Methods and System for Cloud Parallel Programming
Victor N. Kasyanov and Elena V. Kasyanova
Institute of Informatics Systems, Lavrentiev pr.6, Novosibirsk, 630090, Russia
Keywords: Annotated Programming. Graph Presentation of Functional Programs. Functional Programming. Parallel
Programming. Programming Language.
Abstract: In this paper, a cloud parallel programming system CSSP being under development at the Institute of
Informatics Systems is considered. The system is aimed to be an interactive visual environment of functional
and parallel programming for supporting of computer science teaching and learning. The system will support
the development, verification and debugging of architecture-independent parallel programs and their correct
conversion into efficient code of parallel computing systems for its execution in clouds. In the paper, the
CPPS system itself, its input functional language, and its internal graph presentation of the functional
programs are described.
Parallel computing is one of the main paradigms of
modern programming, but the existing curricula of
most universities do not properly address the major
transition from single-core to multi-core systems and
sequential to parallel programming. They focus on
applying application program interface (API)
libraries and open multiprocessing (OpenMP),
message passing interface (MPI), and compute
unified device architecture (CUDA)/GPU techniques.
This approach misses the goal of developing students'
long-term ability to solve real-life problems by
“thinking in parallel”.
Functional programming is a programming
paradigm, which is entirely different from the
conventional model: a functional program can be
recursively defined as a composition of functions
where each function can itself be another composition
of functions or a primitive operator (such as
arithmetic operators, etc.). The first language of
functional programming was Lisp, developed in 1961
by the American scientist J. McCarthy. Although the
language was widely known, due to its greater
expressiveness and elegance compared with
traditional languages, its applicability was limited
mainly to the tasks of artificial intelligence.
A new period of functional programming began
with the 1978 Turing lecture of inventor Fortran
J. Beckus Can Programming Be Liberated from the
von Neumann Style? A Functional Style and Its
Algebra of Programs (Backus, 1978). This new
understanding and wider acceptance of functional
programming was determined, first of all, by the
process begun in those years to move to the
consideration of the programming problem in its full
context, beginning with the specification of the
problem and the logical analysis of its solvability, the
byproduct of which is the program itself. The
emergence of computational systems with parallel
architectures further increased the importance of
functional programming, as it allows the user to be
free from most of the parallel programming problems
inherent in imperative languages and to entrust the
compiler with the construction of a program
effectively executed on a computing system of a
particular parallel architecture. In addition, many
technical problems of system and application
programming become clear when presenting their
solutions in a functional style.
The development of functional methods of
parallel programming successfully continued in the
late 70s in the languages of VAL and BARS, as well
as in a number of more modern projects, such as DCF,
Pythagoras, COLAMO, and the SISAL language (an
abbreviation with the English expression Streams and
Iterations in a Single Assignment Language)
(Gaudiot et al., 1995), the first version of which refers
to 1983. SISAL is developed as a functional
programming language, specifically oriented to
parallel processing and the replacement of the Fortran
language on supercomputers in scientific computing.
Kasyanov, V. and Kasyanova, E.
Methods and System for Cloud Parallel Programming.
DOI: 10.5220/0007750506230629
In Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2019), pages 623-629
ISBN: 978-989-758-372-8
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
It is still early to speak about real displacement, but
SISAL as a parallel programming language is quite
interesting itself and has already found its application
in dozens of organizations around the world. There
are several implementations of the SISAL language
(version 1.2 (McGraw et al., 1985)) for
supercomputers, in particular Denelcor HEP, Vax 11-
780, Cray-1, Cray-X / MP, TERA, * T, TAM and
MIDC. The Livermore National Laboratory and
Manchester University have developed an improved
version of the SISAL language (SISAL-90 (Feo et al.,
1995)), which has not yet been implemented.
In this paper, the cloud parallel programming
system (CPPS) being under development in the
Program construction and optimization laboratory of
the Institute of Informatics Systems with support of
the grant of the Russian Science Foundation (project
18-11-00118) is considered. Main properties of the
CPPS system itself, its input functional language
(Cloud Sisal language) and its internal graph
representation of Cloud Sisal programs are described.
