Hammock-based Identification of Changes in Advice Applications
between Aspect-oriented Programs
Marija Katic
Independent Researcher, London, U.K
Keywords: Aspect-oriented Programming, Program Differencing, CFG Comparison, Hammock, Hammock Graphs.
Abstract: In an aspect-oriented program, the cross-cutting functionalities are defined in pieces of advice such that they
apply to program-execution points for the core functionalities. Program changes can affect the application of
pieces of advice. To that end, a source-code differencing tool, for two versions of an aspect-oriented
program, needs to support the identification of changes in pieces of advice at locations of their applications.
To alleviate this task, we introduce an extension of the existing differencing technique for object-oriented
programs. We implemented a tool AjDiff and used it to evaluate our technique on the two examples of
aspect-oriented programs: Tracing and Telecom. We manually verified that our tool can successfully
identify changes in pieces of advice at locations of their application.
Aspect-oriented programming (AOP) (Kiczales,
Lamping, et al., 1997) has been introduced as a way
for separating the cross-cutting functionalities from
the core program functionalities. With AOP, the
program code is divided into the two parts: the base
code (BC) for core functionality concerns and the
aspect code (AC) for cross-cutting concerns. The
interactions between the two parts are established
following the concepts of a joinpoint, advice, and a
Join-points are program-execution points where
the cross-cutting code, which is contained in pieces
of advice, is injected (applied) according to the rules
specified in pointcuts. For example, method calls
represent join-points. Advice is contained within the
main unit of the AC, aspect. There can be before,
after, and around advice executed preceding,
succeeding, and surrounding a join-point,
respectively. The final executable aspect-oriented
(AO) program is created by merging the BC and the
AC, which is called weaving. Although the advice
can be woven into the another advice, we only
consider the weaving of pieces of advice into
AOP works such that it extends the features of
another programming paradigm (Kiczales, Lamping,
et al., 1997; Kiczales et al., 2001; Coady et al.,
2001). The well-established AOP language AspectJ
(Kiczales et al., 2001) complements the object-
oriented programming paradigm (OOP). In this
paper, we base our approach on AspectJ.
Like with traditional programs such as object-
oriented (OO) programs, there is a need for
automated techniques that support the maintenance
and evolution of AO programs as well (Mens and
Demeyer, 2008; Przybyłek, 2018). At the heart of
many of such techniques, there is the identification
of changes between two versions of a program: an
original version and a modified version, which
means the identification of differences and
correspondences between the two versions
(Apiwattanapong et al., 2007). Following the
identification of changes, program entities are
classified as deleted, added, and matched (modified
or unchanged). When discussing the identification of
changes, we assume such a classification of program
entities. The examples of the techniques that use the
result of the identification of changes between two
versions of a program include change impact
analysis (Arnold, 1996; S. Zhang et al., 2008), code
review (Barnett et al., 2015), finding patterns of
changes (Qian et al., 2008), and dynamic update
generation (Katić, 2013).
The identification of changes between two
versions of a program can be done with differencing
algorithms (Apiwattanapong et al., 2007) such as
algorithms proposed by (Fluri et al., 2007; Falleri et
al., 2014; Apiwattanapong et al., 2007). For two AO
Katic, M.
Hammock-based Identification of Changes in Advice Applications between Aspect-oriented Programs.
DOI: 10.5220/0007747504420451
In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering (ENASE 2019), pages 442-451
ISBN: 978-989-758-375-9
2019 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
programs, in addition to identification of changes
between program entities, a differencing algorithm
also needs to identify changes in applications of
pieces of advice at join-points. This is needed
because a change introduced in AO program can be
manifested in the advice applications at join-point
locations. Consider an example of moving advice
from one aspect to another; this can introduce an
unwanted change in the order of advice applications
at places where multiple pieces of advice apply to
the same join-point. Or, consider the example when
renamed method changes the semantics of pointcuts
thus causing them to incorrectly capture or miss
capturing join-points that are related to the renamed
method (Koppen and Störzer, 2004). This issue is
known as the fragile pointcut problem.
The manual identification of changes in advice
applications might be tedious and time-consuming
even if the total number of pieces of advice per join-
point is small. This is because software systems
often contain millions of source code lines and
applying advice can be found at many of them. For
example, advice such as logging can be applicable to
many, if not all the method calls in a program.
