plied to a fully automated container terminal for vali-
dation. For this reason the current operating sequence
was presented and extended to include the planned se-
Further steps within this study is a gap analy-
sis. The project investigates the extent to which it is
possible to use autonomously driving trucks on pub-
lic roads and simultaneously on closed terminal ar-
eas. Therefore the technical, operational and legal
requirements are examined. In addition to the pre-
sented demands for the vehicle, the requirements to
be met by the transport service providers and the ter-
minals are considered. In the further steps of the study
a detailed road map including requirements for au-
tonomous driving in terminals, the feasibility of the
concept and the saving potentials will be investigated.
This work has been funded by German Federal
Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure
(BMVI) in the study INTERACt (funding number:
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Autonomous Driving of Commercial Vehicles within Cordoned Off Terminals