An Analysis of Three Legal Citation Networks Derived from Austrian
Supreme Court Decisions
Markus Moser
and Mark Strembeck
Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU Vienna), Austria
Secure Business Austria Research Center (SBA), Austria
Complexity Science Hub Vienna (CSH), Austria
Austrian Supreme Court, Case Study, Court Decisions, Network Analysis.
In this paper, we present a case study on the structural properties of three citations networks derived from
Austrian Supreme Court decisions. In particular, we analyzed 250,984 Supreme Court decisions ranging from
1922 to 2017. As part of our case study, we analyzed the degree distributions, the structural properties of
prominent court decisions, as well as changes in the frequency of legal citations over time.
Different studies analyze the structure of citation net-
works derived from court decisions. Most of those ex-
isting studies focused on common law court decisions
(esp. in the US) from legal systems where ”case law”
is significantly more important than in the legal tradi-
tion of continental Europe
. In this study, we investi-
gate the citation network formed by the Austrian civil
law Supreme Court (i.e. from a legal system without
a case law tradition).
What sets this study apart from similar investiga-
tions is the large number of decisions available for
analysis (250,984) as well as the extensive time range
(from 1922 to 2017) that was considered for our anal-
ysis. Due to the vast number of court decisions, the
network generation procedure is fully automated and
does not rely on a few handpicked samples.
In Austria, Supreme Court decisions can either
reference/cite another court decision or a so called
legal proposition. Legal propositions are documents
which aggregate the major points of court decisions
that are similar in content. This leads to the ques-
In a legal system based on ”case law”, the law is ac-
tively developed through court decisions and courts base
their decisions on previous judicial verdicts. In this con-
text, the principle of ”stare decisis” demands that judges
must consider previous cases for their own decision. This is
fundamentally different from civil law jurisdiction as found
throughout continental Europe where case law and case ci-
tation are of lesser importance, and legislation remains the
ultimate source of the law.
tion of potential differences that arise between the ci-
tation networks that can be derived from these two
types of citations. Moreover, since legal propositions
must also refer to the court decisions they aggregate,
a third citation network can be constructed from the
outgoing links of legal propositions.
For this study, we investigated the following ques-
tions for the three citation networks mentioned above:
Does the degree distribution of a network follow
a power-law distribution that often emerges in ci-
tation networks?
Do the most prominent nodes of the network,
as established by in-degree centrality and Klein-
berg’s hub and authority score (Kleinberg, 1999),
also hold legal significance?
How do the citation networks evolve over time?
Which nodes receive the highest number of cita-
tions? How does the number of citations vary be-
tween time periods? How do structural properties
of the networks develop over time?
The structural properties of citation networks derived
from court decisions have been studied in several le-
gal domains, most prominently in the US legal sys-
tem. For example, (Chandler, 2005) studied the ci-
tation network of the United States Supreme Court.
Moreover, (Fowler and Jeon, 2008) and (Fowler et al.,
Moser, M. and Strembeck, M.
An Analysis of Three Legal Citation Networks Derived from Austrian Supreme Court Decisions.
DOI: 10.5220/0007749900850092
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Complexity, Future Information Systems and Risk (COMPLEXIS 2019), pages 85-92
ISBN: 978-989-758-366-7
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
2007) identified the most central decisions of the
United States Supreme Court. They point out the
value of Kleinberg’s hub and authority score for de-
termining the most relevant cases in the citation net-
work. It allows to identify key cases that are influ-
encial (authority score) and well founded in law (hub
score). Therefore, Kleinberg’s score is assumed to be
superior for analyzing networks of court decisions in
comparison to other traditional measures of network
centrality. In another study (Smith, 2007), the citation
network resulting from US Supreme Court decisions
was found to follow a power-law degree distribution.
