possible by forming the knowledge basis including,
along with technologies and practices, deep levels of
cognition – philosophy, methodology, math,
fundamental and applied scientific paradigms and
theories. We called the innovations, covering such
levels of cognition, paradigm innovations.
In order to implement the integration “in the
world”, it should first take place “in the minds”. The
approach, used therein, is related to the concept of
noosphere. This concept arose in the 1920s in Paris
in the social circle, including Edouard Le Roy,
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin (Chardin 1987) and
Vladimir Vernadsky (Vernadsky 2004). This
concept was significantly ahead of time. Only a few
comprehended the idea of noosphere as it was
understood by Vladimir Vernadsky. The latter,
primarily, meant continuity of social historical
evolvement with regard to natural history.
Noosphere should comprise biosphere and
physiosphere and, at the same time, it should have
its own nature and consist of the bodies of the same
nature. In our opinion, such bodies are signs.
Actually, Vladimir Vernadsky pointed out that in
cognition of conscious phenomena it is possible to
be guided by approach, applied in cognition of
natural phenomena. As distinct from physicalism,
which tries to disseminate the results of physics
beyond physiosphere, the objects of quasi-physical
approach are not the conscious phenomena
themselves, but the quasi-physical effects, created
by these phenomena. In our case, these objects are
represented by computer programs, databases and
knowledge bases, economic organizations.
Until the vertical of knowledge is formed, at
least, in general terms, delineation of the spheres and
levels of cognition (subject specialization) here will
be premature. All basic levels of cognition, from
practical to philosophical, are represented in this
paper. It is not an accident and it is not eclecticism.
According to PIDev and VIK models (see below)
such integration bears principal meaning, being, in
our view, a prerequisite for fundamental solution of
the problem of FEMIB integration. In order to have
“normal science” and to make specialization
possible, we need to develop a vertical of
knowledge, which is formed as a whole. Here the
specific problems like integration of FEMIB play the
role of the goal as well as means.
Traditionally, knowledge is divided into natural and
humanitarian. The specific nature of cognition
consists in the fact that consciousness produces just
one of two parts of sign body. It is a signifying part,
that should correspond to the second – the signified
part. The signifiers (for instance, text, photo, and
movie) eventually point to the natural bodies,
provided that the scope of the concept of sign body
will also include dynamic (temporal) and multiple
formations. The signifying parts of the sign
represent the result of the processes, similar to
programming, even if it is not about computer
programs. Their application consists in performance
(interpretation), which is implemented by human or
special devices (computers). We can say that any
sign is a program segment in the broad sense of the
Vladimir Vernadsky focused on the issues of
cognition. His concept of noosphere gives a new
insight into the processes of cognition and structure
of knowledge. He did not live to see the emergence
of computer technologies. Having no experience,
brought by these technologies, it was not always that
he formulated his views explicitly. It creates grounds
for trivial interpretation of these views, when the
issues of noosphere are equated with ecological
issues of biosphere or issues of digitization of
information practices. The utter nonsense that
Vladimir Vernadsky has given no reason for, is a
mystification of the concept of noosphere.
The thoughts of Vladimir Vernadsky about the
nature of knowledge and cognition become more
coherent, if we view them, like Thomas Kuhn, in
terms of scientific revolutions (Kuhn 2012). The key
distinction of Vladimir Vernadsky is that he uses
larger spatial (geosphere, biosphere, noosphere) and,
accordingly, temporary categories. Moreover, he
builds a bridge between the spheres of natural and
conscious phenomena. It enabled him, using the
concept of noosphere, to foresee inevitability of the
new scientific revolution. This is the second
revolution of that magnitude after the revolution in
natural science of XVII century. Its prelude is the
current technological revolution, taking place in the
sphere of physical processes of data handling and
called the information revolution. We believe that
the events of such revolution are still ahead. It will
affect not only circulation of information, but also
the entire sphere of conscious phenomena.
Therefore, the title “noospheric” would be the most
appropriate for such revolution.
Its main content, able to accelerate dramatically
and, at the same time, to stabilize scientific and
technological development, will be not so much the
technological advances, but rather “destruction and
reconstruction of understanding” what is happening
Knowledge Basis for Integration of Finance, Economics, Management and IT Business