Changing such a program can affect the application
of logging advice at many join-point locations. To
this end, the automated support is needed for the
identification of changes in pieces of advice per
The application of the existing differencing
approaches for OO programs such as
(Apiwattanapong et al., 2007; Fluri et al., 2007;
Falleri et al., 2014) to AO programs does not yield
the expected results because such proposals do not
account for interactions between the BC and the AC.
For that reason, researchers extend or complement
the existing proposals by focusing on these
interactions. Thus, (Koppen and Störzer, 2004;
Stoerzer and Graf, 2005), in their approach, which
tackles the fragile pointcut problem, focus on the
identification of changes in advice applications at
join-points. However, they do not deal with
matching of program statements, and only match
join-points based on the program elements (e.g.
methods) that contain or reference join-points. The
approach for differentiating AO programs at the
statement level, proposed by (Görg and Zhao, 2009),
misses to relate changes in advice applications to
their corresponding join-points. Furthermore, the
work proposed by (Khatchadourian et al., 2017),
which deals with the fragile pointcut problem, does
not provide a differencing result as it is, but suggests
pointcuts that possibly become incorrect after the
change of the BC. It works in real-time, thus
notifying a developer about possibly incorrect
pointcuts (causing incorrect advice applications) as
soon as the change has been introduced. Approaches
that work in the context of another task such as
change impact analysis (S. Zhang et al., 2008) and
regression testing (Xu and Rountev, 2007) do not
focus on the classification of changes in advice
In summary, existing pure differencing
approaches provide separate approaches to the ideas
of the identification of changes between program
statements and the identification of changes between
advice applications at join-points. In this paper, we
unify these two existing ideas and propose a novel
technique that deals with both of them at the same
time, thus providing a single differencing approach
for AO programs.
We propose the technique as an extension of the
technique from (Apiwattanapong et al., 2007)
because their algorithm CalcDiff works on
control-flow graphs
(CFGs) and because CFGs have
already proved convenient, as noted by (Xu and
Rountev, 2007), for modelling of the complicated
semantics of AO programs. In addition, compared to
other proposals such as (Fluri et al., 2007; Falleri et
al., 2014), CalcDiff improves the detection of
changes that are specific to OOP. Some of these
changes can even be responsible for the changed
pointcut semantics. For instance, changing the
position of a class in the inheritance tree can cause
that pointcuts unexpectedly capture or miss
capturing join-points within that class.
It is worth mentioning that (Görg and Zhao,
2009) applied CalcDiff to their CFG
representation of AO programs. Although the details
of the representation are not available in the English
language, we concluded that it accounts for the
interactions between the BC and the AC.
The focus of our technique is on the
identification of changes between advice
applications at those join-points that are matched
between the two versions. Our work includes the
clarification and the alterations of existing
extensions of the CFG that account for the
interactions between the AC and the BC, and it
includes the extending of CalcDiff algorithm.
The contributions of this paper are as follows:
The CFG of a method m CFG
=(N, E, n
, n
) is a directed graph
that represents all possible paths traversed through the method
(Aho et al., 2006). Nodes (set N) represent statements, and edges
(set E) represent flow of control between statements. There are a
single entry node n
and a single exit node n
Hammock-based Identification of Changes in Advice Applications between Aspect-oriented Programs
The definition of the alterations of the CFG
representation for the interactions between the
BC and the AC, which is inspired by the work
provided by (Görg and Zhao, 2009).
The novel definitions of single-entry-single-
exit CFG sub-graphs, referred to as artificial
hammocks, that are used to relate pieces of
advice to join-points.
The extension of CalcDiff algorithm to AO
programs, called CalcDiffAO, which uses
the artificial hammocks to identify changes in
advice applications for matched join-points.
The evaluation of the usefulness of our
approach for two simple examples of AO
programs, which is based on our tool that
implements the proposed representation and
CalcDiffAO for AspectJ programs.
The rest of the paper is structured as follows. The
motivating example is given in Section 2. Section 3
brings out the CFG representation, definitions of
artificial hammocks and the differencing algorithm.
Section 4 presents the AjDiff tool and the evaluation
studies. Section 5 gives conclusions and outlines the
directions for future work.
In this section, we present an example demonstrating
how a program change can affect the application of
pieces of advice in an undesirable way.
