheco for her help with formatting and reviewing
the English version of the final text.
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