Towards an Automated Optimization-as-a-Service Concept
Sascha Bosse
, Abdulrahman Nahhas
, Matthias Pohl
and Klaus Turowski
Very Large Business Applications Lab, Faculty of Computer Science Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg, Germany
Keywords: Cloud Computing, Optimization, as-a-Service, Business Analytics.
Abstract: Many organizations try to apply analytics in order to improve their business processes. More and more cloud
services are offered to support these efforts. However, the support of prescriptive analytics is weak. While
concepts for such an optimization-as-a-service exist, these require much expert knowledge in solution
methods. In this paper, a workflow for optimization-as-a-service is proposed that utilizes an optimization
knowledge base in which machine learning techniques are applied to automatically select and parametrize
suitable solution algorithms. This would allow consumers to use the service without expert knowledge while
reducing operational costs for providers.
Data-intensive IT systems nowadays play an
important role in information systems, demonstrated
by the fact that organizations are in desperate need for
data scientists, big data analysts or comparable
experts (King and Magoulas 2015). In order to take
advantages of the opportunities of data-based
analysis, a process with three phases has been
identified (Evans and Lindner 2012):
Descriptive analytics, which means characterizing
and understanding the past;
Predictive analytics, in which it is desired to
estimate the likely future; and
Prescriptive analytics, i.e. making decisions to
improve the future.
Recent developments in AI technology drive
analytics efforts today. While the former two phases
are strongly connected to the field of machine
learning, optimization is a crucial aspect especially in
the latter phase.
An organization applying analytics can build its
own capabilities or obtain them from external service
partners, while both approaches are cost-intensive
(Pohl et al. 2018). In this context, cloud computing
has revolutionized the way IT services are obtained in
the past years. While there are many cloud offerings
for descriptive and predictive analytics, there are
almost no IT service providers offering optimization-
as-a-service (OaaS).
Especially meta-heuristics such as genetic
algorithms are interesting in this context. These are
general, computing-intensive procedures based on
function comparisons that are applicable for a wide
range of real-world problems, for instance, virtual
machine placement (Müller et al. 2016), redundancy
allocation (Coit and Smith 1996), order sequencing
(Nahhas et al. 2017), or design planning (Lanza et al.
2015). Furthermore, especially population-based
meta-heuristics are by nature well suited for a high
degree of parallelization. Thus, the availability of
massive, distributed computing power makes the
cloud “the ideal environment for executing
metaheuristic optimization experiments” (Pimminger
et al. 2013).
For consumers, the concept of cloud computing
eliminates the problem of oversized systems for
computing-intensive tasks (Foster et al. 2008;
Pimminger et al. 2013) by the use of elastic, pay-per-
use self-services over the internet (Mell and Grance
2011). Thus, costs can be reduced for obtaining
optimization services for consumers, but also for
providers which can utilize economies of scale
(Marston et al. 2011).
Although concepts for such a service have been
introduced (e.g. in (Kurschl et al. 2014)), it remains
unclear how it can be effectively used by consumers
Bosse, S., Nahhas, A., Pohl, M. and Turowski, K.
Towards an Automated Optimization-as-a-Service Concept.
DOI: 10.5220/0007746303390343
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security (IoTBDS 2019), pages 339-343
ISBN: 978-989-758-369-8
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
with limited knowledge of problem formulations and
solution algorithms. On the other hand, providers are
bound to identify potential solutions to a problem
efficiently in order to reduce costs for both provider
and consumer. With a sufficient knowledge base of
optimization problems and the use of machine
learning techniques, the process of selecting a
suitable solution algorithm could be automatized.
Therefore, this short paper aims at presenting a
standard workflow for solving optimization problems
in the context of OaaS in order to discuss automation
potentials and future research opportunities.
