Back to the Roots: The Perspectives of Multiple Stakeholders about a
Seamless Physical-Virtual AAL Advisory Service
Rita Tavares de Sousa
1,2 a
, Soraia Teles
1,2 b
, Diotima Bertel
, Paul Schmitter
and Diogo Abrantes
Institute for the Biomedical Sciences Abel Salazar, University of Porto, Porto, Portugal
Center for Health Technology and Services Research (CINTESIS), Rua Dr. Plácido da Costa, 4200-450, Porto, Portugal
SYNYO GmbH, Otto-Bauer-Gasse 5/14, 1060 Wien, Austria
Zurich University of Applied Science, Campus Grüental, 8820 Waedenswil, Zurich, Switzerland
Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade do Porto, Portugal
Keywords: Trust, Human Advisor, Online Advice, Digital Platforms, AAL, Ambient Assisted-Living.
Abstract: An articulation between the real/physical and the virtual world, i.e. an integrated service logic, is necessary
for advisory service provision in the AAL field in order to best suit the consumers’ needs. However,
personalised feedback is generally missing on digital advisory platforms that promote assistive technologies
and services. This manuscript builds on previous research carried out in the scope of the EU-funded
ActiveAdvice project, that is based on the premise that, in the AAL field, an engagement platform must
promote not only AAL products and services but also empower stakeholders and facilitate the co-creation of
value. Therefore, the concept of an Authorised Active Advisor was created. This paper presents and discusses
the results from a qualitative study carried out to refine the concept of Authorised Active Advisors, by
identifying, their added value and role within an integrated AAL advisory system, as well as their profile,
required knowledge and skills.
Ageing well in the community has become a key
concern and a strategic priority of the European
Union and its member states, as a reaction to the
societal challenges posed by the phenomenon of
population ageing (Teles et al., 2017). The pressing
need to develop innovative solutions to address those
challenges – a demand pull – linked to substantial
developments in products and services based on
Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)
– a technology push – have opened up an important
market of service provision for older adults based on
Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) solutions. The AAL
concept corresponds to a new paradigm, building on
ubiquitous computing devices and new interaction
forms targeted at improving older adults’ health,
autonomy, social integration and security (Wichert
and Eberhardt, 2011). Indeed, AAL products and
services have been gaining an important place in the
so-called ‘silver economy’, i.e. the economic activity
addressing the needs of those aged 50 and older
including not only products and services purchased
directly by those individuals but also the further
economic activity generated by this spending (Oxford
Economics, 2016), which is estimated to reach $15
trillion by 2020 globally (Euromonitor, 2014). The
AAL market is currently an umbrella market
gathering a large variety of products and services in a
wide variety of application fields (e.g. health,
participation in social life, employment) (AAL
Programme, 2014).
In spite of the growing importance of AAL
solutions for independent ageing, previous reports
highlight the fact that services within this market are
often provided in isolation and in a technocentric way
(Bertel et al., 2018; Teles et al., 2017; Baldissera and
Camarinha-Matos, 2016). These, together with other
Tavares de Sousa, R., Teles, S., Bertel, D., Schmitter, P. and Abrantes, D.
Back to the Roots: The Perspectives of Multiple Stakeholders about a Seamless Physical-Virtual AAL Advisory Service.
