Towards a Uniform Model Transformation Process for Abstract User
Interfaces Generation
Lassaad Ben Ammar
Prince Sattam Bin Abdul-Aziz University, Kharj, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
University of Sfax, Sfax, Tunisia
Keywords: Unified Model Transformation, Model-based User Interface Development, Software Engineering.
Abstract: The Model-Driven Development (MDD) paradigm is currently being taken interest in the field of Software
Engineering (SE). It allows simplification and automation of the development process by defining models
and transformations of those models. Model-Based User Interface Development (MBUID) is a variant of the
MDD paradigm in the domain of UI development. It aims to reduce the efforts needed to develop UIs. It has
had a significant research by the SE community leading to the definition of the Cameleon Reference
Framework (CRF) as a unifying framework which structures the UI development process. In the last few
years, several research works have been conducted with the aim of proposing a Cameleon-compliant UI
development process. This situation leads to a series of important shortcomings; among them we quote in
particular the lack of consensus (standard) about the information the different models have to contain and how
to transform these models. With the aim of solving this issue of giving a uniformed UI development process,
this paper presents an initiative towards uniformed task model and its transformation to an abstract user
The development of user interfaces (UIs) has become
one of the most important elements to consider when
developing software applications (Molina et al.,
2012). Model-based User Interface Development
(MBUID) is widely recognized as a promising
approach which permits the simplification and
automation of the UI development process while
reducing the developer’s needed efforts (Meixner et
al., 2011). It aims to identify high-level models that
will undergo a series of transformations in order to
(semi-) automatically generate the final UI.
In the last few years, the increase adoption of
MBUID has led to an ever-increasing number of user
interfaces development methods and techniques. A
renowned work in this context is the Cameleon
Reference Framework (CRF) (Calvary et al., 2003).
It structures the UI development process into four
levels of abstraction:
Task & Concepts (T&C): describe the various
user tasks to be carried out and the domain-
oriented concepts as they are required by these
tasks to be performed.
Abstract UI (AUI): expresses the UI in terms of
Abstract Interaction Units (AIU) or Abstract
Interaction Objects (AIOs) (Vanderdonckt and
Bodart, 1993) as well as the relationships among
Concrete UI (CUI): concretizes an abstract UI for
a given context of use into Concrete Interaction
Objects (CIOs) (Vanderdonckt and Bodart, 1993)
so as to define widgets layout and interface
navigation. These CIUs are modality-dependent,
but implementation technology independent.
Final UI (FUI): expresses the UI in terms of
implementation technology dependent source
code. A FUI can be represented in any UI
programming language (e.g., Java UI toolkit) or
mark-up language (e.g., HTML).
Several different methods and models for UI
development are proposed within the Cameleon
framework (e.g. (Akiki et al., 2016) and (Molina et
al., 2014)). This variety raises a particular problem for
developing user interfaces via model-based
approaches as different models and transformation
Ben Ammar, L.
Towards a Uniform Model Transformation Process for Abstract User Interfaces Generation.
DOI: 10.5220/0007763905330538
In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering (ENASE 2019), pages 533-538
ISBN: 978-989-758-375-9
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
processes are exploited: they are not well integrated
into a single consolidated conceptual framework that
facilitates their usage by software developers. This
paper attempts to solve this problem by introducing
uniform process for generating abstract user
interfaces. Note that the ultimate goal of the research
project to which this paper belongs is to introduce a
unified Cameleon-Compliant process for user
interface generation. In this paper, the interest is
focused on the first part of the development process
aiming to generate an abstract user interface from a
Task&Concept model.
In the remainder of the paper, we present an
overview of the most significant (referenced) model-
based approaches serving as a basis to provide our
proposal for unifying the abstract user interface
development process. Following this, a case study
and a tool supporting the meta-model are presented.
The paper is wrapped up by summarizing our work,
deriving conclusions and addressing future work and
The aim of this section is to summarize the state of
the art and the effort made in the field of user interface
generation via model based approach. The focus is
placed on some proposals that are considered relevant
due to their wide citation in related works.
In (Tran et al., 2012), an algorithm is presented to
generate systematically all potential abstract user
interfaces from task and domain models. The
engineering process entails 9 steps using different
resources (models and documents) which are defined
within the UsiXML framework. This makes the
proposed approach closely related to that framework
and prohibits its adoption by other researchers.
Furthermore, the cost and performance of such an
approach is the main weakness since the analyst must
specify the transformation rules for all potential
abstract user interfaces.
