Semi Fragile Watermarking Technique using IWT and a Two Level
Tamper Detection Scheme
Nandhini Sivasubramanian and Gunaseelan Konganathan
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, College of Engineering, Gunidy, Anna University,
Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Keywords: Semi Fragile Watermarking, Integer Wavelet Transform, Image Processing, Tamper Detection, Hamming
Abstract: A semi fragile watermarking technique using a two level thresholding scheme for tamper detection is
proposed. The proposed embedding technique uses two level IWT (integer wavelet transform) to embed the
authentication watermark. The authentication watermark generated from the approximate coefficients is
stored in the detail coefficients using least significant substitution to form the watermarked image. The
proposed tamper detection technique for identifying attacks in the watermarked image is a two level
thresholding scheme using normalized hamming similarity (NHS) and a tamper detection map. The
performance of the proposed technique was evaluated for a variety of content preserving manipulations and
malicious attacks. The proposed technique produces a better performance in terms of an increased PSNR
(Peak Signal to Noise Ratio) of the watermarked image and by localizing the malicious attacks when
compared to the existing techniques. The significant performance of the proposed semi fragile
watermarking technique is due to the combined results from both the NHS and the tamper detection map
which helps in localizing the malicious attacks and identifying the incidental manipulations. Also, the
authentication watermark which is a copy of the original image helps in identifying the tampered regions in
the attacked watermarked image.
The present digital age of communication calls for a
secured way for communicating the confidential
information from one remote terminal to another.
Watermarking is one of the important techniques for
communication as it authenticates the received data
and also helps in identifying the attacks to the data.
Watermarking can be classified into fragile and semi
fragile. Fragile watermarking is sensitive even to a
single pixel change in the watermarked image and
hence making it unsuitable for watermarking images
in a noisy environment. On the other hand, semi
fragile watermarking is tolerant to incidental
manipulations to the watermarked image which are
called content preserving Manipulations. The
incidental manipulations include addition of noise to
the watermarked image, image compression,
Blurring etc. Semi fragile watermarking techniques
are also sensitive to deliberate malicious attacks to
the watermarked image making it suitable for using
it in noisy environment.
Most of the existing semi fragile watermarking
techniques rely on Discrete Cosine transform (DCT)
or Discrete wavelet transform (DWT) to hide the
watermark. The strategy which is used in semi
fragile watermarking techniques is to embed the
features of an image as a watermark. Some of the
existing DWT based semi fragile watermarking
techniques are discussed in this section. DWT based
watermarking technique (Hang and Park,2003)
embeds the just noticeable feature as a watermark.
Hu and Han(2005) embed the features generated
from the low frequency wavelet coefficients. A
DWT based Zernike moments is used as a feature in
(Liu et al., 2005). Hang and Sun (2003) embed the
semi fragile watermark by combining it with the
human visual model. Some techniques quantize the
wavelet coefficients to embed the watermark. Preda
(2013) embeds the watermark by quantizing the
second level DWT coefficients. Tsai and Chien
(2008) embeds the watermark into the second level
DWT coefficient using two different quantization
parameters. Preda et al., (2015) embeds the
watermark by quantizing the mean of a group of
second level coefficients. The drawback of all these
Sivasubramanian, N. and Konganathan, G.
Semi Fragile Watermarking Technique using IWT and a Two Level Tamper Detection Scheme.
DOI: 10.5220/0007759701560164
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security (IoTBDS 2019), pages 156-164
ISBN: 978-989-758-369-8
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Figure 1: Flow chart of the proposed embedding technique.
schemes is that they are tolerant only to JPEG
compression and the effect of other content
preserving manipulations is not discussed
thoroughly. There are only a few semi fragile
watermarking techniques that are tolerant to a
variety of incidental manipulations. Tiwari et al.,
(2017) proposed a novel watermarking technique
based on vector quantization and modified index key
modulation. Benrhouma et al., (2015) proposed a
technique based on cat map and DWT. Qi and Xin
(2011) used a non traditional quantization method to
modify one chosen approximation coefficient.