Although the idea of combining meta-heuristics and
cloud computing is promising, only a few scientific
works deal with this topic. Most existing analytics
cloud service concepts lack of a prescriptive
component (cf. e.g. (Pohl et al. 2018)) and most
commercial offerings such as SAP Leonardo
do not
contain optimization services. Other such as IBM
or Google Optimization Tools
support mathematical optimization methods. In
contrary to meta-heuristics, these methods are often
not scalable to real-world (NP-hard) problems or
restrict the search space artificially (Coit and Smith
1996; Soltani 2014). Despite the lack of cloud
services, several frameworks for parallel, distributed
meta-heuristic optimization have been implemented
such as HeuristicLab
which could be utilized in an
OaaS context.
In (Pimminger et al. 2013), the authors investigate
the suitability of performing meta-heuristic
optimization in cloud scenarios. For that reason, large
scale experiments are conducted with different
deployment strategies. The authors conclude that
utilizing cloud resources for optimization massively
reduces costs for users.
Kurschl et al. follow this idea and provide a
requirements catalogue as well as a reference
architecture for OaaS (Kurschl et al. 2014). Although
technical questions such as multi-tenancy and
scalability are discussed, workflow-related topics are
not analyzed in detail. Consumers can access a cloud
platform to select and parametrize solution methods
for defined problems. Accounting is proposed to be
done on basis of the obtained computing power,
concepts for automation of the problem solution
workflow are not discussed.
In order to address the idea of solving optimizations
automatically without expert knowledge, a workflow
in context of the OaaS concept is presented in the
When a potential user of an OaaS offering
encounters an optimization problem, this problem has
to be formalized by providing (Gill et al. 1993):
A set of decision variables
 
with the
respective domain,
A set of constraints
 
with , and
An objective function
mapping decision variables to
objective values.
The workflow of problem formulation and
solution in context of the OaaS concept is modeled as
a diagram in the Business Process Model and
Notation (BPMN) language and presented in Figure
In order to simplify the process of problem
formulation, basic problem classes should be
provided (Kurschl et al. 2014). However, a user
should also have the opportunity to formulate novel
optimization problems. Anyway, decision variables
should be characterized by defining a domain for each
variable, e.g. the set of real numbers or defined
discrete (or even binary) values. Based on the
decision variables, constraints can be defined by
entering symbolic functions such as simple bounds on
decision variables or linear combinations.
The first critical point of the workflow is the
definition of the objective function. Available
optimization frameworks often require a symbolic
objective function which simplifies the optimization
process, but may not always be available or
applicable. Therefore, implicit definitions of
objective functions should be supported additionally.
These can either be defined with a white-box or a
black-box approach.
In the white-box approach, the objective function
is modeled analytically, e.g. in a state-space model
such as Markov chains. For that reason, the
OaaSshould make use of a modeling engine which
IoTBDS 2019 - 4th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
Figure 1: Workflow of an optimization service request.
allows users to define a variety of models for the
objective function. These models can be evaluated
numerically or by simulation. In the black-box
approach, the mapping from decision variables to
objective values is done by providing a high amount
of data which allows a supervised machine learning
algorithm to model the objective function.
After the problem has been formulated, (feasible)
solutions should be identified. In related work, it is
assumed that the user makes their own selection of
algorithms and parametrization. If this knowledge is
available to the user, this will be an efficient approach
for both consumer and provider. However, if the
problem is novel or there is a lack of expertise which
algorithm will provide best results, there will be two
alternatives: first, the user executes an own search for
the best algorithm by trying different algorithms and
parametrizations. However, this will lead to high
costs due to the amount of needed computing
resources which may not be tolerated by the
As a second alternative, the provider could take
care of the process to identify suitable solution
algorithms and parametrizations. In order to make a
good price to the consumer as well as minimizing
operational costs, this process should be very efficient
by utilizing economies of scale. Therefore, an
optimization knowledge base is proposed in the
workflow. This knowledge base includes (meta-)data
about different optimization problems as well as
about the effectivity and efficiency of solution
algorithms and their parametrization. While the
knowledge base is sparse, a high number of
experiments should be done by the provider in order
to generate this data. In order to keep response times
low, efficient parallelization should be applied.
Although this will induce high operational costs in the
beginning, these can be dramatically reduced when
the knowledge base is enriched.
