On Possibility of Automatic Generation of Data Files and their Use in
Tasks of Descriptive Statistics
s Gangur
and V
aclav Sova Martinovsk
Department of Economics and Quantitative Methods, Faculty of Economics, University of West Bohemia,
ı 8, Plze
n, Czech Republic
Department of Business Administration and Management, Faculty of Economics, University of West Bohemia,
Univerzitnı 8, Plzen, Czech Republic
Quiz, Question with Data File, Descriptive Statistics, Automatic Generation, Moodle XML, LMS Moodle.
The contribution deals with the use of automatic generation of parameterized tasks and the inclusion of au-
tomatically generated data files as useful feature of generator. This functionality of the generator is used,
for example, in tasks of statistical data analysis. The contribution shows usage when generating a descrip-
tive statistics tasks. The basic principles of preparation of statistical data in both sample and population files
are described. Methods of integrating these data into the generated task for different output formats are also
explained. Selected group of tasks illustrating the outputs of the application of the described methods are
presented. The use of a generator for building a Question bank in LMS Moodle is shown as well as the prepa-
ration of writing tests. At the same time, various data files storage options and subsequent use with regard to
their lifetime are discussed. In the following, a new solution for the implementation of the automatic generator
of parameterized tasks in cloud is introduced. This approach will allow the involvement of more users of the
automatic generator.
Automatic generation of parameterized task can gen-
erate a unique problem for each student. Students can
practise one task with different input parameters. It
helps them to understand the problem from different
points of view. In the article (Gangur, 2011a) an auto-
matic generator of questions and answers is described
including the architecture of the generator. The uni-
versal principle of the automatic parameterized ques-
tions generation was explained.
The generator generates variable parameters in the
task text. The values of these parameters are gener-
ated as a random value according to specified con-
straints specific to each task. The output of this gen-
erator module is a complete definition of the task in
universal XML format. Subsequent XSL transforms
the task into different output formats, depending on
the XSL template used. The most commonly used
formats are LaTeX and Moodle XML. The first one
allows you to create a PDF file with the generated task
texts in one version for students and another version
for teachers with tasks answers for correction. The
second format is used to import the generated tasks
into the Question Bank in LMS Moodle. In this way,
a large number of variants can be generated from each
Based on this principle, it is possible in LMS
Moodle to create a unique task for each student and
to assemble a unique quiz from multiple tasks. This
approach allows you to practice the problem on differ-
ent input data. This method helps students understand
the principles of problem solving instead of ineffec-
tive memorizing the solution process.
A specific approach is applied when generating
tasks from the field of statistics and statistical pro-
cessing as well as an analysis of the data. In this case
just the statistical data are the key object. Creating the
data according to the required parameters, storing the
data in the file and inserting the information about the
file must be an integrated part of the generation pro-
cess, as well as the information about the data them-
selves and then storing them in the output description
of the generated task.
This contribution introduces the using of a new
feature of the question that can be processed by the
generator, i.e. automatically generated parameterized
data, i.e. data file. This feature and usage is described
and explained on an example of descriptive statistics
tasks in which sample and population data files are
Gangur, M. and Martinovský, V.
On Possibility of Automatic Generation of Data Files and their Use in Tasks of Descriptive Statistics.
DOI: 10.5220/0007742504460453
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2019), pages 446-453
ISBN: 978-989-758-367-4
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
used. The generation of sample data files is described
in this article as well as implementing an automatic
generator in cloud is explained. In the same described
way, it is possible to generate sample data files for
other statistical analysis tasks (statistical inferences).
The reminder is structured as following. The sec-
tion 2 provides an overview of the literature on the
problem of automatic generation of tasks. Section 3
describes methods for generating statistical data and
their integrating into the generated tasks. In this part
the subsection 3.2 explains the process of sample data
generation. Section 4 presents the results of the gen-
erating process in the form of examples of generated
tasks in different output formats. A brief description
of the generator implementation in cloud is also part
of this section. In section 5 some disadvantages and
limitations of proposed solution are discussed. Fi-
nally in section 6 we evaluate used methods and we
state conclusion.