(Molina et al., 2012) proposed an interesting tool
namely CIAT-GUI that allows to (semi-)
automatically obtain the final graphical user interface
of an information system from declarative models (a
task model in Concur Task Trees CTT
notation and
domain model in UML notation). This proposed work
CTT: supports a hierarchical description of task models
with the possibility of specifying a number of temporal
relations among them
MDE: Model-Driven Engineering is a recent software
engineering approach aiming at the development of
offers visual-design tools for the various levels of
abstraction. Indeed, it presents a very interesting basic
idea about the automatic process for user interface
generation. However, several gaps and limitations
still need to be addressed in this proposition. For
example, the task model is analyzed several times in
the development process even during the generation
of the concrete user interface. This contradicts the
principles of an MDE
development process which
only consider the task model at the beginning of the
development process (for generating the abstract user
interface model). There are also gaps and limitations
that pertain to the implementation details. This
includes the analysis of the task tree in a bottom-up
process starting from the leaf to the root instead of the
reverse process (top-down). This can raise several
questions about the cost/effectiveness of the
In (Limbourg et al., 2001), a series of
representative task models are analysed and their
meta-model are merged in a unified task meta-model.
Several semantic mapping rules between individual
task meta-models and the uniformed task meta-model
are established in order to read and understand any
potential task model towards its exploitation in a
model-based approach. Gaps and limitations of this
proposal are closely related to two main issues. The
first one concerns the effort needed to consolidate a
new meta-model by modelling their characteristics
which are not presented in the unified meta-model.
The second one pertains to the expressiveness of the
unified meta-model since it considers only task
models leaving aside relevant concepts from other
models (e.g. domain model).
The MBUI incubator group of the W3C (MBUI,
2014) published two initiatives to uniform task model
and abstract user interface model. These initiatives
are interesting as for the concepts to be considered in
each model. However, they are proposed with
theoretical troubles disregarding the development
perspectives, which may cause overhead to the
application developers while implementing the
transformation process.
Based on the aforementioned proposals, it has
become clear that although there were multiple
attempts to generate user interface within a model-
based approach, several shortcomings still persist.
Among them we mention:
software system by considering model as primary
artifact and their transformation from the conceptual
level until the code level.
ENASE 2019 - 14th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
There is a lack of standard that unify the basic
concepts, vocabularies and transformation
Most of proposals are concept-oriented and do not
pay attention to the development perspectives,
which play a key role in their adoption.
There is duplication (reproduction) of research
and development efforts instead of benefiting
from existing approaches.
To address the above shortcomings, we assigned
ourselves the next goals:
To provide a single consolidated meta-model for
each abstraction level presented in the Cameleon
framework. These meta-models should strongly
rely on existing proposals which presents
common relevant concepts.
To establish mapping between these meta-models
leading to automatically generate the final user
As is mentioned before, this paper presents a
partial solution which only focuses on the first part
that generates the abstract user interface from a task
model. The next section describes our proposal to
deal with such goal.
In this section, we present the steps followed to build
a uniformed abstract user interface generation
process. Our proposal consists of three major steps:
consolidation of relevant common concepts and
vocabularies required to design a task model into one
single meta-model called uniformed task meta-
model, consolidation of relevant common concepts
and vocabularies required to design an abstract user
interface model into one single meta-model called
uniformed abstract user interface meta-model,
proposing transformation rules enabling the
generation of an abstract user interface from a task
Note that while proposing our meta-models some
crucial concepts are implicitly taken into
consideration, especially:
Redundant information/concepts with different
definitions/terminologies are omitted via a
syntactical uniform process associating a
uniformed label (usually a terminology which is
the largely used/the most known in that context).
Building the meta-models with a development-
oriented perspective and thus facilitating their
implementation and consequently their adoption
in an industrial environment.
3.1 Uniformed Task Model
Task models are shown to be useful for designing
interactive software applications. They describe how
activities can be performed to reach the users goals
when interacting with the application considered.
After analyzing several related works, we opted for
the adaption of the ConcurTaskTree (CTT) to
represent user’s tasks along with their logical and
temporal ordering. Some issues are kept in mind
during the adaptation process as we consider them
crucial for a task meta-model and may increase its
adoption whether in the academic or industrial
environment. These issues pertain especially to:
Task hierarchy/decomposition; usually
represented as a tree allowing the distinction
between abstract tasks and concrete/elementary
tasks and shows constraint for grouping related
tasks in the interface.
Relationship among tasks showing constraint for
placing interaction objects.
Domain-oriented concepts as they are required by
tasks to be performed. Domain concepts are
encapsulated in the task model for development
reasons. We argue that reducing inputs and steps
during the development process is likely to reduce
complexity of the process.
