OPeRAte: An IoT Approach towards Collaborative,
Manufacturer-independent Farming 4.0
Maik Fruhner, Thorben Iggena, Franz Kraatz, Frank Nordemann, Heiko Tapken and Ralf T
Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science, Osnabr
uck University of Applied Siences,
Albrechtstr. 30, Osnabr
uck, Germany
Agriculture, IoT, Precision Farming, Farming 4.0, Big Data.
Without modern agricultural technology, it would not be possible to feed the world’s steadily growing popu-
lation. In order to be able to handle this task in the future, new improvements must be constantly developed to
improve agriculture and increase yields. These include methods known as ’Precision Farming’, ’Smart Farm-
ing’ or ’Farming 4.0’. These terms describe working in the field with high-tech machines that are supported
by intelligent systems that communicate with each other. But at the present time, such intercommunicating
ecosystems are manufacturer-bound and hardly interoperable. This paper presents a new approach to connect-
ing various agricultural machines from different manufacturers into a common network of IoT devices. In
this project, a framework for the orchestration of agricultural processes is being developed that is capable of
planning, controlling, monitoring and documenting joint collaborative tasks between many independent ma-
chines while breaking the commitment to a single manufacturer. The first application example of the system
is the development of a tank trailer for liquid slurry spreading with various sensors and controls. By using
IoT-specific technologies, the tank can already be configured by a process management system, so that exact
nutrient quantities are applied part-field-specifically and a legally compliant documentation is generated.
The world’s population has grown permanently in the
past and will continue to do so in the coming decades
(United Nations, Department of Economic and So-
cial Affairs, Population Division, 2017). This ever-
increasing number of the human population simulta-
neously demands a higher food production and results
in a steady decline of arable land per person (DBV,
2018), driven by the necessary expansion of urban ar-
eas and infrastructure. The required increasing agri-
cultural yield can only be achieved through the de-
velopment of special optimization techniques in the
agricultural sector.
A common problem in trying to improve yield is
the variety of devices required and the associated pro-
prietary technology that leads to cross-manufacturer
incompatibility. Approaches that try to solve this
problem often use old, outdated technology that is no
longer state of the art. The use of modern cloud ar-
chitectures for agricultural use is at most conceptually
designed, but still years away from market maturity.
This paper presents a novel approach towards op-
timizing complex agricultural processes by connect-
ing individual machines, regardless of their vendor,
into a large network of IoT devices. The cross-process
control via a management system makes it possible to
assign tasks to any number of vehicle/trailer combi-
nations so that orders can then be processed jointly
but still autonomously. The aim of the project is the
creation of a framework for the management of cross-
actor, cooperative processes in agricultural engineer-
ing. The combination of several modern technologies
results in a continuous cloud based data flow between
all machines and a process management system that
not only simplifies distributed tasks but also legally
secures the responsible persons.
The current project uses slurry spreading as the
research example. The new aspects developed in the
project are explained in the paper on the basis of this
After the following presentation of the motivation
and the current state of the art, the most important as-
pects of the project are presented in the form of the
system’s architecture and implementation. An eval-
uation of the current state of development illustrates
the progress achieved.
Fruhner, M., Iggena, T., Kraatz, F., Nordemann, F., Tapken, H. and Tönjes, R.
OPeRAte: An IoT Approach towards Collaborative, Manufacturer-independent Farming 4.0.
DOI: 10.5220/0007760101650176
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security (IoTBDS 2019), pages 165-176
ISBN: 978-989-758-369-8
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
A key word to mention nowadays in connection with
agriculture certainly is ’Precision Farming’. The term
describes the systematic cultivation of farmland, de-
pending on current soil conditions. An important
factor in agriculture is the fertilization of the fields.
Without precise knowledge of the soil condition and
the nutrients it contains, it is not possible to give accu-
rate information about the quantity of fertiliser to be
applied. In addition, the soil of a field is not the same
in every location. In fact, a field usually consists of
many different soil types and nutritional values. The
values change constantly between the cultivation pe-
riods, depending on the currently sown crop and the
crops of previous years.
This is where the OPeRAte project comes into
place. It supports traditional agricultural practices,
such as slurry spreading or maize harvesting, with
high-tech, automated processes and machines oper-
ating as members of the Internet of Things.
In concrete terms, it represents a framework for
orchestrating agricultural processes at three succes-
sive layers:
The machine layer, executing commands on a
single machine,
the task-bound collaboration layer, controlling
multiple machines and devices executing a com-
mon task
and the joined collaboration layer, controlling
many machines and devices across different tasks.