The problem of automatic generation of questions
has been dealt with in some specific domains. In
(Cristea and Tuduce, 2005) the questions were gener-
ated in the area of electrical circuit analysis; another
study focuses on question generation in the domain of
the object-oriented programming (Hsiao et al., 2008).
The problem of math/science tasks generation is ad-
dressed in (Ugurdag et al., 2009). The authors gen-
erate multiple choice questions in the process of im-
age modification by means of a developed graphic
tool. In this case new values of parameterized ques-
tions are not generated automatically. Authors (Zhang
et al., 2017) solve the problem of automatically gen-
erated questions with images. They generate visually
grounded questions with various types for the same
visual input.
Test questions generated automatically directly
from chosen text can be seen as a special issue in this
direction (Zeng et al., 2013). Contributions dealing
with this topic concentrate mainly on generating ques-
tions from the English texts (Sung et al., 2007), (Afzal
and Mitkov, 2014), (Shah et al., 2017), from knowl-
edge database (Rocha and Zucker, 2018) or from web
(Cubric and Tosic, 2011) by semantic web technolo-
gies using domain ontologies. Automated creation of
adaptive tests with regard to the level of the knowl-
edge of individual students is an independent field in
which intensive research is being carried out (Kapusta
et al., 2010).
Except for (Zhang et al., 2017), the above men-
tioned systems generate only text questions in a ba-
sic question type with numerical, short or multichoice
answers. In the same way, the data types of the in-
put variable parameters are of numeric types or text
types. None of these systems provide the possibility
of attached data files that are connected with the dy-
namically generated content of questions. The major-
ity of the above stated tools as well as other examined
instruments generate only online web tests.
In this contribution such features of the question
generator are introduced. The process of generating
dynamical sample data dependent on other generated
content of questions is explained as well as the im-
plementation of automatic generator in the cloud en-
The basic tool for generating a large number of tasks
is the automatic parameterized task generator devel-
oped by the authors of this contribution (Gangur,
2011a). This system allows you to generate tasks with
different variables in the input task text, and is able
to generate and draw the mathematical text (Gangur,
2011b). In addition to the automatically generated
input values, the generator is able to insert images
dynamically generated by the parameters in the in-
put text (Plevn
y and Gangur, 2016) eventually data
files that match the task entry text (Gangur, 2018).
The generator is used to generate tasks across a range
of areas, Financial Mathematics, Statistics, Statisti-
cal Data Processing, but also in Management Science
y and Gladavsk
a, 2014).
The process of transforming the generated ques-
tions into the demanded output format consists of two
basic steps:
1. The questions and correct answers are generated
in the selected software (Matlab, Mathematica,
etc.). The description of the generated questions
and all their parameters including the answers in
the universal XML structure are thus obtained.
2. The XML description of questions is used as the
input to the XSLT process. In this phase the
questions are transformed into the required final
format according to the XSL template (Holzner,
Below we will describe the use of the dynamically
generated data files that are integrated as part of the
generated task.
On Possibility of Automatic Generation of Data Files and their Use in Tasks of Descriptive Statistics
3.1 Statistical Data Files
When generating statistical tasks, the generator’s fea-
tures are to create dynamic images and, in particular,
statistical data files unique for each student. Next, we
distinguish two types of data files:
a temporary sample statistical file, which is part
of each variation of the generated task,
stable population statistical file that is stored on
the available storage in only one version for all
the generated tasks.
The difference between the two file types can be
identified from two views. From the statistical point
of view, this is the difference between the sample data
file and the population file, as a key point in the pro-
cessing of statistical data and the use of statistical
inference and hypothesis testing the population pa-
rameters. The various generated tasks then show this
difference, and the more generated variants with the
sample file allow you to calculate the characteristics
of the various sample files derived from only one pop-
ulation data file.
