Toward an Autonomic and Adaptive Load Management Strategy for
Reducing Energy Consumption under Performance Constraints in
Data Centers
Abdulrahman Nahhas
, Sascha Bosse
, Matthias Pohl
and Klaus Turowski
Very Large Business Applications Lab, Faculty of Computer Science, Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg, Germany
Keywords: IT Resources Management, Adaptive Load Distribution Strategies, Virtual Machines Live Migration, Energy-
aware Virtual Machines Allocation, Heuristic and Metaheuristic Optimization, Data Center Management.
Abstract: The future vision of IT-industry is shifting toward a utility-based offering of computing power using the
concepts of pay-per-use. However, the elasticity and scalability characteristics of cloud computing massively
increased the complexity of IT-system landscapes, since market leaders extensively expanding their IT-
infrastructure. Accordingly, the carbon-footprint of data centers operations is estimated to be the fastest
growing footprint among different IT fields. The majority of contribution in the examined literature that
address IT resources management in data centers exhibits either a specific or a generic nature. The specific
solutions are designed to solve specific problems, but yet neglecting the dynamic nature of IT-systems. The
design of generic solutions usually overlooks many details of the investigated problems that have an impact
on the possible optimization potential. One can argue that an optimized combination of different algorithms
used during a specified time span would outperform a single specific or generic algorithm for the management
of IT recourses in data centers. Therefore, a conceptual design for an autonomic and adaptive load
management strategy is presented to investigate the aforementioned hypothesis. Our initial experimental
results showed considerable improvement when multiple algorithms are used for the allocation of virtual
Virtualization strategies have changed the traditional
design and deployment of IT-system landscapes. The
future vision of IT-industry is shifting toward a
utility-based offering of computing power using the
concepts of cloud computing. Therefore, market
leaders are massively expanding their IT-system
landscapes (Kushida et al., 2011), in which the
optimization of the IT-system design and engineering
is not significantly important for decision makers to
announce investments worth millions of euro for new
IT-infrastructure. However, the elasticity and
scalability features of the cloud computing model
have a major impact on the complexity of IT-system
landscapes, since the incoming workload becomes
much harder to predict. Consequently, the massive
expansions of IT-system landscapes in addition to the
aforementioned characteristics of cloud computing
radically complicated the management process of
those landscapes.
The energy costs will keep increasing, which
poses a necessity for IT-service provider to
investigate the efficiency of their operations to reduce
costs while holding their Service Level Agreements
(SLA). The efficiency of utilizing IT-resources
becomes a market competitive advantage for IT-
service provider to offer reliable but yet sustainable
IT-services with reasonable costs in the market. The
main fraction of costs is encountered through the
energy consumption of physical servers, which is
estimated to reach up to 50 % of the overall costs. In
addition, statistical analysis on the worldwide energy
consumption triggered an alarm on a governmental
level since numbers suggest a total growth of roughly
hundred percent reported by data center industry
Nahhas, A., Bosse, S., Pohl, M. and Turowski, K.
Toward an Autonomic and Adaptive Load Management Strategy for Reducing Energy Consumption under Performance Constraints in Data Centers.
DOI: 10.5220/0007754004710478
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER 2019), pages 471-478
ISBN: 978-989-758-365-0
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
between 2005 and 2010 (Koomey, 2011). Obviously,
the associated CO
emissions of data center’s
operations reported, accordingly, tremendous growth
and estimated to be the fastest growing carbon-
footprint among different IT fields (Avgerinou et al.,
2017). On a European Union (EU) level, some
initiatives, research, and further regulations have
been introduced to suppress the impact of data center
footprint as, for instance, the EU Data Center
Code of Conduct (Avgerinou et al., 2017). Those
facts motivated data centers operators to revision the
management strategies of data centers to achieve a
higher level of sustainability in service offering and
In this research, we will present an overview on
the current advances of load management strategies
targeting sustainable management of IT resources in
data centers. The second section is dedicated to shed
a light on the usual formulation of static and dynamic
Virtual Machines (VMs) placement problems. Based
on the initial findings, we present our intermediate
analysis from our systemic literature analysis. We
discuss the adopted solution approaches from an
algorithmic point of view to present our hypothesis
and research question. In the third section, a
conceptual design for an autonomic and adaptive load
management strategy is presented. The fourth section
is dedicated to present the initial computational
results to answer the posed research before closing
the paper with a conclusion.
