Knowledge Design in the Internet of Things: Blockchain and Connected
Samuel Szoniecky and Amri Toumia
Paragraphe Laboratory, University Paris VIII, 2 Rue de la Libert
e, 93526 Saint-Denis, France
Blockchain, Internet of Things, Power to Act, Modeling, Knowledge.
The Internet of Things takes place in our daily life, but many users do not understand their relationships and
interactions with these objects. We assume that dynamic and interactive representations of the power of action
of users and objects are means to better understand what these devices are capable of. To do this, we design
a secure and privacy-conscious design of knowledge in the connected object environment. We will analyze
the example of a connected refrigerator to understand how to use the Blockchain to develop Digital Social
The Internet of Things (IoT) is witnessing a fast
growth for few years now. A study done by the IDC
consulting firm estimates that, by 2022, investments
on the IoT sector should reach 1.200 billion dollars
by 2022
Economists consider these technologies as a new
”growth driver” as long as the constraints that are pre-
venting users from taking part in the IoT are solved. A
French study done by Promotelec
reveals that these
constraints are due to users’ lack of trust in these tech-
nologies. Users wonder if they are harmful for the
health and dangerous to vulnerable individuals (chil-
dren, elderly people)and if they preserve the confiden-
tiality of the collected data.
Beyond this desire to preserve the familiar space,
interviewed users also question the simplicity of use,
cost and usefulness. This last point is particularly im-
portant to us because the question of the usefulness of
a digital device is undoubtedly the first question that
should be asked because it places the individuals in a
reflexive approach in relation to their own practices:
do I need this product? This attitude of questioning
is with no doubt the guarantee of a reasonable use of
technologies (L
evy, 2017) (Citton, 2014) which coun-
terbalances the fashion effects or the consumerist ten-
dencies of our societies. But, how to evaluate the use-
fulness of a device like a connected refrigerator?
Manufacturers of connected refrigerators adver-
tise devices capable of automatically recognizing
food expiry date, reordering missing groceries and
evaluating food compositions and their impact on
consumers’ health. However, the usefulness of these
features is not obvious to all users. For example, au-
tomatically ordering food depends on the balance of
the user’s account or on the blood tests of the peo-
ple in the household which conditions favoring one
food over another. To be really useful, the refrigerator
should continuously be aware of the users financial
and serological state in order to adapt in real time to
the changes of situations. Will we consent to give this
information to a machine? How can we control the
sharing of this information? Which responsibilities
are we willing to give to algorithms?
The answers to these questions are not unique be-
cause each person can answer them differently and
because the answers can vary depending on contexts.
So, to answer the question of the usefulness of a con-
nected refrigerator or any other smart object, we need
to find ways to handle the different questions that arise
from their use and their various possible answers, all
this while ensuring the security of collected data and
user privacy. Moreover, it is necessary that this data
is interoperable and above all intelligible so that the
experience of some benefits to the understanding of
From this perspective, it becomes fundamental to
Szoniecky, S. and Toumia, A.
Knowledge Design in the Internet of Things: Blockchain and Connected Refrigerator.
DOI: 10.5220/0007751703990407
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security (IoTBDS 2019), pages 399-407
ISBN: 978-989-758-369-8
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
design knowledge management processes to measure
interactions between humans and connected objects
in order to evaluate the relationships between these
two types of actors. The objective is to provide clear
information about what these actors can do and for
which purposes. To do this, we can model the power
of action of these actors (Brun, 2017) to analyze how
their interactions in a given situation and for a spe-
cific purpose, increases or decreases their power to
act. Our hypothesis is that dynamic and interactive
representations of this power to act are a way to bet-
ter understand the capabilities of IoT devices: what
are the offered services? Which difficulties can be
encountered? What are the relationships between dif-
ferent objects? The main issue then becomes a ques-
tion of knowledge design: how to manage the inter-
actions between the knowledge of users and those of
connected objects in a digital environment?