The framework is aimed at farmers and contractors
who wish to run an automated, resource-efficient,
part-field-specific farm management system across all
three mentioned layers. This means, for example,
to automatically calculate the correct, varying quan-
tities of fertiliser to apply to different parts of a field
and sending this information to the corresponding ma-
chine to execute. Fertilizing part-field-specific results
in higher quality and quantity yield.
In order to put this intention into practice, the agri-
cultural machinery must become part of a network
in the sense of the Internet of Things. Due to the
continuous communication between the devices, each
machine plays its own role in the system. Part of
the commnication is the exchange of status and sen-
sor data between machines and the management plat-
This, in turn, leads to the generation and mainte-
nance of large amounts of data, which can later be
used for evaluation and consequential ressource opti-
mization. These can be 360-degree views of the data,
the fully automated generation of application maps
and legally required documentation, or the agile re-
planning of an ongoing process for an overall better
A cultivation cycle ranges from sowing, fertiliz-
ing and treatment with pesticides to harvesting. The
scenario currently being worked on is a precise, auto-
mated fertilization through spreading of slurry. While
using the OPeRAte-Framework, the farmer benefits
in many ways. The two main issues are monetary and
legal aspects and come to bear as follows.
When a farmer cultivates his field, he wants to
make the most of his time and resources. Depend-
ing on the condition of the soil, fertiliser must be ap-
plied to the field in many different quantities at dif-
ferent locations. Specific application maps used for
Precision Farming generated by the OPeRAte Process
Management describe these output ratios visually for
the farmer to understand and technically for the ap-
plication through the slurry tank. When an intelligent
tank reads the output values from an application map,
it can automatically regulate the current flow rate of
the fertilizer. These maps - while being able to auto-
mate the process of fertilizing - also conform to the
german fertilizer ordinance which came into force in
2017 (BMEL, 2017).
Therefore, a precise documentation of the applied
amounts of slurry and the resulting soil conditions can
be generated automatically after each completed task.
The user then has the ability to easily prove all rele-
vant aspects to the government.
The first goal of the OPeRAte project is the proto-
typical development of a high-tech slurry tank, which
can be integrated into this highly distributed system
and which considers all mentioned aspects.
The goals pursued in this project are not entirely
new. International manufacturers of agricultural ma-
chinery offer similar functionalities for cross-process
communication and interaction with their equipment.
However, these solutions are mostly proprietary, so
that they can only be used in the manufacturer’s own
ecosystem of devices. Compatibility with other ven-
dors or even open interfaces are available in the rarest
An already widely used standard for communica-
tion across agricultural machinery is called ISOBUS
(AEF, 2019), which is the name of the ISO 11783
norm (ISO, 2017). It is currently being maintained
IoTBDS 2019 - 4th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
by the Agricultural Industry Electronics Foundation
It not only represents a communication bus, but
also serves, for example, to control the task controller
or the universal terminal and as a result, it enables
the control of several connected devices via a single
terminal in the driver’s cab.
The ISO XML format defined in the same stan-
dard is used as the data structure. It enables cross-
device planning, control and evaluation of agricultural
processes. This allows new tasks to be created in the
farmer’s management system and then to be copied
to a tractor’s terminal. The results can also be trans-
ferred back to the management platform.
Although it is present in virtually every modern
agricultural machine, its major drawback is that the
standard is too loosely defined, so that each manu-
facturer can implement it in slightly different ways,
leading to incompatibilities within the standard.
Developers and manufacturers must license the
definition of the standard in order to gain insight into
the details and thus be able to program interfaces.
The AEF also defined EFDI (Extended FMIS Data
Interface) (Schlingmann, 2016), a standard for wire-
less communication across ISOBUS devices. It could
one day replace the data exchange via USB flash
drive, but has not yet become widespread.
3.2 Open Communication
For several years now, among others the Osnabr
University of Applied Sciences, together with various
partners, has been researching possible solutions for
open and interoperable communication interfaces.
The completed ’KOMOBAR’ project (Freye,
2010) focused on the development of a reference ap-
plication for the self-optimization of supply chains.
The optimisation of logistics chains should reduce
fuel and personnel costs as well as pollutant emis-
sions, increase energy efficiency and improve the
overall quality of the products concerned. These ob-
jectives were to be achieved through the development
of open APIs, which would subsequently be available
to SMEs. However, the focus was solely on logistics.