Many efforts and investigations have been dedicated
in the last two decades to propose efficient but yet
specific solutions for data center management. The
majority of the static virtual machines placement or
virtual machines consolidation problems are
formulated in different forms of bin-packing
problems (Lopez-Pires and Baran, 2015). The
simplest form is the single dimension bin-packing
problem taking the CPU as the main resource to
allocate the virtual machines. The goal is eventually
to place the existing virtual machines modelled as
items into the minimum number of active physical
hosts modelled as bins to reduce the overall energy
consumption. Many similar problems have been
intensively addressed in the literature in the fields of
scheduling and operations research as for instance,
the identical and non-identical parallel machines
scheduling problems and different forms of bin-
packing problems (Pinedo, 2012; Skiena, 1998).
Unfortunately, the majority of those problems have
been proven to be NP-Hard. In addition, the
complexity of a considered problem is further
increased when it is formulated in form of multi-
dimensional bin packing problem. In such more
realistic problem formulation, three recourses
dimensions can be taken into consideration as for
instance, CPU, memory and storage.
Therefore, the majority of the research conducted
on the virtual machines placement problems is
inspired by heuristic approaches. They are usually
adopted when the solution space of a problem cannot
be investigated entirely with the current
computational power in polynomial time. More
profoundly, heuristic approaches comprise two main
categories: constructive and improvement
approaches. The constructive approaches are simple
straightforward algorithms, in which the decision for
allocation is taken instantly after conducting some
calculations without searching in the solution space
of the problem. They are intuitive to implement and
exhibit a light execution time to take decision for a
new allocation. However, they are not robust against
major modifications in the problem formulation. In
essence, if the underlying infrastructure or the
incoming workload patterns witness a major change,
their performance usually massively degrades and
their internal design has to be adjusted accordingly
(Keller et al., 2012).
Therefore, IT- research has been for decades
relying on improvement and metaheuristic
approaches for solving static virtual machine
consolidation problems. Improvement heuristics are
conceptually more sophisticated heuristic procedures
in comparison to the constructive ones since the
construction of a solution is the first step in their
internal functionality. Thereafter, based on a solution,
an improvement heuristic seeks to conduct single or
several changes on the constructed allocation to find
a so-called neighbour solution, which hopefully
yields to a better investigated objective function. The
modification process is then iteratively conducted
until some breaking criterion is met. Finally, the
metaheuristic approaches are the most powerful
optimization techniques that fall under heuristic
procedures. The majority of them are inspired by
some natural phenomena, as for instance, Genetic
Algorithms (evolution theory) (Holland, 1992) or
Simulated Annealing (annealing process of metals)
(Kirkpatrick et al., 1983). They are fundamentally
based on an improvement heuristic and an overall
control strategy that attempt to guide the
CLOSER 2019 - 9th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
improvement procedure to achieve better
optimization results and avoid false or local optima.
However, the adoption of those optimization
techniques is associated with significantly higher
computational effort to find good solutions in
comparison to constructive approaches. Therefore,
their adoption is strictly subject to whether the
allocation decision needs to be taken instantly or not.
In the static virtual machine consolidation problem
case, the required computational effort to find a very
good to a near optimal solution does not have to be
necessarily instant since the migration of the virtual
machines is conducted anyways in an offline mode.
In addition to the rapid evolvement of
virtualization strategies, the introduction of virtual
machines live migration algorithms shifted the focus
of academia from the classical static virtual machines
consolidation problems to the so-called dynamic
Virtual Machines Placement problems (VMP).
Dynamic virtual machine placement implies that
virtual machines are subject to reallocation processes
during operational time based on the dynamic state of
the system to meet various goals, as for instance, to
reduce energy consumption. The virtual machines
live migration algorithms address the migration
process of virtual machines during the operational
time, in which the goal is to migrate a virtual machine
from an active physical host to another one with the
minimum downtime (Clark et al., 2005; Jin et al.,
2014). Thus, to reduce the impact of the migration
process on the associated hosted services in order to
avoid violations in the signed SLA while reducing the
overall energy consumption. This major advance in
virtualization strategies led to the introduction of a
new research stream under the term “energy-aware”.