In AspectJ, the order of execution of multiple
pieces of advice that apply to the same join-point is
inferred not only from the type of the advice
(before, after, around) as mentioned in the
introduction, but also from the precedence rules
(Laddad, 2009). Around advice that has precedence
over another advice, surrounds that advice and
determines (via the call to proceed) whether that
advice will be executed or not (Laddad, 2009). It
also controls the execution of a join-point that it
surrounds via the call to proceed.
We extended Telecom example from the AspectJ
example suite. For the original version we modified
and extended the example. The modified version is
created from the original version by changing only
the corresponding AC. In Listings 1 and 2, we
present only an excerpt of the code that is sufficient
for the illustrative purposes.
The BC, which is the same in both versions, is
not listed. It includes the code that enables the
communication via the telephone call between a
caller and a receiver. For such a call to be
established, there must be established a connection
between the caller and the receiver (method
complete does this). The connection is modelled
with a class Connection. We extended Telecom
such that the caller can request that the connection is
established only if the receiver accepts to pay for the
call. If the caller makes such a request, then the call
and the connection are considered to be conditional.
Listing 1: The AC in the original version.
1: aspect Aspect {/*...*/
2: pointcut pcConn (Connection c):
target(c) && call(void
3: after (Connection c): pcConn(c){
/*...timing advice...*/}
4: void around (Connection c):pcConn(c)
{/*...check conn...*/ proceed(c);}
5: }
Listing 2: The AC in the modified version.
1: aspect Aspect {/*...*/
2: pointcut pcConn (Connection c):
target(c) && call(void
3: void around (Connection c):pcConn(c)
{/*... check conn...*/ proceed(c);}
4: after (Connection c): pcConn(c){
/*...timing advice*/ }
5: after (Connection c): pcConn(c)
{/*...recording advice...*/ }
6: }
We investigate the application of pieces of
advice to join-points that refer to invocations of the
method complete. Listing 1 shows after and
around pieces of advice that apply to such join-
points in the original version of Telecom. Listing 2
shows around and two after pieces of advice that
apply to such join-points in the modified version of
The around advice from Listing 1 wraps all
join-points with calls of the method complete in
order to prevent the execution of that method for
conditional connection that must not be established
as a consequence of the (reject) response provided
by the receiver. The after advice starts a timer for
measuring the duration of the call once the
connection is established. It is placed before the
around advice within the aspect Aspect so that its
execution can be controlled by the around advice.
In the modified version of Telecom (Listing 2),
we added new after advice that supports the
recording of calls and that applies according to the
same pointcut as the timing after advice. To
ENASE 2019 - 14th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
illustrate the failure, we placed that advice below the
around advice and we moved the timing after
advice also below the around advice. In this way,
the execution of two after pieces of advice is not
controlled by the around advice. This is not correct
because after pieces of advice must not execute
unless the connection is established, which is
controlled by the around advice. This mistake
might appear small but it can have adverse and
potentially widespread consequences on program
behaviour because it affects all the statements with
invocations of the method complete. The same
error might happen if a programmer, during the
refactoring process, creates a separate aspect for
each advice and forgets to define the precedence
order among the aspects.
Our approach can be used to detect changes in
the application of timing and recording pieces of
CalcDiffAO is the differencing algorithm that
extends CalcDiff such that it works for AO
programs (Katić, 2013; Katic and Fertalj, 2013). It
accepts two versions of an AO program, the original
version P and the modified version P', and compares
them at the three levels in the following order: the
class and interface levels (level 1), the method level
(level 2), and the node level (level 3). The three-
level comparison originates from CalcDiff.
CalcDiffAO introduces the comparison of aspects
at the level 1 and the comparison of pieces of advice
at the level 2. The classification of compared
program entities is done such that equal entities are
classified as matched. Otherwise, they are classified
as deleted if they are from P or as added if they are
from P'.
At the Level 1, CalcDiff compares classes
and interfaces based on their fully-qualified names
(package name joined with class or interface name).