While this idea is novel to the field of meta-
heuristic optimization, such concepts have been
developed for the field of machine learning in which
the question which algorithm to use with which hyper
parameters is also a difficult one (meta-learning).
These include landmarking (Pfahringer et al. 2000) or
Towards an Automated Optimization-as-a-Service Concept
meta-regression (Charles et al. 2000; García-Saiz and
Zorilla 2017).
When a method has been selected and
parametrized, the experiment can be executed by
applying the optimization method on the decision
variables and the defined objective function to
generate results. If the user is not satisfied with these
results, they can select another one or with the gained
knowledge, the optimization method can be chosen
more carefully. Otherwise, results are returned to the
In order to illustrate the generic workflow description
given above, the redundancy allocation problem
(RAP) is used. In this problem, the allocation of
parallel-redundant components in a series system is to
be optimized. The following, simple problem
definition is reported to be NP-hard (Chern 1992): A
system consists of required subsystems. In each
subsystem, a number of components can be operated
in active redundancy. These components are
characterized by a reliability
and cost
. The
reliability of the system is to be maximized subject to
a cost constraint. With respect to the generic problem
definition given above, this would lead to:
Decision variables
 
  
indicating the number of
components to be allocated in each subsystem
(limited by an upper bound),
As a constraint, system cost should not exceed a
certain value:
, and,
The objective function under the assumption of
independent component failures, which is a non-
linear function
 
  
However, this formulation has been adapted and
extended in the last decades in order to approach
reality of complex systems. For instance,
heterogeneous or passive redundancy have been
introduced in decision variables (Coit and Smith
1996; Sadjadi and Soltani 2015). This led to more
complex objective functions that would be evaluated
by white-box, e.g. in (Bosse et al. 2016; Chi and Kuo
1990; Lins and Droguett 2009), or black-box
approaches, e.g. in (Hoffmann et al. 2004; Silic et al.
2014). Therefore, a possible user of an RAP module
in an OaaS context would require to freely define the
problem class to be solved.
Several meta-heuristic algorithms have been
developed in recent years to solve different RAP.
These include, for instance, genetic algorithms,
simulated annealing, tabu, harmony and cuckoo
search, as well as ant colony, immune-based, swarm,
and bee colony optimization (Soltani 2014).
Although several experiments have been conducted
and presented in the literature, the question which
algorithm is to be preferred under which
circumstances remains unanswered in a general scale
(Kuo and Prasad 2000). Additionally, algorithm
selection and parametrization can depend on the exact
problem formulation.
As an example, consider the boundary for the
number of components
. This boundary has been
intended to limit the problem space in order to
increase efficiency of solution algorithms. However,
it has also an effect to parametrization as illustrated
by the genetic algorithm presented in (Coit and Smith
1996): In this paper, a solution is encoded as an
integer string of length  
, in which every
integer indicating the index of the component used or,
if the integer is the successor of the last index, that no
component is used in this slot. If
is a large
number or is even undefined, this encoding scheme
cannot be applied effectively in a genetic algorithm,
so that other encoding schemes should be utilized.
In order to efficiently offer an OaaS, the provider
would require to run many experiments to serve
requests effectively. In these experiments, different
algorithms and parametrizations are to be applied to a
specific RAP. By relating information about problem
formulation (e.g. number of decision variables, upper
bound, ratio of cost constraint to mean component
cost etc.) and class (e.g. type of objective function) to
quality of solution algorithms (e.g. solution feasible,
(penalized) objective value etc.), the RAP knowledge
base can be filled and analyzed. On this basis, the
provider can select and parametrize solution methods
more efficiently for future requests.
Combining meta-heuristics and cloud computing
would allow a high number of organizations to
leverage the opportunities of prescriptive analytics
without obtaining dedicated resources or expert
knowledge. While some concepts for an
optimization-as-a-service exist, these are not
discussing the workflow challenges of such a self-
service. In order to achieve a high degree of
IoTBDS 2019 - 4th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
automation, especially the smart selection and
parametrization of methods should be the focus of
future research. This would allow a provider to
minimize operational costs and guaranteeing low
services prices even for organizations without
optimization capabilities.
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