Search, Find and Resolve: Towards a Taxonomy for Searchable
Encryption Schemes
Ines Kramer, Silvia Schmidt, Mathias Tausig and Manuel Koschuch
Competence Centre for IT Security, University of Applied Sciences FH Campus Wien, Vienna, Austria
Searchable Encryption, Taxonomy, Inverted Index, Forward Index, Full-domain Search.
Searchable Encryption (SE) schemes are a promising solution to the problem of outsourcing one’s data to
a cloud provider in a secure way, while still retaining the ability to search for and easily retrieve specific
documents. A multitude of different schemes have been proposed and designed, yet in general they still lack
usability/applicability for a specific use case or proper security analysis in order to be widely implemented and
used. To address this issue we started a project to determine which SE schemes fit certain use cases - mainly
focusing on usability. We examined nearly 400 papers on SE schemes from the last 13 years and extracted
categorization domains for SE schemes. Furthermore we took a time-based look at these domains and tried
to identify future trends in SE technologies. In this position paper we introduce our methodology and give a
short overview of our current work-in-progress.
Since Song et al. published their seminal work in
2000 (Song et al., 2000), research on Searchable En-
cryption (SE) delivered numerous articles and diverse
SE schemes. Multiple improvements regarding us-
ability and security were achieved, while also new
threat models and attack scenarios were discovered.
In addition to that, papers with various approaches
towards establishing an SE taxonomy or respective
surveys have been published. The first survey-like
article was released by Sedghi et al. (Sedghi et al.,
2008) in 2008 and proposed a categorization based on
information leakage, i.e. information leakage while
writing data vs. information leakage while perform-
ing search on data.
In 2011 Boneh et al. (Boneh et al., 2011) provided
definitions on Functional Encryption, which were di-
vided into Predicate Encryption and Predicate En-
cryption with Public Key. The taxonomy by Tang
(Tang, 2012) was published the following year. He
defined four main SE categories based on the kind of
encryption and what kind of search is performed i.e.
asymmetric and symmetric encryption - each divided
into index-based and full-domain search.
A categorization based on functionalities of
Privacy-Assured SE schemes was published by Li
et al. in 2013 (M. Li et al., 2013). They used a
top-down methodology for designing privacy-assured
search schemes: search functionality information
retrieval data index structure primitive data op-
eration cryptographic design SE primitives.
The most comprehensive survey on SE to date
was written by B
osch et al. (B
osch et al., 2014).
They mainly differentiate between asymmetric and
symmetric encryption. A further categorization by
means of single or multi writer(s)/user(s) was intro-
duced, which led to four classes in the form of SE
Writer/Reader: SE Single Writer (S)/Multi Reader
(M), SE S/S, SE M/M, and SE M/S.
The more recent position paper by Cui (Cui
et al., 2017) analyses 24 schemes according to their
leakage patterns and security requirements. Any SE
scheme suffers from a form of information leakage
to the server, which is described by leakage patterns.
The index/size pattern refers to the information that
can be deduced from the stored ciphertext/index. This
includes documents or index size, number of docu-
ments or keywords, document lengths and similarity.
The search pattern reveals the same keyword by com-
paring the matched records of two queries. By exam-
ining the history of result-sets in repeated queries the
access pattern can be inferred.
Based on these articles we categorized recent
SE work by tagging almost 400 papers mainly re-
Kramer, I., Schmidt, S., Tausig, M. and Koschuch, M.
Search, Find and Resolve: Towards a Taxonomy for Searchable Encryption Schemes.
DOI: 10.5220/0007753804140421
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security (IoTBDS 2019), pages 414-421
ISBN: 978-989-758-369-8
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
trieved from IEEE, IACR, and other (preferably peer-
reviewed) online repositories. Our initial motivation
was to find a scheme suitable for implementation in
an existing cloud system. Soon we realized that we
had to start by categorizing the existing schemes and
by doing so were able to identify various directions of
SE research.
In general, SE research focuses on three aspects
osch et al., 2014):
Query expressiveness
Our main focus is set on identifying and imple-
menting a usable and well-performing (by means of
runtime and memory) scheme for practical use. With
this in mind, Tang’s (Tang, 2012) taxonomy lacks
categories for practical applications, e.g. number of
users with read and write access privileges.