Alongside these knowledge management issues,
the centralized architecture of IoT platforms raises
many issues in terms of security and privacy pro-
tection. Due to its decentralized and distributed na-
ture, Blockchain technology seems to address these
issues (De Filippi, 2018). However, the character-
istics of the IoT devices, for example their limited
computing power, do not facilitate this adaptation.
Similarly,understanding the complex mechanisms in-
volved in the Blockchain makes this technology diffi-
cult to master for non-specialist users.
To illustrate and clarify how to conceive a secured
knowledge design that respects users’ privacy in the
context of smart devices, we will begin by examining
the Blockchain and its related technologies. In partic-
ular, we will focus on ”smart contracts” which give
us a glimpse on a new way of contracting without a
need for a trusted third party. In a second step, we
will describe how to use the Blockchain in the IoT
through the example of a dynamic and interactive de-
vice for collectively analyzing activities related to a
connected refrigerator. Finally, we will discuss the
advantages and drawbacks of this type of system.
2 WHAT IS THE Blockchain
In 2008, Satoshi Nakamoto (pseudonym) published
a paper on Bitcoin (Nakamoto, 2008). In this arti-
cle, the author describes a new cryptocurrency called
Bitcoin. The latter is based on a technology called
Blockchain. It is a public distributed and decentral-
ized ledger in which transactions are recorded across
multiple nodes of a peer-to-peer (P2P) network. The
Blockchain is attack resistant, ubiquitous, verifiable
and auditable.
To transfer virtual currency, Blockchain users,
who are identified by their public keys,generate and
broadcast transactions on the network. These transac-
tions are grouped into blocks by users. When a block
is filled, it is added to the Blockchain after a ”mining”
process. To mine a block, nodes of the network, called
”miners”, try to solve a cryptographic puzzle called
”Proof-of-Work” (PoW). Once the block is validated,
it is time stamped and added to the Blockchain. The
transaction is then visible to the receiver as well as to
the entire network (Saleh et al., 2018).
Since the invention of Bitcoin, other consensus
mechanisms beside PoW have emerged. For exam-
ple, we can talk about Proof-of-Stake (PoS) or Proof-
of-Importance (PoI). In the first one, users who have
more coins have the responsibility of validating trans-
actions and protecting the system because they are
the ones who invested the most in it and are there-
fore the most concerned about its good performance.
Proof-of-Importance was introduced by NEM (Cap-
stone, 2015). In this consensus mechanism, a rep-
utation system is built for the network, based on an
importance value associated with each account. The
higher this value is, the greater the chance of being
chosen to create the next block.
Based on the work of (Febin, 2018) (Sher-
min, 2017), we can distinguish three main types of
Blockchain :
Public Blockchain: as its name suggests, it is a
large public ledger. No entity is in charge and
all nodes of the network can read data from the
Blockchain, participate in transaction validations
and auditing. Having a computer with an inter-
net connection in enough to become a node of
the network and get a complete history of the
Blockchain. The advantages of this system are
transparency and anonymity, since each node is
only identified by its public key. In addition, the
redundancy of the public Blockchain and its repli-
cation over the network makes it very secure and
immutable. However, transaction validations are
slow and require significant computation power.
This type of Blockchain is mainly used for cryp-
tocurrencies such as Bitcoin or Ethereum.
Private Blockchain: It is a kind of restricted
Blockchain. It is under the management of an
authority that oversees the creation, verification
and validation of each transaction. The data is
not open to the public and permissions are re-
quired to access it. Because of their nature, pri-
vate Blockchains do not provide decentralized se-
curity, but offer increased efficiency for checking
and validating transactions. Their use is destined
for public or private companies.
IoTBDS 2019 - 4th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
Consortium Blockchain or Public Blockchain
with permission: It is a hybrid between public
and private Blockchains. It operates under the
supervision of a set of predetermined nodes that
are allowed to verify and validate blocks or trans-
actions. On the other hand, the data may be open
to the public or restricted in the case of sensitive
information. It is up to the nodes to choose this in
advance. R3
and Energy Web Foundation
examples of this type of Blockchain.
