Evaluating Mentalization during Driving
Giorgio Grasso, Chiara Lucifora, Pietro Perconti and Alessio Plebe
Department of Cognitive Science, University of Messina, Italy
Autonomous Driving, Mindreading, Eye Contact.
The development of artificial intelligence promises important future changes from a social point of view. In
particular, the emerging self-driving cars allow today to plan a future where traffic flow will greatly improve,
and car accidents will be continuously decreasing. However, we should expect a period when full or partial
autonomous vehicles and ordinary cars coexist, during which it would be essential to fully understand the
cognitive processes used by ordinary people when driving. We identify as a crucial aspect the shift between
quick and automated reactions, and the resort to mentalizing, costly social processes, sometimes necessary
to predict intentions of other road users. In our experimental design we investigate the main precursors of
mindreading, that is, eye contact and shared attention. We believe that a better understanding of this twofold
mecahnisms involved in driving could be used to improve advanced driver assistance systems.
Since few years Artificial Intelligence is enjoying its
most fortunate period ever (Schwab, 2016; Parloff,
2016; Makridakis, 2017). The astonishing advances
achieved since, are changing the way many problems
are solved to the extent that the world is said to experi-
ence a AI Renaissance (Tan and Lim, 2018). This dra-
matic progress is almost entirely due to artificial neu-
ral networks in their new deep versions (Schmidhu-
ber, 2015; Goodfellow et al., 2016; Chui et al., 2018;
Hazelwood et al., 2018).
Research on autonomous vehicles is certainly one
of the application areas that mostly benefited from
the rise of the deep learning (Gurghian et al., 2016;
Wu et al., 2016; Rausch et al., 2017; Bojarski et al.,
2017; Li et al., 2018; Schwarting et al., 2018). Adop-
tion of deep neural models in the automotive domain
is now attainable by exploiting graphics processing
units (GPUs), thanks to the CUDA software interface
(Sanders and Kandrot, 2014), and real-time GPU-
based computers like NVIDIA Drive PX. Together
with technologies enabling dedicated communication
(V2x) between vehicles and other vehicles and infras-
tructures (Zhao et al., 2018), a future of monopoly of
algorithms over traffic will be real, with great advan-
tages in terms of traffic efficiency and safety.
Notwithstanding, the shift from human to auto-
matic driving will pose serious challenges, for a se-
riers of crucial issues, like readiness of infrastruc-
tures (Johnson, 2017). Therefore, in the most prob-
able near future full or partial autonomous vehicles
must coexist with ordinary non-autonomous vehicles.
Bearing this in mind, an important question concerns
the cognitive processes used by ordinary people when
driving, in particular during critical interactions with
other active agents, such as cars, trucks, cyclists,
and pedestrians. Several researches, reviewed in the
next Section, are addressing this question, which still
remains largely unanswered. Our work attempt to
progress in this direction, by designing a system for
assessing when and why subjects resort to costly so-
cial processes, rather than using quick and automated
By drawing on current cognitive science and neu-
roscience, is it possible to identify number of differ-
ent brain processes recruited when driving, from low-
level sensorimotor coordination up to social cognition
and decision making. In particular, it will be argued
for the idea that we have to take into account mental-
izing abilities (Samson, 2013; Vilarroya and i Argi-
mon, 2007) i.e., social cognition processes aiming at
inferring intentions of others and not simply at paying
attention to other people behavior by means of au-
tomated sensorimotor control processes. As we will
briefly review in §2.1, cognitive science is not an ob-
vious perspective in the assesment of driver’s behav-
ior, there are several other approaches, some of which
just neglect the cognitive aspect, few others explicity
foster an alternative perspective.
Our experimental design is intended to test the
typical perceptual conditions which elicit the shift
Grasso, G., Lucifora, C., Perconti, P. and Plebe, A.
Evaluating Mentalization during Driving.
DOI: 10.5220/0007756505360541
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems (VEHITS 2019), pages 536-541
ISBN: 978-989-758-374-2
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
from an automated driving style to a mentalizing as-
sessment of the driving scene. We test the main pre-
cursors of mindreading, that is, eye contact and shared
attention (Tomasello, 2009a; Shepherd, 2010). We ar-
gued for the thesis that measurable eye contact and
joint attention perceptual patterns are typical of sce-
narios which elicit social cognition and mentalizing
drive. Our attempt ends up in suggesting that these
empirical findings could be used to improve advanced
driver assistance systems in the cases in which a men-
talizing driving style is needed.