Therefore the approach by B
osch et al. (B
et al., 2014) is convincing in terms of determining an
SE scheme for practical usage.
SE has to focus on three different trade-off scenar-
ios (B
osch et al., 2014):
security vs. efficiency
query expressiveness vs. efficiency
security vs. query expressiveness
When increasing the security of a scheme, effi-
ciency almost always suffers. The less secure the sys-
tem is built, the more efficient it usually can perform.
Furthermore, SE schemes should offer high expres-
siveness in search options, which often leads to less
secure and/or less efficient systems. It depends on
the specific individual application scenario which key
figures have to be prioritized: Can the content of the
dataset be derived by domain knowledge, and which
level of security is required? How big is the underly-
ing dataset, and is there a need for dynamic changes?
How often will queries be performed? Thus, elabo-
rating certain criteria regarding SE research (mainly
attributes of SE schemes) is indispensable.
In this position paper we want to give some in-
sights into our current work-in-progress. Since we
try to cover the majority of work published since
SE schemes were initially introduced, this paper cur-
rently only discusses our intermediate results up to
papers published during 2016. We are aware that this
discussion is currently severely lacking works pub-
lished in the last 2 years (IEEE alone lists almost 170
publications for this period, as much as in 2014 to
2016 combined), but we are currently actively work-
ing on finishing our analysis.
1.1 Technical Corpus
We began by dividing the overall 393 articles on SE
into 6 topics, see Table 1.
Table 1: Segmentation of the surveyed papers into general
topics. Some papers have been assigned to several topics,
so the Ratio column adds up to more than 100%.
Topic Ratio
SE Background Information 23.4%
SE Surveys 2.3%
SE Security Analysis & Attacks 4.6%
SE Applications 4.3%
SE Schemes 66.2%
SE Implementations 31.0%
SE Applications represents work on explicit ap-
plied usage of SE schemes, whereas SE Implementa-
tions contains articles which also provide an evalua-
tion of the implemented SE scheme.
Often, implementations focus on testing efficiency
(for a variety of metrics) and security for certain SE
algorithms of the scheme. Therefore, the majority
of implementations do not consider integration into
a client/server framework.
Furthermore, the SE schemes were categorized by
cryptographic settings ((a)symmetric/hybrid), search
settings (full-domain/index-based/hybrid), query ex-
pressiveness, and data types. Several articles focused
on more than one topic.
91 (23.2%) articles of all 393 collected papers focus
on diverse background information for SE, i.e. certain
aspects of SE schemes are elaborated in these articles.
These aspects are given in Table 2 and give a certain
indication of the research trends in underlying primi-
Table 2: Technical aspects dealt with in the identified SE
Background Papers.
Technical Aspects Ratio
Bilinear Maps 22.0%
Homomorphic Encryption 18.7%
Identity-Based Encryption 13.2%
Private Information Retrieval 9.9%
Attribute-Based Encryption 7.7%
Lattice-Based Systems 4.4%
Functional Encryption 2.2%
Hidden-Vector Encryption 2.2%
Broadcast Encryption 2.2%
The remainder of this position paper is now struc-
tured as follows: We give an overview on the different
Search, Find and Resolve: Towards a Taxonomy for Searchable Encryption Schemes
schemes and their corresponding domains we encoun-
tered during our research in Section 2, followed by the
extraction of an SE-development-timeline in Section
3 in order to find out if we can identify certain trends
in the development of SE. We finally conclude in Sec-
tion 4 by giving a short outlook on our planned future
Throughout our research of 393 articles on SE (pub-
lished between 2000 and December 2016) we identi-
fied 260 different SE schemes and the main domains
for categorizing these schemes involved:
number of users (writer/reader)
cryptographic primitives
types of search
search criteria
types of data
In the remainder of this Section we will give a
short overview of our findings for each domain.
2.1 Number of Users (Read/Write
Access Privilege)
Categorizing by means of writer(s) and reader(s)
osch et al., 2014) in an SE scheme is of signifi-
cant importance regarding the practical applicability
of such a scheme. Choosing an SE scheme for a given
purpose immediately raises questions on access priv-
ileges. Who is allowed to write (i.e. generate and
transmit encrypted data to the server) and who is al-
lowed to read (i.e. submit a query by issuing a trap-
door and interpret its results).
