Can Digital Footprints Save the Physical Lecture?
Tarjei Heggernes and Ole Jakob Bergfjord
Department of Business Administration, Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, Bergen, Norway
Keywords: E-learning, Digital Footprints.
Abstract: We argue that better use of “digital footprints” (data generated from students’ learning activities) could be
used to improve the traditional lecture. We point out some potentially important data sources, and briefly
discuss how data from each of these sources can contribute to better learning. Finally, we argue that even if
this development is possible, it will require changes certainly changed priorities among faculty, but also
probably recruitment of new types of expertise, for instance data scientists.
The death of the traditional lecture has been
announced at least since the Dearing Report was
published more than 20 years ago. (Dearing,
1997). As the longest standing form of teaching, the
lecture gets a lot of critic for being antiquated, partly
because we still follow patterns from lectures from
ancient times and ancient technologies, and partly
because it is more about teaching than learning.
However, why should lecturers change a winning
We know by now that every student learns in a
different way. Still, especially in higher education, we
have standardized courses for big classes. For us as
lecturers, high attendance is a measure of a good
course. Everybody knows that the best lecturer gets
the highest attendance, and praise from both students,
colleagues and other staff. But is this really the best
measure of whether a class is useful?
In a previous project (Bergfjord and Heggernes,
2016) we found that the use of flipped classroom
methodology led to higher grades for the students.
But for which students? Apparently, not the students
attending class, but the students for which the class
environment did not represent the best learning arena!
We saw no difference in the higher grades, the bigger
effect were on the lower grades. Somehow, by using
videos, the learning outside the classroom improved.
Also, in two informal surveys we recently conducted
on which methods/tools the students found most
useful in a course, the recorded lecture got the highest
score, the students ranked (the availability?) of the
recorded lecture more useful than attending lectures
in person.
Each year when we start a new class, we have a
brief discussion of the lecture as “quality time”.
Wikipedia refers to quality time as time spent with
partners, friends or family that is in some way
important, special, productive, or profitable. The
discussion usually ends with an emphasis on
productivity in reaching the goals of attending class.
The goals for the students by attending class could be
discussed at length, but a suggested goal is achieving
the highest possible grade by a minimum of effort.
Some students usually nod affirmatively. As a result,
there is more focus on assignments and less on
lecturing during the lectures, even for big classes.
We believe measuring and evaluating the activity
both in and outside class could be improved in most
traditional courses. Grades are still often given based
on one or a few tests or term papers, usually at the end
of the semester. This is comparable to a retail store
that only recorded total sales for each product every 6
months and used those numbers to analyse their
business. Furthermore, student evaluation of classes
and teachers are collected mostly in the same manner.
Research shows that there are lot of biases that
influence the student’s evaluation (see e.g. Seiler,
1999), and for voluntary evaluations, the response
rates are often low.
The background for this position paper is hence
the following: The lecture remains widely used,
although much evidence suggests it is often not the
best learning method. We assume the continued usage
somehow implies that the lecture has some qualities,
at least related to convenience and “bang for the
Heggernes, T. and Bergfjord, O.
Can Digital Footprints Save the Physical Lecture?.
DOI: 10.5220/0007762504610464
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2019), pages 461-464
ISBN: 978-989-758-367-4
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
buck”. On the other hand, new technology gives us
better opportunities to utilize data to measure and
improve all types of learning, including learning from
Hence, our position is that better use of learning
intelligence will give better insight into how to
improve lectures, which in turn could save the
traditional lecture.
Learning intelligence is a relatively new academic
field. We are lecturers of business topics, and for most
business topics, there is a lot of emphasis on
collecting and using data as a basis for decisions. Yet,
as stated above, we do not collect much data from our
own classes as a basis for decisions concerning our
pedagogics. Learning intelligence in higher education
is still in its infancy (Viberg et al., 2018). There are
several definitions of learning intelligence, but we
will base our discussion on the following: “learning
analytics is the measurement, collection, analysis and
reporting of data about learners and their contexts,
for purposes of understanding and optimising
learning and the environments in which it
occurs” (Siemens and Long, 2011).
If we take a step back to briefly visit the business
world again, the earliest definition of a business
intelligence (BI) system dates back to 1958 (Luhn,
1958). The BI system is defined as a system that will
utilize data-processing machines for auto-abstracting
and auto-encoding of documents and for creating
interest profiles for each of the "action points" in an
organization”. Is auto-abstracting and auto-encoding
even possible in an educational environment? As for
the action points within an organization, we clearly
see that lecturers, researchers, department heads,
administrative staff and students would all be
different profiles with different action/decision
A few words about data quality: It is well-known
fact that even the best system relies on good data in
order to produce good data out. Good intelligence
requires good data. An important aspect of data
quality is data granularity (Kimball and Ross, 2011).