Driving is a well disciplined human activity, with
rules covering almost every possible pattern of in-
teractions between vehicles, and between other non
driving people. Driving rules are designed to opti-
mize traffic flow and maximize road safety. There is
a continuous trend of harmonization of driving rules
among countries (WP.29, 2012), even if the situation
is highly unbalanced between high- and mid- income,
and low-income countries (WHO, 2018). Therefore,
for a driver with enough experience it might suffice to
follow the rules to interact efficiently with the other
human actors on the road, and this rule-following be-
havior would usually require automated sensorimotor
controls only. However, blind trusting the rules may
turn out highly dangerous, and often drivers should
resort to a forecast of the next actions of others, in-
cluding possible actions that violate road rules.
This sort of activity belong to what is generally
called “mindreading”, one of the most enhanced hu-
man cognitive capacity, first noticed by social psy-
chologists and philosophers in the middle of last cen-
tury (Sellars, 1956; Heider, 1958), since then grown
as a central topic in philosophy of mind (Dennett,
1987; Nichols and Stich, 2003; Goldman, 2006;
Hutto, 2008; Perconti, 2017) and cognitive science
(Stich, 1983; Gopnik and Meltzoff, 1997; Gopnik and
Meltzoff, 1999; Brooks and Meltzoff, 2002).
2.1 Mindreading and Its Biological
Generally speaking, mindreading is a set of cognitive
capacities that allow people to predict others’ behav-
ior in a wide range of circumstances; that encour-
age to attribute mental states to humans; and to ex-
plain the behavior of humans in terms of their pos-
sessing mental states. There are several open dis-
cussions, for example if mindreading is based on a
sort of simplified theory of human behavior repre-
sented in our brains (Gopnik and Meltzoff, 1997;
Gopnik and Meltzoff, 1999; Gopnik and Wellman,
2012; Samson, 2013), or if it can better be conceived
as a sort of simulation (Gallese and Goldman, 1998;
Goldman, 2006), the same kind of strategy broadly
adopted in high level cognition (Hesslow, 2012). De-
spite open problems, there is now an overall com-
prehensive and detailed picture of how mindreading
works, its evolutionary reasons (Call and Tomasello,
2005; Tomasello, 2009b), and its neural correlates
(Rizzolatti et al., 2001; Umilt
a et al., 2001; Spiers and
Maguire, 2006). One clear aspect is that mindreading
is cognitively expensive, therefore is used with parsi-
mony. Generally speaking, human behavior can be
characterized by low or high levels of mentalizing.
Above all, it depends on how much they are automatic
or voluntary. It is, however, also matter of how much
the behavior is social. Swimming alone in a swim-
ming pool is a typical low level mentalizing behavior.
It is, in fact, a non-social and automatic action. On
the contrary, when someone is asked to intercede to
pacify two contenders, it is necessarily engaged in a
high level mentalizing behavior. It is an intentional
action and it is directed to another individual and to
a social scenario. It is not only matter of attention
and will. It depends, in fact, on interpreting (or not)
a given behavior by means of the intentional vocabu-
lary and the folk psychology framework, consisting of
believes, desires, and propositional attitudes. Mental-
izing can be more or less useful when you are driving
a vehicle. Driving a car in an isolated motorway is
a completely different experience than trying, to say,
to cross a road in downtown Hanoi. Guessing other
people intentions is a crucial issue in one case, but
not in the other. For this, mental processes which are
involved during driving are so various. Sometimes so-
cial cognition processing is highly demanding, while
in other circumstances the brain works, so to speak,
in a solipsistic and automatic way. Traffic rules play
a key role in leading people to adopt a more or less
mentalizing driving style. What matters is the conve-
nience to adopt a negotiation driving style, or to base
our behavior merely on conventional rules and habits.
When we will be able to fully model how that “con-
venience” works, we will be endowed with a fruitful
theoretical resource to better deal with the social au-
tonomous vehicle challenges.
Trying to discriminate the neural basis of spon-
taneous vs. voluntary mentalizing during everyday
experiences, (Spiers and Maguire, 2006) used as a
case study for their investigation the taxi driver or-
dinary experience of driving in central London. They
Evaluating Mentalization during Driving
found an increased activity in a number of regions,
namely the right pSTS, the mPFC and the right tem-
poral pole, largely overlapping with many neuroimag-
ing studies examining the neural basis of mentalizing.
