Towards a Privacy Compliant Cloud Architecture for Natural Language
Processing Platforms
Matthias Blohm
, Claudia Dukino
, Maximilien Kintz
, Monika Kochanowski
, Falko Koetter
and Thomas Renner
University of Stuttgart IAT, Institute of Human Factors and Technology Management, Germany
Fraunhofer IAO, Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Engineering IAO, Germany,,
Natural Language Processing, Artificial Intelligence, Cloud Platform, GDPR, Compliance, Anonymization.
Natural language processing in combination with advances in artificial intelligence is on the rise. However,
compliance constraints while handling personal data in many types of documents hinder various application
scenarios. We describe the challenges of working with personal and particularly sensitive data in practice
with three different use cases. We present the anonymization bootstrap challenge in creating a prototype in
a cloud environment. Finally, we outline an architecture for privacy compliant AI cloud applications and an
anonymization tool. With these preliminary results, we describe future work in bridging privacy and AI.
Natural language processing (NLP) is on its rise.
Researchers all over the scientific landscape investi-
gate manifold real world applications. However, in
these application scenarios the General Data Protec-
tion Regulation (European Union, 2016) is conceived
as a major challenge in NLP. This is, because in con-
trast to tabular data, anonymization by aggregation is
not possible for natural language text, as shown in
Figure 1. Furthermore, pseudonymization methods
can cause information loss.
These issues are all the more crucial when cloud-
based solutions are considered. In order to make
automated text analysis widely available, to share
knowledge across stakeholders and to reduce tag-
ging workload, cloud-based text analysis platforms
are a promising solution. However, working with
GDPR-relevant data in the cloud is particularly dif-
ficult. Thus, the need for ways of taking advantages
of cloud solutions while remaining GDPR-compliant
A solution for automatically dealing with GDPR
relevant data especially in natural language docu-
ments is often missing. Therefore, anonymization
and pseudonymization is done manually. A promis-
ing idea is to use artificial intelligence (AI) / ma-
chine learning (ML) for anonymizing natural lan-
guage documents - however, to train this artificial
intelligence, non-anonymized and anonymized docu-
ments are needed. To get around this problem, several
options are possible.
This paper is structured as follows. Section 2 de-
scribes related work on the topics of natural language
processing, anonymization and pseudonymization as
well as platforms. Section 3 describes three exist-
ing application scenarios - court decisions, healthcare
and insurance fraud. Based on these application sce-
narios, a central research question is derived in Sec-
tion 4. To answer this question, section 5 outlines
a solution architecture for GDPR-compliant, semi-
automated document anonymization as well as an in-
progress prototype. Finally, Section 6 summarizes the
work and gives an outlook on research-in-progress.
We describe related work in three areas: (1)
NLP in GDPR context and (2) anonymization and
pseudonymization by artificial intelligence as well as
(3) platform solutions for NLP.
(1) Currently the possible slowdown of Europe’s
innovation progress especially in the field of Text and
Data Mining (TDM) due to restrictive laws of data
protection and privacy is an important issue in pub-
lic discussions (European Comission, 2014). Since
Blohm, M., Dukino, C., Kintz, M., Kochanowski, M., Koetter, F. and Renner, T.
Towards a Privacy Compliant Cloud Architecture for Natural Language Processing Platforms.
DOI: 10.5220/0007746204540461
In Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2019), pages 454-461
ISBN: 978-989-758-372-8
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
© Fraunhofer IAO, IAT Universität Stuttgart
Seite 1
Anonymisierung und aggregation
Anonymisierung von natürlichsprachlichen Daten zur Hebung der Potenziale
Structured data
structured data
structured data
structured data
natural language
data (text, speech)
not an option
natural language
Figure 1: Natural language data cannot be anonymized by aggregation before working with it, as it is done e.g. with tabular
data in sensitive contexts.
the introduction of the GDPR in Europe, some con-
siderations have been made about its compliance with
purposes of artificial intelligence. On one hand, new
restrictions of data privacy indeed complicate the data
acquisition for machine learning tasks. On the other
hand, data protection laws may also encourage a fairer
and more transparent processing of personal data (Ka-
marinou et al., 2016). Popular software that was
trained with the means of machine learning to auto-
matically identify and protect sensitive personal data
is for example given with Amazon Macie or Google
DLP (Marko, 2017).