DOI: 10.5220/0007762201460155
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health (ICT4AWE 2019), pages 146-155
ISBN: 978-989-758-368-1
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
well-known factors – such as the lack of public
awareness on AAL solutions, as a result of faulty
information, communication and transparency, as
well as insufficient end-user involvement – influence
the market negatively and are likely to contribute to
the existing gap between technology development
and its uptake by end users (AAL Programme, 2014;
Doyle et al., 2013; Michel and Franco, 2014; Peek et
al., 2014). Paradoxically, at the same time that those
barriers to the market growth prevail, recent trends
have been revealing a shift from a predominantly
public market to a private and consumer or primary
end-user centric market: while AAL solutions were,
until recently, mostly paid by care and social services
for older adults, the demand for such solutions in a
private sphere, i.e. paid with consumer’s own
resources, is gaining visibility (AAL Programme,
2014). This market landscape evidently emphasizes
the need to promote consumer empowerment
regarding the process of finding and selecting the
AAL solution(s) which is (are) best suited to the
individual context and situation. In this sense, there is
a need to propel consumer’s empowerment, as
consumers have been themselves demonstrating a
willingness to become more active and engaged in the
value creation, in what we can define as a new age of
consumer engagement (Brodie et al., 2011).
The offer of high-quality advisory services for end
users on AAL solutions was previously identified as
a promising strategy to minimize the mentioned
constraints, and to promote consumers’ engagement,
but the provision of such services is either missing,
provided at a very small scale, or offered by product
and service providers in the scope of their sales
activities (Bertel et al., 2018; Siegel et al., 2014; Teles
et al., 2017). Investing in ICT solutions to increase the
scale of advisory services through the creation of a
digital neutral/exempt advisory platform on AAL
solutions was previously recognized by AAL
stakeholders as a potential solution to address those
issues (Teles et al., 2017). However, previous
research concluded, from a platform mapping and
analysis, that personalised feedback and/or advice is
generally missing on websites/portals/platforms that
currently promote assistive technologies and services
for older adults (Kofler et al., 2016). Moreover, since
the consumer journey is growing in complexity in
most service sectors, we have, nowadays, rather
complex service logics to consider (Peters et al.,
2015). For instance, it was previously argued that
both user experience and user empowerment are more
likely to be improved when both physical and virtual
touch points are integrated into service provision
(Breidbach et al., 2014). These integrated service
logics would allow taking advantage of virtual
engagement in service provision while at the same
time minimizing the drawbacks from lack of physical
engagement. This premise, and the associated
concept of engagement ecosystem (Breidbach et al.,
2014), was later applied by the authors of this paper
to AAL advisory services provided to older adults and
their caregivers (Bertel et al., 2018).
This manuscript builds on previous research
carried out in the scope of the EU-funded
ActiveAdvice project, which intends to set up a
digital, pan-European advisory and decision-support
platform that brings together the broad range of
available AAL products, services, and stakeholders.
The project is based on the premise that, in the AAL
field, an engagement platform must promote not only
AAL products and services but also empower
stakeholders and facilitate the co-creation of value.
Therefore, based on previous conclusions from this
project as well as on the state-of-art, the concept of an
Authorised Active Advisor was created and its
conceptual discussion was published previously by
Bertel et al. (2018). These advisors are a human
addition to a digital advisory platform (with different
graphical user interfaces (GUIs)) and act as
facilitators and integrators of those different digital
interfaces during the interaction process of the user
with the digital platform.
This paper goes a step further by presenting and
discussing the results from a qualitative study carried
out to refine the concept, by identifying, based on a
multi-stakeholder perspective, the human advisors’
added value and role within an integrated AAL
advisory system, as well as their profile, required
knowledge and skills. It starts by presenting brief
conceptual considerations on the adoption of an
integrated logic for AAL advisory services (cf.
section 2.1) and by discussing the role of human
advice in the context of a digital advisory platform by
presenting the concept of Authorised Active Advisor
(cf. section 2.2). Next, the general approach and
methodology adopted for the conduction of the
qualitative study is presented (cf. section 3) and the
main findings are presented (cf. section 4). Section 5
discusses the lessons learned focusing on how those
can be applied and operationalized in a training
course outline for Authorised Active Advisors.