Given that the source code of Bitcoin is open
source, many forks were possible and many new ver-
sions of peer-to-peer cryptocurrencies have emerged.
However, the underlying protocol of Bitcoin, specif-
ically the Blockchain technology, has attracted many
new ideas. Researchers have been thinking of ways to
use this decentralized distributed ledger for purposes
other than virtual currencies. Thus, Blockchain got
involved in any type of transaction or agreement be-
tween parties that previously required a trusted third
party to regulate it.
In this context, Blockchain platforms, such as the
, allow developers to create and execute
”smart contracts” within the Blockchain architecture.
The term ”smart contract” was introduced for the
first time in 1994 by Nick Szabo (Szabo, 1994) as
computerized transaction protocols that executes the
terms of a contract . He gave the example of a vend-
ing machine through which a user could enter data or
value and, in return, receive an item from that ma-
chine. While enforcing a standard contract is usu-
ally insured through laws and a trusted third party
that guarantees its implementation (the State for ex-
ample), enforcing and implementing a smart contract
is done by an algorithm that is encrypted and added to
the Blockchain. This smart contract can be automati-
cally applied or executed taking into account a set of
predefined conditions.
According to Gavin Wood (Wood, 2016) , co-
founder of Ethereum, smart contracts have the follow-
ing characteristics:
Atomicity: the entire code of the contract must be
executed or nothing is executed.
Synchrony: operations cannot interfere with each
Provenance: all messages can be inspected to de-
termine the caller’s address.
Permanence: the data of a contract are permanent.
Immortality: a contract cannot be removed from
the outside
Immutability: the smart contract code cannot be
Ethereum, introduced by Vatalik Buterin in 2013,
is an example of a Blockchain platform specifi-
cally designed for the creation and application of
smart contracts. Like Bitcoin, Ethereum is a pub-
lic Blockchain network. While Bitcoin is designed
for use cases involving transfer of virtual currency,
Ethereum allows developers to create and deploy
other decentralized applications based on Blockchain
technology (Buterin, 2014). In Ethereum, miners
work for a currency called Ether. That is what incen-
tivize developers to write quality applications and en-
sure that the network works effectively. Thus, Ether,
in addition to being an exchangeable cryptocurrency,
is like the fuel that allows decentralized applications
to run.
Contracts in Ethereum should not be seen
as something that should be ”fulfilled” or
”complied with”; rather, they are more like
”autonomous agents” that live inside the
Ethereum execution environment, always exe-
cuting a specific piece of code when ”poked”
by a message or transaction, and having di-
rect control over their own ether balance and
their own key/value store to keep track of per-
sistent variables. (Tsui, 2016)
Thus, from this definition we can understand that
smart contracts are executed, as designed by their de-
velopers, when certain conditions are met, and with-
out any human intervention. They are powered by the
Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) and Ether.
According to Ethereum’s yellow paper (Wood,
2015) , the EVM is a quasi-complete Turing machine.
Indeed, a Turing machine normally has infinite re-
sources, while the EVM’s resources are deliberately
limited. The qualification of ”quasi-complete” comes
from the fact that the calculation is intrinsically linked
to an amount of Ether allocated at the time of creation
of a transaction, which limits the total amount of cal-
culation that can be performed. This can be consid-
ered as equivalent to a fee. On the Ethereum network,
each transaction requires the payment of an execution
fee. To be able to program smart contracts, devel-
opers rely on ”Solidity”, the Ethereum programming
language that is similar to Javascript.
Knowledge Design in the Internet of Things: Blockchain and Connected Refrigerator
3 THE Blockchain IN THE IoT
The Internet of Things, or IoT, is a system of inter-
connected devices, sensors and digital machines that
can communicate and share data over a network with-
out the need for human intervention(Saleh, 2017).
According to Gartner (Pettey, 2015), the number of
smart devices connected to the Internet is expected to
reach about 25 billion by 2020, generating an eco-
nomic profit of 200 billion dollars.