Optimizations for the farming process itself were not
The ongoing project ’Smart Data, Smart Services’
(DFKI, 2017) is in the process of developing an ’agri-
cultural data hub’. The goal is to define and im-
plement an open ecosystem that enables data to be
exchanged and evaluated independently of manufac-
turers and services in various different data formats.
A support for controlling complex processes, as pro-
posed in this paper’s project, is not part of the re-
search, though.
Both research projects attach great importance to
the fact that the interfaces are and remain freely ac-
cessible and are therefore intended to overcome the
constraints imposed by the manufacturers of propri-
etary systems.
3.3 IoT in Farming
When it comes to the use of IoT in agriculture, sys-
tems for stationary sensors are found almost exclu-
sively. Many companies offer their own commercial
solutions for monitoring a variety of different kinds of
data such as weather and soil conditions.
More advanced use of IoT in farming have been
demonstrated, for example, in the form of a small
connected smart farming system (Minwoo Ryu et al.,
2015) or a feed silo measuring the quality and quan-
tity of its content (Agrawal et al., 2016).
However, large-scale IoT frameworks capable of
managing complete farms have only been researched
for a few years and have not yet entered the market
(Kamilaris et al., 2016). The authors therefore devel-
oped their own framework, which is able to process
sensory data of up to 300 sensors deployed at a field
and perform reasoning in real-time on the data. The
farmer then receives recommendations for decision-
making during the execution of a job.
When it comes to IoT devices on agricultural ve-
hicles, researchers still have to develop new ideas. As
stated above though, manufacturer-bound commer-
cial solutions are already on the way. Current vehi-
cles produced by John Deere already come with con-
nectivity systems such as LTE, Wifi and Bluetooth
and can communicate with their own cloud (Fergu-
son, 2018) and with each other.
The project proposed in this paper goes one step
further and enables this communication in an open,
transparent way. The aim is to enable joint communi-
cation and work between machines, even with equip-
ment from different manufacturers, and thus to elimi-
nate the need for a single ecosystem.
The following chapter describes the fundamental ar-
chitecture of the OPeRAte-Framework. As stated
above, the system’s process management acts on three
superimposed layers, which are shown in Figure 1. In
the subsequent sections, the indiviual features of the
three distinct layers are explained in detail from bot-
tom up.
OPeRAte: An IoT Approach towards Collaborative, Manufacturer-independent Farming 4.0
Figure 1: The three layers of the OPeRAte Process Management at the example of slurry spreading.
4.1 Machine Layer
The most basic processing layer of the system is the
machine layer. It lays the foundation of the layered
system by representing the bottom level of task exe-
cution by describing the capabilities modern agricul-
tural machines already possess.
In particular, it describes and covers the function-
ality of a single tractor-implement combination. At
this level, for example, the previously mentioned ap-
plication maps or task data are generated and used.
In order to make the tasks machine-readable, the
process management must output the information re-
quired for a job in a certain structure. This is ac-
complished by using the established ’Taskdata.XML
format defined in the ISO 11783 norm (ISO, 2017),
which every Electronic Control Unit (ECU) can un-
The Taskdata file format is used to define automa-
tion processes for field cultivation. For example, a
task can describe what kind of work has to be done
on a particular part-field. The field boundaries, the
job to be done and the necessary parameters are in-
cluded so that a job can be automated without further
Given a set of input parameters, the developed
process management system is capable of automat-
ically creating such a standard-compliant XML file,
which defines an entire task execution.
A task is assigned to one or more vehicles which
are in charge of fulfilling this job. The definition can
then be sent to the assigned machines, where it can
either wait for the driver to initiate it, or it can be exe-
cuted autonomously immediately or at a later point in
time if the vehicle is capable of self-driving.
At this physical level, all communication takes
places via a standardized ISOBUS connection. All
modern agricultural machinery support the ISO stan-
dard mentioned above, which enables unambiguous
control of vehicles and equipment.
The machine layer takes care of the definition and
control of a task for a single vehicle combination.
4.2 Task-bound Collaboration Layer
During the execution of a task though, vast amounts
of data are produced by the variety of sensors con-
nected to the tractor and the implements. By de-
fault, this data is recorded and saved on device for
the farmer to export via USB after a task is complete.
The task-bound layer now extends this approach
so that the data is captured not only offline, but also
online. This means that all sensory data can be sent
to the process management system in real time during
For this purpose, several new exchange formats
have been developed. One of the main objectives
of the project is the establishment of manufacturer-
independent interoperability. This can only be
achieved by converting the jobs created by the pro-
cess management into the different proprietary file
formats. An internal description language handles the
conversion of sensor, status, log and task data.