The granularity of data represents the level of detail
in the data and is tied to how often data is collected.
According to Kimball & Ross, good analysis requires
that the most detailed grain of information possible is
captured in computer systems. As seen over, the
detail of both grades and evaluations is very coarse.
Is it at all possible to get more specific information on
learning activities?
Every use of a digital resource from the students will
leave a digital trail, either anonymous or traceable.
More digital resources inevitably lead to more data.
Below, we discuss potential data-points and their
Sources of data mainly outside the classroom:
1. The Learning Management System (LMS)
At our institution, we use the Canvas LMS. Canvas
has lots of functionality for setting up quizzes and
assignments, learning activities that can produce good
and relevant data. There is also a function called
Course Statistics, where it is possible to view each
student’s activity on the platform. The detail of the
information could have been finer (but there is a hack
for obtaining more detailed data on the interactions
between the students and the course material). For
example, information on how many pages the student
has accessed, and when, is available, but not which
pages. On a course-level, frequently visited pages on
the LMS can help identify difficult topics, and lead to
a decision to repeat or present the topic a different
way in lectures.
2. Other Platforms for Digital Learning
Video instructions are an important part of a flipped
classroom approach to teaching. Our experience is
that the most simple, convenient and effective
platform for distributing videos is YouTube. There
are good analytical tools available on the platform
that are easy to use. A premise
for the flipped classroom approach is that the
students watch the videos before the lecture. The
viewing numbers are live on YouTube, and easy to
check before or during a lecture. Low viewing
numbers will call for an explanation of the concepts
or theories in class before starting on assignments,
thus improving the quality of the lecture time.
In addition, the percentage of the video viewed,
e.g., when in the video the students stopped watching
the video could be valuable input, both for the
physical lectures and when re-recording the videos
later. Another similar platform is
Soundcloud, which can be used to publish
audio/podcasts. Listening statistics are available for
each episode and can be utilized much the same way.
CSEDU 2019 - 11th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Sources of data within the classroom:
We think that all lecturers live for the discussions they
have with students in class, we certainly do. As good
as they can be, there are two potential problems with
class discussions. First, often only a small part
of the class will participate, and often the same
students each time. This can lead to a somewhat
limited number of perspectives in the discussion.
Second, even if the discussions are documented in a
lecture recording, the students participating are not
wearing microphones, so viewers of the recording
will not be able to hear the student part of the
discussion. In lectures that are not recorded, the
discussions will be unavailable for those students not
attending the physical lecture, and at best very hard to
recall for those attending and participating. (We
suspect that most of these will have forgotten the
whole discussion within days.)
If there were a way to structure and document
those discussions, there would be two obvious
benefits. For the student, the documentation would be
useful for repetition. For the lecturer, the
documentation would be available, and useful, when
preparing for the next time doing the same course. It
would be easier to assess if the questions were any
good for making the intended point during the lecture
and improving the structure of the lecture if
necessary. We propose the following ways to gather
data within the classroom:
1. Working on Assignments on a Shared
We have several years' experience using MS
OneNote for this purpose. The platform is in no way
perfect or without its technical flaws; in fact we have
considered changing it several times. Still it is good
enough to both document the discussions and capture
more perspectives from the students. It is easy to
access without logging into a service, but as many
institutions now have Office365 for their students and
staff, logging in is also an option that will make it
easier to trace each student’s activity.
Practically, students are given an assignment for
discussion during the lecture, and a timeframe for
solving and writing down the answer, usually 5 or 10
minutes. In OneNote they will create a tab (in
OneNote this is called a page) with their names as
a heading and write down the answer on the page.
This answer will be available for all the other
students, and the lecturer, to see. The answers then
make the basis for the discussion, making it possible
for the lecturer to reach out to specific students by
name to start the discussion.
This way of data collection has proven to
constitute a valuable archive for both lecturer and
2. Micro-surveys at the End of Each Lecture
Overwhelmingly long, non-compulsory evaluations
are not very appealing to anyone. This also applies to
students, and as mentioned before there are a lot of
sources of bias and error that affect the outcome of
those evaluations. The timing is one of them, right
before exams is a stressful time for
students that might affect the evaluation, and after the
exam, the grading can affect the evaluations both
positively and negatively. It is also hard to remember
specific classes and topics, so what is measured is
more a general impression. Thus, end-of-semester
evaluation results might not be the best data for
optimizing the learning and the environment in which
it occurs. At best, the next class will reap the benefits,
not the class doing the evaluations. We propose the
We designed a framework for micro-surveys to serve
two purposes. First, to give the students a couple of
minutes for reflection at the end of the lecture.