This also works for the comparison of aspects, in
which case the fully-qualified name of an aspect
consists of the package name joined with the aspect
At the Level 2, for matched classes, interfaces
and aspects, CalcDiffAO compares fully-qualified
names of methods (fully-qualified class / interface /
aspect name joined with method signature) in a
similar way as CalcDiff. In particular, while
CalcDiffAO matches only methods where their
signature is equal, CalcDiff also matches
methods with same names if it previously misses to
match them based on their signatures. In order for
this comparison to hold for pieces of advice from
matched aspects, we define the advice identifier as a
combination of the aspect name, the advice
declaration and the pointcut specification.
At the Level 3, CalcDiff needs to be changed
significantly so that changes in the application of
pieces of advice can be identified. This is where is
the main contribution of our proposal.
The output of CalcDiff consists of sets of
matched classes, interfaces, and methods, and of the
set N of matched pairs of CFG nodes along with the
status of their comparison (modified or unchanged).
CalcDiffAO extends this output with sets of
matched aspects and pieces of advice, and extends
the set N such that for each matched node pair, there
are relevant advice-nodes classified in sets as added,
deleted, modified or unchanged.
3.1 Comparison at the Level 3
For matched pairs of methods, CalcDiff
compares their statements. In addition to that,
CalcDiffAO compares pieces of advice per
matched method statements. Statements of matched
pieces of advice are also compared, but not pieces of
advice applied to them. Further, we only refer to
method statements.
To compare pieces of advice per matched
statements, CalcDiff is changed as follows: (1)
Methods are represented with aspect-oriented
control-flow graphs (AO-CFGs) - CFGs that
account for the interactions between the BC and the
AC (Katić, 2013); (2) The notion of a single-entry-
single-exit CFG sub-graph, which is called
hammock, is extended so that aspect-related parts of
AO-CFG can be recognized. Such a hammock that
marks an aspect part of the AO-CFG is referred to as
the artificial hammock; and (3) To support the
comparison of artificial (aspect) hammocks, new
steps of the algorithm are introduced.
AO-CFG: CFGs for AO program proposed by
(Zhao, 2006; Bernardi and Lucca, 2007; Xu and
Rountev, 2007) are not suitable to be used in
CalcDiffAO without their alterations because
they provide the inter-procedural representation,
while we need the intra-procedural representation
(as it has been used in CalcDiff). The authors in
(Görg and Zhao, 2009) used the intra-procedural
representation, but they did not provide enough
details about the creation of graph nodes. To
overcome this issue, we have defined the extended
CFG of a method, which is called AO-CFG, that is
Hammock-based Identification of Changes in Advice Applications between Aspect-oriented Programs
suitable for our idea of extending CalcDiff. After
defining the AO-CFG, we will clarify the
differences between the AO-CFG and the
representation used by (Görg and Zhao, 2009).
CalcDiff is based on a traditional CFG
representation of a method called ECFG
(Apiwattanapong et al., 2007). The ECFG is
enhanced CFG that models OO features such as
dynamic binding and exception handling. For
method call statements, in AO-CFG, we apply the
modelling of dynamic binding from the ECFG,
which facilitates the detection of method-invocation
changes emerged because of changes in class
In the process of building AO-CFG, the
extensions are done at the CFG nodes that represent
join-points. Which nodes represent join-points
depends on the type of a join-point. We consider
only the method execution and the method call join-
point types. Other types such as field get and set
join-points can be considered in an analogous way.
Since the method execution join-point
encompasses the body of a method, all the CFG
nodes for the method represent this join-point. For a
statement corresponding to the call of a method,
there are at least three nodes in the CFG as defined
by ECFG. They all represent the method call join-
point. Hereafter, we refer to all CFG nodes for a
join-point as a join-point-node.
How the CFG is extended is described with the
aspect graph (AG) and the around graph (ARNG).
The AG for a join-point p and pieces of advice that
apply to p is a CFG AG
= (N
, E
, aentry
, aexit
that represents the paths of execution for p and the
corresponding pieces of advice. There are the
aspect-entry-node aentry
and the aspect-exit-node
that represent the entry and the exit node of
the AG
respectively. N
contains the join-point-
node, and, for each advice that applies to p, the
advice-node. The advice-node is labelled with the
corresponding advice identifier. Edges in E
represent flow of control between the join-point and
the corresponding pieces of advice.