This data transmission is performed under the
aspect of a publisher-subscriber schema using the
MQTT protocol, which will be described in detail in
section 5.3. In principle, the data is published by
an IoT device at a certain ’topic’ and enables inter-
ested, authorized parties to subscribe to this continu-
ous stream of new information.
One of those subscribers is the process manage-
ment. It collects and aggregates all received data in
order to perform various different types of processing
on them. One example would be the generation of
IoTBDS 2019 - 4th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
a complete and comprehensive documentation of the
work done once a task has been completed.
However, it is not unusual in agriculture for sev-
eral vehicles to be involved in the same task. This
is also known as a task chain. Staying in the slurry
spreading scenario, there might be one party that de-
livers the fertilizer while the second party actually ap-
plies it to the field. In order to realize the possibility
of carrying out this task-bound collaboration, detailed
communication is required not only between the pro-
cess management and the vehices, but also between
the vehicles themselves.
The requirement to combine different subtasks
into a single super-task while at the same time allow-
ing the indiviual machines to work autonomously can
be regarded as a rather complex challenge. To over-
come this, the task chains are modelled as determinis-
tic processes. The Business Process Model and Nota-
tion (BPMN) is used to formally describe them while
remaining hidden to the end user. A farmer, for ex-
ample, never has to interact directly with BPMN, but
instead uses a convenient, easy-to-use web front-end.
There, the client is able to configure an upcoming
task by defining a set of parameters, such as:
the field to fertilize
the tractor and implement to use
the location to acquire the fertilizer from
last year’s yield
After completion, the process management can
automatically send the newly created task data to the
corresponding devices. In addition, a new MQTT
topic will be created, which each participating device
should subscribe to in order to get all relevant infor-
mation about the current task.
Through this digital networking where sensor and
status data is exchanged at all times, the process can
be monitored and controlled in real time. This allows
a dynamic adaptation of the running processes, which
might be necessary due to disfunctions of a device or
manual reconfiguration through the responsible per-
son. Again, updates are sent out immediately to en-
sure optimum yield.
Figure 2 shows the graphical visualization of the
monitoring. A tractor symbol indicates the current
position of the machine. The red polygon illustrates
the field border of the current task. The green line
highlights the chosen route.
Such an integration of MQTT and BPMN into the
field of agriculture is completely new. Through for-
malized data structures, it is possible to connect many
manufacturer-independent devices IoT-controlled to a
large, jointly working network.
Figure 2: A process can be monitored on a live map.
4.3 Joined Collaboration Layer
The final and most advanced layer deals with so-
called joined collaboration. At larger farms, work
may not only be done on one collaborative task, but
on many concurrent tasks. These simultaneous tasks,
although not directly interdependent, can also interact
with each other thanks to OPeRAte.
Interprocess communication can be useful if, for
example, a process chain reports an imminent delay
caused by an unforeseen event. In this case, another
operational process chain can delegate a currently dis-
pensable machine to the chain fallen behind in sched-
ule to make up for the loss.
Together, these three layers form a unit with which
the process management system can configure, con-
trol and monitor several active process chains across
different machines and fields.
After introducing the basic idea and highlighting the
archtitectural design, the next chapter will give an in-
sight into some of the technical details of the OPeR-
Ate project. Starting with the implementation of the
process management, the section also shows how the
large amounts of data (considered as Big Data) are
stored correctly. It then describes the communication
between all IoT devices, servers and other clients, and
concludes by explaining how all data transmissions
are secured against unauthorized access.
OPeRAte: An IoT Approach towards Collaborative, Manufacturer-independent Farming 4.0
5.1 Process Management
The three controlling layers of the process manage-
ment form the core of the OPeRAte-Framework. The
management system is used to define, configure, ini-
tiate, monitor and evaluate tasks (Nordemann et al.,
Always hidden from the end user, it processes ini-
tiated tasks on a model basis. This means that each
executable process performs as a self-contained task.
A process can consist of various subprocesses and can
itself be a subprocess of a higher-level process.
As mentioned before, all possible processes are
created as BPMN flow diagrams. The advantage of
the individual sub-processes is that they have care-
fully been implemented in such a way as they can
be reused to describe another super-process in a com-
pletely different context, consisting of a different set
of sub-processes.
The Camunda software serves as a modeling
framework. This not only makes it possible to plan
and define processes, but also to run them directly in
the execution environment.