In the past decade, many algorithms have been
presented to schedule virtual machines or tasks taking
into consideration the increase in the energy
consumption of the underlying infrastructure. In
addition, the popularity of metaheuristic approaches
for virtual machines allocation is significantly
decreased with major domination of heuristics
approaches. Obviously, the reason can be traced back
to the relatively high required computational effort of
them to find suitable allocation. Based on our initial
analysis on the prominent publications on science
direct database the majority of the found articles are
presenting energy-aware solutions such as the
contributions of (Zheng and Cai, 2011; Goiri et al.,
2012; Bodenstein et al., 2012; Beloglazov et al.,
2012; Luo et al., 2013; Zhang et al., 2014; Tesfatsion
et al., 2014; Khani et al., 2015; Dupont et al., 2015;
Kumar and Raghunathan, 2016; Carli et al., 2016;
Vafamehr and Khodayar, 2018; Marotta et al., 2018;
Malekloo et al., 2018; Kaur and Chana, 2018; Han et
al., 2018). Energy-aware heuristics are specially
designed algorithms to reduce energy power in data
centers and usually based on a core power model that
highly determines their behavior. The majority of the
found articles are based on constructive heuristic
procedures since the light execution time is of major
importance for solutions with live migration
capabilities. For instance, in (Beloglazov et al., 2012;
Dupont et al., 2015; Han et al., 2018; Zhang et al.,
2014) the core functionality of the presented
heuristics is based on the designed or adopted power
However, IT industry requires solutions that are
able to adapt to the dynamic nature of those systems
with minimal human intervention. Therefore, the
complexity of our current and future IT-systems
requires a deep analysis of the current understanding
of artificial intelligence techniques and its advances
for automation proposes. Therefore, based on our
initial literature analysis, we identified two main
research streams that explicitly deal with the virtual
machines placement problem based on some machine
learning approaches to reduce energy consumption in
data centers. In the first stream, adaptive approaches
are presented such the contributions of (Jeyarani et
al., 2012; Xu et al., 2012; Vitali et al., 2015; Suresh
and Sakthivel, 2017; Yoon et al., 2017; Zhou et al.,
2018; Kumar and Singh, 2018). Adaptive solutions
are algorithms with monitoring capabilities that are
designed to react or adapt to specific scenarios such
upper and lower threshold of server’s workload or
statistical analysis on workload to rely on some
predictions (Yoon et al., 2017). The internal design of
the presented solutions is definitely more
sophisticated than the energy-aware solutions and the
majority of them have been presented in form of
frameworks. In essence, in the adaptive solutions, the
algorithm is a component that relays on some
prediction model to derive predictions for the upper
and lower threshold of servers to take the allocation
decision as in (Jeyarani et al., 2012; Kumar and
Singh, 2018; Suresh and Sakthivel, 2017; Vitali et al.,
2015; Yoon et al., 2017; Zhou et al., 2018).
The second stream presents autonomic
frameworks as for instance the contributions of
(Wang et al., 2008; Xu et al., 2012; Tchana et al.,
2013; Amoretti et al., 2013; Delaval et al., 2015).
Autonomic strategies are self-organizing strategies
that exhibit sophisticated features usually targeting
the management of landscape on an application level
as for instance, application scalability (Tchana et al.,
2013; Wang et al., 2008; Delaval et al., 2015). Based
on the conducted analysis, the majority of
Toward an Autonomic and Adaptive Load Management Strategy for Reducing Energy Consumption under Performance Constraints in Data
contributions in the examined literature exhibit either
a specific or a generic nature. The specific solutions
are designed to solve specific problems, but yet
neglecting the dynamic nature of IT-systems
especially in a cloud-computing context. The design
of generic solutions usually overlooks many details of
the investigated problems that have an impact on the
desired optimization potential and thus, do not
achieve the possible optimization potential.
Therefore, we aim to answer the following research
question: Will a combination of heuristic and
metaheuristic approaches to present a hybrid
framework for the management of data center
operation overcome the aforementioned drawbacks in
the analyzed literature?
The question is based on the argument that an
optimized combination of different algorithms used
during a specified time span would outperform a
single specific or generic algorithm for the
management of IT recourses in data centers. To
exactly know how the combination should be built,
we need to rely on some overall optimization
mechanisms, as for instance, a metaheuristic
approach. The main idea is to exploit the light
execution time of constructive approaches to take
instant decision for allocation and the robustness of
metaheuristic approaches to achieve a higher
optimization potential. In the course of the next two
sections, we present a conceptual design of an
adaptive and autonomic concept for the management
of data centre operations based on multiple
algorithms to answer the research question and
validate the aforementioned hypothesis.
The concept under design is presented in Figure 1.
The framework consists of three main components:
the workload Monitoring and Prediction component
(MP), the Adaptive component (AD) and the
Artificial Intelligence component (AI). The MP
component is designed to deliver likely future
workload distributions of the considered Virtual
Machine (VMs) types. Based on the analyzed
literature, one can rely on statistical analysis or
machine learning approaches on the workload
demand to predict the incoming workload for a
specific time span (Kumar and Singh, 2018). In some
studies, it is even suggested to conduct statistical
analysis on the power consumption requirements on
an application level to derive power consumption
profiles of applications. For instance, Bartalos et al.