Because of the generation of massive amounts of
personal data, the IoT is facing issues such as the ad-
ministration of these smart objects, safety and trace-
ability , but also privacy protection and data access
Due to its distributed nature, its consensus mech-
anisms that reconcile divergent interests, and its dis-
tributed trust process that does not require third par-
ties, the Blockchain can provide answers to these is-
In their article (Atlam et al., 2018), Atlam et al.
defend the idea that the shift of the IoT architec-
ture toward a decentralized system could be a way
to solve many problems, especially in terms of secu-
rity. In addition, Brody et al. (Brody and Pureswaran,
2014) argue that in order to be profitable and sus-
tainable, the ever-growing ecosystem of IoT devices
should evolve into a decentralized architecture, reduc-
ing maintenance costs for manufacturers and increas-
ing user trust in those products.
However, as mentioned by Dorri et al. (Dorri
et al., 2016) , adapting Blockchain mechanisms to the
IoT is not straightforward. In fact, the mining process
requires a lot of computing power that IoT devices
do not have. Moreover, it is a relatively slow pro-
cess, while IoT applications require low latency. In
addition, the Blockchain has scale-up problems and
performance decreases as the number of nodes on the
network increases, which may be problematic for IoT
networks that involve a large number of devices inter-
acting with one another. Finally, the underlying pro-
tocols of the Blockchain generate significant indirect
traffic which may be undesirable for some IoT devices
with limited bandwidth.
In this context, a lot of research is being done on
how to use and adapt the Blockchain to the IoT envi-
ronment. For example, we can cite Mettler (Mettler,
2016), who applied Blockchain in healthcare envi-
ronment, whether for public health management, for
medical research based on the personal information
of patients or for quality insurance in medicine man-
ufacturing. Dorri et al. (Dorri et al., 2017) presented
an adaptation of the Blockchain to the case of smart
homes. In their article, they show that it is possible to
reduce the load on the network while ensuring data
security and protection of users’ privacy by group-
ing devices in clusters and using local Blockchain. In
addition, Christidis et al. (Christidis and Devetsiki-
otis, 2016) demonstrated the benefits of Blockchain
and smart contracts for sharing services or resources,
as well as for task automation and verification. In
(Huh et al., 2017) , Huh et al. showed a method to
manage IoT devices using Ethereum. Using smart
contracts and Ethereum accounts, an electricity me-
ter was continuously sending electricity consumption
to a smartphone, which in turn was sending instruc-
tions to a light bulb and an air conditioner to update
their energy consumption modes. Finally, the authors
of (
Ozyılmaz and Yurdakul, 2017) proposed a con-
cept to facilitate Blockchain use for resource-limited
IoT devices.
To understand and analyze the use of the Blockchain
in the IoT, let us study the use of a connected refrig-
erator in a family of three people. To conduct this
study, we use an activity modeling method based on
an ecosystem approach that sees activity as a cor-
relation between existence modeling (ontology) and
knowledge experimentation (ethology). We adopt a
global and evolving vision to analyze information-
communication issues through the analogy of ecosys-
tems in order to take advantage of an approach that in-
cludes the complexity of life in a field often analyzed
with fixed models derived from engineering sciences.
Following this analogical grid, we consider that the
analysis of the activity goes through a double model-
ing, that of the existences which populate the ecosys-
tems and that of the cognitive experiments that these
existences maintain with each other.
To facilitate the modeling and make it accessible
to as many people as possible, we propose to do this
work using a graphic vocabulary that brings into play
an analogy that is both simple and complex to give the
user the means to invest already acquired knowledge
and thus more easily understand the functioning of the
device. The desktop analogy used by computer oper-
ating systems is a good example of a graphical vocab-
ulary. However, in the case of the IoT, it is unsuitable
for a context that we call an ecosystem (Roxin and
Bouchereau, 2017). That is, an environment where
a multitude of human and algorithmic actors evolve
continuously in what they are, what they know and
IoTBDS 2019 - 4th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
the relationships they have with each other.