In 39 (15%) of 260 papers on SE schemes no
information on the number of users, in terms of
writer(s) and reader(s) was found. The remaining pa-
pers contain
72 S/S (27.7%; single writer/single reader) sys-
52 S/M (20%; single writer/multiple readers) sys-
72 M/S (27.7%; multiple writers/single reader)
systems, and
34 M/M (13.1%; multiple writers/multiple read-
ers) systems.
All SE schemes with any kind of multiple users
(*/M or M/*) are suitable for sharing data. S/S
schemes are mainly built for outsourcing data for a
single entity. All */M SE settings require some mech-
anism for key distribution and access control to allow
multiuser reading.
2.2 Cryptographic Primitives
When classifying SE schemes regarding their crypto-
graphic primitives, one always looks at the way how
these primitives are used in SE related operations (e.g.
search queries, index) and not how the actual data is
encrypted. So it still possible (and common) for an
asymmetric scheme to work with symmetrically en-
crypted data.
In general, in a symmetric scheme there exists one
secret key. Whoever holds that key can add data to the
repository and perform searches on that data.
In an asymmetric setting, the entities in possession
of the private key can issue search queries and retrieve
data, while possession of the public key allows for
data to be added to the repository.
Currently there doesn’t seem to be a general con-
sensus of when to call a system hybrid, so when giv-
ing this classification we followed the one given by
the authors in their original publication.
Among the 260 articles on SE schemes we identi-
117 symmetric schemes (45%),
132 asymmetric schemes (50.8%), and
19 hybrid schemes (7.3%)
(some papers focused on more than one scheme).
The first symmetric SE scheme (SSE) published
in 2000 (Song et al., 2000) represents the S/S set-
ting as described in Subsection 2.1. Asymmetric SE
schemes where initially called public key encryption
(PKE) schemes. In 2004 PEKS (Public Key Encryp-
tion with Keyword Search) was introduced by Boneh
et al. (Boneh et al., 2004), originating the current term
PEKS for asymmetric settings and M/S SE schemes.
2.3 Types of Search
There are basically two types of search in SE: the
full-domain search and the index-based search. Both
searches blind the search queries to avoid data leakage
(Tang, 2012).
Full-domain search means that the search is per-
formed over all data, while the search in index-based
systems is performed on pre-defined keywords gath-
ered in an index. The keywords have to be care-
fully selected to allow for meaningful queries, but this
IoTBDS 2019 - 4th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
technique is usually less complex and more flexible
in terms of data encryption. Its drawbacks are the
decreased flexibility when updating the index, addi-
tional memory requirements for storing the index, and
the expensive (re-)building of the index.
The index-based search is divided into three sub-
categories: forward index, inverted index, and hybrid
index. In a forward index, each data item is associ-
ated with a list of keywords (cf. Table 3). Worst case
search complexity is quadratic (for n documents with
n keywords each). Yet updating the index (be it by
changing keywords or documents) is usually fast and
Table 3: Example of a Forward Index (Tang, 2012).
Data Item Index
Document 1 black, red, white, chrome, vienna
Document 2 blue, white, copper, gold, memphis
Document 3 yellow, orange, gold, rome, vienna
An inverted index is one single index represent-
ing all data (cf. Table 4). It is a further possibility
for minimizing search time since it is now linear in
the number of keywords. However updating this in-
dex is usually a more costly and complex operation.
Schemes that allow for efficient updates of the index
are called dynamic, while static schemes do not sup-
port insert, update and delete operations.
Table 4: Example of an Inverted Index (Tang, 2012).
Data Item Index
black Document 1
red Document 1
chrome Document 1
vienna Document 1, Document 3
blue Document 2
white Document 1, Document 2
copper Document 2
memphis Document 2
yellow Document 3
orange Document 3
gold Document 2, Document 3
rome Document 3
The 260 articles on SE schemes contain
19 full-domain search systems (12.3%; 12 asym-
metric, 7 symmetric) and
129 index-based search systems (87.7%; 49 asym-
metric, 80 symmetric; with 8 hybrid, 13 for-
ward index, 28 inverted index, and the remaining
schemes without an explicitly stated index struc-
Further we identified 26 schemes explicitly consid-
ered to be dynamic, 20 of them index based. The first
dynamic inverted-index approach has been proposed
in (Liesdonk et al., 2010).