(2016) presented an aggregated model to predict the
power demand of an application running on specific
servers using multiple linear regression models. It is
of interest to study the behavior of the optimization
model if one combines both prediction approaches to
derive workload profiles as well as energy power
The AD component contains an optimization and
evaluation models. In our prototypical analysis and
implementation, we relied on Genetic Algorithms
(GA) to design the optimization model, which is
dedicated for finding the best combination of
heuristics that should be used for load management
depending on the system state over time. The
optimization model might be further fed with
different algorithms, performance models,
operational constraints and finally different sensitive
parameters that are collected through feedback loops
from the AI component. As for operational
constraints, different forms of Service Level
Agreements (SLAs) can be modeled to suppress the
impact of live migrations on the associated possible
penalties. Sensitive parameters include performance-
based and workload-based measurements, as for
instance, the physical server’s upper and lower
thresholds and the global threshold of the system.
Such measurements have a major impact on the
design and the functionality of the scalability
mechanisms of the systems. The evaluation model
might be based on a simulation model.
The AD component provides a solution that
contains a combination of different algorithms to be
used during a defined time span for load management
in addition to a set of sensitive parameters (e.g.
Threshold of servers workload) to control the
migration policies. The AI component is dedicated to
learn from the optimization results, pass the solution
to the underlined infrastructure and provide a
feedback loop to continuously adjust the performance
of the AD component to achieve better results in the
next optimization interval. The goal of the feedback
loops is mainly to reduce the deviation of the inquired
predictions on the workload and other measurements
from the actual ones and systematically achieving a
higher accuracy of the optimization model. Fuzzy sets
have been, for instance, applied to address different
problems, especially, in the field of supply chain
management (Ganga and Carpinetti, 2011). They are
a powerful approach to model uncertainties of some
phenomena and incorporating expert’s knowledge.
Thus, they can be adapted to model the highly
dynamic behavior of IT landscapes and its associated
CLOSER 2019 - 9th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
Workload monitoring and prediction component
Artificial intelligence componentAdaptive component
Workload predictor
Evaluation model
(e.g. Simulation)
Predictecd interarival rates per VM-Types T i
Execution model
(Hypervisor scripting)
Knowledge base
Actual interarival rates T i
Performance Metrics
Optmization model
(Metaheuristic e.g. GA)
Load distribution
Performance and
costs models
Data analytic
Data analytic
Actual Workload i
SLA Constraints
Figure 1: A conceptual model for an autonomic and adaptive load management strategy.
uncertainties. The overall goal is to detach the
optimization component as soon as the AI component
is trained and ready to work without the AD
component. This goal can be systemically achieved
through collecting data on the applied solutions and
their deviation from the real data to derive
measurements and sensitive parameters and apply
data analytics approaches to extract knowledge. The
obtained knowledge will be then further reflected in
forms of rules and actions that must be applied to
react to different phenomena.
The initial analysis is dedicated to investigate the
validity of the aforementioned hypothesis and answer
the research question. Therefore, we relied on
collected information through interviews with experts
to mimic the MP component to derived different
workload distribution for different VMs types of a
real system. In addition, we did not extend our
experiment to investigate the role of the AI
component since the research question is profoundly
based on the functionality of the adaptive component.
In the course of the next section, we present a brief
problem formulation to investigate the functionality
of the adaptive component before presenting our
initial findings.
We relied on a simple problem formulation to
draw some conclusions on whether the concept
achieves the desired optimization potential or not
(Nahhas et al., 2018). One can assume that the
optimization potential tends to increase with the
increase in the complexity of a considered problem.
The adaptive component is designed to optimize the
functionality of the system, in which a simplified set
of algorithms (load -concertation and -balancing) and
sensitive parameters (Thresholds of physical servers)
are passed to the optimization model. In our analysis,
the optimization model is based on Genetic
Algorithms (GA), while a simulation model is built to
evaluate the fitness of the solution candidates. In this
Toward an Autonomic and Adaptive Load Management Strategy for Reducing Energy Consumption under Performance Constraints in Data
initial analysis, we set the optimization model to
investigate whether we need to change our allocation
algorithm every hour. This implies that a solution
candidate in the population of the GA comprises 24
integer values that represent the codes of the
modelled allocation algorithms every hour and
thresholds of physical servers.
We simulated five days of operations and relied
on the expert’s interviews to derive mathematical
distribution that describes the behavior of the
considered virtual machines as shown in Table 1. The
IT landscape of the considered system consists of
eight homogeneous servers, which host five different
types of virtualized systems deployed in 290 VMs.
