Water Cycle in Nature An Innovative Virtual Reality and Virtual
Lab: Improving Learning Experience of Primary School Students
Diana Bogusevschi and Gabriel-Miro Muntean
Dublin City University, Ireland
Keywords: Virtual Reality, Virtual Laboratory, Computer-based Learning, TEL, Learner Experience, STEM, Primary
Abstract: A technology-enhanced learning (TEL) application, “Water Cycle in Nature”, that focuses on the physics
phenomena part of the natural water cycle and precipitation formation was employed in a small-scale
educational pilot carried out in a primary school in Ireland, as part of the European Horizon 2020 NEWTON
project. This application contains 3D immersive computer-based virtual reality and experimental laboratory
simulations. 58 primary school children took part in this pilot, split in two groups, one control and one
experimental, with 29 students in each. The goal of the study presented in this paper was to assess the benefits
of the Water Cycle in Nature application both in learner experience and usability and knowledge gain. The
results show good outcomes in usability and learner experience. In terms of knowledge gain it has been shown
that the excitement of the experimental group students towards the game might have created a barrier in terms
of learning improvement and the NEWTON application will serve better as a revision tool.
Subjects in science, technology and maths (STEM)
are currently suffering an increased lack of interest
from students starting from primary to third level
institutions. It is very important to capture learners’
attention to STEM subjects early on, starting in
primary school, and encouraging them to pursue these
subjects in future education. Numerous studies have
been performed on this, such as investigating content
and language integrated learning in OpenSimulator
Project (CLILiOP), focusing on Geography by
employing Virtual Reality (VR) (Fokides and
Zamplouli, July 2017), showing better cognitive
results for the experimental group of learners and a
higher employment of geographical terms in
knowledge post-tests, compared to the control class.
VR is also employed in the field of primary school
mathematics, investigating the benefits of
OpenSimulator VR environment combined with
game-based learning, showing significant
improvement when using the combination between
the two techniques (Kim and Ke, 2017).
Another TEL technique employed in STEM
subjects is Augmented Reality (AR) showing much
potential in attracting learners of all ages and levels
to science-related education, such as in (Cuendet, et
al., 2013), where three different AR systems,
TinkerLamp, Tapcarp and Kaleidoscope, were
employed for geometry teaching in a primary school
setting, showing great usability and integration into
the classroom. In (Sommerauer and Muller, 2014) AR
was employed in an informal environment at a
mathematics exhibition, where participants of various
ages took part, including primary level students,
showing that all AR-enhanced exhibits performed
significantly better in terms of knowledge acquisition
and retention compared to non-AR exhibits. The
benefits of combining AR with game-based learning
are investigated in (Pellas, et al., 2018) presenting
multiple benefits on both knowledge gain and
learning motivation, specifically in STEM education.
The concept of game and technology-based primary
level maths teaching is also investigated in (Misfeldt
and Zacho, 2016), where its benefits are observed
from the point of view of both teachers and learners.
Modern education is trying to stay in line with
technology, such as iPads being employed in many
schools for all subjects, including maths. For
example, in (Hilton, 2018), where its effect on
learners’ attitude and motivation toward maths is
investigated, showing a positive influence from both
angles. The use of tablets in education is also
Bogusevschi, D. and Muntean, G.
Water Cycle in Nature An Innovative Virtual Reality and Virtual Lab: Improving Learning Experience of Primary School Students.
DOI: 10.5220/0007760803040309
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2019), pages 304-309
ISBN: 978-989-758-367-4
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
investigated in (Fokides and Atsikpasi, 2017),
specifically for teaching plants to primary level
students, showing a positive impact on knowledge
acquisition and improvement in both collaborative
and independent learning for the experimental group.