(2) The importance of novel anonymization and
pseudonymization techniques is underlined by pro-
claimed challenges such as the NLP Shared Tasks an-
nounced by i2b2, where often one of the tasks was
to de-identify personal data in clinical reports (i2b2
Informatics for Integrating Biology & the Bedside,
2019). In 2014’s challenge the University of Notting-
ham achieved the highest f1-score of 93.6% correctly
recognized entities by combining machine learn-
ing and rule-based techniques (Yang and Garibaldi,
2015). For tackling the problem of de-identification,
a common way is to rely on named entity recogni-
tion (NER) for detecting sensitive information even
in larger unstructured text documents (Vincze and
Farkas, 2014). A promising approach could be to
combine the results of several different entity recog-
nizers with coreference resolution processing in or-
der to find and replace a maximum of entities such as
proper names, places or dates, while maintaining full
meaning in the document context (Dias, 2016).
(3) In the business domain, countless scenarios are
thinkable in which companies could benefit from us-
ing AI, for example for supporting classification and
decision tasks as automatic customer claim handling
(Coussement and den Poel, 2008; Yang et al., 2018).
Nowadays several providers like Aylien (AYLIEN,
2019) already offer AI platforms for natural language
processing as a self-service. Here customers can build
and train individual models for textual processing
without the need of any programming skills. How-
ever, sending sensitive data to cloud servers is still a
critical issue to deal with when using those platforms.
Therefore, some providers like Lexalytics (Lexalytics,
2019) also offer on premise solutions of their software
which can be installed and run only locally on internal
Altogether, machine learning has been shown
as applicable for improving anonymization or
pseudonymization. Many state of the art approaches
exist therefore. However, for being able to process
text documents in a cloud environment, a practicable
solution for training these algorithms without the need
of on premise solutions in a multi-party environment
is necessary. To the best of our knowledge, a com-
plete solution for this task has not yet been described.
We formulate the research question in Section 4.
We describe three application scenarios: court deci-
sions, healthcare and fraud detection, having in com-
mon: (1) personal data is included all of the time, (2)
particularly sensitive data is included often, and (3)
high potential for machine learning in textual docu-
ments is given.
3.1 Court Decisions
In Germany, court decisions generally have to be
made available to the public upon request. However,
to protect the privacy of the parties involved, the ju-
dicial decisions must be anonymized prior to publi-
cation. Especially in criminal and family law, court
decisions often contain sensitive data, e.g. the biogra-
phy of the accused, or private details of family life.
Important court decisions are published by the
courts on their own accords. Other court decisions are
requested for an administrative fee. While case law is
generally not as important in Germany as in other ju-
risdictions like the USA, requests for court decisions
are increasing.
Towards a Privacy Compliant Cloud Architecture for Natural Language Processing Platforms
Currently, court decisions are anonymized man-
ually by judges or clerks, resulting in a consider-
able time investment for these highly skilled workers,
which could be used elsewhere.
3.2 Healthcare
The healthcare sector is one of the most highly reg-
ulated sectors in respect to data protection, as most
documents contain sensitive data of patients.
The healthcare sector is under pressure by ris-
ing healthcare costs, an aging populace, a shortage
of physicians, as well as comprehensive documenta-
tion requirements (Meinel and Koppenhagen, 2015).
While IT is widely used in areas like diagnostics and
robotics, adoption of cloud applications is slow (Lux
et al., 2017). One reason for this is the challenge to
comply with data protection laws. On the other hand,
many scenarios could profit from sharing anonymized
documents, ranging from standard services like trans-
lation of medical instructions into a patient’s native
language to cooperative diagnosis and medical re-
One challenge in the healthcare area is that not
only directly identifying data (e.g. name, address),
but also indirectly identifying data (e.g. combination
of symptoms, rare diseases) has to be removed. Deter-
mining what data is indirectly identifying requires ex-
pert expertise. How and if such a determination could
be performed automatically is an open research ques-
3.3 Fraud Detection
Undetected insurance fraud costs insurers billions of
dollars every year (Power and Power, 2015). To coun-
teract these losses, insurance companies try to detect
fraud before payments are made. Conventional fraud
detection relies on manual work as well as IT solu-
tions, which perform a rule-based analysis on a claim.