Lai(2011) used singular value decomposition and
Tiny GA for semi fragile watermarking purpose. In
some of these approaches the PSNR value of the
watermarked image is very less and some
approaches do not discuss the effect of geometric
attacks on the watermarked images.
The proposed technique tries to address the above
drawbacks by proposing an embedding technique that
preserves the visual quality of the watermarked image
and by proposing a tamper detection technique for
testing the watermarked image to different content
preserving manipulations including geometric attacks.
2.1 Proposed Embedding Technique
A flow chart of the proposed embedding Technique
is shown in Figure 1. Let the size of the cover image,
I used in the proposed technique be MxM. In order
to obtain the watermark and embed it, integer
wavelet transform (IWT) is used to decompose the
cover image. Equation (1) represents the first level
decomposition of the cover image using IWT results
in one approximation coefficient CA and three
details coefficient CH, CV, CD which are of size
(M/2)x(M/2). The detail coefficient CH is again
decomposed according to equation (2) to obtain four
sub bands AA, AH, AV and AD which are of size
, , , 2 CA CH CV CD iwt I
, , , 2
In the proposed technique the approximation
coefficient sub band AA is used to generate the
watermark which will be used for authentication at
Cover Image
Apply two level IWT
Generate the watermark from the
approximation coefficient
Store the watermark in the detail coefficient
Apply two level inverse IWT
Watermarked Image
Semi Fragile Watermarking Technique using IWT and a Two Level Tamper Detection Scheme
Figure 2: Flow chart of the proposed tamper detection technique.
the receiver end. The watermark, W which is of size
(M/4) x (M/4) is obtained using equation (3).
(, ) ,2()W i j xor dec n AAiibj
1, (/4)ij M
In equation (3) dec2bin represents the decimal to 8-
bit binary conversion of a pixel at the position (i, j)
and xor represents the logical exoring of the
resultant bits to obtain the watermark at the position
(i, j).
In order to improve the security of the generated
watermark, W is exored with shared secret key
matrix K to form RW which is shown in equation
(4). The shared secret key is a randomly generated
matrix of ones and zeros which is of size
(M/4)x(M/4) .The resultant watermark RW is
embedded into the detail coefficient sub band AV
using least significant bit substitution which are
shown by equations (5),(6) and (7).
Received Watermarked Image
Apply two level IWT
Extract the watermark from the
detail coefficients
Calculate the
watermark from the
Plot the tamper detection map
Are False
Incidental attack
Image is tampered
with malicious
Calculate NHS
Image is authenticated
NHS 0.99
Image cannot be
IoTBDS 2019 - 4th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
(1 : 8) 2 ( ( , ))
dec bin AV i j
(8) ( , )BRWij
(, ) 2 ( )
Vij bindecB
In equation (5), every element of AV is converted
into binary bits and the watermark at its
corresponding position is embedded into the least
significant bit of AV which is B(8) to obtain AVˈ.
The final step shown in equations (8) and (9) is the
image reconstruction through inverse IWT to obtain
the watermarked image WI.
2,,, AA AHCH iiwt
2,,, CA CHWI iiwt CV CD
2.2 Proposed Tamper Detecting
A flow chart of the proposed Tamper detection
Technique is shown in Figure 2.Suppose the
received image WI is tampered via incidental
manipulations or malicious attacks. The proposed
tamper detection technique to differentiate an
incidental/content preserving manipulation from a
malicious attack is explained below:
The first step is the two level decomposition of
the received image WI using IWT which are shown
in equations (10) and (11).
1, 1, 1, 1 2 CA CH CV CD iwt WI
1, 1, 1, 1 2 1
In order to identify the tampered portions of the
received watermarked image, watermarks CW and
EW are to be obtained. EW which is of size (M/4) x
(M/4) is the extracted watermark from the least
significant bits of AV1 as shown in equations (12)
and (13). CW which is of size (M/4) x (M/4) is the
calculated watermark from AA1 using equation (14).