Mobile devices have also been combined with
collaborative learning in (Iglesias Rodrguez, et al.,
2017) presenting major benefits for primary school
learners. The use of tablets in primary and secondary
education, including for STEM subjects, has been
investigated in (Haßler, et al., 2016), where most of
the examined case studies showed positive learning
outcomes. Such primary education benefits are also
shown in (Domingo and Gargante, 2016), improving
access to content and increasing engagement from
This paper describes the use of the Horizon 2020
NEWTON project computer-based application,
Water Cycle in Nature, in a primary school in Dublin,
Ireland, focusing on physics, specifically on
precipitation formation. A research study on 5
primary school classes was carried out, one control
and one experimental, examining the benefits of the
Water Cycle in Nature application for knowledge
gain, learner experience and usability. The next two
sub-sections give a brief description of the Horizon
2020 NEWTON project and the Water Cycle in
Nature application. The case study is described in
Section 2, followed by the obtained results in Section
3. The summary of the paper and its conclusions are
presented in Section 4.
1.1 European Horizon 2020 NEWTON
Horizon 2020 NEWTON project aims to design,
develop and deploy innovative solutions for TEL
including innovative pedagogies such as adaptive
multimedia and multi-sensorial content delivery
mechanisms (Zou, et al., 2018), (Bi, et al., 2018),
personalisation and gamification solutions (Lynch
and Ghergulescu, July 2017), Virtual Labs (VL) and
fabrication labs (Togou, et al., July 2018), problem-
based, game-oriented, and flipped-classroom-based
learning (El Mawas, et al., 2018). All NEWTON
project solutions are employed using the NEWTON
project technology enhanced learning platform,
NEWTELP, to be used by teachers for course creation
and both knowledge and qualitative assessment, and
by students with the primary focus on learning course
material and completing knowledge tests and
questionnaires (Montandon, et al., June 2018).
1.2 Water Cycle in Nature Application
The Water Cycle in Nature application was developed
by NEWTON project consortium partner SIVECO in
Romania and is one of many applications employed
in small and large-scale technology enhanced
educational pilots with the objective of assessing
learner satisfaction and knowledge gain. The Water
Cycle in Nature application is a VL combined with
VR technology, where the content is explored by
students though immersive multimedia 3D in two
separate settings: Nature Environment for presenting
and Experimental VL environment (Bogusevschi, et
al., 2018), (Bogusevschi, et al., April 2018) for
reinforcing the previously presented definitions, such
as vaporisation, evaporation, boiling and
2.1 Evaluation Methodology
The Water Cycle in Nature application was employed
in a primary school in Dublin, Ireland, St. Patrick’s
Boys’ National School (BNS), where two 5
with 29 pupils in each class aging from 10 to 11 years
old, participated and randomly assigned as control
and experimental group. Ethics approval was
obtained from the DCU Ethics Committee and this
evaluation meets all ethics requirements.
The experimental class took part in the NEWTON
approach lesson, where the Water Cycle in Nature
application was employed. The control class
participated in a classic approach lesson, developed
by the NEWTON Project team, ensuring that the
educational content in both lessons, classic approach
and NEWTON approach, were identical, and was
provided by their usual teacher. Pre-tests were carried
out in both classes before their respective lesson,
assessing the participating pupils’ knowledge level of
the topic. Following each lesson, post-tests were
provided to students, investigating knowledge gain.
Following all the compulsory steps of the small-scale
study, pre-test, classic approach lesson, post-test, the
control group also interacted with the Water Cycle in
Nature application, allowing the NEWTON project
researchers to assess the comparison in terms of
learner satisfaction between the classic approach and
the NEWTON approach. Following the interaction
with the application, both classes completed a
Learner Satisfaction Questionnaire (LSQ), containing
the following questions: Q1- The video game and the
experiments that I did in the lab from the video (this
Water Cycle in Nature An Innovative Virtual Reality and Virtual Lab: Improving Learning Experience of Primary School Students
is called a virtual lab!) helped me to better understand
vaporisation and condensation processes; Q2- The
video game and the experiments that I did in the
virtual lab helped me to learn easier about the
vaporisation and condensation processes; Q3-I
enjoyed this lesson that included the video game and
the experiments in the virtual lab; Q4-The
experiments that I did in the virtual lab made the
lesson more practical; Q5-The video game distracted
me from learning; Q6-I would like to have more
lessons that include video games and doing
experiments in virtual labs; Q7-
Comments/Suggestions (Bogusevschi, et al., April
2.2 Data Collection
For the experimental group, the Water Cycle in
Nature application was uploaded on NEWTON
Project lap-tops, as the school PCs did not have the
necessary specifications to support the application.