The capacity of the main memory of the servers is 500
GB. Unlike many problem formulations in the
literature, the bottleneck of the considered system is
not the CPU capacity but rather the main memory,
since the majority of the offered virtual machines
servers as desktops. This implies that sharing the
main memory is not allowed. We formulated the
problem to take into consideration the number of
migrated virtual machines as well as the total number
of online hours of all servers during a time span.
Table 1: Descriptive information of the virtual machines in
the considered IT landscape.
VMs Type
Online time
Offline time
[1, 6, 3]
[22, 30, 24]
[6, 14, 8]
[14, 18, 16]
SAP system
access 1
[2, 8, 5]
[16, 22, 19]
SAP system
access 2
[2, 8, 5]
[16, 22, 19]
SAP system
access 3
[2, 8, 5]
[16, 22, 19]
Given a data centre, that consists of a set of
physical machines, which are serving customer
requests to deploy various types of virtual machines.
The problem under investigation might be formalized
in the following:
Let P = {p
, …, p
}: be a set of m physical
Let V = {v
, …, v
}: be a set of n online virtual
Let R = {r
, …, r
}: be a set of o resources required
for each v
Let D
: be the required resource for v
V from
resource type y
Let C
: be the total capacity of h
H of the
resource type y
Let A (A
{1, 2}): denote the codes that describe
the algorithms that can be used for allocation of
virtual machines.
Let S = {s
, …, s
}: be the set of m values, which
represent the online hours of the physical machines
P = {p
, …, p
} during a time span T.
denote the number of migrated virtual
machines over the time interval T.
denote the set of all possible combinations
of the considered set of algorithms A during a defined
time interval T. It is desired to find the combination
of the algorithms H
to allocate the set of VMs V
on the hosts dynamically. This combination is then
subject to the minimization of γ
refers to the total
online hours of all servers and minimization of γ
refers to the total number of migrated virtual
machines over a time interval T as shown in equation
(1). Those are to reduce total energy consumption
taking into consideration the impact of live migration
on the performance of the system in a simple
For solving the problem, we adopted a weighted-
sum approach to formulate the objective function in
formula (3) to obtain formula (4).
  
 
 
The simulation has been set to consider a time
interval of 120 hours, which correspond to five days
of operations. For the hybrid approach, 10 to 20
replications were recorded during the optimization
before drawing any conclusion on the fitness of a
solution candidate. Finally, after acquiring the
solution, 200 replications are recorded to ensure the
quality of the obtained results and eliminate the bias
from the system for each simulated scenario. A 95 %
confidence interval has been applied to all observed
measurements to observe the possible deviation and
obtain the margin of error. The results showed that the
CLOSER 2019 - 9th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
hybrid approach significantly outperforms both
algorithms in terms of minimizing the number of
migrated virtual machines over the optimization
interval. With a slight deviation from the load
concentration algorithm, nearly the same
performance in terms of minimizing the total online
hours of physical servers is observed. The
computational results of the experiments are
presented in Figure 2. The 960 hours refers to the total
online hours over all servers in the considered time
interval. The obtained margin of error on the collected
results in terms of the total migrated virtual machine
ranged between (±2.07, ±5.56). While more stable
results are obtained in terms of the total initiated
migrations that ranged between 0.21, ±0.67) and
the total online hours (± 4.29, ±1.82).
Online hours
Average (hr)
Total migrated VMs
Average (number)
18 18
Total ititiated migrations
Average (number)
Is situation Load balancing Load concentration Hybrid approach
Figure 2: Experimental result on the presented hypothesis.
Our future work will be concentrated on finalizing a
systematic literature analysis and further presenting
taxonomy for the virtual machine live migration
problems. Our preliminary analysis in a small use-
case showed that the framework can achieve
considerable improvements in minimizing the
objective values. In addition, we are designing large-
scale experiments based on collecting different
information on the operational procedures of IT-
service providers. Moreover, we are expecting to
achieve a higher optimization potential with the
increase of the problem complexity since the
performance of the constructive approaches usually
reasonable for solving simple problems. In the
problem formulation, we addressed only the number
of migrated virtual machine as an operational
constraint, which might have an impact on the service
level agreement. Therefore, in the final experimental
analysis, we aim to address operational constraints by
IT service provider more profoundly. In addition, in
the formulated objective function we aim to address
not only the minimization of the total online hours but
also different power states of server based on
different workload levels to reduce energy
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CLOSER 2019 - 9th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science