These rules are created and maintained by domain ex-
perts and focus on structured data that is known about
the claim. Unstructured documents and images are
typically investigated manually.
As a decision problem fraud detection could pos-
sibly be improved by applying ML. Depending on the
type of insurance, fraud rates are claimed by insur-
ance companies to be as high as 50 percent (smart-
phone insurance). However, it can be assumed that
not all fraudulent claims are detected as such. For ex-
ample, a claim may be abandoned by a claimant if
additional questions are asked, making it unclear why
no payment took place.
Insurance companies could improve fraud detec-
tion by sharing anonymized claim data in order to
build a communal AI (Power and Power, 2015).
Data protection laws necessitate anonymization or
pseudonymization of this data. This concerns not only
personal data, but also image files (e.g. license plates
on damaged cars).
Cloud computing, big data and artificial intelligence
make many new application scenarios possible. The
current public dialogue about artificial intelligence
and the digital transformation have made many or-
ganizations aware of these new possibilities (IDC,
2018). On the other hand, organizations have been
sensitized to privacy concerns by the public dialogue
about the GDPR.
This creates a perceived conflict between techni-
cal possibilities and legal requirements. In our work
with organizations in research and industry projects
we found data protection concerns to be the great-
est perceived challenge to overcome. In an ongo-
ing Fraunhofer survey of over 200 German organi-
zations, data protection was named the greatest chal-
lenge when using AI
. As new machine learning al-
gorithms are tailored for large amounts of data, ques-
tions of data protection need to be solved before build-
ing even an exploratory prototype. For tabular data,
aggregating data for ensuring privacy may be an op-
tion. However, for textual data this is not possible.
It is possible to extract structured data from text and
then apply machine learning - however, text process-
ing relies on more information than just the struc-
tured contents of the text documents. Therefore, the
information loss by working in this way is not ac-
ceptable for most natural language processing ma-
chine learning scenarios. It is therefore necessary to
work with the original documents and to anonymize
or pseudonymize these.
Additionally, finding the personal and particularly
sensitive data is a challenge. Table 1 shows how good
various state-of-the-art methods work for identifying
text with known and unknown formats and value sets.
If the format is known, like for example license plates,
finding the entity and anonymization is easier than if
the format is unknown. Dates of birth can be for ex-
ample contained in various forms in a document. If
the format is known, like an e-mail-address, it is easy
At the time of review, this survey is still open for par-
ticipation. In the camera ready paper, we will update this
sentence with the final results. The survey can be found at:
ICEIS 2019 - 21st International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Table 1: Methods for anonymizing data in text documents.
Format Known Format Unknown
Valueset Known
reference list
very easy
birth date, priority,...
Valueset Unknown
rules, regular expressions
e-mail, IBAN,...
political opinion,...
Interesting application
scenario with textual data
for artificial intelligence
(e.g. machine learning)
Personal data is contained.
One party provides the
data, the other processes it.
Particularly sensitive data is
contained or might be
contained in a small
fraction of documents.
Pseudonymization or
anonymization is done
manually for machine
Great prototype
Contract for processing
personal data (simple) in
1:1 scenario
Additional: information for
all persons which are
affected => (usually leads
to no prototype)
Contract for processing
personal data in a 1:n
scenario (rarely done in
Nearly not possible
Nearly not
Figure 2: Alternatives and possible outcomes for prototype development with GDPR relevant data.
to identify and anonymize data, even with unknown
datasets. This is extremely useful for personal data
like IBANs and social security numbers. However,
in the field of particularly sensitive data, like ethnical
background, sexual orientation, or political affiliation,
the format as well as the values are unknown. This
makes finding this information a very difficult task,
making it hard to anonymize as well. Additionally,
machine learning algorithms need lots of data to han-
dle this kind of difficult questions. Finally, this makes
machine learning algorithms the most promising ap-
proach for solving this problem.
However, solving this in machine learning gives
the need for a prototype. Figure 2 shows possible ap-
proaches for implementing prototypes while remain-
ing GDPR compliant.
A solution for data processing is possible, as long
as consent was received by the data provider, no sen-
sitive data is contained, and a contract for data pro-
cessing taking into account GDPR is made.