In case of the second, rather a technical problem,
the population file is one permanent file stored in a
dedicated open storage. This one is permanently ac-
cessible to all users and is exploited by various gener-
ated tasks, and a URL link to the file in the storage is
placed in the input task text. In case of a sample file,
we generate a temporary data file as part of the task
definition. It is necessary to treat access to these data
for different output formats of the generated task.
In case of the MoodleXML (MoodleXML, 2014)
output format, a generated task is saved in the
Question Bank of LMS Moodle (Moodle, 2010)
and the sample data file that is part of the task def-
inition is stored in the internal repository of LMS
Moodle. A URL link to this file is generated as
part of task text (Gangur, 2018).
If the output of the generated task is in the for-
mat LaTeX (LaTeX, 2013) and then a PDF file,
the link to the data file is again a part of the task
text, but in this case the URL is a reference to ded-
icated accessible storage for the data files. These
files are again divided into two types with respect
to their lifetime. The first ones are the data files
that are part of the assignment of, for example,
exam tests. The lifetime of such data is only un-
til the test is entered. The second type of the file
is the data referenced from the input, for exam-
ple, sample tests that are part of various syllables,
e-courses, etc. The lifetime of such files is much
longer, theoretically unlimited.
3.2 Population and Sample Statistical
Data File Generation
The process of generating data files is shown on a
group of tasks that are based on one selected popu-
lation file. The source data of the example are taken
from a population file with the data from the last pop-
ulation census in the Czech Republic in 2011. The
data file contains 5894 records about municipalities
in 14 counties. Each county is made up of districts.
In the data the information are stored in variables ac-
cording Table 1. Each municipality is identified by its
name, district name and county name. Then the in-
formation about population of various groups in mu-
nicipality is stored. The monitored groups are total
population, marital status groups and age groups. The
population of each group is stored as total and sepa-
rately for male and for female.
The automatic generator works with the data
structure of the file according to a particular generated
task. In case of tasks that work with other population
the task solver of the automatic generator will con-
form to the structure of the used population files due
to the implemented task algorithm.
The population data file is too large and it is not
attached to every generated task. This particular file
is stored in cloud and the generating process creates
URL reference to this file in task text. In the generated
tasks the calculation of the population parameters is
demanded. The average and standard deviation of dif-
ferent population groups (see Table 1) are calculated
per municipality or per district in each county. For
example the average and standard deviation of male
per municipality are calculated, or the average age of
single female per district is calculated. These tasks
and their solutions are the same for every student.
The calculation of sample data characteristics is
more useful for practicing students. In these tasks
the same characteristics are calculated as the param-
eters of the population file (see previous paragraph).
The sample file creation is one of the most important
things. A unique sample file is generated for every
task and each student calculates the demanded statis-
tics for different sample file of one source population
file. Many variants of one task allow to recalculate
statistics (averages and deviations) for different sam-
ple data. This possibility is very useful when tracking
iteration of statistics to population parameter values.
The key procedure select
data() creates sample
data from the population data according to the list of
counties, demanded variables and demanded number
of records of each county. The procedure randomly
selects municipality records using generator of uni-
formly distributed pseudorandom integers in scale of
CSEDU 2019 - 11th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Table 1: Variables in population census.
Municipality name District name County name
total male female
marital status single marital status married marital status divorced
marital status widowed
aged 0-14 aged 15-19 aged 20-29
aged 30-39 aged 40-49 aged 50-59
aged 60-64 aged 65-69 aged 70-79
aged 80+
municipality number for every county. After this ran-
dom selection we need to run the post-process that
modifies the sample data file according to the follow-
ing requirements:
Each district in each county is represented by at
least two municipalities in the sample data.
The sample data file contains the municipality
with the largest and least populous population.