Second, and most importantly for learning analytics,
give the students a chance to evaluate the lecture in
two quick ways: A 1 - 5 -star rating on how much
understanding they have for central topics presented
during the lecture, usually 4 or 5 topics, and a text
field where they can write down what is most unclear
to them after the lecture. In addition to this there is
also a field where the students can give general
comments to the lecture.
Many times, one or two of the topics will get a
lower rating than the others. Repetition of these
topics will be a good starting point for the next
lecture, and the same goes for discussing some
answers from the text field of unclear topics after the
lecture. The answers in the text field will help
uncover other topics for repetition than the pre-
defined topics that are star-rated.
Practically, this short survey is done with Forms
in Office365, and the students are given a link to the
form in the last picture for the lecture notes, where it
is also possible to access the survey on a mobile
device via a QR-code. The results from the previous
lecture will be presented in the beginning of the
lecture notes for the next lecture. Again, the data
collected makes it possible to improve the following
Can Digital Footprints Save the Physical Lecture?
lecture(s) for the same students, as well as generally
improving the course in following years.
It is of course possible to start with small sets of data
for doing learning analytics. But data is getting
bigger, and with bigger data sets comes the need for
more advanced analytical tools. Using a hack, we
were able to retrieve the total interactions between the
students and learning material (on the LMS Canvas)
in a course. The course had 100 students, the activity
report was a .csv-file with over 8500 rows. A pivot-
table in Excel, or a more powerful tool like Power BI
will get a lecturer a long way in analysing these data,
but there are also, as we have suggested, more data to
be analysed. The amount of data will quickly become
overwhelming, which will pose a barrier for using
learning analytics in the first place.
Lecturers are pressed for time, there are high and
growing demands on performance and
documentation of teaching and research. For many,
the time for analysing large amounts of educational
data is just not there. Still, we think it is an important
For quick and easy data browsing, like using a
shared document for assignment during class or a
micro-survey at the end of class, the regular lecturer
will, in our opinion be fine. For more thorough
analysis, a data scientist will be in order. Far from all
educational institutions see themselves as competing
in a data-driven market, but the truth is that especially
in higher education, they are. Competitors/substitutes
to higher education like EdX and Coursera are
basically in the technology sector and are analysing
data on how students learn online. The next step for
offline institutions will be hiring educational data
scientists. That might not be an easy task: Data
Scientists are in strong demand, and a data scientist
with domain knowledge in education might be as rare
as a unicorn.
The traditional lecture is widely used, despite its
obvious weaknesses. This is likely to continue, as
both teachers and students are conservative, and
many consider the lecture to be a convenient
alternative. On the other hand, there are large
amounts of data available, which only to a limited
degree are utilized. We discuss a few such data
sources and show how better use of these can improve
the traditional lecture, and thus contribute to its
survival. At the same time, we argue that this will
require a change of priorities for many faculty
members, and maybe also for universities to start
recruiting new types of employees, for instance data
scientists specializing in gathering and analysing
educational data.
Bergfjord, O.J. & Heggernes, T. (2016) Evaluation of a
“Flipped Classroom” Approach in Management
Education. Journal of University Teaching & Learning
Practice, 13(5), 1-11.
Dearing, R. (1997) The Dearing report: Higher education in
the learning society. Retrieved from
Kimball, R., & Ross, M. (2011) The data warehouse
toolkit: the complete guide to dimensional modeling.
John Wiley & Sons.
Luhn, H. P. (1958) A business intelligence system. IBM
Journal of research and development, 2(4), 314-319.
Seiler, M. J., Seiler, V. L., Chiang, D. (1999) Professor,
student, and course attributes that contribute to
successful teaching evaluations. Financial Practice
and Education, 9(2), 91-99.
Siemens, G., & Long, P. (2011). Penetrating the fog:
Analytics in learning and education. EDUCAUSE
review, 46(5), 30.
Viberg, O., Hatakka, M., Bälter, O., & Mavroudi, A. (2018)
The current landscape of learning analytics in higher
education. Computers in human behaviour, 89, 98-
CSEDU 2019 - 11th International Conference on Computer Supported Education