Special care needs to be taken when sensitive data
(e.g. health data, information about racial or ethnical
background) might be contained in the documents to
be used. While the GDPR allows an exception for
using sensitive data in research, processing it requires
explicit consent of all affected persons. As projects
with real companies rely on a large, existing volume
of data, this is not feasible, as all affected customers
would need to explicitly give consent.
As an additional challenge, most organizations,
especially small and medium enterprises, lack the
skills and data volume to realize AI projects in-house,
so they are dependent on service providers or coop-
eration to pool data. In this case, a contract between
multiple parties would be necessary, complicating a
possible legal solution and making GDPR compliance
As an alternative, the GDPR allows the
anonymization of documents. Once a dataset
has been anonymized and individuals are no longer
identifiable, GDPR no longer applies. The solution in
existing projects was manual tagging and anonymiza-
tion of large volumes of documents. This work needs
to be performed in-house, as outsourcing it would
present a compliance violation as well. While this
is possible if companies receive a research grant,
Towards a Privacy Compliant Cloud Architecture for Natural Language Processing Platforms
© Fraunhofer IAO, IAT Universität Stuttgart
Seite 17
Clients (Data Suppliers)
workstation (GUI)
Lethe Plattform
Server (Federated anonymization service)
data pool
Optimize pseudonymization /
(machine learning)
Trained model
Trained model
Server (Federated Application)
data pool
Application (e.g.
machine learning,
web service)
Figure 3: Architecture outline for federated pseudonymization and anonymization for NLP and AI. Private data remains on
data supplier’s systems. A trained model for pseudonymization and anonymization is iteratively developed in a bootstrap
cycle. Better and better automation is used to pseudonymize larger and larger amounts of private data, resulting in a final
model used for anonymization. Anonymization is verified with the private data tagged during pseudonymization.
generally it is not economically feasible.
The alternatives shown in Figure 2 represent a
challenge for applied research into AI and NLP. In
preliminary talks with companies interested in re-
search participation, we found the manual effort for
anonymization on the scope AI requires to be a deal-
Thus, we formulated a preliminary research
question: To conduct our AI research, we need to
develop tools and methods to aid in anonymization
of documents. Possible approaches to anonymization
that come to mind are of course AI and NLP. This cre-
ates a bootstrap challenge, as to optimize and cus-
tomize anonymization methods for a certain class of
documents, access to these documents is necessary.
How can this bootstrap challenge be solved within
a cloud environment with software tools to lessen
manual effort for anonymization while maintaining
compliance with GDPR?
To solve the bootstrap challenge, we outlined a
software solution for federated data pseudonymiza-
tion and anonymization, of which the architecture is
shown in Figure 3.
This solution uses iterative pseudonymization of
documents in order to train a domain-specific model
for anonymization. The reason to use pseudonymiza-
tion first is to provide pseudo-non-anonymized doc-
uments to a service provider without giving the
provider real documents.
Pseudonymization is performed both automati-
cally and manually. In a first step, a small sam-
ple of available documents are pseudonymized with
a generic pseudonymization algorithm, pseudonymiz-
ing common data items like e-mail addresses, names
and phone numbers. This small sample is manu-
ally reviewed on a pseudonymization workstation,
which allows correcting and amending the automated
pseudonymization, e.g. by tagging personal data
that was not automatically pseudonimized and by de-
tagging false positives.
The result of this pseudonymization is a set of
pseudonymized documents as well as a set of privacy
metadata (i.e. private data items and their positions in
documents). The pseudonymized documents as well
as reduced privacy metadata (indicating position, but
not private data) are sent to a federated anonymiza-
tion service. If multiple organizations want to pool
their data, this step is performed independently by ev-
ery data provider.
Based on the received pseudonymized data, the
anonymization service can improve the generic
model, either using machine learning or by manu-
ally extending the model. The methods for extraction
types of data have been discussed in Section 4 and are
shown in an overview in Table 1.
This process is repeated with the improved model.