Let us take the example of a connected refrigera-
tor that has an automatic food inventory management
feature which meets the needs and desires of fam-
ily members. To implement this functionality with a
desktop analogy, users should be asked to fill in ”lists”
corresponding to their needs and desires, in ”folders”
through ”forms” that will be sent to food suppliers
and other companies that can access this data. In this
case, the interactions with the refrigerator are similar
to those of an ”accountant” and the story that the users
co-construct with the connected object becomes only
”administrative”. Now, imagine the same refrigerator
with the same functionality, but this time by setting up
the analogy of the garden. In this case, the user is no
longer facing lists, but gardening ”plants” that grow
and play with ”animals” that interact with them. The
user becomes a ”gardener” and ”cultivates” a living
story with the digital environment to make a knowl-
edge ecosystem their own.
4.1 Principles of Modeling Knowledge
The basic principles of modeling knowledge ecosys-
tems (Szoniecky and Safin, 2017) are based on the de-
scription of the existences that compose them. They
are defined by four distinct existential dimensions:
physical, concept, actor, relation. These dimensions
give the modeler an analytical grid to organize the
chaos of ecosystems by distinguishing elements each
possessing their own kind of knowledge accessible
according to a dedicated metric:
physical dimension = Euclidean metric knowl-
edge of shocks
concept dimension = topological metric exper-
imentations of intuitions
actor dimension = topographic metric social
relation dimension = temporal metric prag-
matic knowledge.
The diagram in figure 1 illustrates the organization
of modeling by enriching it with a double translation.
First, to each dimension is associated a pretopological
element useful to formalize the informational trans-
formations of the ecosystem:
physical = outside,
concept = interior,
actor = edge,
relation = stream.
Second, the dimensions of existence are translated
according to the analogy of a plant:
physical = branch,
concept = root,
actor = seed,
relation = sap.
It is from this analog translation that we propose
a dynamic and interactive representation of the power
to act in the form of a semantic mapping that we de-
fine as dynamic and interactive interfaces composed
a conceptual coordinate system to formalize an in-
teroperable expression
a projection of concepts in a graphic vocabulary
to visualize expressions
devices for interacting with the user (click, drag &
drop, gesture capture, etc.) to manipulate expres-
This cartography takes as graphic vocabularies
those of geographical cartography, housing plans or
any other graphic forms like stars, icons, drawings,
diagrams, etc. What matters is the ability of the map-
ping to make explicit the interactions of the users with
the graphical vocabulary and the projection of these
interactions in four coordinate systems:
material spaces
conceptual spaces
networks of actors
Passing through these coordinate systems allows to
formalize the expression making it interoperable with
other expressions. Thus the interpretation goes
through the positioning of the user in these four co-
ordinate systems. Positions that can be automatically
calculated for example in the material space thanks to
the GPS or in temporality thanks to the synchroniza-
tion of the world clocks. On the other hand, positions
in the network of actors and in the conceptual spaces
require interactions with the user.
4.2 Modeling the Ecosystem of a
Connected Refrigerator
To illustrate the use of this modeling method in the
field of the IoT, here is the modeling of activities re-
lated to the use of a connected refrigerator. This dia-
gram in figure 2 shows how Blockchain technologies
are used to manage three types of activity. The first is
a ”transfer of assets” corresponding to the purchase of
Knowledge Design in the Internet of Things: Blockchain and Connected Refrigerator
Figure 1: Modeling of existential dimensions in a knowledge ecosystem.
the refrigerator by a transaction between the ”manu-
facturer”, the ”distributor” and the ”family” who buys
the product. This first act formalized by a ”bill” ini-
tializes the chain and creates the second block in the
form of a ”smart contract” specifying the ”guaran-
tees” and their automatic application in case of ”main-
tenance”. This chain is replicated for these three ac-
tors which ensures its durability and immutability.
The rest of the chain is composed of a register of in-
teractions that each member of the family will operate
with the refrigerator.