For around advice, apart from the corresponding
advice-node, which is also called around-entry-
node, in AG, there is the around-exit-node that
denotes the end of the execution of the around
advice. This helps to recognize pieces of advice that
are surrounded with the around advice. The ARNG
is a sub-graph of AG such that it is also AG in which
the aspect-entry-node is equal to the around-entry-
node and the aspect-exit-node is equal to the around-
The AG represents pieces of advice that can be
applied according to static pointcuts (evaluated
during compile-time) and dynamic pointcuts
(evaluate during run-time). Similarly to (Stoerzer
and Graf, 2005), for the dynamic pointcuts, we
conservatively assume compile-time evaluation.
The AO-CFG for a method m is the CFG in
which each join-point-node p with applying advice
is replaced with a corresponding AG. If p is the
execution join-point, then, after the replacement of p
with AG
, new entry and exit nodes for the AO-CFG
are created. An edge is created from a newly created
entry node to aentry
, and an edge is created from
to a newly created exit node of the AO-CFG.
This is to facilitate the comparison between two
execution join-points where applying advice exists
for only one of them. The definition of AO-CFG
conforms to the formal definition of CFG.
The similarities and differences between the AO-
CFG and the CFG used by (Görg and Zhao, 2009)
are as follows. The main similarity between the two
representations is that in both of them there is a
single node that corresponds to each advice.
Furthermore, in the representation used by Görg and
Zhao, it is not clear if they create weave and return
nodes (this is how they specify them) for each
advice node that is created at a join-point location or
if these nodes are created only once per join-point.
Another difference is the modelling of the around
advice. In particular, they do not create a node that
could be considered as an equivalent to the around-
exit-node of the AO-CFG. For that reason, in their
representation, it is not clear how to recognize pieces
of advice that are surrounded with the around
Hammocks: For a CFG G, a hammock H = (N', E',
n', e') is its sub-graph with the start node n' in H and
the exit node e' not in H, such that all the edges from
(G\H) to H go to n' and all the edges from H to
(G\H) go to e' (Ferrante et al., 1987). A hammock is
minimal if there is no another hammock with the
same start node and with a fewer number of nodes
(Apiwattanapong et al., 2007). We assume minimal
hammock, unless it is specified differently.
Differencing based on hammocks was adapted in
CalcDiff because the hammock structure
appeared to be useful for the identification of
changes between two CFGs (Apiwattanapong et al.,
The structure of the AO-CFG with hammocks is
built in a way proposed by Apiwattanapong et al.
First, we identify hammocks in AO-CFG, then, for
each hammock H we replace all its nodes with a
newly created node called a hammock node. The
ENASE 2019 - 14th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
replacement is done in such a way that all
predecessors of the start node of H are appropriately
connected with the hammock node and the
hammock node is appropriately connected with the
exit node of H. This procedure is repeated on an
obtained graph, called a hammock graph, until a
single hammock node is left. Similarly to
CalcDiff, CalcDiffAO also uses algorithms for
the identification of hammocks that are defined by
(Laski and Szermer, 1992) and (Ferrante et al.,
1987). Further, we focus on special hammocks,
called artificial hammocks, because they are our
main novelty with respect to hammocks.
Artificial Hammocks: By its definition, a hammock
is "unaware" of whether a node that it contains
belongs to the BC or to the AC. Therefore, in an
environment where we rely on hammocks to
facilitate the differencing of two AO-CFGs, the
association of advice-nodes to the corresponding
join-point-nodes is hampered. Having a graph
structure that supports such an association would
enable us to extend CalcDiff so that it preserves
the matching of two versions of the BC while
identifying changes in pieces of advice at the
corresponding BC statements. To this end, we define
the aspect hammock, the join-point hammock, and
the around hammock. They are called artificial
hammocks because they are defined to conform to
the formal hammock definition, but they would not
necessarily be identified as hammocks when
applying the formal hammock definition. They are
not necessarily minimal, and, for a join-point p,
they are defined as follows:
The Aspect Hammock (AH) corresponds to the
= (N
, E
, aentry
, aexit
). Its start and exit
nodes correspond to aentry
and to a successor of
respectively. If p is the execution join-point,
then AH is called the execution AH (EAH). If AG is
ARNG, then the AH is referred to as the Around
Hammock (ARNH).
The Join-Point Hammock (JPH) corresponds to
the join-point-node for p and it is a sub-hammock of
the AH for p. Its start node is the node from the join-
point-node that dominates any node from the join-
point-node. Its exit node is the node (not from the
join-point-node) that post-dominates any node from
the join-point-node. This means that for a call join-
point that is modelled with more than three nodes,
the corresponding JPH is not minimal. This
facilitates the matching of join-point-nodes,
independently of the aspect-related nodes.