In the last two decades, we have been witnessing
Back to the Roots: The Perspectives of Multiple Stakeholders about a Seamless Physical-Virtual AAL Advisory Service
significant developments in the field of ICT that offer
new means of interaction among stakeholders in
virtual environments (Bertel et al., 2018). However,
the authors previously argued, based on user studies
(Teles et al., 2017), mapping and analysis of service
platforms for older adults (Kofler et al., 2016) as well
as on a comprehensive and critical analysis of the
literature on engagement platforms and ecosystems
(Bertel et al., 2018) that an articulation between the
real/physical and the virtual world, i.e. an integrated
service logic, is necessary for advisory service
provision in the AAL field.
Hereinafter, in order to frame the qualitative study
presented in this paper (cf. section 3 and 4) and the
discussion generated from it (cf. section 5), two main
topics are briefly approached in this section: (i) the
added value of adopting an integrated logic for AAL
advisory services; and (ii) the place of human advice
in the context of a digital advisory platform.
2.1 An Integrated Logic for AAL
Advisory Services
The paper size must be set to A4 (210x297 mm).
There is little doubt that ICT has been working as
enablers of service innovation for several service
sectors. However, in recent years, a trend of ‘shifting
back’ to the physical/face-to-face (f2f) interaction has
been observed. Digital service providers have been
expanding their portfolio from entirely virtual into the
realm of additional physical experience (Bertel et al.,
2018; Breidbach et al. 2014). This is the case for a
number of IT organisations (e.g. Google, Microsoft),
which have been detaching from a purely virtual
service logic.
From a consumer empowerment point of view,
digital service touch points have been allowing
consumers to expect more service, information and
support than before as they increasingly become
aware of their influence on service provision and/or
on the market. However, as digital means of
interaction annul the traditional f2f interaction, the
user’s acceptance can be compromised and has to be
the main concern of service providers. The key aspect
that might jeopardize users’ acceptance of digital
services and platforms is trust in such interaction
points; this, in turn, is highly influenced by the
presence of community features and privacy cues in
digital services as well as by their degree of
personalisation and feedback (Obal and Kunz, 2013).
Indeed, trust is one of the most critical issues in what
concerns consumer-service provider interaction
(Cummins et al., 2014), and one of the main reasons
to invest in an integrated model, i.e. digital-physical,
in service provision.
The authors previously pointed out that while
these arguments apply to a wide range of service
sectors, they hold special relevance for the AAL
market and specifically for advisory services in this
field (Bertel et al., 2018). First, not only trust was
shown as a key attitudinal factor for the uptake of
AAL solutions by consumers, i.e. older adults
(Olphert et al., 2009), as the authors concluded from
a previous study that f2f interaction is perceived as
more trustworthy (Teles et al., 2017). Also, as AAL
solutions frequently fulfil health-related needs,
consumers’ trust in purely digital services including
information platforms seems to be further challenged:
data security and privacy acquire increased relevance
and the fear of getting low quality, biased or
misleading information from non-reliable or exempt
sources tends to be more evident (Marschollek et al.,
2007; Teles et al., 2018).
A second argument favouring an integrated
service logic for AAL advisory services relates to the
specific features of AAL solutions and their market:
while advice on AAL solutions is usually complex, as
answering to a consumer’s need frequently requires
an integration of products and services from different
providers, this occurs in a context where
interoperability problems still prevail and no broad
and comprehensive information about products,
services, and providers for consumers is yet available.
Moreover, being in need of support and the
possibilities to offer that support is usually dependent
on the local and regional context, and accommodating
such complex and context-specific logics in an
optimal service provision for older adults is hardly
achievable by a stand-alone digital service.
Nowadays this is inevitably with nearly all online
product databases or stores currently found within the
AAL market. However, resorting to either f2f or
digital consultancy alone on AAL solutions was
reported to be time-consuming, burdensome and,
most of the times ineffective (Teles et al., 2017). This
might relate, on the one hand, to the conflicts of
interest or limited information held by those who
typically provide such f2f advice (e.g. sellers; care
providers with no specific training/knowledge on
such solutions) and, on the other hand, to the absence
of digital advice in this field and lack of
specialisation, comprehensiveness, and
personalisation of information offered online (Kofler
et al., 2016). Indeed, due to both trust issues and gaps
in high-quality online advice, it was reported that
consultation of AAL solutions happens in the virtual
reality, but is often limited to a first consultancy, with
ICT4AWE 2019 - 5th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health
ongoing advice being searched in the physical sphere
(Teles et al., 2017).