Modern approaches to the development of parallel
programs are mostly architecturally oriented, when
the created programs to achieve effective work are
closely related to the parallel computing architecture
on which they are executed and, as a rule, are
developed. Therefore, the requirements for the
qualification of developers of parallel programs are
very high, especially since testing and debugging a
parallel program is much more complicated than a
sequential one, and the problem of verifying parallel
programs is very far from solving not only practically
but also theoretically. At that, only a little part of
domestic users has access to high-performance
computing equipment, which in terms of the number
of supercomputers and their total capacity is quite
inferior to those available in developed countries and
is concentrated in a relatively small number of places
outside which parallel programming is not developed,
but the main part of applied programmers works.
Moreover, in modern computer technology there
is a constant change of architectural paradigms,
which, in turn, leads to the problem of portability of
already developed parallel programs. We have to
constantly adapt the already created product to the
changed hardware. This is due to the fact that
different parallel computing systems have their own
resource limitations, which must be taken into
account during the development of the program.
Carrying out such adaptations is a very intellectual
task, requiring substantial rewriting of parallel
programs and performing again their verification and
debugging. As a result, adapted parallel programs
often contain new errors and are not as effective as
they should and could be.
Therefore, it seems very promising to carry out a
project to develop language and software tools that
support the construction, verification and debugging
of architecture-independent parallel programs as well
as the correct conversion them into efficient code for
parallel computing systems of various architectures
using semantic transformations.
Methods will be developed and an experimental
version of the cloud extensible integrated visual
parallel programming system CPPS will be
developed. The input language of the CPPS system is
the Cloud Sisal language (Kasyanov, Kasyanova,
2018) which continues the tradition of previous
versions of SISAL (such as Sisal 90 (Feo et al., 1995)
and Sisal 3.2 (Kasyanov, 2013)) while remaining a
functional data-flow language focused on writing
large scientific programs and expanding their
capabilities by supporting cloud computing. The
functional semantics of Cloud Sisal guarantees
deterministic results for parallel and sequential
implementation something that cannot be
guaranteed for traditional imperative languages like
Fortran or C. Moreover, the implicit parallelism of the
language removes the need to rewrite the source code
when transferring it from one computer to another. It
is guaranteed that the Cloud-Sisal-program, correctly
executed on a personal computer, will be guaranteed
to be correctly executed on any high-speed parallel or
distributed computer.
Wherein, annotated programming methods and
concretizing transformations used in the CPPS
system will allow us within the framework of the
declarative programming style to adapt the portable
parallel programs to the task classes and the
architecture of the supercomputer, while preserving
their correctness, and also to obtain a more efficient
parallel code by using during adaptation knowledge
of the user about the task, program and computer,
expressed in annotations.
CPPS is developed as an integrated cloud
programming environment in the Cloud Sisal
language, which contains both an interpreter that
supports interactive user interaction when creating
and debugging a functional program, and an
optimizing cross-compiler that builds a parallel
program according to its functional specification.
ICEIS 2019 - 21st International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Using the CPPS system, an application
programmer will be able to develop, verify and debug
a Cloud-Sisal-program in a visual style and without
taking into account the target supercomputer, and
then use the optimizing cross-compiler to tune the
debugged program to one or another supercomputer
available to him in network, in order to achieve high
performance execution of the parallel program, as
well as transfer the built program to the
supercomputer to run it and receive its results.
The CPPS system uses an internal graph
representation of functional programs that is focused
on their visual processing and is based on attributed
hierarchical graphs (Kasyanov, 2013). It supports the
construction of visual images of graph internal
representations of Cloud-Sisal-programs and their
use in the construction of correct functional programs
(Kasyanov, Kasyanova, Zolotuhin, 2018). It is
assumed that the system will also support the
construction of visual representations of the internal
data structures that arise in the cross-compiler when
parallel programs are constructed as well as of the
dynamic processes that occur when the parallel
programs are executed. These visual representations
can help users to control optimizations during cross-
compilation to improve efficiency of the compiled
parallel programs.