The remainder of the schemes were not explicitly
associated with a certain type of search.
2.4 Search Criteria
Search criteria must not be neglected when evaluating
the usability of an SE scheme. Different applications
have different requirements in terms of query expres-
siveness. Early SE schemes offered search setting for
queries with a single keyword; today most systems
support at the very least multiple keywords.
This categorization also includes the results of a
query, e.g. ranked results. In our review, we identified
the search criteria given in Table 5.
We additionally encountered the following search
criteria in less than five schemes:
comparison, semantic search, subset queries, struc-
tured query (SQL), phrase search, and verifiable
These low numbers may be caused by the fact that
these kinds of query where only introduced near the
end of our investigated body of work, e.g. structured
query was first published in 2016.
By default, SE search queries are equality queries,
thus equality search was not explicitly listed in Table
Boolean queries support boolean operations such
as conjunction, disjunction, and negation on key-
words. Ranked search delivers the query results
ranked by a pre-defined order, for example by rel-
evance to the given keyword (query) (Wang et al.,
2010). In systems with range queries (incl. subset
queries) the search is performed in a certain range
within the data, e.g. the first 100 documents. Most
users nowadays are used to fuzzy keyword search
(e.g. Google), where even typos and incomplete sub-
mitted keywords produce the desired search results.
Therefore, fuzzy keyword search is seen as a further
step towards usability - like similarity search.
2.5 Types of Data
A further criterion for categorizing SE schemes is the
kind of data SE is performed on. By default all the SE
schemes are elaborated on simple file servers contain-
ing text documents, but in our investigated set there
are also
26 databases,
Search, Find and Resolve: Towards a Taxonomy for Searchable Encryption Schemes
Table 5: Query Types supported in the investigated papers.
Query Type Ratio
Boolean Queries 21.9%
Ranked Results 14.2%
Range Queries 9.2%
Fuzzy Keyword Search 5.4%
Similarity Search 3.1%
Delegated Search 2.3%
7 audit logs,
5 mobile devices,
4 public health records, and
2 email settings.
Furthermore, we found geodata, face recognition
systems, genomic data, and images.
2.6 Security
To gain a deeper insight into the security constraints
of SE schemes we evaluated several leakage abuse at-
tacks. These are divided into two main branches ac-
cording to their impact.
Partial plaintext recovery attacks against schemes
with fully-revealed occurrence pattern with key-
word order (L3) and query-revealed occurrence
pattern (L2) as described in (Cash et al., 2015;
Naveed et al., 2015).
Query recovery attacks, which reveal the queried
keyword(s). These generally do not depend on the
underlying SE scheme. They also work for query
revealed occurrence pattern schemes (L1), as used
in most of the examined articles.
The first Query recovery attack proposed by (Is-
lam et al., 2012) exploits access pattern leakage. With
prior knowledge of the used dataset, the contents of
the search queries can be guessed with high accuracy.
These attacks are even possible if a scheme is proven
to be secure under the standard assumption, which
means these attacks are permitted by default.
Cash et al. increased the efficiency of this attack
in (Cash et al., 2015). Their count attack is based on
the fact that a large fraction of keywords will match
against a unique number of documents. Hence, an
adversary who knows the plaintext documents sim-
ply counts the number of documents returned by each
keyword and compares it to the number of documents
matched by a query.
An attack based on the search pattern has been
presented by Liu et al. (Liu et al., 2013). An adver-
sary who has knowledge of the user’s search habit can
effectively attack the keywords underlying the query
with the help of some publicly available knowledge.
Zhang et al. extended the active known document
attacks from (Cash et al., 2015) which rely on the
access pattern and named them file injection attacks.
The authors propose a non-adaptive and an adaptive
version depending on inserting files before or after
search queries are made. These powerful attacks work
for all dynamic schemes which are not forward se-
cure, even if they provide a low leakage. An adver-
sary controlling the server is able to learn a very high
fraction of keywords searched by a client using a rel-
atively small number of injected files. Table 6 gives
an overview of the different leakage attacks currently
defined in the literature.