A third and last argument for a digital-human
advisory integration relies on the characteristics of
older adults as a consumer group. In particular, and
considering that older adults are a quite
heterogeneous group – which could be per se an
argument for a service logic that offers two
interaction interfaces – it is a fact that the digital
divide still affects this population group (Negreiro,
2015) and that preferences for f2f contact are still
reported. Despite a decreasing trend of the digital
divide within this group, older adults are still often
confused by technology options, lack confidence
using online channels, and their readiness to accept
technological solutions depends on many individual
aspects such as education, age, gender, physical,
mental and cognitive skills, expectations or
biographical experience. Even if barriers associated
with ICT skills are expected to decrease in future
generations (Reginatto, 2012), as it is hard to predict
to what extent and speed that will happen and how
preferences will evolve, an integrated logic for AAL
advisory services might be better able to
accommodate future trends.
The challenge now, especially in the verification
of a recent shift from a predominantly public market
to a private consumer-centric market, is to find how
to integrate both virtual and physical dimensions in
an optimal solution for AAL advisory services. This
is further discussed in the scope of the proposed
figure of ‘Authorised Active Advisor’, presented in
the following section.
2.2 Human Advice in a Digital
Advisory Platform
The premise, discussed in the previous section, that
an integrated service logic for AAL advisory services
would best suit the consumers’ needs – i.e. older
adults and their caregivers – and best promote their
empowerment, was extrapolated to the developments
within the ActiveAdvice project, with the conclusion
that the digital advisory platform developed in this
project cannot be a stand-alone solution (Teles et al.
2017). Rather, it has to be part of an integrated and
systematic service logic, incorporating both virtual
and physical services and promoting the integration
of different actors with diverse interests and
contributions. Therefore, and as described above, the
concept of ‘Authorised Active Advisors’ was born
within the project. These advisors act as a human
addition to the digital platform and can help
increasing personalization in AAL services,
empowering the consumers in making decisions,
enhance trust in AAL advisory and encourage older
adults to participate in digital communities (also
contributing to the minimization of the digital divide
still affecting this age group). They will also
contribute to raising awareness of AAL in general.
The main task of the Authorised Active Advisor
is to assist the individual person in finding the right
solution for their problem or goal. They, thus, (i) have
to be able to listen to the needs of the end user and
translate those into a search strategy that
complements the digital advisory component; (ii) be
able to identify relevant solutions and suppliers, and
to assess their pertinence towards each situation; (iii)
to assist and guide the individual during the decision-
making process; and (iv) to follow-up on satisfaction
and stimulate users to provide feedback on the
platform (Bertel et al., 2018; Denis, 2017).
The potential target group addressed by the
human advisors is diverse and in accordance with the
AAL stakeholders (Nedopil et al., 2013). In general,
the following stakeholder groups have been identified
within the ActiveAdvice project (see Table 1) and
form the basis of the further delineation of the
potential target groups (based on Kofler and
Schmitter, 2017; compare Teles et al., 2017).
Table 1: AAL Stakeholders Groups.
Older adults aged between 55 to 70 years old,
characterized by being active and autonomous.
Includes older adults who decided to invest in a
new home and/or who wish to think ahead and
adapt the house for upcoming chronic illnesses
and future loss of autonomy.
Older adults who are facing a loss of autonomy
and wish to live longer at home.
Relatives and/or informal caregivers of older
adults. This can be because of effective loss of
autonomy (therefore forced to find a solution), but
also to prevent further degradation, loss of
functionality and autonomy (prevention).