The Cloud Sisal language has the usual advantages of
functional programming languages, such as, for
example, single assignment (that is, each variable in
a program is defined only once), but contains arrays
and loops that are not inherent in functional
Consider the following fragment of the Cloud
Sisal program:
type OneDim = array [..] of integer;
type TwoDim = array of OneDim;
function generate
( N : integer
returns TwoDim, OneDim
for i in 1, N cross j in 1, N
A := i * j;
B := i + j
returns array [.., ..] of A;
array of B
end for
end function
The first two lines define the type names for the
arrays. It can be seen that the dimensions are not
specified in them, and all instances of the described
composite data types must be dynamically created,
changed, and deleted during program execution. Only
the form and types of elements are contained in these
specifications of array types. In the second line (in the
TwoDim type definition), the form is omitted and by
default it is assumed to be [..].
The header of the “generate” function indicates
that one integer argument, “N”, is expected, and two
unnamed values are calculated (returned). Each return
value is an array of integers, but again, only the
shapes of the arrays are indicated, not their sizes.
Names can be bound to these returned values at the
place where the function is called if the programmer
needs it.
A function call is semantically equivalent to the
reproduction of a function code at the call site with
the corresponding change of parameters. This
equivalence, often referred to as “reference
transparency”, is a fundamental property of
functional languages and is one of the strengths of the
Cloud Sisal language. This property in particular
simplifies the analysis processes performed by the
optimizing compiler, since the functions have no side
effects and are deterministic. In other words, any two
functions can be executed in parallel, if there is no
data dependency between functions, and the same
function with the same actual parameters always
returns the same values. This means that the body of
the loop will be executed as many times as there are
values in the range of indices, in this case N * N, and
all instances of the body will be independent, since
there are no data dependencies between them. Those
sets of independent cycle bodies that will be executed
in parallel, and which will not, will be selected on the
basis of the costs associated with the compiler and the
system, and also on the options set by the
All Cloud Sisal program expressions, including
functions entirely, compute sets of values. In the
above case, the generate function computes two-
dimensional and one-dimensional arrays, which are
the values of the expression contained in the function
definition. The specified expression is a loop
construct that tells the compiler for Cloud Sisal about
potential concurrency. This cycle has an index range,
defined as the Cartesian product of two simpler
ranges. This means that the body of the loop will be
executed as many times as there are values in the
range of indices, in this case N * N, and all instances
of the body will be independent, since there are no
data dependencies between them. Those sets of
Methods and System for Cloud Parallel Programming
independent cycle bodies that will be executed in
parallel, and which will not, will be selected on the
basis of the costs associated with the compiler and the
system, and also on the options set by the
The names “A” and “B” inside the loop body
should not be viewed as reusing these names in the
sense of assigning a variable in an imperative
program. Here, these names are used to denote values
in the loop body, and in fact they most likely will not
actually exist in the executable program. The
important point here is that each instance of the loop
body, containing specific values for i and j, will
independently calculate specific instances of integer
values, defined as i * j and i + j; then all of these
individual values will be collected together in a
couple of arrays and returned. The positions of the
values in the result arrays, as well as the total size and
dimension of the returned arrays, are determined by
their shapes and ranges of cycle indices. In this case,
two arrays are returned, each of which consists of N
integers: a two-dimensional array with an index from
1 to N in each dimension and a one-dimensional array
with an index that varies from 1 to N
. The use of
temporary names in the loop is optional, and the
above return condition can be rewritten as follows:
returns array [.., ..] of i * j;
array of i + j
without changing the final results. With such a
change, the body of the loop will become empty, and
essentially the language treats the expressions in the
“array of” as anonymous temporal.
The language offers the user a rich set of various
standard reductions, and also allows the definition
and use of its own reductions. The use of reductions
is good in that their implementation may depend on
the target computing system. When a program is
executed in a single-threaded environment, the
reduction can be performed sequentially, but when
executed in several threads it can be executed in
The Try-catch mechanism is quite popular today
for error handling, but this approach has conflicts
with parallel program execution. When an exception
occurs, all execution threads must be stopped, the
pipeline is cleared, etc. Also, there are difficulties
with maintaining software determinism in the case of
parallel execution and the occurrence of exceptions.
For the Cloud Sisal language, such problems do not
exist, because it uses the semantics of “always
completed calculations”, which means that the Cloud
Sisal program execution flow never stops and always
returns the resulting value (possibly containing
“error” values) even if any erroneous situations. For
this, there is a distinguished erroneous value in each
type, for example, a Boolean type consists of the
values of true (true), false (false) and error value
(error [Boolean]). Unless otherwise stated, and any
arguments of operations on built-in types or
predefined functions are erroneous, their results will
also be erroneous values. It is always possible to find
out if the value of an expression is wrong, using a
special operation.