(Agnoloni and Pagallo, 2015) studied the citation
network of the Italian Constitutional Court where they
also found a power-law degree distribution and con-
firm the finding that high hub and authority scores
are often correlated to the most debated cases in Ital-
ian legal journals. Similar studies exist for other le-
gal systems. For example, (Winkels et al., 2011)
studied the citation network of the Dutch Supreme
Court, (Mazzega et al., 2009) investigate citations in
the French legal system, (Tarissan et al., 2016) and
(Lettieri et al., 2016) decisions of the European Union
Court of Justice. In addition, (Gelter and Siems,
2012) investigated cross-citations between ten of Eu-
rope’s highest courts.
(Koniaris et al., 2017) analyze EU legislation and
create a multi-relational network encompassing the
hierarchy between different sources of primary and
secondary EU law and different types of relationships
between legal documents. They also perform a re-
silience test in order to predict the behavior of the
network under malfunctions when legal documents
or connections between them are severed, simulating
that existing law can be amended or removed.
Figure 1: Data extraction and analysis.
Figure 1 shows an overview of the data extraction and
analysis procedure that we applied for our case study.
In particular, Austrian Supreme Court decisions are
accessible via a publicly available database called ”le-
gal information system” (German: RechtsInforma-
tionsSystem, abbreviated RIS)
. For automated data
retrieval, the court decisions are part of the ”Open
Government Data” initiative and accessible via a va-
riety of interfaces, supporting formats such as JSON,
For our case study, we used the JSON-based in-
terface which returns a list of all available decisions
for a given time range. For each result, this data also
contains links to the full text of the decisions in XML
format. This way, we retrieved all Supreme Court de-
cisions from 1922 to the end of 2017, resulting in a
total of 250,984 files. Each file represents a distinct
decision from the field of civil law or criminal law or
a legal proposition which aggregates and summarizes
a major point of two or more decisions.
The XML files retrieved in the previous step were
used for building and analyzing directed graphs of ci-
tations using the R language and the igraph package
For each XML file with at least one citation, a node is
added to the citation graph. For every outgoing cita-
tion an edge is created to the node that is being cited.
In addition, the respective decision dates are stored as
node attributes. The data retrieved from the RIS al-
low to distinguish between decisions and legal propo-
sitions, but do not allow to infer precisely to which
legal matter the file belongs. However, not all deci-
sions are available as full text. This especially applies
to court decisions which were published before the
RIS became available. Thus, if no XML file for a
court decision exists, the decision can only be cited,
but cannot have outgoing links and attributes in our
network. In particular, we derived the following net-
works from the data:
Network A: court decisions citing other court de-
cisions by their unique reference number;
Network B: decisions citing legal propositions by
their unique identifier;
Network C: legal propositions citing decisions by
their reference number.
Network A (Reference Number Citing Refer-
ence Number): every Supreme Court decision has
at least one unique reference number (German:
aftszahl, abbreviated GZ). A reference num-
ber encodes basic information about the decision in
a systematic manner. For example, the reference
number 3 Ob 646/79 informs us about the decid-
ing senate (e.g. 3), about the deciding court (e.g. O
for Supreme Court), the type of legal matter (e.g. b
for civil law), an incremental consecutive numbering
(e.g. 646) and the year in which the case was received
COMPLEXIS 2019 - 4th International Conference on Complexity, Future Information Systems and Risk
Figure 2: in-degree (a) and out-degree (b) distribution of network A.
by the Supreme Court (e.g. 1979). Note that this is
not necessarily the same year as the decision date.
In our data-set, 123,222 of the 250,984 XML doc-
uments have a reference number and thus can be clas-
sified as court decisions. However, only 60,758 of
these decisions have outgoing citations to other deci-
sions. Based on this data, we derived a directed graph
consisting of 96,444 nodes and 188.024 edges repre-
senting citations between the nodes. For 16,122 of the
nodes (16.7%) that have at least one incoming edge
(i.e. they are cited at least once) the RIS does not pro-
vide a corresponding XML file. Thus, the correspond-
ing nodes can only have incoming citations (incoming
edges) and no attributes.
The largest connected component in Network A
consists of 86,247 out of 96,444 nodes (89%). The
network is not fragmented into large disconnected
components, which indicates that citations occur be-
tween different legal areas such as criminal law and
civil law.