The so-called ’workflow automation’ offers an
API for the execution of external jobs. A web fron-
tend, for example, can then start an operation through
a REST request. The modeled flowchart is processed
and returns a response to the frontend. This is note-
worthy from a technical point of view, since graph-
ically modeled processes usually only serve to illus-
trate an implemented algorithm and cannot be exe-
cuted themselves. Furthermore, there is no known
project which used BPMN in an agricultural context
All business logic of the system is implemented
in this way. From planning, monitoring and dynamic
rescheduling of running tasks to automated genera-
tion of documentation for the target and actual status,
everything is implemented via BPMN.
As an enhancement, processes can also be exe-
cuted in different variants. Based on the input param-
eters, a diagram can be configured either automati-
cally , semi-automatically or manually.
The default behaviour on one hand is to manually
plan and configure a new task via the web interface.
The relevant locations, fields and devices are set and
the task is registered for a start at a later point in time.
On the other hand, a farmer can start a job by turn-
ing on the tractor without a prior configuration of a
task data. The device then reports to the process man-
agement that a new task was launched. The system
automatically registers this task and starts logging the
incoming sensor and log data.
Figure 3 illustrates a shortened version of the pro-
cess model for slurry spreading. The main process
consists of five building blocks. The cogwheels indi-
cate a subprocess being responsible to return a result
for said block. In general, there is a common descrip-
tion for each process and what it is supposed to do,
for each actor involved. The details on how an actor
implements his or her subprocess is irrelevant for the
other parties, as long as it delivers the desired result.
The first two subprocesses communicate with ex-
ternal services via REST, one being developed by a
project partner. First, the application map for auto-
matic adjustments of the liquid fertilizer flow is cal-
culated. Input values given by the farmer through the
web interface are used to initialize the request. It does
not matter to the system how exactly the map is being
generated. This blackbox approach allows external
companies to offer their own services to the project’s
system while at the same time keeping their coporate
secrets save. As long as the defined interfaces are
used, different implementations of a subprocess can
After converting the remaining input into an
ISOXML format, the task is deployed to the machines
via MQTT. The required topics are created and the
machines subscribe and start to send status updates.
The process keeps looping as long as the slurry
spreading is not done. During the loop, status mes-
sages are received and handled.
Once all devices report a finished task, log mes-
sages are collected and the documentation is being
generated. Again, depending on type of task, used
machines and location of the field, the implemen-
taion of the documentation process could be varying
in many different ways to output a different version
for each possible configuration.
But not a single task could be accomplished by
the Process Management itself. The second important
component is the data storage. A stable communica-
tion between all IoT devices and the cloud is not to be
5.2 Data Management
In order to be able to analyse completed tasks, find
optimizations for upcoming tasks or to retrieve new
external information, any data generated by the pro-
cess management or by the communicating devices
must be stored for later use.
The foundation for the data structure is formed by
the taskdata standard defined in the ISO 11783 norm.
Based on this XML definition, a relational database
schema was developed that is able to map incoming
task data files to new or existing database entities in a
highly normalized database.
IoTBDS 2019 - 4th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
Figure 3: Slurry spreading as an example of a BPMN process model.
5.2.1 Raw Data
Incoming data encoded as Taskdata.XML is consid-
ered raw’ data. This data is read from the XML file
to be then written to the raw-database. But this data
may occasionally be incorrectly formatted or not con-
form to the standard.
For this purpose, a parsing software was devel-
oped that takes a set of task data as input. The input
files are then validated against the standard and cor-
rected if necessary. Finally, the program generates the
corresponding entities in the database, resulting in a -
potentially adjusted - copy of the information, stored
in relational database tables.
Luckily, these do not have to be created by hand,
though. The parser written in Java is also able to fig-
ure out the database schema and deploy it to the de-
sired database using an XML Schema (XSD) file that
describes the structure of the task data input. Using
JPA Annotations, all relevant XML-tags are converted
to Java entity-classes. These are used in turn to gener-
ate the corresponding database tables in PostgreSQL
using JDBC.
Saving all task data as new, individual units, how-
ever, creates a problem with data integrity. Each task
data contains all the partfields, machines and imple-
ments among other things used for a job. This data is
not kept consistent across multiple task files, though.
Each task begins assigning IDs starting with 1, which
might result in different identifiers for the same ma-
chine in each task, depending on the order they appear
in. If now, for example, the same tractor is used twice
in two different tasks, it is also stored twice to the
This does not correspond to the principles of re-
lational databases and is therefore not a reasonable
strategy to keep the data. To solve this problem, the
enriched database is introduced.