This time, a different, possibly sample of documents
is used. If the improvement was successful, the man-
ual pseudonymization effort should be reduced. With
the additional data, the trained model can be further
improved. Iteration in this bootstrap cycle continues
ICEIS 2019 - 21st International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 4: Screenshot of entity recognition, automatic anonymization and manual correction workbench (working name Tex-
tominado). The software allows to automatically detect several kinds of entities, for example names, addresses, license plates,
and to replace them with pseudonymes or just removing them preserving length or not. Focus is the interaction of automatic
detection and anonymization as well as manual corrections, which can be used for machine learning in the next step.
until a model of acceptable quality is obtained.
With this model, anonymization can be per-
formed. Compared to pseudonymization, private data
is not substituted by equivalent data, but excised.
Anonymization is performed on the whole set of
original data, and is verified automatically using the
privacy metadata obtained during pseudonymization.
Depending on the sensitivity, random spot checks
could be performed as well.
The anonymized data may then be passed to an
application provider for use in the actual business case
(e.g. court decision database, medical research, fraud
detection). The application provider can use the same
anonymization verification component to exercise due
diligence after receiving data.
To aid in future data acquisition in our research
projects, we plan to fully implement this software so-
lution. As an immediate solution, we partially imple-
mented this approach. The platform Textominado al-
lows manual and extensible automatic pseudonymiza-
tion/anonymization to create data for machine learn-
ing that is compliant with the GDPR.
Textominado’s flexible architecture consists of a
Java Spring backend with loosely coupled modules
that allows quickly adding and modifying of service
endpoints. This way, we are able to integrate any
kind of library for providing analysis functions like
entity recognizers that help locate sensitive personal
data in unstructured text documents. New endpoints
are registered automatically in the frontend with their
corresponding URL and can directly be applied to
an input text together with any other tool provided
this way. Furthermore, the UI that we built using
nodejs and react supports easy manual tagging of
additional crucial entities, which may have not been
detected by the analysis tools. Finally, with the built-
in pseudonymization/anonymization feature, which
is shown in Figure 4 we are able to create different
kinds of meaningful pseudonyms for each category of
tagged entity. We are also experimenting with coref-
erence resolution in order to prevent a greater loss
of information by keeping the replacement of words
consistent throughout the whole textual contents.
With the introduction of Textominado we took a
first step towards offering a powerful platform that fa-
cilitates customized creation of anonymized data for
Towards a Privacy Compliant Cloud Architecture for Natural Language Processing Platforms
machine learning purposes. The pseudonymization
can be improved and extended by implementing cus-
tom libraries, but this is a manual process. Our goal is
to automate improvement processes of entity recog-
nition and anonymization by including self-learning
components, that are able to improve the automated
detections based on the users’ manual corrections on
the results of the analysis tools, thus realizing the
bootstrapping cycle outlined above.
In this work we have described the challenges of per-
forming applied research in NLP and AI with real un-
structured data while remaining compliant with the
GDPR and other data protection laws.
We have shown the need to anonymize and share
data in three application areas: court decision, health-
care and insurance fraud detection. From practical ex-
perience in research projects, we have outlined chal-
lenges and possible solutions for obtaining data to
develop research prototypes. Based on these experi-
ences, we have defined a bootstrap challenge: AI and
NLP can be used to automate data anonymization for
research, but anonymized data is needed to create AI
and NLP anonymization solutions in the first place.
The resulting research questions is how to solve this
bootstrap problem while lessening manual effort for
We have outlined a possible solution architec-
ture, which incrementally improves domain-specific
pseudonymization in a bootstrap cycle, thus solving
the bootstrap challenge, and shown Textominado, a
prototype for pseudonymization and anonymization
of unstructured documents.
Since the contents discussed in this paper are still
ongoing research, no evaluation has been done for our
prototype yet. But talking to different companies and
public organizations revealed that there is indeed a big
need for practicable ways of anonymizing unstruc-
tured textual data. In future research, we plan to use
Textominado to acquire anonymized data from real-
world organizations for use in AI and NLP research
projects. In this process, we plan to extend Textomi-
nado in order to implement the outlined solution ar-
chitecture and investigate its feasibility.
This work was partly supported by the project Smar-
tAIwork, which is funded by the Federal Ministry of
Education and Research (BMBF) under the funding
number 02L17B00ff. We like to thank our contacts at
the court and in the healthcare and insurance industry
as well as the students working in student projects for
their efforts.
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Towards a Privacy Compliant Cloud Architecture for Natural Language Processing Platforms