Network B (Reference Number Citing Legal
Proposition): So-called ”legal propositions” (Ger-
man: Rechtss
atze, RS) are artificially created hub
nodes pointing to several court decisions that are sim-
ilar in content. These documents are created and
maintained by the office of records (German: Evi-
uro) of the Austrian Supreme Court
and made
available in the RIS. They are updated and amended
if new decisions appear that fit the office’s similarity
requirements. In our data-set, 30,242 of the nodes are
RS and 41,494 nodes are court decisions referencing
those RS. From those nodes, we derived a directed
bipartite citation network consisting of 71,736 nodes
and 167,584 edges.
Network C (Legal Proposition Citing Reference
Number): Legal propositions are not only cited in
court decisions, but are linking to decisions them-
selves. Thus, legal propositions have outgoing links
to at least one decision whose content they summa-
rize. Note, however, that legal propositions cannot
point to other legal propositions.
From our data-set, we derived a bipartite net-
work consisting of 300,480 nodes and 565,814 edges,
with 176,564 nodes representing court decisions and
123,916 nodes representing legal propositions. For
Network C, 76.186 (25% of all nodes) of the ref-
erence numbers that are cited by some other node
are not available as XML files. In all three net-
works, we found two major clusters consisting of
civil law decisions/propositions and criminal law de-
cisions/propositions respectively.
In order to investigate the structural properties of the
three networks, we will analyze the respective degree
distributions, identify the most prominent nodes, and
look at the temporal changes in the citation links.
Different studies found that citation networks de-
rived from scientific publications often show a power-
law degree distribution, see, e.g., (Price, 1965), (Sila-
gadze, 1999) and (Redner, 1998). However, since it is
not trivial to distinguish power-law distributions from
other types of (heavy-tailed) distributions (Stumpf
and Porter, 2012), we applied the procedure sug-
gested by (Clauset et al., 2009) in order to determine
the degree distributions of the three citation networks
we derived. In particular, the procedure includes a
An Analysis of Three Legal Citation Networks Derived from Austrian Supreme Court Decisions
Figure 3: incoming (a) and outgoing (b) citations of network A by year.
goodness-of-fit test for different types of distributions
(exponential, lognormal, Poisson, power-law), as well
as a direct comparision of the different distributions
via Vuong’s test (Vuong, 1989). The corresponding
computations have been conducted with the poweR-
law package (Gillespie, 2015).
4.1 Network A
The goodness-of-fit test for the in-degree distribu-
tion of Network A resulted in a p-value of 0.215 for
a discrete power-law distribution and p-values close
to zero for all other distributions. Direct compar-
isons between the distributions using Vuong’s Test
(Vuong, 1989) confirm these findings and show that
the power-law distribution is clearly a better fit than
exponential or Poisson distributions. However, a di-
rect comparison with the lognormal distribution is in-
decisive. Thus, the analysis indicates that there is
a good chance the true in-degree distribution has a
heavy-tail. For the out-degree distribution we found
similar results, with the goodness-of-fit tests resulting
in p-values of 0.318 for a power-law distribution and
0.279 for a lognormal distribution. For the out-degree
distribution, the direct comparisons slightly favored
the lognormal distribution over the power-law distri-
bution (see also Figure 2).
The decision with the highest number of incom-
ing citations (130) is 5Ob93/97f from 1997 which is
a short decision addressing an issue related to proce-
dural law. Note that 129 of the citations are also from
1997 and only one citation is from 1999. The sec-
ond highest number of incoming citations is 102 for
5Ob115/97s (right to build) which is also from 1997,
followed by 5Ob190/97w (also right to build) with 96
incoming citations. Surprisingly, nodes with a high
degree of incoming citations seem to receive citations
only for a short period of time. Thus the in-degree of a
node may not be a good indicator of long-term signif-
icance. An attempt to explain these findings could be
a citation cascade triggered by a decision that affected
many follow-up decisions of that time (a pattern that
could be expected in procedural law). The results also
underscore the lower significance of prior decisions
in civil law courts compared to common law courts.