The language supports annotated programming
(Kasyanov, 1989) and concretizing transformations
(Kasyanov, 1991), allowing the user to describe the
semantic properties of the program, which are known
to him, in the form of formalized comments. A
comment that begins with the dollar symbol “$” is
called an annotation (or a pragma) and sets the
properties of the construction that follows (one
construction can be compared with several
annotations). The result of a unary expression in the
annotation to which it refers is denoted by a single
underscore “_”, and the arity of an n-ary (n> 1)
expression is denoted as “_ [1]”, ..., “_ [n]”. An
annotation can have the form “name” or “name = list
of expressions”, where names that are visible at the
location of the annotation can take part in list
expressions. Unrecognized annotations cause
compiler warnings.
Let us give some examples of annotations.
Before each expression there can be an annotation
“assert = Boolean condition”, which should be true
immediately after the expression is evaluated.
The assertions can be placed in function
declarations both before the returns keyword and
impose conditions on the returned values, and in front
of the first formal parameter and set conditions on the
formal parameter names specified in them, which
should be valid when the function is called
immediately before executing body function.
It is allowed also to replace the Boolean condition
in the assertion with the so-called extended Boolean
condition, which has either the form (all <name>:
<Boolean condition>: <extended Boolean
condition>) or the form (is <name>: <Boolean
condition>: <extended Boolean condition>) and
defines the scope for the name specified in it. For
example, the extended Boolean condition (all i: i> 2:
A [i] = 0) is true if all elements in the array or stream
A are zero for which the index is greater than two and
condition (is i: i> 2 : A [i] = 0) true if there is at least
one zero element in A with an index greater than two.
For example, the assertion in the header of the
function definition indicates that the specified
ICEIS 2019 - 21st International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
function is always used for exponentiation when
exponent is a power of two:
function power
//$ (is k : k>=0 & k<n : n = 2**k)
x : real n : integer returns real
if n =0 then returns 1
elseif n%2 =0 then
returns (power(x, n/2)**2
else returns (power(x, n-1))*x
end function
and therefore it can be equivalently converted to the
following function:
function power
//$ (is k : k>=0 & k<n : n = 2**k)
x : real
n : integer
returns real
if n =0 then returns 1
else returns (power(x,n/2)**2
end function
Before each expression there may be a “non_used
= list of values” annotation, which indicates the
values becomes unnecessary immediately after the
calculation of the expression (they are not used in the
future when the program is executed) and can be
removed from the program. For example, as indicated
in the annotation below the second result of the
“generate” function is never used
function generate
( N : integer
//$ non_used = _[2]
returns TwoDim, OneDim
for i in 1, N cross j in 1, N
returns array[.., ..] of i * j;
array of i + j
end for
end function
and its calculation in the function body can be
function generate
( N : integer
//$ non_used = _[2]
returns TwoDim, OneDim
for i in 1, N cross j in 1, N
returns array [.., ..] of i * j
end for
end function.
The CPPS system uses an internal graph
representation (IR) of Cloud Sisal programs, which is
focused on their semantic and visual processing and
is based on the attributed hierarchical graphs
(Kasyanov, Kasyanova, 2013). It is assumed that the
IR representations of the Cloud Sisal programs are
shown to users of the system along with their textual
representations and are used by users for the purpose
of visual debugging of the Cloud Sisal programs and
their controlled optimization (Kasyanov, Kasyanova,
Zolotuhin, 2018). It is assumed also that the Cloud
Sisal program is assembled from IR-modules (both in
the interpreter and the compiler) before interpreting it
or optimizing translation.
In developing the internal presentation, the
following essential requirements were taken into
1. Machine independence for both representation of
parallelism (there is no explicit splitting of
computations into several streams), and for the values
(independence from the capacity of the machine
architecture) data types.
2. Completeness of the internal representation,
allowing to translate any design of the source
language into a semantically equivalent fragment of
the internal representation.