Suppliers of solutions (products, services or a
Suppliers of solutions and services that could take
a role as “active advisor”
Back to the Roots: The Perspectives of Multiple Stakeholders about a Seamless Physical-Virtual AAL Advisory Service
Table 1: AAL Stakeholders Groups. (cont.)
Suppliers of services or solutions. This can be
under normal market conditions (e.g. a provision
of home assistance services), or under subsidized
schemes for specific target groups.
Suppliers of services assessing the needs of older
adults and directing them towards the right
solution or service. This segment could play a role
as “active advisor”.
Policy makers at local, regional and national
levels. Policies linked to ageing, living longer at
home, health services, and home care services.
Public Services, senior organizations, interest
groups, care cooperatives
The main target group of Authorised Active
Advisors is the first stakeholder group – ‘Consumer’
(AAL2C). As described above, older adults are still
facing much difficulty when it comes to technology.
The challenge is, therefore, to understand each
person’s individual situation and provide the most
suitable AAL solution.
Besides the primary target group, informal and
formal caregivers play a vital role in the decision-
making process. Similar to older adults, formal and
informal caregivers possess heterogeneous
competencies, interests, and needs, and can benefit
from AAL technologies. Informal and formal
caregivers can either recognise technology as
beneficial in supporting them or as a concern, as they
fear technology may reduce the quality of personal
care (e.g. privacy loss, increased loneliness). This
aspect should be taken into consideration by human
advisors dealing with formal caregivers.
A qualitative study was conducted to identify, based
on a multi-stakeholder perspective, the human
advisors’ added value and role within an integrated
AAL advisory system, as well as their profile,
required knowledge and skills. In this sense, several
activities were carried out by the consortium in order
to delineate the concept of Authorised Active
Advisors, and to create a training outline based on an
explorative analysis of their needs and requirements.
Besides a range of workshops within the consortium
and desk research, two workshops with a total of 14
participants and a number of 15 semi-structured
interviews with 16 different stakeholders that
potentially fit the human advisor profile were carried
out. In addition, insights gathered from the end-user
tests were taken into consideration. Figure 1 shows
the logic of these activities.
Expertise & Experience within the Consortium
Desk Research
2 Workshops
(14 participants)
(16 participants)
Authorised Active Advisors
Human Advisor Concept & Training Outline
Figure 1: Approach and methodology.
In particular, both workshops and semi-structured
interviews were aimed to answer the following set of
What are the benefits of Authorised Active
Advisors in addition to the digital advisory
platform, and who are their target group(s)?
What is the profile and role of an Authorised
Active Advisor?
What kind of knowledge and skills are needed to
become an Authorised Active Advisor and how
should that knowledge be delivered (i.e. which
training concept are they looking for/would make
sense for their specific case)?
The two workshops took place at the AAL Forum
2018 in Bilbao, Spain and in the Netherlands,
respectively. While the workshop at the AAL Forum
involved members of the AAL community, the
workshop in the Netherlands involved employees of
the municipality of Alkmaar, providing advisory
services to older adults and their relatives and
informal caregivers. The interviews were carried out
in five different countries of the consortium partners:
Austria, Belgium, Netherlands, Portugal, and the UK.
A qualitative analysis was performed using the
method of data matrices based on Nadin and Cassell
(2011). All answers were transferred as summaries
into a matrix. Each of the sections of the matrix was
subdivided; the columns were labeled with the
corresponding codes linked to the research questions,
and the rows contained the respective interviewee.