Figure 3 shows a barplot for the temporal evolution of
the distribution for incoming and outgoing citiations
in Network A.
Calculating the authority scores of the network
gives very similar results. The ten nodes with the
highest in-degree and the ten nodes with the high-
est authority score have seven nodes in common. For
outgoing citations, we find that decision 2Ob215/10x
(tenancy law) from 2012 has 60 outgoing citations,
followed by 13Os55/13g (criminal law) with 54 out-
going citations.
The ”decision date” attribute determines the date
when a court decision was made. For legal proposi-
tions, it refers to the decision date of the oldest de-
cision included in this legal proposition. Figure 3 a)
shows which years are cited most often. Intuitively
one could probably assume that comparatively old de-
cisions (before 1980) had more time to gather cita-
tions and are therefore cited more often than recent
decisions. However, Figure 3 a) shows that this is
not the case. Instead, citations peak around a specific
time period from the mid-1990s to the first half of the
2000s with a gradual increase for the early 1980s and
a gradual decrease in the second half of the 2000s.
The number of citations for the years after 2010 re-
COMPLEXIS 2019 - 4th International Conference on Complexity, Future Information Systems and Risk
Figure 4: incoming (a) and outgoing (b) citations of network B by year.
mains high but is steeply declining, most likely be-
cause recent decisions have not been available long
enough to gather a high amount of citations.
It seems that the ability of a decision to attract new
citations declines with time, as they lose their rele-
vance and are superseded by newer decisions. This
interpretation seems meaningful since jurisdiction is
dynamically evolving and changes that occur in legis-
lation make citing older decisions less useful.
Figure 3 b) shows a sharp increase during the mid-
1980s, followed by another spike in the late-1990s.
Since then, the number of decisions remains high.
The low number of older decisions can to some extend
be explained by the incompleteness of the data. Older
decisions might not yet have been added to the RIS
database and might partially account for the 16.7% of
nodes that are cited but do not have XML files (see
above). Another hypothetical reason for the increas-
ing total number of citations might be the availability
of electronic systems for information retrieval. The
RIS has been available since 1998 and might have fa-
cilitated the research for similar decisions.
4.2 Network B
With regard to the degree distribution of Network B,
one would probably assume that the patterns and re-
lations discovered for network A also apply to the ci-
tations of legal propositions. However, neither the in-
degree nor out-degree distribution show evidence for
heavy-tailed distributions.
In total, 30,242 nodes in our data-set represent le-
gal propositions (42% of all nodes) and have incom-
ing citations. The goodness-of-fit test (Clauset et al.,
2009) for different distributions (exponential, Pois-
son, power-law, lognormal) showed that neither of the
tested distributions provides a good fit for our data-set
(the highest p-value being 0.048 for power-law dis-
tribution, while all other distributions yield p-values
close to 0). A direct comparison (Clauset et al., 2009)
between the power-law distribution and other distri-
butions are inconclusive, also indicating that neither
distribution provides a good fit for the data.
For the out-degree distribution of network B we
analyzed 41,494 nodes. The goodness-of-fit test re-
turned a p-value of 0.738 for a lognormal distribution
followed by a p-value of 0.539 for a Poisson distri-
bution, whereas the tests for the power-law and ex-
ponential distributions return values close to 0. How-
ever, with an x
value of 48 only the far-right tail of
the data provides a fit for Poisson distribution. The
estimated lognormal distribution with an x
of 7
clearly provides a better fit, which is also confirmed
by direct comparisons.
In general, legal propositions receive a higher
amount of citations than an individual court decision.
The node with the highest amount of citations in Net-
work C is RS0099810 (criminal procedural law) and
has 1147 citations, followed by RS0042963 (civil pro-
cedural law) with 971 citations. Moreover, the most
cited RS have remained popular over a longer period
of time. For example, RS0099810 accumulated its
citations from 2004 to 2017 and RS0042963 is cited
from 1998 to 2017.