(1 : 8) 2 ( 1( , ))
dec bin AV i j
(, ) (8) (, )
Wij B Kij
(, ) 1(, )2CW i j xor dec AAin ibj
1, (/4)ij M
Normalized hamming similarity (NHS) (Lu et
al,2005) is calculated between CW and EW using
equation (15) in order to know the effectiveness of
the attack on the watermarked image.
(, )
In equation (15), HD is the hamming distance
between CW & EW and NxN is their corresponding
size. Hamming distance represents the number of
positions at which CW and EW differs and this
variation is shown using the tamper detection map.
Using HD,NHS is calculated whose value ranges
from 0 to 1.NHS value of 1 indicates that both CW
and EW are identical and there is no attack on the
watermarked image. Therefore, higher values of
NHS signify that the calculated watermark is more
similar to that of the embedded watermark. In order
to distinguish the incidental manipulations from that
of the malicious attacks a threshold of 0.99 is fixed
on the NHS value (Tiwari et al., 2017). The
significance of this threshold is that a value of NHS
higher than 0.99 implies that the watermarked image
is free from malicious attacks and it is automatically
authenticated. If the value of NHS is less than 0.99
and greater than 0.50, then a tamper detection map is
plotted to ascertain the nature of attacks.
In order to plot the tamper detection map, at first
the tampered regions have to be identified. The
tampered regions are obtained from the hamming
distance calculated between CW and EW. Hamming
distance represents the corresponding positions
where the calculated and embedded watermarks
mismatch. In other words as CW is obtained from
AA1, the corresponding positions from HD can be
directly mapped onto AA1.At this stage, the
elements of AA1 will be labeled either as
authenticated or tampered. In order to refine the
tamper detection process neighbourhood
approximation is used.
Example 1: Illustration when a tampered pixel is identified
as authenticated.
Tampered Authenticated Authenticated
Authenticated Tampered Tampered
Tampered Authenticated Authenticated
Example 2: Illustration when a tampered pixel is identified
as tampered.
Tampered Tampered Authenticated
Authenticated Tampered Tampered
Tampered Authenticated Authenticated
Semi Fragile Watermarking Technique using IWT and a Two Level Tamper Detection Scheme
Figure 3: Some of the cover images used for testing (a) Baboon (b) Peppers (c) Lena (d) Goldhill (e) Fishing Boat (f)
The labeling of the eight neighbours of an
element in AA1 is taken into account to finalize
whether an element is tampered or not. As shown in
example 1, if the number of tampered neighbours
surrounding a tampered element is less than three
then the corresponding element is identified as
authenticated. As shown in example 2, if the number
of tampered neighbours surrounding a tampered
element is more than three then the corresponding
element is identified as tampered. By this way the
labeling of the elements in AA1 is fine tuned to plot
the tamper detection map. The tamper detection map
shows the spread of tampered and authenticated
elements in AA1. In order to detect malicious
attacks from the incidental manipulations, it is
important to identify any pattern in the tamper
detection map. An identification of a well defined
pattern outlining an area in the tamper detection map
clearly indicates that the attack is malicious
(Benrhouma et al., 2015). If the potentially tampered
elements are scattered all over the detection map like
a random noise and if it does not contain any
isolated tampered coefficients then the elements are
false positives and should be considered as authentic
(Preda et al., 2015). The final step is the
reconstruction of the received image using equations
(16) and (17).
1, 1, 11 , 12 AA AHCH i Ait
,21,, RCACHIiit CwCVD
The cover images used for testing the proposed
tamper detection technique are of size
512x512.Some of the cover images used are shown
in Figure 3. PSNR (peak signal to noise ratio) is
calculated using equation (18) between the cover
and the watermarked images to access the visual
quality of the visual quality of the watermarked
1 0log
 
i1 j1
ij ij
It can be shown from table 1 that the average PSNR
value using the proposed embedding technique
exceeds the acceptable value of 38 dB
(Voloshynovsiky et al., 2001). The efficiency of the
proposed technique was tested for a variety of
content preserving manipulations and malicious
Table 1: PSNR of the watermarked images.