For each interview, a summary was written (case
description per row) to better understand individual
assumptions. A summary for each code (per column)
ICT4AWE 2019 - 5th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health
was then added and grouped into: Benefits of the
Authorised Active Advisors; Profile of the
Authorised Active Advisors; Skills and Knowledge
of the Authorised Active Advisors. The insights
arising from these activities are presented in the next
section. They are neither exhaustive nor are they
representative, as an explorative approach was chosen
given the nature of the knowledge we aimed to
As result of the analysis, we were able to foresee and
gather some valuable insights regarding the (i)
benefits, (ii) profiles, and (iii) skills and knowledge
of the Authorised Active Advisors, thus contributing
to the debate and to the development of a training
4.1 Benefits of the Authorised Active
The value proposition of the Authorised Active
Advisor contemplates benefits for all three target
groups of the ActiveAdvice project – consumers,
businesses and governments –, following the multi-
stakeholder approach of the ActiveAdvice project.
First and foremost, the ‘consumers’ target group
directly benefits from the Authorised Active Advisor,
whose activities consist in assisting older adults to
access AAL content, helping them to choose and buy
products and services, recommending technology that
will support them and providing comprehensive
information and knowledge on AAL solutions.
Studies have shown that many older adults are not
aware of existing technologies that have the potential
of improving their lives (Peek et al., 2016). The
concept of AAL itself is not understood by end users
as it is generally defined, being documented that
users’ concept of technology is less exclusive by
including devices that are not ICT-based (e.g. home
adaptations; Peek et al., 2016). Therefore, the
literature is prolific in calls for delivering awareness
and training to all stakeholders about the
opportunities and challenges in the AAL field
(Agbakoba et al., 2015; Nieboer et al., 2014; Olphert
et al., 2009). Older adults, as well as their relatives,
have a preference to receive advice f2f (Teles et al.,
2018; Teles et al., 2017), as this allows
personalisation, which constitutes a major benefit
since it gives response to the users’ needs. In fact, the
Authorised Active Advisor can guarantee that there is
a proper response to the consumer’s real needs,
articulating those with the right product/ solution and
avoiding, at the same time, an information overload
that could be harmful to the decision process. The
existence of an Authorised Active Advisor also
contributes in tackling social isolation by establishing
human interaction, which consequently has a major
impact in gaining the user’s trust (Damodaran and
Olphert, 2010; Novitzky et al., 2015; Olphert et al.,
2009; Siegel et al., 2014; Teles et al, 2017) and
reducing the fear of losing social contact (Lewin et
al., 2010). By fostering confidence among older
adults in using online channels, the Authorised Active
Advisor further helps them to regain self-confidence
and, consequently, become more independent.
Although Authorised Active Advisors plays
primarily an advisory role towards consumers, both
businesses and governments also benefit from them.
Reducing stigmatization of AAL technologies,
promoting market equipment attractively and
offering differentiation over other catalogue websites
(that do not contemplate a human advisor component)
are some of the positive impacts on businesses. This
is of high relevance, as many enterprises in the
business field of AAL are struggling with
demonstrating the return on investment of their
solutions to the client (Reginatto, 2012). Moreover,
lack of general public awareness about AAL
technologies and their potential benefits is identified
by business stakeholders as one obstacle to introduce
and succeed with this products and services in the
market (Balta-Ozkana, et al., 2013). Authorised
Active Advisors can help to overcome this challenge.
In addition, Authorised Active Advisors are able to
provide expert feedback on users’ evaluation of AAL
products, feeding the ActiveAdvice platform with
professional feedback and testimony, which is
preferred to direct user feedback by consumers (Teles
et al., 2017; Teles et al., 2018).
For governments, the existence of the Authorised
Active Advisor has the potential to increase the
number of people self-funding AAL solutions and, on
the other hand, to reduce the number of people using
council services. Research has shown that
governments have a significant role in supporting
AAL adoption through defining regulation, funding
and participating in R&D projects, and participating
in the commercialization of products and services
(Ehrenhard et al., 2014). In addition, it has been stated
that governments are motivated and need to invest in
awareness campaigns focusing on AAL solutions in
order to demonstrate its benefits, as well as to explain
Back to the Roots: The Perspectives of Multiple Stakeholders about a Seamless Physical-Virtual AAL Advisory Service
about their security and privacy risks (Wright et al.,
2007; Reginatto, 2012).