Nodes with a high in-degree also tend to achieve
a high authority score. The top ten nodes for both
scores have 4 nodes in common. However, the au-
thority score might still not be a very useful mea-
sure for Network B since it only connects nodes of
one type (RS) with nodes of another type (court de-
An Analysis of Three Legal Citation Networks Derived from Austrian Supreme Court Decisions
Figure 5: incoming (a) and outgoing (b) citations of network C by year.
cisions). The court decision with the highest number
of distinct references to RS is 13Os105/15p (criminal
law) which has 73 citations followed by 13Os55/13g
(criminal law) with 62 citations. The average number
of outgoing citations to RS is 4.
Even though RS are only in use since 1996, the
in-degree and authority score seem to be better pre-
dictors for node significance for RS than for individ-
ual court decisions. The most prominent RS nodes
remain popular and continue to accumulate citations
over considerably longer time periods. In contrast, the
most prominent nodes for direct citations of decisions
are the result of brief spikes (see above).
Figure 4 shows the distributions citations in Net-
work B. Figure 4 a) covers the entire time period ana-
lyzed for this paper. This is because the date of an RS
is the date the oldest court decision the RS refers to.
The resulting plot is similar to the out-degree plot of
network C in Figure 5 and has similar characteristics.
Most notably, while some RS include very old deci-
sions, many new RS refer to recent decisions only.
Figure 4 b) shows the absolute numbers for deci-
sions citing RS per year. The plot shows a growing
tendency for RS to be cited. In absolute numbers, cit-
ing individual court decisions is more common than
citing RS though.
4.3 Network C
Legal propositions aggregate the results of similar de-
cisions into summary statements. Those summaries
are listed separately by reference number. However,
these references can directly be retrieved via the cor-
responding tag in the respective XML file. Network
C consists of 123,916 nodes (41% of all nodes) clas-
sified as legal propositions and 176.564 nodes (59%
of all nodes) classified as individual court decisions.
For the in-degree distribution of incoming cita-
tions for court decisions, the goodness-of-fit tests
(Clauset et al., 2009) found that both a power-law and
a lognormal distribution are valid hypotheses for the
data with p-values of 0.74 for power-law and 0.50 for
log-normal respectively (with the p-values for Pois-
son and exponential distributions being 0).
The direct comparison (Clauset et al., 2009) of the
power-law and lognormal distributions again indicate
that both models potentially fit. However, the esti-
mated lognormal distribution with an x
value of
4 seems to be a slightly better fit than the estimated
power-law distribution with an x
value of 21
For the out-degree distribution of legal proposi-
tions to individual court decisions, the results are dif-
ferent though. Here the goodness-of-fit test clearly fa-
vors a lognormal distribution (with a p-value of 0.42
and an x
in value of 7, while all other distributions
have a p-value close to 0).
When investigating the court decisions with the
highest amount of incoming citations from legal
propositions, we find 2Ob215/10x from 2012 (ten-
ancy law) is referenced in 96 RS and 2Ob1/09z
from 2010 (leasing agreements) in 77, followed by
15Os42/92 (criminal law). In total, 12 court decisions
have an in-degree greater than 50, belonging to a time
period from the 1980s to 2016. Thus, the in-degree of
an individual court decision seems to be a meaning-
ful predictor for node importance in Network C. On
average, court decisions are cited by 3.2 RS.
The legal proposition with the highest out-degree
is RS0042963 (civil procedural law), which refers to
583 decisions, followed by RS0043758 (civil proce-
COMPLEXIS 2019 - 4th International Conference on Complexity, Future Information Systems and Risk
dural law) referring to 446 decisions. On average, a
RS aggregates its content from 4.5 decisions. Note
that RS that are prominent in network B have a signif-
icantly higher amount of outgoing links than average
(between 69 and 583 links).
However, the ten most relevant nodes according
to the authority score are disjoint from the ten nodes
with the highest in-degree. This finding might be ex-
plained by the different nature of Network C, since
nodes are not strictly cited but summarized in RS with
similar content. Similar to network B, it is bipartite,
which might, again, impact the validity of the author-
ity score as a predictor for importance of a node.
