of erosion, where it peaks at -2.3 m/year and
minimum -0.89m/year. The mean retreat rate of the
coastline for the 57 year interval considered in this
study is of -1.5m/year. Some other figures can be
stressed, for example, -1.4m/year for the LRR, -
1.6m/year for the EPR and -2.7m/year for the WLR.
We can conclude that there was a generalized
erosional continuous and complex process in the
given time-frame. If we compare these results with
previous studies, for example (Silva, 2012) and
(Ponte Lira et al., 2016), we can conclude for the
existence of some important discrepancies. Just to
confirm this conclusion (Silva, 2012) reports the
following retreat rates: -2.7 m/year from 1958 to 2010
and -4m/year for the period 2010/2012. In spite of the
study area being larger than our study area, the time
periods and the scale of analyses are also different.
This and the reported work both present a coastal
erosion process that surpasses 1.5 m per year.
Over the last decades, the Furadouro's beach has been
suffering an increasingly severe shoreline retreat
process. The DSAS tool was very effective in
quantifying retreat rates, obtaining a mean value of -
2.7 m / year (WLR) for the study area and for the 57
year time period: 1958 to 2015. In this work the DSM
obtained by LiDAR aerial was undoubtedly an
excellent starting point for the local monitoring of
coastal erosion, since it allows for unambiguous
definition of a temporal reference concerning the
topographic position of the shoreline and the coastline
surface and migrations process. In addition, it allows
to integrate low-cost technologies (UASs) into local
monitoring shoreline procedures. By allowing the
generation of orthophotos and DSM, simultaneously,
it is an added value in studies of coastal erosion at a
local scale. Finally, it should be noted that the
integration of several geospatial technologies in the
topographic monitoring of the coastline also raises the
need to standardize the concept of the coastline
extracted from different geospatial data. As a final
comment, these conclusions allow the authors to
propose that increasing people awareness for the
importance of hazards and risks mitigation and if we
have in mind that Climate Changes are already
producing substantive land and territorial changes,
something must be done. It is our conviction that
Geospatial technologies constitute a suite of
interoperable tools that can support decision makers
in order to implement a “culture of prevention”
instead of a “culture of reaction” as it has been argued
by the UNESCO-ISDR (UNISDR, 2007).
This work was partially supported by project grant
UID/MULTI/00308/2019 and by the European
Regional Development Fund through the COMPETE
2020 Programme, FCT - Portuguese Foundation for
Science and Technology within the project
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