It seems that when the driver shifts from the “coast-
ing driving style, where subjects were actively driv-
ing and moving through the city, but did not have any
directed thoughts”, to a negotiating driving style, the
brain starts to work in a highly mentalizing mode.
2.2 Relevant Researches
Despite the current improved understanding of how
mentalizing works, as just reviewed, ans the impor-
tance during driving, there are few relevant studies so
far. There is an increasing number of studies on so-
cial interaction between road users, for the purpose
to implement communicative devices in autonomous
vehicles. (Riaz and Niazi, 2017) present a social au-
tonomous vehicle (AV), with the capability of predict-
ing intentions, mentalizing and copying the actions of
each other. Their cognitive architecture includes two
modules: The Mentalizing Module in charge of dis-
covering the intention of neighboring vehicles, and
the Mirroring Module, in charge of changing the ego
trajectory according to the changed trajectory of the
nearest vehicles. Although Riaz and Niazi maintain
that their model will improve the collision avoidance
capabilities of AVs, it does not try to simulate the cog-
nitive faculties actually involved in performing the
given task. Anthropomorphism, a process whereby
people attribute to nonhumans distinctively human
characteristics, particularly the capacity for planing
and taking decisions, is the focus of the study by
(Waytz et al., 2014), still aimed at identify poten-
tial advantages for autonomous vehicle. The work of
(Zhang et al., 2018) is also aimed at proposing new
forms of vehicle communication signals, with the pur-
pose of indicating its “intentions”.
Several researches have addressed the question
of how drivers predict the behavior of pedestrians
(Jorge and Rossetti, 2018; Bengtsson, 2018; Rasouli
et al., 2018), this limited target is justified because for
pedestrians only the common strategies of mentaliz-
ing like eye gazing can be applied. However, drivers
do attempt to apply their normal mentalizing strate-
gies to other cars too, even if the scarce visibility of
the head of other drivers reduce drastically the effi-
ciency of mentalizing. Moreover, even when limited
to pedestrians, as far as our knowledge all researches
have failed to distinguish between the application of
the most common automated sensorimotor control,
and the switch to the more costly mentalizing.
While the body of studies reviewed so far, even
if not aimed at evaluating mentalizing per se in the
road context, do assume it is the main behavior at
play, there are several other studies that deliberately
disregard the perspective of mentalizing. This choice
is grounded in the same old antipsychologism typi-
cal of the analytic philosophy of last century, as clari-
fied, for example, by (Broth et al., 2018): “Since Ryle
(1949) and Wittgenstein (1953), many action-oriented
scholars have discussed how ‘understanding’ another
person rests not on having (mediated or direct) ac-
cess to their mind which is presumably lodged in
the brain but on what they are relevantly doing in
a particular situation. [. . . ] Respecified as a mani-
fest and social phenomenon rather than as an internal
and private one, intentions can be studied as they are
oriented to by participants over the course of inter-
actional sequences”. Adhere to this viewpoint sev-
eral studies focused on analyzing interactions of road
users using the framework of ethnomethodology and
conversation analysis (Merlino and Mondada, 2018).
In the study by (Broth et al., 2018), quoted above,
ascriptions of mental states to other road users are ex-
amined in the context of driver training. A similar
non-cognitive framework is that of micro sociology,
founded on the approach of Erving (Goffman, 1963),
inspired the recent approach called “mobile ethnog-
raphy” for the study of interactions of people related
to mobility negotiation (Jensen, 2010; Karndacharuk
et al., 2014). Studies within this framework encom-
passes specific aspects of social interactions between
road users such as ways to communicate the inten-
tion to offer space to each other (Haddington and Rau-
niomaa, 2014), or the analysis of overt appreciations
of the actions of other drivers (Laurier, 2018).
The human factors domain is an additional rel-
evant research field, with a long tradition in the
study of driver behavior, where often psychologi-
cal categories are used, such as attention (Kircher
and Ahlstrom, 2017) or engagement (Radwin et al.,
2017), therefore in between a behavioral approach
and our persepective.