Table 6: Summary of the different leakage abuse attacks.
et al.,
et al.,
et al.,
et al.,
Property n.a. n.a. n.a. dynamic
Access Access Search Access
Due to the power of file injection attacks we ex-
tended our classification by Forward Privacy and
Backward Privacy.
Forward Privacy (forward secure): Ensures that
newly added data remains hidden to the server un-
til it gets revealed by a later query, even if the
server might have learned some secrets during
previous queries.
Backward Privacy (backward secure): Search
queries should not leak matching entries after they
have been deleted.
Just 4 schemes of the 26 explicitly considered dy-
namic ones in the evaluated period of time are consid-
ered forward secure (Chang and Mitzenmacher, 2005;
Stefanov et al., 2013; Bost, 2016; Bost et al., 2016)
and up to 2016 there are none providing backward se-
curity (Cui et al., 2017).
Finally, we connected our results to a timeline to find
out if one can identify certain trends in the develop-
IoTBDS 2019 - 4th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
ment of SE schemes. The outcome of these time-
based results are described in this section.
We found out that the number of works on S/S and
S/M schemes is increasing during the last 5 years of
our observed set. On the other hand, the all-over trend
for M/S is decreasing; M/M SE remains more or less
on the same level.
Regarding cryptographic primitives we found a
remarkable gap between asymmetric and symmetric
settings from 2005 to 2010. After 2010 both keep on
the same level with a slightly increasing trend. The
first works on hybrid schemes were published in 2011
and the number of research work is slightly increas-
ing - Figure 1 illustrates the trends of cryptographic
primitives in SE schemes.
Figure 1: SE based on cryptographic primitives 2003-2016.
The SE search setting itself is significantly dom-
inated by index-based settings. Full-domain search
keeps constantly in low numbers. Figure 2 shows
further increase in the future on SE schemes with
an index-based search. The focus of the research is
clearly on the efficiency of search queries, deducible
from the increasing trend of using inverted indexes.
Whereas the number of schemes utilizing forward in-
dex settings are slightly decreasing.
Figure 2: Full-domain vs. index-based SE settings 2003-
We identified various search techniques, with the
most popular being:
boolean search,
range search,
ranked search, and
fuzzy search.
The earliest scheme supporting boolean search
queries appeared in 2003, this has been the most
frequently engineered technique until 2014. Then
ranked search became the most popular query expres-
siveness, which provides search results in a certain
order. Ranked and fuzzy keyword search initially
appeared in our paper collection in 2008/2009. Al-
though fuzzy keyword search seems to be of signif-
icant importance for user’s comfort, it only appears
sporadically in articles about SE schemes, mainly due
to the lack of efficient implementations. See also Fig-
ure 3 for a graphical depictions of the trends over
We also researched cryptographic technologies
and identified identity based encrpytion (IBE), at-
tribute based encryption (ABE), and bilinear maps
(BM) as the dominating asymmetric techniques.
However, from the corpus we could not determine a
specific future trend for any of these techniques.
We initially started this project in order to find a spe-
cific searchable encryption scheme for a particular use
case, but quickly became aware of the vast number of
existing schemes, together with the lack of any cur-
rent taxonomy of these schemes.
But usually one cannot decide on a particular
scheme without being aware of the number of users
and their read/write access privilege, resulting cryp-
tographic primitives and the support of efficient and
secure updates.
All the categorization domains we described in
this paper are of significant importance for choosing
the SE scheme for any use case.
We are currently in the process of implementing a
framework that allows for fast and usable experimen-
tation with different searchable encryption schemes
in real-world scenarios (Hab
ock et al., 2018). In ad-
dition we try to finalize our categorisation of papers
up until the current date, and try to identify future re-
search trends from this.
The quite recently published file injection attacks
on dynamic SE schemes and the definition of for-
ward and backward security properties in the context
Search, Find and Resolve: Towards a Taxonomy for Searchable Encryption Schemes
Figure 3: Supported Search Techniques 2003-2016.
of searchable encryption schemes evoke new chal-
lenges. be it by the need for thorough re-evaluation
and re-design of already existing schemes or by de-
signing new schemes with resilient security guaran-
tees in real-world environments.
Part of our work on the Searchitect project is funded
by Netidee
(Internet Privatstiftung Austria), grant
no. 2099.
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Search, Find and Resolve: Towards a Taxonomy for Searchable Encryption Schemes