In summary, the existence of an Authorised
Active Advisor has several benefits, since:
They listen to the consumer s needs and
translate those needs into a search strategy that
complements the digital advisory component;
They identify solutions and suppliers and assess
their pertinence towards each situation;
They assist and guide the individual during the
decision-making process;
They follow-up on satisfaction and stimulate
users to provide feedback on the platform;
They feed the platform with professional
Algorithms and Listings captions should be
properly numbered, font size 9-point and no bold or
italic font style should be used. Captions with one line
should be centred and if it has more than one line
should be set to justified.
4.2 Profile of the Authorised Active
As human advisors are considered one of the core
concepts of the ActiveAdvice project, a clear
definition of the intended profile that is aligned to the
core values of the project and the business plan is
needed. Initially (Bertel et al., 2018), the consortium
explored four options or possible profiles for
Authorised Active Advisors: (i) professionals in the
process of assisting older people (e.g. occupational
therapists, care workers, architects); (ii) volunteers
(including retired persons interested in AAL solutions
and associates of user associations); (iii) public sector
employees (e.g. within a municipality, or other
sectors such as home adaptation, energy etc.); and (iv)
suppliers of solutions. Having these different
possibilities in mind, the data we gathered from the
interviews and workshops proved to be of crucial
importance since it allowed us to refine the profile.
In this sense, and from the participants’
perspectives, we conceptualised two advisor profiles:
the human advisor primarily either (i) works in an
existing organisation or a business within the ageing
and care market (AAL product development, AAL
advisory, sales and marketing, social care
organisations, education, and governmental bodies)
(profile A) or (ii) has practical care/ medical
experience and know-how in dealing with older
people (i.e. gerontologists, occupational therapists,
social educators, etc.) (profile B). The importance of
having someone with (professional) experience in the
ageing field was stressed by participants and is in
accordance with the possibilities already considered
by the consortium.
Figure 2: Human Advisor Profiles and Target Groups.
Figure 2 above illustrates the advice offered by the
Authorised Active Advisors to the different target
groups. As it can be seen, there is no distinction made
between the human advisor profiles and the end-user
target groups. Rather, the appropriate support is
offered on an individual basis. There are two main
human advisor profiles (see Figure 2 above) who can
offer advice to one of the three main target groups that
are either seniors, informal caregivers, and formal
caregivers. Because ActiveAdvice guarantees a
comprehensive training concept for all human
advisors, the quality of advice offered by either one
of the profiles is mutual.
4.3 Skills and Knowledge of the
Authorised Active Advisors
Participants also highlighted two main areas in which
human advisors must demonstrate knowledge and
expertise: (i) social skills and (ii) knowledge about
ICT/technology and AAL. It must be noted, here, that
interpersonal relationship skills – like empathy,
patience, communicational skills, etc. – were
considered to be more important prerequisites than
technical or AAL knowledge.
Besides the two main areas pointed out above,
human advisors should also have a general
understanding of the ageing process and its different
challenges - “it is important that this person has some
knowledge of main diseases or health problems
associated with the ageing process, like dementia for
ICT4AWE 2019 - 5th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health
example. Also, they should have some knowledge of
the difficulties underlying people's lives, for example,
know or have some information about the context
where the person lives, their health conditions, what
they need…” (PT).
In addition, as Authorised Active Advisors will
also be promoting the ActiveAdvice platform, some
general knowledge regarding the ActiveAdvice
project is mandatory, namely, what the ActiveAdvice
consortium stands for, what the core values are and
what the vision and mission of ActiveAdvice are.
Lastly, human advisors need a certain flair, social
commitment and intrinsic motivation to offer advice
and assist older adults in their local community.