2.3 Our Approach
Unlike the studies reviewed above, our approach is
specifically aimed at discriminating when subjects
make use of mentalizing, in a simulated driving sce-
nario. Therefore, not only we do assume e cogni-
tive viewpoint, but it is precisely the discrimination
between automatic/mentalizing states the objective of
our study. Our experimental design is intended to test
the typical perceptual conditions which elicit the shift
from an automated driving style to a mentalizing as-
sessment of the driving scene. We test the main pre-
VEHITS 2019 - 5th International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems
Figure 1: Example of traffic situations that may engage the subjexct in mentalizing.
cursors of mindreading, that is, eye contact and shared
attention. We argued for the thesis that measurable
eye contact and joint attention perceptual patterns are
typical of scenarios which elicit social cognition and
mentalizing drive.
There is ample scientific support that suggests eye
monitoring as one of the most reliable source of in-
formation about how a subject is actually engaged in
mentalizing (Wiese et al., 2012; Turner and Felisberti,
2017). It appears that distinct neural systems have
evolved to process two crucial types of gaze informa-
tion: direct and deictic gaze (Shepherd, 2010). The
former is associated with the likelihood that an indi-
vidual will engage the observer. Deictic gaze signals
spatial attention, suggests future actions, and define
potential shared targets.
Our attempt ends up in suggesting that these em-
pirical findings could be used to improve advanced
driver assistance systems in the cases in which a men-
talizing driving style is needed.
Our experimental design was developed with the aim
of recreating a realistic environment to simulate driv-
ing in an urban context, populated by cars, pedestrians
and other typical object and visual clues characteriz-
ing a urban scenery. The driving simulator was devel-
oped using a software environment largely employed
for vieogames (Unity) and an hardware setup, com-
posed of immersive virtual reality monitors, a Log-
itech steering wheel with force feedback, pedals and
gearshift used to provide a complete driving experi-
ence during the simulation. The main measure is the
eye gazing of the subjects when driving, using To-
bii eye tracking integrated within Unity, in order to
project eye gazing into the driving scene.
A highly detailed city model has been employed,
taken from the free repository of Unity, namely the
Windridge City for AirSim on Unity. The package
includes urban roads surrounded by forest and extra-
urban roads; interconnected roads; outdoor furniture,
traffic signs and buildings. The model comprises a
proper city environment and includes an extra-urban
road, which allows the subject to get acquainted with
the simulation in the absence of traffic.
We have extensively worked on pedestrians and
vehicles, in order to adapt available models to the
needs of the simulation. In particular pedestrians have
been animated to simulate a typical walkabout behav-
ior. The simulated vehicle is controlled by a dynamic
model, which includes the physical characteristics of
real vehicles, in terms of inertia, friction, collision de-
tection and engine traction. The vehicle returns to the
user shock feedback, via the steering movement. The
steering modifies its resistance in relation to car speed
and asphalt conditions.
Pedestrians of male and female gender are
equipped with a RigidBody component that allows
them to obey the laws of physics during movem,ent,
to receive shocks, to be subject to gravity and to sim-
ulate friction and collisions with other objects. If the
pedestrians are hit by vehicle, they may fall down,
as in reality. Through NavMesh, it has been possi-
ble to divide the city into pedestrian areas (sidewalks)
and non-pedestrian areas (carriageways). Inside the
pedestrian areas the pedestrians move through appro-
priate Waypoints, their animation is regulated by the
the iskinematic option, available in the Unity Simu-
lation Engine. The vehicle route is also controlled
via the NavMesh package and waypoints. Each vehi-
cle has a Collider component, specifically the Mesh-
Collider has been used to compute collisions, based
on an effective object’s geometry. Vehicles can be
divided into two categories. One that can circulate
freely within the city, while the other follow a pre-
established path, that allows them to cross the driver’s
path. Only the latter has a controlled speed, whose
module is multiplied by an appropriate scale to match
the user’s speed. Some vehicles are also connected to
an invisible trigger, which allows the activation of a
specific behavior of pedestrians and/or other vehicles
at the passage of the user’s vehicle.
Examples of the view from inside the virtual car
are shown in Fig. 1, in situations where the subject
Evaluating Mentalization during Driving
Figure 2: Example of high mindreading event.
can either use automatic control, trusting traffic rules,
or shift to inferring the intentions of other road users,
independently from rule following, by mentalizing.
There are situations designed to forse mentalization,
as in Fig. 2, when suddenly a child crosses the street
without looking at the incoming vehicle.
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Evaluating Mentalization during Driving