Described in this way, a large number of sample
files can be derived from one population file by ran-
dom selection. As a result, each student solves his/her
own assignments, learns the principles of the solu-
tion and practices the basic algorithms of descriptive
The principle used to integrate a data file into a
task definition allows you to create, by using built-in
functions of the used software, the sample data of the
desired statistical distribution and other (for example
extreme values and outliers) properties to practice ex-
ploration data analysis.
The described features of the automatic generator of
parameterized tasks extend the use of the generator in
the field of statistical tasks and, in particular, statisti-
cal data analysis tasks. For the course Statistical Data
Analysis, 19 tasks in the field of descriptive statis-
tics were created and 100 variants were generated for
each of these tasks, which were inserted into the LMS
Moodle Question Bank. In total, 1900 unique tasks
were generated for the 150 students enrolled in the
course. Other 19 tasks from the total of 211 tasks in
the course were created for the other areas, two sam-
ple tests, one sample tests, ANOVA, exploration data
analyses, normality and homoscedasticity testing.
The Figure 1 show the generated tasks in which
the parameters of population data are calculated. A
link to a population census file can be found at the be-
ginning of the task text. In figure 1a, the task is gen-
erated in the Moodle XML format and inserted into
the Question bank of LMS Moodle. Blank fields al-
low you to enter the required parameters values. The
Figure 1b depicts PDF format of the task generated
from the same pattern as the above described task in
Moodle. Such a task can be printed as a written test.
The Figure 2 depicts the different output formats
of the generated task in which characteristics of the
sample require to be calculated. The sample data are
randomly generated from the population data file ac-
cording to the procedure described in subsection 3.2.
In both outputs in LMS Moodle or in the PDF file, you
can find at the bottom of the task the link to the sam-
ple file stored in the Moodle LMS repository or in the
reserved temporary storage facility. This differs from
the type of tasks in Figure 1. While the population
file is located in a single location and the data file is
common to all variants generated (the same URL is
given in the text of all variants of the given task type),
in case of sample file in the task in Figure 2, the gen-
erated data files are unique for each task variant, and
therefore, a hyperlink that is embedded in the input
text is another URL in each task variant.
Links to data files can be used when working on-
line in LMS Moodle to download a file and open it in
MS Excel. In case of a PDF file, the data can be ob-
tained directly only when the PDF file is opened on-
line. When writing a workload variation, it is neces-
sary to insert the displayed URL into the web browser.
For this reason, in the PDF variant of the URL, the
links to files are referenced throughout the full URL
A major innovation of the generator is its imple-
mentation in cloud. This solution extends the capabil-
ity of using it for a larger number of users without the
need for a desktop installation of the generator and
support software Matlab (MathWorks, 2013).
On Possibility of Automatic Generation of Data Files and their Use in Tasks of Descriptive Statistics
(a) Output as question in Moodle (b) Output as question in PDF
Figure 1: Generator outputs of question with population data file.
(a) Output as question in Moodle (b) Output as question in PDF
Figure 2: Generator outputs of question with sample data file.
4.1 Automatic Generator in Cloud
One of the drawbacks of the existing solution is the
dependency on a particular computer where Matlab
is installed. That also means that besides the source
code of the generator and the source code of all tasks,
every user needs a valid Matlab license. If we con-
sider that, this solution is not cost-effective and also
very hard to configure and run. Wider usage is there-
fore very limited.
The proposed cloud solution removes all above
mentioned barriers. Since it is available in a software-
as-a-service (SaaS) principle, the end user needs only
a computer with a regular web browser (Martinovsk
and Plevn
y, 2018). No additional software or license
is needed. The usage is not limited by hardware (it
works on mobile or desktop), software (no special
programs needed), user skills (intuitive web GUI) or
physical location.
This solution is also cost-effective. It can use all
advantages of cloud computing pay-as-you-use model
and with flexible scaling, the actual cost may vary ac-
cording to the anticipated traffic. It also enables the
possibility of extended functionality like sharing tests
between users, collaborative work etc.