Cover Image PSNR of the watermarked image
Lena 41.80 dB
Baboon 31.96 dB
Barbara 39.63 dB
Peppers 42.01 dB
Gold Hill 41.21 dB
Airplane(F-16) 41.92 dB
Sailboat on Lake 38.75 dB
Fishing boa
41.39 dB
Elaine 40.05 dB
Table 2: NHS values for various watermarked image with
salt and pepper noise (sigma: 0.01).
Cover Image NHS value
Lena 0.9261
Barbara 0.9249
Elaine 0.9247
Airplane(F-16) 0.9244
Fishing Boat 0.9261
Peppers 0.9230
Sailboat on Lake 0.9268
IoTBDS 2019 - 4th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
Table 3: NHS values for various watermarked image with
rotation (degree: 45).
Cover Image NHS value
Lena 0.7414
Barbara 0.7433
Elaine 0.7347
Airplane(F-16) 0.7381
Fishing Boat 0.7374
Peppers 0.7476
Sailboat on Lake 0.7375
Table 4: NHS values for various watermarked image with
image brightening (Contrast Limits: 0.1 & 0.6).
Cover Image NHS value
Lena 0.6135
Barbara 0.5554
Elaine 0.6342
Airplane(F-16) 0.8339
Fishing Boat 0.5806
Peppers 0.6274
Sailboat on Lake 0.6818
3.1 Evaluation of the Proposed
Technique in Terms of Incidental
In order to prove the efficiency of the proposed
tamper detection technique in terms of incidental
manipulations, a variety of content preserving
attacks were considered. An attack is classified as
incidental if the NHS value is greater than 0.99.If the
NHS value is between 0.50 and 0.99 then the tamper
detection map is to be considered for identifying it.
Initially, the salt and pepper noise was added to the
watermarked image and the corresponding NHS
value was calculated. It can be inferred from table 2
that for various images the average NHS value after
adding salt and pepper noise comes to 0.90. It can
also be inferred from table 3 and 4 that rotating an
watermarked image by 45 degrees and adjusting the
contrast parameters produces an average NHS value
between 0.5 and 0.9.So,in order to correctly identify
it as an incidental manipulation tamper detection
map was plotted as can be shown in table 7. The first
row of table 7 shows the tamper detection map when
salt and pepper noise is added to the watermarked
image of ‘peppers’. The second row of table 7 shows
the tamper detection map when the contrast of the
watermarked airplane image was adjusted to 0.1 and
0.6.It can be inferred from the tamper detection map
that the tampered pixels are scattered all over the
image and it does not produce an defined pattern.
Due to the above reasons, the contrast adjustment
manipulation and the addition of salt and pepper
noise is identified as incidental. In the same way
when the watermarked image was attacked by
various incidental manipulations like speckled noise,
gamma correction, wiener filtering and motion
blurring the proposed tamper detection technique
produced NHS value between 0.5 and 0.9 as shown
in table 5.The fifth row of table 7 shows the tamper
detection map when the watermarked ‘cameraman’
image was manipulated by using wiener filtering
(with sigma :0.01).As the tampered pixels are not
isolated and are scattered all over the image, the
wiener filtering attack can be conclusively identified
as incidental. The Possible parameter values for the
content preserving manipulations for which the
Table 5: NHS values for various values of content preserving manipulations for ‘lena’.
Incidental Manipulation Parameter Value NHS value
Salt and Pepper Noise Sigma: 0 1
Sigma:0.1 0.5914
Gamma Correction Gamma: 0 1
Gamma: 2 0.5367
Wiener Filtering Filter size:3x3 0.5140
Speckle Noise Sigma: 0 1
Sigma: 0.1 0.5068
Gaussian Blur Sigma:4 0.6178
Image Brightening Contrast Limits:0.3 & 0.7 0.5923
Motion Blur Len: 5, theta: 45 0.5145
Len :20,theta:45 0.5240
Rotation Degree:6 0.5855
Degree:45 0.7433
Degree:80 0.62
Semi Fragile Watermarking Technique using IWT and a Two Level Tamper Detection Scheme
proposed tamper detection technique will identify as
incidental and not malicious is given in table 6 .The
better performance of the proposed technique is
because a copy of the image in the form of
watermark is used for tamper detection.