We adapted the algorithms from (Laski and
Szermer, 1992) and (Ferrante et al., 1987) such that,
in the AO-CFG, the artificial hammocks are
identified in addition to minimal hammocks. An
artificial hammock is collapsed into a single node in
the same way as a minimal hammock.
3.1.1 Comparison of Aspect Hammocks
In order to match hammocks from P and P',
CalcDiff uses the algorithm HmMatch which is
based on the algorithm for finding an isomorphism
between two graphs (Laski and Szermer, 1992). For
a pair of hammock nodes (n, n'), HmMatch
recursively expands them and, while traversing
through the resulting graphs in a depth-first search
manner, it compares and matches their nodes via the
comp procedure. HmMatch uses the values of the
two input parameters LH and S. LH is used to
determine the depth of the graph until which the
comparison is done. S is used as a similarity
threshold when HmMatch determines the similarity
between two hammocks. HmMatch returns a set of
matched node pairs from the pair (n, n').
Figure 1: Call graph for the differencing algorithm.
We changed HmMatch so that it can identify
changes in aspect-related nodes for matched join-
point-nodes. We call the changed algorithm
ExtendedHmMatch. Figure 1 presents our
interventions of CalDiff and HmMatch in form of
the call graph.
Our changes of HmMatch include: (1) The input
of ExtendedHmMatch also includes the set NA
with the information about changes in bodies
between pieces of advice matched at the level 2.
This is used in the classification of advice-nodes; (2)
Before a pair of nodes is compared with comp
procedure, an additional check for AHs is
incorporated so that, if at least one of the two nodes
is AH node, they are compared with the algorithm
HmMatchAO instead; (3) For each matched pair of
BC nodes (n P, n' P'), the algorithm returns the
status of their comparison (modified or unchanged)
and the four sets of related advice-nodes. Let a and
a' denote advice-nodes. These sets are:
D ={a P | a applies to n; ( a' P' such that a'
is a counterpart advice-node for a)}
A ={a' P' | a' applies to n'; ( a P such that a
is a counterpart advice-node for a') }
Hammock-based Identification of Changes in Advice Applications between Aspect-oriented Programs
M ={(a, a') | a applies to n ˄ a' applies to n' ˄
a and a’ are classified as modified because of
the change in the body or in the execution
order for the corresponding pieces of advice}
U ={(a, a') | a applies to n ˄ a' applies to n' ˄ a
and a’ are classified as unchanged for the
corresponding pieces of advice }
Algorithm 1 illustrates the steps of HmMatchAO
that, for a pair of nodes (n, n') returns the pair of
join-point nodes (jp, jp') and, in sets A, D, M, and U,
related advice-nodes. It also returns the comparison
result for jp and jp' after comparing them by calling
ExtendedHmMatch. This result is returned via the
variable status ("modified" if at least one pair in N is
modified, otherwise "unchanged").
Algorithm 1: HmMatchAO.
Algorithm HmMatchAO
1: if n is not AH and n’ is AH then
2: if n’ is EAH then jp←super-hammock of n
3: else jp ← n end if
4: A, jp’ expandHammocks(n’)
5: else if n is AH and n' is not AH then
6: if n is EAH then jp’←super-hammock of n’
7: else jp’ n’ end if
8: D, jp expandHammocks(n)
9: else if n is not EAH and n’ is EAH then
10: jp super-hammock of n
11: A, jp’ expandHammocks(n’)
12: else if n is EAH and n’is not EAH then
13: jp super-hammock of n’
14: D, jp expandHammocks(n)
15: else
16: A, D, M, U, (jp, jp’)
compareAspectHammocks(n, n’, NA,
17: A, D, M'
adviceNodeClassification(A, D)
18: M M M'
19: end if
20: N←ExtendedHmMatch(jp, jp’, LH,S, NA)
21: return {(jp, jp’), {A, D, M, U}, status}
HmMatchAO uses the following procedures. For
a hammock node n, expandHammocks expands n
and returns a join-point-node and a set of
corresponding advice-nodes. The procedure
adviceNodeClassification matches advice-
nodes from sets A and D and returns a set of nodes
that are matched (M'), while removing
corresponding matched nodes from A and D (sets are
also returned). For a pair of AH, EAH or ARNH
nodes, compareAspectHammocks returns a pair
(jp, jp') and, in sets A, D, M, and U, related advice-
nodes. It does that following these steps:
(1) Hammock nodes n and n' are expanded and
prepared such that the aspect-entry-node, the aspect-
exit-node and the around-exit-node, which are not
relevant for the comparison, are removed from them.