After the post-test knowledge assessment was
performed, the control class also interacted with the
The DCU NEWTON Project researchers
supervised the experimental approach, providing
support and helping students when necessary,
collecting all the paper-based knowledge tests and
LSQs. The classic approach lesson was carried out
simultaneously with the experimental approach
lesson, by the usual control class teacher. Student IDs
were employed for both groups, in order to ensure
The knowledge pre-test and post-test contained seven
and eight questions respectively, each with a
maximum of 10 points (Bogusevschi, et al., 2018).
3.1 Learner Experience
The learner experience was assessed based on LSQ
questions Q1 to Q6. The LSQ percentage results for
the experimental and control classes are presented in
Figure 1 and Figure 2. A 5-Likert scale was employed
during the LSQ, with the following answers Strongly
Agree (SA), Agree (A), Neutral (N), Disagree (D) and
Strongly Disagree (SD). One control group student
did not provide answers to questions Q4, Q5 and Q6.
Figure 1: Experimental Group Learners’ LSQ results.
Figure 2: Control Group Learners’ LSQ results.
It can be observed that a much higher percentage
of control group students agreed that the Water Cycle
in Nature application VL helped them better
understand vaporisation and condensation processes
(Q1), at just under 83%, compared to ~52% for the
experimental class. This might point to the fact that
the NEWTON approach worked better as a revision
tool for the control class, as the learners from this
group were firstly presented the relevant physics
topics during a classic approach lesson. A higher
percentage of control group students considered that
the video game and the experiments helped them to
learn easier about the vaporisation and condensation
processes (Q2), with over 86% compared to just
under 69% of the experimental group students, which
also points to a higher efficiency of the application as
a revision tool, rather than an introduction tool. A
similar percentage of learners in both classes enjoyed
the application (Q3), with ~93% in the control class
and ~86% in the experimental class. The same
percentage of students (75.86%) in both classes
thought that the Water Cycle in Nature application
virtual experiments made the lesson more practical
(Q4). Just over 24% of learners in each class thought
that the application was distracting them from
learning (Q5) and the vast majority of participating
students would like to have more lessons that include
video games and doing experiments in virtual labs
CSEDU 2019 - 11th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
(Q6), at 93% of experimental class and just over 96%
of the control class learners.
3.2 Application Usability
The usability of the Water Cycle in Nature
application was assessed using the provided LSQ Q7
answers. In each class, 11 students (37.9%) chose not
to provide an answer to this question. The majority of
the remaining 62.1% provided positive comments,
such as “Good lesson”, I enjoyed it and I would do
it again”, “Very fun and help me learn about
vaporization and condensation”, “Very fun and easy
to learn definitely want to learn more things like this
as normal school is boring” in the control class and
“It was Awesome”, “It was really fun it helped me to
learn about vaporization and condensation”, “It was
amazing and the best I love learning that way”, “I
think was so cool thank you so much” in the
experimental class.
It appeared that the control class was somewhat
more positive in their comments, as they used the
application to review what was already presented to
them in the classic approach lesson and they were
using the NEWTON approach lesson more so as a
revision tool. Some of the experimental class students
perceived parts of the Water Cycle in Nature
application slightly boring, expressing the hope to
have a more gamified experience and to have more
freedom in the VL, in terms of experiments to carry
out. Some students provided commented on the audio
track, suggesting having a more engaging voice-over.
