accuracy. Several studies have been already made in
the literature; nevertheless, the used knowledge
model was limited in terms of components.
Figure 8: Upper figure: urban frame identification over
Yakutsk city, lower figure: urban function extraction by
morphological attributes.
In this study, we presented an original
methodological scheme based on the joint use of a
hybrid knowledge model and artificial intelligence
for remote sensing application purpose. Several
application were already made using simple
knowledge model composed of biophysical or
morphological features or both at best. The idea
behind the methodology is to enrich the knowledge
model with several sources of information, which
could be very different at first sight, but will better
model the problem. The main issue will be related to
the standardisation of such sources of information, so
that the joint use of all the available sources could be
easily considered by the end-user.
The field of application related to such knowledge
model could be varied including objects mapping by
remote sensing imagery, objects characterisation and
identification, simulation of different environmental
phenomenon (e.g. urban sprawl, urban degrowth,
change detection, environmental phenomenon’s
management). Such knowledge model, will requires
the introduction of intelligence in both the structuring
procedure of the model and in the processing
sequence, including machine learning, deep learning
and neuronal networks methods. The joint use of
hybrid knowledge model coupled to the development
of intelligent rules and powerful training models will
contribute to the enhancement of image processing
and modelling methods and will constitute a new
exploration field.
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