5.2.2 Data Purgement
In the first transformation step after the import, new
data must be revised so that no duplicate entries occur.
Recurring data records such as farms, fields, machines
and implements are called ’static data at rest’ in a sec-
ond, enriched database. After input into the database,
these data records are given a new ID, which differs
from the one given by the task, but which will stay
unique in the database.
When importing new task data, a mapping must
therefore determine whether an entry already exists
in the database or not. If so, the record is not saved
again, but instead is referenced via foreign key.
After successful reference of new data to existing
data, various table columns of the new data coming
from the raw database tables are transformed for bet-
ter further processing. One of these transformations
takes numeric columns representing coordinates and
stores them in a specific geolocalization format pro-
vided by the PostGIS extension for PostgreSQL. This
allows fast and lightweight calculations of distances
and areas, which is especially advantageous for han-
dling additional data from external sources.
5.2.3 Data Enrichment
At this point, the imported task data was correctly in-
tegrated into the existing data records and selected
columns were extended to new data types by a sys-
tematic combination. In the following data enrich-
ment step, all available information - new and old
- will be augmented by adding details from external
By using openly available data sources, the gener-
ated data for a field can be supplemented in a variety
of ways. In the current stage, the imported task data
are enhanced by historical weather data provided by
the German Weather Service (DWD) and satellite im-
agery of 13 different spectral bands recorded by the
Sentinel 2 program.
One hurdle are the many different data types in
which the different information is available. The
weather data are provided in grids of thousands of
square cells covering the whole of Germany. Hyper-
spectral satellite data from the Sentinel 2 program are
recorded for most of the Earth and are available in
different frequency bands and resolutions via various
pre-processing APIs.
To make use of these offerings, requests for the
latest data are regularly sent to the different services.
Certainly not everything that is available is of interest.
Only information about the farms and fields present in
the system are fetched. If updates are available, they
are pulled and matched to the corresponding database
OPeRAte: An IoT Approach towards Collaborative, Manufacturer-independent Farming 4.0
For this procedure, additional database tables are
required to save the enrichments. Having analysed the
structure of each indiviual external data format, the
database is capable of retaining the new information.
After the integration step of external data, static
data at rest is not only correlated across different
tasks, but also enriched by new information from
other sources than the input. With this data storage
system, it is possible to merge historical weather data
of a certain field with the hyperspectral frequency
bands of the corresponding coordinates at a given
point in time, for instance to determine the result of a
specific fertilisation. This huge amount of correlated
data can further be used to run automated analysis of
the condition of the farmers’ fields and machines.
5.3 Communication
In order to create a dynamic and productive network
between all the devices and machines involved in
these complex processes, optimal communication is
essential. The project makes use of several different
communication methods and protocols for different
applications: The ISOBUS standard is used for the
local communication of a single machine-implement
combination. An MQTT Client-Broker architecture
offers a reliable data transmission between all mo-
bile and stationary devices and machines involved in a
process. RESTful APIs using the common HTTP pro-
tocol connect the IoT devices with the process man-
agement and the backend.
5.3.1 ISOBUS
Almost every agricultural machine produced in recent
years supports the ISO 11783 standard, also known as
ISOBUS, managed by the AEF. The ISO standard is
a composition of several components. It describes the
physical connectors on the machines as well as the
file formats and network interfaces used for commu-
nication on a machine-implement combination. This
means, for example, that the trailer circuits can be
controlled via the terminal in the tractor cab.
OPeRAte’s goal now is to connect the local com-
munication of the machine layer to a cloud infras-
tructure using IoT technologies. Addressing the indi-
vidual, working machines via a central control panel
makes it possible to coordinate many individual car-
riages into a common task. This is done via the
MQTT protocol displayed below.
5.3.2 MQTT
The MQTT protocol, based on the Publisher-
Subscriber approach, has been a standard in IoT for
many years. One reason for this is the smaller over-
head and the correspondingly higher performance of
data transmission compared to the widely used HTTP
protocol (Yokotani and Sasaki, 2016).
The ability to send and receive messages even
when network connections are weak becomes very
important in agriculture, where machines may not
be connected to a cellular network while processing
tasks in a field.
All participating devices continuously send sen-
sory and status data to the broker. To ensure that each
message reaches all recipients for whom it is relevant,
specific topics are defined for each participating de-
vice and each task. If a device is in need of informa-
tion from another device, it can subscribe to one of
its topics to get that information, if it has the permis-
sion to do so. One of these receivers is the process
management. Each device and every task - running
and completed - has its own status topic to keep the
system informed of its current status.
