The main characteristics of the proposed 2.5D shadow
implementation can be described as follows,
• Defining, optimizing, and efficiently calculat-
ing mathematical expressions involving multi-
dimensional arrays (tensors).
• Transparent use of GPU computing. One can
write the same code and run it either on CPUs or
• Implicit parallelism and distributed execution.
• High scalability of computation across machines
with huge data sets.
The building heights are valid for flat roofs (L0D1
model). This flatness of the terrain affects the accu-
racy of the cast shadows. In our future work, we are
considering digital elevation model to get the actual
hight of the object, towards a more accurate and ro-
bust shadow map.
This work has been funded and supported by the EN-
OVOS Foundation Luxembourg and the Luxembourg
Institute of Science and Technology (LIST) through
the SECURE project.
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A Novel 2.5D Shadow Calculation Algorithm for Urban Environment