3. The possibility of relaying into a syntactically
correct program after the transformations of the
internal representation of the program, preserving its
4. Simplicity of interpretation (execution given by the
internal representation of calculations) without any
additional transformations of the internal
5. Structuredness of objects of internal representation
for the task of the natural nesting of some
constructions of the original programming language
into others.
6. All implicit actions on data, such as type
conversions, must be explicitly expressed using
objects of internal representation.
Methods and System for Cloud Parallel Programming
7. Extensibility, in the sense of easily introducing new
objects of internal representation to define new
programming language constructs and data types.
There are several ways of defining an internal
representation, for example, in this capacity we can
consider the parse tree of the program being
broadcast. However, in our case, it does not satisfy
the requirement of interpretability, since this
requirement implies the availability of contextual
(semantic) information. At the same time, the
requirement of machine-independent parallelism and
the functionality of the represented programming
languages lead us to use data flow graphs as a natural
basis for the structure of the internal representation.
Thus, the IR graph, in contrast to the control flow
graph (CFG), commonly used in optimizing
compilers for imperative languages (such as C or
Fortran languages), expresses not the control flow,
but the data flow in the program. Data flow graphs
have several useful properties for the required internal
representation, including the following.
1. Explicitly specified information (semantic) links
(arcs) between operand operations (vertex ports)
make the interpretation process feasible without
additional transformations. This implies the absence
of side effects of computations (due to the absence of
the concept of a variable) the natural property of
purely functional languages.
2. Parallelism at the level of individual informational
independent operations, independent of the machine
The vertices of the IR graph correspond to the
program expressions, and the arcs reflect data
transmissions between the vertex ports, the ordered
sets of which are assigned to the vertices as their
arguments (input ports or inputs) and results (output
ports or outputs). By virtue of the property of the
Cloud Sisal language, this graph is acyclic and does
not contain two arcs entering the same input.
Vertices denote operations on their inputs
(arguments), the results of which are at the outputs of
the vertices. There is, however, a special kind of
vertices denoting literals (constants) of any type, each
of which has one output and an empty set of
inputs.Vertices are simple and composite. Simple
vertices (or simply vertices) have no internal structure
and represent elementary operations, such as, for
example, plus or minus. Composite vertices (or
fragments) correspond to the composite expressions
of the Cloud Sisal program, such as, for example, a
loop expression or function body, and additionally
directly contain sets of vertices corresponding to the
expressions they consist of. For each fragment F, the
number and types of the set of vertices M that are
directly contained in it, as well as the set of arcs (p, q)
that exist between its ports and the ports of these
vertices, are determined by the type (or semantics) of
the compound expression, but satisfy the following
property: p is the output of some vertex from M or the
input of the fragment F, and q is the input of some
vertex from M or the output of the fragment F. It is
clear that the fragment F in addition to the above
vertices of M and the arcs incident to their ports,
which are directly contained in F, will contain other
vertices and arcs of the graph if there are fragments
among the vertices of M, but due to the properties of
the Cloud Sisal language there are no arcs among
them which are incident to the ports of fragment F
and are not directly nested in F.
The CPPS system is intended to provide means to write
and debug parallel programs regardless target
architectures on low-cost devices and then execute
them in clouds on high performance parallel computers
without extensive rewriting and debugging.
So, it can open the world of parallel and functional
programming to all students and scientists without
requiring a large investment in new, top-end computer
systems. Using the CPPS system, any user will be able
to develop, verify and debug a Cloud-Sisal-program in
a visual style and without taking into account the target
supercomputer, and then use the optimizing cross-
compiler to tune the debugged program to one or
another supercomputer available to him in network, in
order to achieve high performance execution of the
parallel program, as well as transfer the built program
to the supercomputer to run it and receive its results.
The CPPS system can be used also for teaching and
learning of optimizing compilation and high
performance computing.
The use of the CPPS system can also increase the
efficiency of using supercomputers by transferring the
work of programmers to design and debug programs
from expensive supercomputers to cheaper and more
familiar personal computers, as well as by eliminating
the need for a programmer to build, verify and debug a
program to solve the same problem each time when
switching from one supercomputer to another.
The authors are thankful to all colleagues taking part
in the project described. This work was carried out
ICEIS 2019 - 21st International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
with a grant from the Russian Science Foundation
(project 18-11-00118).
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Methods and System for Cloud Parallel Programming