If, for example, a machine is sending the informa-
tion that it is currently unused, the process manage-
ment can assign a new task to it. Therefore, a new
topic will be created if not already done and the ma-
chine is told to subscribe to it. The machine will read
and execute the received task data and send its logs to
the new topic created for that particular task.
The transmitted data is structured using the
JavaScript Object Notation (JSON). This universally
compatible format can be serialized and deserialized
on practically any device, making it suitable for sys-
tem with any computing power.
This procedure on its own is already a signifi-
cant step forward from the currently established stan-
dard. In most systems currently in use, all task data is
transferred manually to the agricultural machinery by
the farmer via USB flash drive. With the OPeRAte-
Framework this procedure becomes obsolete.
5.3.3 REST (HTTP)
Not only the IoT devices have to communicate with
each other and with the process management, but also
the end user needs a way to interact with the sys-
tem. Furthermore, the system itself must access the
database described above in order to persist and query
its data. For this purpose dedicated web services pro-
vide REST APIs which offer specific functions for the
required operations.
To abstract the management layer - which might
appear to complex for an end user - a graphical user
IoTBDS 2019 - 4th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
interface is offered in form of a dynamic web based
frontend which can be used with any modern Internet
browser. The web application can be used to man-
age and configure all registered machines, devices and
On the backend side, another service is respon-
sible for importing new task data in the form of the
standardized ISOBUS XML data format as described
in section 5.2.
5.4 Data Security
As shown in section 1 agricultural processes are un-
der a steady technological change, which is on the one
hand related to new technologies and possibilities and
on the other hand conditional upon changes in law.
During modern agricultural processes a huge amount
of data is being generated by different actors or more
technical roles. As it is unusual that one process can
be done by one single role security problems become
a major issue as things like authentication or autho-
rization have to be considered during design of new
programs or frameworks.
The agricultural framework presented in section 4
is designed to allow different roles to be combined in
one process. The process management as the central
part is therefore responsible to bring different roles
together and to act as a distributor for the data needed
by the process.
5.4.1 Security Analysis
To build a secure system with a high user acceptance
the design principles of Privacy by Design (PbD) shell
be considered (ENISA, 2014), (Cavoukian, 2009).
Therefore in a first step the proposed architecture has
to be analyzed and extended by security mechanisms
before realization. The identified main aspects are:
User and Role Management. Processes in the agri-
cultural environment are often distributed over
different participants. Even a small process nor-
mally consists of a farmer as the responsible
owner and manager of the process, an agricul-
tural contractor, and the workers of the contrac-
tor. Each of these roles is supposed to have dif-
ferent access rights within the framework and to
guarantee its identity to systems and roles it has
to communicate with.
Communication. As the components of the frame-
work are loosely coupled there is a lot of com-
munication between different systems. The com-
munication is realized mainly by REST interfaces
and the message bus protocol MQTT as described
in section 5.3.2. For the security aspect it has to
be ensured that no third party can access the com-
munication interfaces.
Resource Requirements for Processes. As stated in
section 5.2 the project is a big data project due
to the immense amount and variety of data in the
agricultural environment expected in the future.
While dealing with data it is important to have a
concept of security for the data of a user stored in
the projects database.
5.4.2 Security Solutions in Framework
To identify the participants of the agricultural pro-
cesses, the framework uses a certificate based solu-
tion. By providing all framework components with
certificates the clients can ensure that they are com-
municating with the right party. In addition this also
enables the framework to use SSL/TLS based encryp-
tion for communication channels. By also equipping
the clients with client certificates the framework com-
ponents themselves can verify that they send process
information to the right participants. For the MQTT
communication the framework makes use of client au-
thentication by client certificates combined with pass-
words. Through additional extensions or extended
enterprise versions of MQTT brokers (e.g. HiveMQ
(HiveMQ, 2019)) it is also possible to authenticate
by external data bases or services like LDAP, which
might be used in future versions.
Authorization in Processes
The process communication is realized by MQTT. To
avoid unjustified access to MQTT topics belonging
to a process by third parties a flexible solution sim-
ilar to ACL has been integrated. Whereas the us-
age of file based ACLs is not really adoptable for
the processes, as authorizations have to be changed
for every new process, an authorization plugin for the
mosquitto (Eclipse Foundation, 2019) broker has to
be used. This addon enables the broker to query data
bases or an ldap for user authorizations.