3.3 Knowledge Acquisition Assessment
The learning impact assessment was investigated
using the pre-tests provided to both classes prior the
classic approach for control class and NEWTON
approach for the experimental class and the post-tests
employed after each lesson. The average grades for
the pre-test and post-test are presented in Figure 3. It
is seen that the experimental class had a slightly
higher average pre-test grade. A t-test between the
two pre-tests showed that the experimental group’s
higher average pre-test mark was of no statistical
significance, at α = 0.05 (t(56) = 1.7423, p = 0.087).
Following the classic and NEWTON approach
lessons the average grades improved for both classes.
The experimental class exhibited a 15.21%
improvement, with 55% of students providing
improved grades, whereas the control group had a
much higher knowledge gain, at over 85%, with 82%
of students having improved grades. The
experimental group shows improvement of no
statistical significance, at α = 0.05 (t(28) = 1.243, p =
0.2239). The grades improvement for the control
group is statistically significant, at α = 0.05 (t(28) =
5.0517, p = 0.0001).
Figure 3: Average Pre and Post-test Mean grades for the
experimental and control groups.
The primary school small-scale TEL pilot described
in this paper investigates the usability and learner
experience, as well as knowledge gain assessment of
the Horizon 2020 NEWTON Project Water Cycle in
Nature application. A small-scale educational pilot
was conducted in St. Patrick’s BNS in Dublin,
Ireland. Two classes of 29 students in each took part
in the case study, one class exposed to the NEWTON
project application as the experimental group and the
other class, where the classic teacher-based approach
was used, as the control group. Both participating
groups where provided knowledge tests before and
after the lessons, teacher-based or computer-based, in
order to assess the learning outcomes for each
teaching approach. Following the post-tests after the
classic approach lesson, the control class was also
exposed to the application. Both classes completed a
LSQ, investigating Learner Experience and
Application Usability. In terms of knowledge gain,
both classes showed improvement, however it was
observed that the control class performed much better
compared to the experimental class. The experimental
class appeared much more excited about the Water
Cycle in Nature application which might have created
a barrier to achieving significant knowledge gain, as
they were more interested in the visual aspects of the
application, rather than its educational content. The
classic approach presentation was provided to the
control group by their usual teacher, who allowed
additional questions from students during the classic
approach, which created an advantage for the control
class. In the NEWTON approach lesson, the
experimental class did not ask any questions, as they
Water Cycle in Nature An Innovative Virtual Reality and Virtual Lab: Improving Learning Experience of Primary School Students
were very focused on the application’s immersive
multimedia 3D simulation and not on the actual
educational content. It also has to be noted that during
the experimental approach, the usual teacher was not
present, which might have introduced a very high
sense of freedom for the experimental group learners,
enabling them to concentrate only on the game, which
was a very new school experience for them, rather
than on learning. This case study reinforced the
perception that teachers’ leadership is extremely
valuable during TEL lessons (Bogusevschi, et al.,
Very good results were observed in terms of
Learners Experience and Application Usability. The
control class reported the application much more
useful when learning about precipitation formation,
compared to the experimental group. This might be
due to the fact that, having been presented the topic
in a classic approach manner first, the control group
considered the NEWTON Project Water Cycle in
Nature application as a revision tool. Following the
LSQ comments provided by the two groups, the
application was updated and localised, and it will be
employed as part of a large-scale pilot in various
European countries (Ireland, Slovakia and Romania)
as part of the Earth Course (Bogusevschi, et al., 2018)
that will be provided to students using multiple
NEWTON project technologies, which, following the
findings in the small-scale pilots presented in this
paper, will also assess the NEWTON approach as
both an introductory and as a revision tool.
This research is supported by the NEWTON project
(http://www.newtonproject.eu/) funded under the
European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and
Innovation programme, Grant Agreement no.
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Water Cycle in Nature An Innovative Virtual Reality and Virtual Lab: Improving Learning Experience of Primary School Students