In the process of removing a node, predecessors and
successors of the node are connected with the rest of
the graph so that the control-flow remains preserved.
(2) A pairwise comparison of nodes from the two
hammocks is done starting from their start nodes.
Thus, advice-nodes with the same order of
application with respect to the matching join-point-
nodes can be matched.
(3) Nodes are compared based on their types. For a
pair of advice-nodes, their advice identifiers are
compared. Also, the result of the comparison of their
bodies (available from NA) is used to conclude if the
pair if equal or not. For the same identifiers and
bodies, the pair is added to U. Otherwise, only if
identifiers are the same, the pair is added to M. For
two ARNH nodes, compareAspectHammocks is
called recursively if the identifiers of their around-
entry-nodes are the same. Two nodes with different
identifiers or two nodes that are not of the same type
are classified into A or D, depending on their origin.
(4) To increase the number of matched advice-
nodes, added and deleted ARNHs are compared.
Two ARNHs with the same identifiers are compared
with compareAspectHammocks, and they are
removed from A and D. This accounts for matching
of ARNHs at different positions with respect to
matched join-point-nodes. Matched advice-nodes
from such ARNHs are all classified as modified
because of the change in the order of execution. To
detect this particular origin for advice-nodes,
compareAspectHammocks uses a Boolean
variable that it receives via the input parameters. Its
value is set to true for advice-node from ARNHs at
different positions regarding join-points.
(5) For the ARNH classified as deleted (added), all
nested advice-nodes are classified as deleted
(added). Advice-nodes and join-point-nodes within
the ARNH are detected with expandHammocks.
For a pair of call join-points from Section2,
Figure 2 partly illustrates the steps of the
comparison in advice applications from the point
when HmMatchAO receives a pair of AHs and
continues the comparison at lines 16 and 17. We can
see that a pair of AH nodes is expanded, and then a
pair of ARNHs is expanded. Finally, into
HmMatchAO, there are returned a pair of call join-
points, a set A with two after pieces of advice, a
set D with after advice, and a set U with a pair of
around pieces of advice. This classification is
ENASE 2019 - 14th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
improved by adviceNodeClassification,
which takes two matching after pieces of advice
from A and D and returns them to HmMatchAO.
This pair of after pieces of advice has been
classified as modified because of the modification in
their application order (unlike in P', in P the advice
execution is controlled by the around advice).
Figure 2: Comparison of advice applications.
Worst-Case Time Complexity: We only
analyse the cost for the comparison of advice-nodes
introduced by CalcDiffAO. Let m and n be the
maximum number of advice-nodes per join-point-
node in P and P' respectively. In the worst case, we
compare advice-nodes of two AHs, and all of them
are different. The two main steps are: graph traversal
for a comparison and classification of advice-nodes;
comparison of the sets A and D. If we assume a bit
vector representation of a set, then the running time
of the first step is O(max(m,n)) and the running time
of the second step is O(min(m,n)). This means that
the additional comparison of the advice-nodes costs
us O(m+n).
In order to evaluate our approach, we developed a
tool called AjDiff whose main components are:
compilation, graph construction, graph storage and
data access layer (DAL), and change identification.
For the compilation, we used abc compiler which
uses Soot (Vallée-Rai et al., 1999) to generate
Jimple intermediate code representation (Vallee-Rai
and Hendren, 1998). Jimple is suitable for building
AO-CFGs which are built as a part of the graph
construction component. The implementation of the
advice nesting tree (Xu and Rountev, 2007) from
AJANA framework (Xu and Rountev, 2008) is used
for the calculation of the advice order of execution
in AO-CFGs. AO-CFGs are stored in the graph
database created with Neo4J
. The Change
Identification component provides the
implementation of CalcDiffAO. It is dependent on
graph storage via DAL for providing the access to
AO-CFGs in the database. Although AjDiff does not
support the exception-handling, it works for
programs that apply exception-handling principles.