With this extension the solution of job topic
switching depicted in Figure 4 can be used. For a
new process the process management creates a new
job uuid and selects the participants, which are then
added to a new ACL allowing them to access the
MQTT topic used by the process. The participants
itself are informed about the new topic and subscribe
to them. Any other roles would not be able to access
the job topic.
Communication Security
The process management as the central element of
the framework is responsible for the communication
with all needed components. As shown in 5.3.2
OPeRAte: An IoT Approach towards Collaborative, Manufacturer-independent Farming 4.0
Job ID: job1
Req. Machines: [m1
, m2
, m4
Job ID: job2
Req. Machines: [m1
, m3
ACL Manager
Topic User
, [m1
, job2
, job2
, job2
, job2
Figure 4: A Visualization of Topic Switching.
the vehicle communication is realized with MQTT.
This lightweight protocol for IoT offers options to se-
cure communication connections. To ensure a secure
communication between devices and components via
MQTT transport encryption will be used. The OA-
SIS MQTT standard allows to use TLS for transport
layer. By providing a certificate to the MQTT bro-
ker TLS can be enabled (OASIS, 2014), (Dierks and
Rescorla, 2008).
Resource Management
As shown in section 5.2 the framework is designed
to hold large amounts of data for further optimiza-
tion. Therefore, the framework has to ensure that only
owners of data can decide on how to use them. This
requires a strict division of the stored data, which is
ensured by policies, also known as row level security.
This approach allows to fulfill the design principles of
The framework presented here has not been just a
concept for quite some time now. Through coopera-
tion with some well-known German companies in the
agricultural sector, the developed solutions could be
implemented in software and hardware. In the current
phase an implement is developed, which is supposed
to support all features listed in this paper.
More precisely, an intelligent tank trailer for slurry
spreading is being engineered. The first version, de-
picted in Figure 5, is already in prototypical use and
tests the functionality of the joined processes on ac-
tual fields.
Initial trials are already showing promising re-
sults. The device can currently read in an applica-
tion map and identify the various output values for the
Figure 5: The OPeRAte slurry tank attached to a tractor.
different locations in a field contained therein. Then,
during the task execution, the values to be applied to
the current position are determined with the help of
GPS. The tank automatically performs the appropri-
ate hydraulic settings to reduce or increase the flow
of the liquid fertilizer. The controlling - as defined by
the machine layer - is done via the ISOBUS standard,
once the task data was loaded to the tractors main ter-
minal wirelessly through MQTT.
During the task execution all sensory, status and
log data are sent back to the framework. The data
collected during the jobs can be then used to suggest
improvements to the process itself and to the hard-
ware and software. Finally, a legally compliant pro-
cess documentation is created as a PDF file.
The product has already been presented at many
international exhibitions and has always generated
great interest and approval. Examples include AgEng
2016 and the International Green Week 2019.
Due to this sucess, the second generation of the
tank is already being conceptualized and might soon
be produced by the cooperation partners. Once the
project has been completed, the manufacturers will
IoTBDS 2019 - 4th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
use the research results to develop marketable prod-
In this paper, the OPeRAte-project was presented in
its current stage and in terms of its long-term goal.
The result is a framework for platform-independent,
cross-vendor execution of joined, distributed agricul-
tural tasks.
At present, there is a BPMN-based three-layer
process management which is responsible for creat-
ing, controlling and monitoring task collaboration. As
a reference task serves liquid slurry spreading.
Special hardware in the form of a tank trailer was
manufactured by cooperation partners and success-
fully put to the test in some initial runs. The con-
nection of all machines, devices and sensors to the In-
ternet and the contiuous flow of information between
them creates a central system for the coordination
of multiple task chains. End users, such as farmers
and contractors, benefit from dynamic resource opti-
mization and automated generation of legally required
documentation of tasks performed. At the same time,
complex, internal process structures remain hidden
from the user and are instead abstracted in an under-
standable way by logically structured, graphical user
During development, care was taken to keep the
software architecture as generic as possible so that
modules can be reused and ports to other manufac-
turer models and scenarios remain possible.
The project will continue until the beginning of
2020. Until then, the currently available processes
and implementations will be refined so that at the end
of the project the basis for a product not yet avail-
able in this form exists. OPeRAte has the potential to
sustainably improve agriculture hopefully not only in
Germany through the intelligent application of mod-
ern technologies.
The project is supported by funds of the Federal Min-
istry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) based on a de-
cision of the Parliament of the Federal Republic of
Germany via the Federal Office for Agriculture and
Food (BLE) under the innovation support programme.
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IoTBDS 2019 - 4th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security