In this modeling, the interactions consist of eval-
uating the use of the refrigerator from semantic maps
that feed a chain dedicated to the refrigerator that will
have its own blockchain identified by the product ref-
erence (serial number). Activity data may also in-
clude the assessment of foods that are stored in the
refrigerator. In this case, the data will be formalized
in a blockchain corresponding to a food (barcode) and
could enrich with new blocks a Blockchain dedicated
to food traceability (for example a farm chicken).
The IoT ecosystem of the connected refrigerator
thus consists of a multitude of blockchain each de-
voted to a particular product. Whatever the case, the
blockchain ensures the security and durability of in-
formation through the protocol it uses. However, it is
necessary to define who is authorized to consult this
information. In the example we have modeled, should
we make all blocks of the chain public? It is proba-
bly useful to analyze the blockchain to know what the
children eat, how often and what they think. But is
this information in the public domain freely available
to all or only available to parents or companies willing
to pay?
To answer these questions, we use the diagram
above to specify whether relationships (color lines)
between actors (hexagrams), documents (rectangles)
and concepts (ovals) are open or closed and under
which conditions. These relationships represent the
”boundaries of trust” of the ecosystem, they define
the rights of circulation of information. They can
be formalized by ”smart contracts” which will con-
stitute a meta-blockchain used to manage the multi-
ple Blockchains of the IoT ecosystem. At this meta
level, users will define communication strategies at
their household level. These will serve as a basis for
discussing ecosystem development strategies at larger
scale levels: cities, regions, nations, world.
4.3 Using the Blockchain in the
Ecosystem of a Smart Refrigerator
Based on the previous diagram, we will analyze the
possibilities of using the Blockchain in the context
of the Internet of Things, specifically for the ecosys-
tem of connected refrigerators. Let us start with the
smart refrigerator manufacturer. The data on the prod-
uct components and the place of manufacture could
be stored on a public permissioned Blockchain that
would be controlled by the manufacturer of the con-
nected refrigerator. This Blockchain can also store
data on the product’s firmware, and updates could be
done via the Blockchain, which would allow for bet-
ter availability and traceability of these updates. War-
ranty data can also be stored in this Blockchain.
Blockchain can also be used in food monitoring
and traceability systems. Indeed, traceability is cru-
cial in the food supply chain to ensure food security
for consumers. Blockchain technology allows you
to save and share information about food products at
each stage of production, throughout processing and
distribution. This technology represents an opportu-
IoTBDS 2019 - 4th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
Figure 2: Ecosystem of the Blockchain for a connected refrigerator.
nity for the actors of the production chain, because it
allows them to control more easily the supplies and
the potential returns while providing quality informa-
tion to the final consumer. It is also a way to avoid
food scandals and ensure a rigorous transfer of re-
For end-users, the connected refrigerator is sup-
posed to automate tasks such as purchasing and track-
ing products. To do this, it must store this infor-
mation in a database. In addition, the connected re-
frigerator can generate recipes based on the prefer-
ences and health of the user. Management of access
to all this stored information could be managed via the
Blockchain, where each access to the data is recorded.
Thus, users will not have to worry about their data and
who has access to it. Moreover, the purchase process
could be easily integrated into a blockchain network
where cryptocurrency is exchanged providing an ap-
propriate billing layer.
Finally, connected refrigerators could be used in
businesses or school restaurants and blockchain could
facilitate sharing (controlling access to a refrigerator,
voting on menus and shopping lists ...)
Blockchain technology has revolutionized the relia-
bility of information in a distributed and decentral-
ized network. We believe this can be a way to build
trust in distributed environments without the need for
a trusted third-party. In addition, a system that guar-
antees data reliability would help secure and facili-
tate information sharing. Adapted to the specificities
of the IoT environment, the Blockchain could solve
some of the current issues of the Internet of Things.
The Blockchain can also be used to implement
access control mechanisms through smart contracts,
eliminating the need for a trusted third party while
having an immutable log of all data access.