The node with the highest authority score is
1Ob258/11i (civil procedural law, immission reduc-
tion), followed by 1Ob202/13g (civil procedural law),
two decisions (5Ob7/74, 5Ob8/74) that are not avail-
able as full text and 10ObS100/11w (social law).
Figure 5 shows the incoming and outgoing cita-
tions for Network C. The lower numbers for 2017
indicate that not all decisions of this year have been
processed and aggregated into RS yet. Also note that
our data-set contains about 25% of nodes that are not
available as XML files and thus cannot be part of this
analysis since they have no decision date.
The distribution in Figure 5 b) shows that RS
pointing to reference numbers are spread over the
whole time period under investigation. We also notice
that most RS do not include very old decisions (i.e.
court decisions that have been made before 1950).
The case study discussed in this paper, only takes into
account citations by reference number (i.e. individ-
ual court decisions) or by legal propositions. How-
ever, other types of citations are also possible, such
as references by collection number for example. Fur-
thermore, the data that we analyzed was limited to
the data provided by the RIS database which does not
(yet) offer the complete set of all decisions since 1922
and tends to omit older decisions from the time before
the RIS was established.
Moreover, so far we only analyzed structural prop-
erties of the corresponding citation networks. In our
future work, we plan to investigate the semantic pur-
pose of the different citations. In addition, we did not
make a distinction between the different fields of law.
This is because the metadata of the XML files do not
contain sufficient information to determine the exact
field of law a court decision belongs to. A very broad
distinction could be established in future research by
looking at the type of legal matter as encoded in the
reference number which could be used to determine if
a decision belongs to criminal law or civil law. For a
detailed analysis, a finer level of distinction would be
required though.
The analyses of Network A indicate that the num-
ber of incoming citations alone is a poor predictor for
the (legal) significance of a node. In the future, this
could be addressed by taking the time-span into ac-
count where nodes received citations.
In this paper, we presented a case study on a structural
analysis of three legal citation networks derived from
Austrian Supreme Court decisions.
The case study showed that the popularity of ci-
tations referring to individual court decisions decays
with time and very old nodes are hardly cited at all, in-
dicating a dynamically evolving jurisdiction that does
not rely on direct citations of landmark cases.
Moreover, court decisions do not tend to accu-
mulate many citations over a longer time period, the
most-cited nodes gained their citations in brief time
periods of two to three years, indicating a fast obsoles-
cence of popularity in decisions. In our future work,
the detection of node importance could be improved
by taking the time period into account in which a node
received citations.
In contrast, legal propositions (RS) that aggregate
court decisions are cited more often by subsequent
court decisions and tend to accumulate citations over
a longer period of time. The outgoing citations of RS
show that recent decisions are favored over older ones
and only a small fraction of RS include at least one
link to an old decision (before 1950).
The popularity of RS prospectively results from
the fact that citing a single RS allows referencing a
number of related court decisions at once. In addition,
it is easier to look up a single RS than a larger number
of individual decisions. Future research could address
the question if and under which conditions the popu-
larity of RS declines over time or how the popularity
of a RS changes if a new decision is added to it.
Furthermore, our case study found that prominent
RS aggregate a higher number of decisions than the
average RS. Referencing many decisions thus seems
to be an indicator of RS importance, even though the
RS with the highest number of references to decisions
are not necessarily the most-cited RS.
Moreover, it should be noted that the tempo-
ral evolution of citations is likely to be affected by
the availability of information technology and infor-
mation retrieval systems, which significantly facili-
An Analysis of Three Legal Citation Networks Derived from Austrian Supreme Court Decisions
tate research for related court decisions, leading to a
greater overall amount of citations.
The results of this study might help to develop in-
teractive visualization tools or recommender systems
to help legal professionals navigating related material
for a particular legal matter.
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COMPLEXIS 2019 - 4th International Conference on Complexity, Future Information Systems and Risk