Table 1: Tracing and Telecom - main characteristics.
We run AjDiff on pairs of versions of two
programs from the AspectJ (version 1.8.6) example
suite: Tracing and Telecom. We used three versions
of Tracing, and build configurations basic, billing
and timing for the versions v1, v2 and v3 of
Telecom respectively. Table 1 presents the main
characteristics for versions of Tracing in the first
three rows and, in the other rows, it presents the
main characteristics for versions of Telecom. There
are only execution join-points in Tracing. In
Telecom, there are only call join-points.
We run AjDiff on pairs of Tracing (v1, v2), (v1,
v3), and (v2, v3) as well as on the same pairs of
Telecom. The parameters LH and S were both set to
zero. We manually verified the correctness of
identified changes. To get an indication of the
amount of matched join-points with changes in
pieces of advice, we looked for the number of join-
points pairs in the four categories: (1) pairs with
added pieces of advice only, (2) pairs with deleted
pieces of advice only, (3) pairs of the same type (call
or execution) with at least one of: deleted advice,
added advice, or a pair of matched-modified pieces
of advice, and (4) pairs of the same type with
matched-unchanged pieces of advice only. We also
looked for changes in classes, aspects, pieces of
advice and methods. The results are presented in
Table 2 where in each of the four categories (Added,
Deleted, Modified, Unchanged), the first, the second
and the third column refer to the results of AjDiff for
the pairs (v1, v2), (v1, v3), and (v2, v3) respectively.
The results show that with our approach it is
possible to identify numerous join-point locations
with changes in advice applications, while the
number of pieces of advice in compared programs is
small. There are 19 such join-point locations found
for (v1,v2) of Tracing while there are only 4 pieces
of advice in both compared programs.
Hammock-based Identification of Changes in Advice Applications between Aspect-oriented Programs
Table 2: Tracing and Telecom - comparison results.
It is worth mentioning several interesting
observations: (1) A pair of matched classes or
aspects is considered modified if there is at least one
change between them, which can be a change in
advice applications. (2) Even though the numbers
reported might be the same among versions,
identified changes might be different. For example,
for pairs (v1, v2) and (v1, v3) of Telecom, AjDiff
identified two call join-points with only added
pieces of advice. In (v1, v2), there are two added
after pieces of advice, and in (v1, v3), there is
only one added after advice. (3) For (v1, v3) of
Telecom, for the aspect Timing, we found the
example of AjDiff not supporting the identification
of pieces of advice, which was expected. (4) The
example of the change in the advice order of
execution is found in (v2, v3) of Telecom, for a
matched pair of call join-points drop.
The current approaches to identifying changes
between two versions of an AO program do not
work at the statement level, they are not designed for
pure program differencing, or they do not provide
enough precision with respect to the classification of
changes in advice applications at matched join-
points. In this paper, we present a differencing
algorithm for AO programs that, for two versions of
the AO program, gives us matched code parts and
for each matched pair of join-points it reports the
corresponding added, deleted, modified and
unchanged pieces of advice. Although our approach
cannot identify changes where advice does not apply
but should apply, which is possible with the work in
(Khatchadourian et al., 2017), it is the first approach
that gives the most precise information about
changes in advice applications at matched join-point
statements that are matched using one of the state-
of-the-art techniques for OO programs. To evaluate
our approach, we developed the AjDiff tool and
executed two small studies. The results show that the
approach could help developers and researchers who
need to identify changes in advice applications.
In future, we plan to improve our tool and to
fully evaluate our approach on real-world AO
programs to confirm our current findings. We are
interested in evaluating the usefulness and efficiency
of our approach with and without the use of the
database for storage of program versions. We also
plan to investigate the impact of the value of LH and
S on the precision and correctness of our technique.
I am grateful to Professor Kresimir Fertalj who
provided me with the environment to work on this
research under the project grant 036-0361983-2022
funded by the Ministry of Science, Education and
Sport, Republic of Croatia, as well as for his
valuable pieces of advice. For useful discussions, I
am grateful to Dr Boris Milasinovic, and PhD
students Dubravka Pukljak-Zokovic and Mario
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Hammock-based Identification of Changes in Advice Applications between Aspect-oriented Programs