In spite of existing knowledge potential human
advisors from both identified profiles bring with
them, it is necessary to provide further training for
these groups to ensure that the Authorised Active
Advisors have the necessary knowledge for their
Advice is considered a key service that can have a
great impact on and bring significant benefits to
people who resort to digital platforms for advice.
Previous work from the ActiveAdvice project shows
that, for example, end users want to learn which
products or services are useful for their specific
situation, what makes their ‘life easier’ or where and
how to find a specific product. Especially with a shift
to a private consumer market, empowering the
individual consumer with targeted advice minimises
constraints in the AAL market and allows co-creation
of value. The ActiveAdvice platform provides the
much-needed information on AAL products and
services, and thus helps the users to gather detailed
insights before buying a product or asking for a
service. The Authorised Active Advisor, as a human
addition to the digital platform, is a necessary and
important complement; and they have the potential to
impact the uptake of the ActiveAdvice platform as
well as AAL solutions in general. They fill a gap that
an otherwise exclusively digital environment cannot
provide, i.e. the possibility for personal contact and
human touch (which increases trust), and context
knowledge for the individual situation, thus boosting
confidence, especially of older users of the platform.
There are some reasons constraining end users to
use or access online platforms, namely the lack of
trust in online-advice. Security, trust and safety are
main issues when discussing the acceptance of
internet for commercial interactions. Lack of trust in
ICT use and fears regarding access to personal data
by others seems to prevent older adults from carrying
out online transactions (Olphert et al., 2009).
Furthermore, online advice can also be biased, since
it might not always be transparent who is giving
advice or their link to the products/services they are
advising on. The integrated service logic connected to
the concept of Authorised Active Advisors allows
personalisation of feedback, increases trust as well as
the quality of advice, as AAL solutions are usually
complex and often need integration of products and
services from different providers and stakeholders, as
outlined above. In this sense, having a human
advisory component in addition to the purely digital
platform could have a great impact in the way users
resort to the ActiveAdvice platform. This was already
raised during the requirements analysis of the
ActiveAdvice platform (Teles et al., 2017), and
confirmed by the human advisor interviews.
According to a previous study carried out within
the ActiveAdvice project (Bertel et al., 2018), an
Authorised Active Advisor can be conceptualized as
a mediator between AAL providers and consumers,
helping users with the process of informed decision-
making – a human touch to the ICT platform.
The following added values are the main impact
of the Authorised Active Advisor:
- Personal contact and human touch;
- Trust;
- Context knowledge;
- Ability to fill gaps in the digital advisor system;
- Confidence;
- Decision support.
In line with these core values, the ActiveAdvice
technical solution – which aims at providing decision
support and information –, offers the tools and
intelligence to the Authorised Active Advisors to
provide end users with up-to-date, useful and
applicable knowledge about AAL products and
services, options for financial support and customer
feedback, and the possibility to share experiences and
knowledge within a community of Authorised Active
However, many open questions remain regarding
the human advisor concept. First, trust in the advisor
is a core question – requirement interviews carried
out within the project (Teles et al., 2017) showed that
a concern is around the neutrality vs. expertise of the
advisor (for instance business actors perceived advice
as being best given by those who sell a product, who
are, on the other hand, ‘not neutral’ actors). Second,
growing old and being in need for care is a rather local
Back to the Roots: The Perspectives of Multiple Stakeholders about a Seamless Physical-Virtual AAL Advisory Service
experience, therefore different advisor profiles are
probable to emerge in distinct local realities. It is up
to the ActiveAdvice project to come up with a
detailed training concept to provide the necessary
knowledge and leverage the full potential of the
integrated service logic.
The authors would like to acknowledge the co-
financing by the European Commission AAL Joint
Programme and the related national agencies in
Austria, Belgium, the Netherlands, Portugal,
Switzerland, and the United Kingdom. One of the
authors is individually supported by the Portuguese
Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT;
D/BD/135496/2018; PhD Program in Clinical and
Health Services Research (PDICSS)).
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