Developing software that caters senior population
needs is a process that requires their direct
collaboration. In this work, by following a
participatory design philosophy it was possible to
vastly improve the initial proposal of the mobile
application to meet the target audience needs.
Although it is not possible to address the concerns of
every senior by keeping the general interface and
interaction paradigm simple it is possible to reach a
broad audience of older adults. The results from field
trials revealed that many of the issues present in the
first prototype were fixed since the data gathered in
the second phase of tests pointed towards higher
levels of usability in the prototype. However, it was
possible to identify several aspects that could still be
improved or added in future versions of the mobile
application. Notifications were a feature suggested by
some users that were not yet explored. Notifications
were considered as a way to remind the users to watch
videos they missed in television or to alert them that
new recommendations are available in the
“Recommended” tab. Additionally, the users stated
that it would be a suitable way to remind and motivate
people to use the mobile application and not just the
iTV application, so this feature will be considered for
future tests which would be used to assess the
frequency of these notifications and what information
should be notified. The voice commands were a small
feature included to test new ways for seniors to
interact with the iTV application, therefore this
functionality was very limited since it only allowed to
change the TV channels and access the video library.
Going forward, the team wants to explore this feature
in new ways in order to fully integrate it with the
+TV4E platform, for example by allowing the user to
ask for specific videos or search TV channels by
content, thus giving the users new ways to interact
with the TV.
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