3.2 Evaluation of the Proposed
Technique in Terms of Malicious
The efficiency of the proposed tamper detection
technique was also tested for malicious attacks like
object addition and deletion. The main objective of
the proposed two level thresholding is to properly
identify malicious attacks from incidental
manipulations. The malicious attacks was found to
produce a NHS value that was greater than 0.9.Since
the proposed technique is a two level thresholding
process, an object addition or deletion is clearly
outlined in the tamper detection map. This results in
identifying it as a malicious attack. As shown in the
third and the fourth column of the table 7, an object
addition or deletion to the original image clearly
outlines the tampered part which shows where the
malicious attack had taken place. The better
performance of the proposed tamper detection
technique is due to the two level thresholding of
NHS and tamper detection map to identify incidental
manipulations from malicious attacks. Further the
proposed embedding technique almost embeds a
copy of the original image by using a watermark of
size 128x128 which helps in identifying the
tampered elements at the receiver end.
Table 6: List of Incidental manipulations and its
Manipulations Parameters
Salt and pepper Noise Sigma:0-0.1
Speckle Noise Sigma:0-0.1
Gaussian Blur Sigma:2-5
Motion Blur Len:5-20,theta:45
Gamma Correction Gamma:0.5-1.5
Rotation Degree:5-80
Wiener Filtering Size:3x3
Image Brightening Contrast Limits:0.3 & 0.7
Table 7: Tamper Detection map for various types of attacks.
Cover Image Attacked Image Tamper Detection Map Classification
IoTBDS 2019 - 4th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
Table 7: Tamper Detection map for various types of attacks (cont.).
Cover Image Attacked Image Tamper Detection Map Classification
Table 8: Comparison of the characteristics of the proposed technique with various methods.
Paper Technique
Attacks Classification
Shen and Chen,
DWT technique 30 ---
JPEG compression, Mean and
Median Filtering, Noise
Preda, 2013
DWT based
40 Yes JPEG compression, Filtering
Li et al., 2015 Two level DWT 36 Yes JPEG compression, Gaussian Noise.
Zhang et al., 2016
DWT based
40 ---
JPEG compression, Salt & Pepper and Gaussian
Noise, Speckle Noise, Image Rescaling
Shojanazeri et al.,
DWT and Zernike
40.9 Yes
JPEG compression, Rotation, Scaling, Translation,
Additive Noise.
IWT based
42 Yes
Salt and pepper Noise, Speckle Noise, Gaussian Blur,
Motion Blur, Gamma Correction, Rotation, Wiener
Filtering, Image Brightening
Finally, table 8 compares the characteristics of
the proposed technique with the existing methods.
A semi fragile watermarking technique using integer
wavelet transform and a two level thresholding
scheme to identify attacks in the watermarked image
is proposed. Due to the usage of LSB substitution to
embed the authentication watermark, the
degradation in the visual quality of the watermarked
image is reduced. As a result, the PSNR of the
watermarked images using the proposed embedding
technique is greater when compared to the existing
techniques. On analyzing the proposed tamper
detection technique to a variety of content
preserving manipulations like addition of noises,
blurring, filtering, geometric attacks, image
brightening it is found that the image authenticity is
correctly verified. When malicious attacks like
object addition and object deletion was tested on the
watermarked image, the tampered pixels was clearly
outlined in the tamper detection map. The better
Semi Fragile Watermarking Technique using IWT and a Two Level Tamper Detection Scheme
performance of the proposed technique was due to
the two level thresholding scheme of NHS and
tamper detection map to identify the tampered
portions in the watermark image.
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IoTBDS 2019 - 4th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security