The backend of all the application is based on the
already proposed generator in Matlab. To achieve in-
dependence on a particular computer or licence the
existing solution was extended by a set of functions
for communication with external programmes and the
whole project was translated into an autonomously
executable programme by means of Matlab Compiler.
It is necessary to have a licence for only one computer
on which the translation of the source files is under-
way (not necessarily in cloud).
The frontend is formed by an application created
in the PHP script language extended with the Slim
framework. The interface is based on a fully respon-
sive template using Bootstrap framework and jQuery
Thanks to these components it was possible to
create a user friendly interface which can be oper-
ated comfortably without any further adjustments on
a wide range of devices (see figure 3).
CSEDU 2019 - 11th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Figure 3: Application interface on a desktop.
The described solution also has its disadvantages and
limitations. The disadvantage of statistical data anal-
ysis tasks may be seen in the different iterative al-
gorithms by which various statistical data processing
systems solve the given problems. The resulting set
values of a task solution that Moodle checks with the
specified accuracy may then vary if students use soft-
ware other than the automatic generator that the Mat-
lab system uses in the described solution. Most often
the results differ when calculating the p-value, which
is often an important part of solving in statistical data
analysis tasks. A partial solution to this problem is
the very accurate work with the set tolerance for the
entered solution values. Small tolerance leads to dif-
ferent results when the LMS does not accept the val-
ues that are calculated by the correct procedure. Big
tolerance, on the contrary, allows acceptance of val-
ues, that the student has reached in the wrong way,
and like this, the correctness of the wrong algorithm is
confirmed. Additionally, using such imprecise meth-
ods for further calculations can lead to an increase in
errors and to the rejection of other task resolving re-
Another limitation when working with the popu-
lation and sample data file is the size of the source
data in the population file. The automatic generator is
built on the encapsulated module to generate a single
task, and then uses this module to generate various
tasks. In case of creating a Question bank in LMS,
Moodle the system generates a given number of vari-
ants of the same task, and a test of different tasks is
created when creating a PDF test. This solution, in
which the module always loads the entire population
file over the network, is very lengthy and the gener-
ation of bigger number of tasks is a time-consuming
procedure. For this reason, it is advisable to place the
data of the population file in memory once only and to
inform the basic module about their loading and loca-
tion. The system does not have to retrieve population
data over the network when it is reused.
The described methods allow practical application in
the courses of statistics and statistical data processing.
The advantage is the possibility of creating a large
number of different tasks that can be stored in the e-
learning system repositories along with the generated
training data. A unique assignment for each student
supports the student’s own work and the possibility
of different variants of principally the same task re-
quires understanding of the principles of solving the
assigned tasks instead of ineffective memorizing pro-
In the contribution, only generator options in the
used area are shown. An example of generating data
for statistical analysis describes the use of this gener-
ator functionality. However, this functionality is also
suitable for tasks from a wide range of areas where
the problem is described by a larger amount of input
On Possibility of Automatic Generation of Data Files and their Use in Tasks of Descriptive Statistics
data that cannot be entered in the task input text and it
is useful to place these input data in the attached file.
The paper does not address the evaluation of the
described approach used in the teaching process and
its effect on the effectiveness of teaching. This is part
of the future work where the results and the course
of study of two groups of students are compared. In
one group, the generated tasks were not used and the
exercises were performed on tasks that are the same
for all students. In the second group, they were used
to practice the generated task unique for each student.
Similarly, any impact of the length and course of the
problem solution on the student’s results is analysed.
The proposed solution for the implementation of
the automatic generator in cloud enables to extend its
use among more users and it offers its functionality
via the web interface. In the future we will also focus
on implementing this service as APIs.
This paper is published thanks to the support of the
internal projects SGS-2018-042 of the University of
West Bohemia in Pilsen, Czech Republic.
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On Possibility of Automatic Generation of Data Files and their Use in Tasks of Descriptive Statistics