This technology could help transform the current
architecture of IoT systems into a decentralized orga-
nization, reducing maintenance costs while ensuring
security and reliability.
Research on the use of the Blockchain in an IoT
environment is still in its infancy. Some problems per-
sist and hinder this integration. Among them, we can
talk about privacy protection issues. Since the details
of all public keys are visible on the network, the risk
of private information disclosure via data crossings
is not insignificant. Indeed, cryptocurrency wallets,
for example, have their public key displayed in plain
view, particularly, in the block that recorded the trans-
action that transfered money to it. In addition, the
Blockchain presents some scalability issues because
the time to add a block increases with the number of
nodes in the network.
In addition, the Blockchain does not comply with
the GDPR. For example, the GDPR requires that
data do not leave the EU, unless to jurisdictions with
equivalent controls, which can be problematic in a de-
Knowledge Design in the Internet of Things: Blockchain and Connected Refrigerator
centralized global network. Similarly, the question
of the ”right to be forgotten” is not implemented in
the Blockchain because it is immutable by nature and
therefore, the data stored there cannot be erased.
The convergence between Blockchain technology
and the emergence of collective intelligence projects
is in line with our proposals of knowledge design in
the IoT. They develop in the context of Digital Social
Innovations (DSI) that can be described as:
”First, at the social level, the DSIs cover
perimeters of collective use, involving a mul-
titude of actors in order to co-create a soci-
etal value [...]. Secondly, at the technological
level, they generate an open operating process
based on an innovative hardware and soft-
ware architecture as well as on specific func-
tional mechanisms. Finally, at the ecologi-
cal level, the DSIs focus on responsible inno-
vation [...] and the desire to respond to so-
cial and environmental problems, improve the
quality of life of citizens and create a sense
of social justice” (Boulesnane and Bouzidi,
In the case of the IoT, DSIs aim to develop a multi-
agent architecture for ambient intelligence based on
environmental modeling through representations of
knowledge such as EKRL (Environment Knowledge
Representation Language) (Dourlens, 2012). De-
signing these architectures with blockchain technolo-
gies would keep the history of interactions between
agents and with users to build a representation of dis-
tributable and non-falsifiable knowledge. In addition,
the blockchain would make it possible to contractual-
ize certain actions such as purchase requests or access
authorizations to private data and thus better manage
the proliferation of this data in digital networks.
In this article, we looked at the Blockchain and re-
lated technologies. We have seen that it has charac-
teristics that could benefit the Internet of Things. We
used the example of a connected refrigerator to illus-
trate, with an example, the possible applications of the
Blockchain. The integration of the Blockchain into
the IoT ecosystem can provide solutions to some cur-
rent issues.
However, there is still work to be done to recon-
cile an IoT environment with limited resources, with
the requirements of Blockchain technology. Mainly,
we plan to build a prototype to test the feasibility of
an information and communication device using the
blockchain in an IoT ecosystem, then, design an eval-
uation protocol for this device to analyze how the de-
vice increases or decreases the power to act of users
in their interaction with the connected refrigerator. Fi-
nally, we want to test the prototype and the protocol
in a real environment.
We have shown how a knowledge gardening de-
vice makes management of these ecosystems acces-
sible and how Blockchain technologies ensure both
security and sustainability of information. The com-
bination of these two approaches gives the users of
connected objects the means to define ”boundaries
of trust” and to think about strategies for developing
ecosystems. This research reveals many issues such
as those related to the ergonomics of augmented re-
ality devices for gardening knowledge, or that of the
efficiency of Blockchain technologies, particularly in
terms of computing resources and availability of dig-
ital networks. It is probably illusory to think that
these technologies can be conceived in all contexts.
It will therefore be necessary to precisely define the
resources needed to consider the conditions for the
development of such a device. More generally, the
collective intelligence platform that we are consid-
ering poses many technical, legal, political and eth-
ical questions (Floridi, 2018) (Russo, 2018) that will
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