A task model is therefore composed of tasks and
relationships (Fig. 1). Tasks are described with a
name, a description and a category. Task description
represents domain-oriented concepts required by the
task to be performed. Task category may be: users,
interactive, system or abstract. User tasks are notably
useful to describe tasks which are entirely performed
by the user requiring only an internal cognitive
activity without interaction with the system (e.g.
selecting a strategy to solve a problem). An
interactive task involves an active interaction of the
user with the system (e.g., selecting a value, browsing
a collection of items). A system task is an action that
is performed by the application itself (e.g., check a
credit card number). An abstract task is a task which
requires complex actions, and their performance does
not completely fall into one of the three previous
To refine the expression of the nature of leaf tasks,
two main attributes are considered: UserAction and
TaskItem. Note that this expression is relied on the
taxonomy introduced by (Constantine, 2003) to
qualify a UI in terms of abstract actions it supports.
The UserAction indicates a user action required for
Towards a Uniform Model Transformation Process for Abstract User Interfaces Generation
performing the task and the TaskItem refers to the
type of object on which the action is operated. The
derivation of interaction objects supposed to support
a task is usually carried out by combining these two
Task relationships allow specifying a temporal
relationship between sibling tasks of a task tree.
LOTOS operators are used here as they have been
applied to task modelling in (Paterno et al., 1997).
Note that, the hierarchical structure of the task model
is supported using the SubTask composition. In
addition, composition is used sometimes for some
development reasons even the relationship can be
simply modelled using an association (e.g. source and
target of a relationship).
Figure 1: Task Meta-model.
3.2 Uniformed Abstract User Interface
An Abstract User Interface (AUI) model represents a
canonical expression of the renderings and
manipulation of the domain concepts and functions in
a way that is as independent as possible from
modalities and computing platform specificities. It is
populated by abstract interaction objects (AIO) and
abstract relationship (Fig. 2). AIO represents an
abstraction of widgets found in most of the popular
toolkit (e.g. windows, buttons, panels, etc.). It can be
classified into two main types: abstract containers
(AC) and abstract individual components (AIC).
AC (sometimes called presentation unit) is an
entity allowing a logical grouping of other abstract
containers or abstract individual components. It is
said to support the representation of a set of
logically/semantically connected tasks. It may be
transformed, at the concrete level, into graphical
container like windows, dialog boxes, etc.
AIC is an abstraction of an interaction object
populating an abstract container independently of the
modality in which it will be rendered in the concrete
level. An AIC assumes at least one basic system
interaction function described as facet in the UI.
According to (Limbourg et al., 2001), four main
facets can be identified: Input, Output, Control and
The UserAction attribute of an AIC enables the
specification of the type of action an AIC allows to
perform. The TaskItem attribute characterizes the
item manipulated by the AIC. The values of
UserAction and TaskItem can be inherited from the
UserAction and TaskItem attributes defined in the
Task Model, respectively.
Abstract relationships are relationships that can
be established between abstract interaction objects of
all kinds. They are couples of Source and Target.
Abstract Adjacency and Spatio-temporal are among
the most common type of abstract relationships
presented in the literature. Adjacency specifies an
adjacency constraint between two AIOs. As for
Spatiotemporal relation, two basic relations are
considered in this paper: sequential and simultaneous.
Figure 2: Abstract User Interface Meta-model.
3.3 Defining Transformation Rules
This section presents the process for automatic
obtaining the Abstract UI from the task model. It is a
recursive process which analyze the task tree in a top-
down way. We opted for the Depth-first search (DFS)
algorithm to implement this derivation process. This
later may involve the following steps:
Creation of Abstract Container: consists of the
definition of the abstract UI structure via the
definition of abstract container. This step will be
applied for each parent node in the task tree (task
which is split into several sub-tasks). The
ENASE 2019 - 14th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
transformation rule to be executed is the
o Rule 1: for each parent note, create an abstract
container. If the parent node is also a child of
another parent node, link them with a
containment relationship.
Creation of Abstract Individual Component:
consists of finding the adequate abstract
individual component type to support one or
several user’s task. UserAction and TaskItem are
notably important information to perform such
adequate selection (see Algorithm 1). Rule 2 and
3 are examples of transformation rules that can be
applied to enable the creation of an abstract
individual component.
o Rule 2: for each leaf task from the System
type with a View UserAction, create an
abstract individual component from the
Output type. Link the abstract individual
component and the abstract container
corresponding to its parent node in the task
tree by a containment relationship.
o Rule 3: for each leaf task from the Interactive
type with a Select UserAction, create an
abstract individual component from the Input
type. Link the abstract individual component
and the abstract container corresponding to its
parent node in the task tree by a containment
Identification of spatio-temporal relationship: the
spatiotemporal relationship defined between tasks
can be respected in the abstract UI specification.
This step consists of defining the spatio-temporal
arrangement between elements of the abstract UI.
Note that two level of arrangement are identified:
1) intra-container level concerns the arrangement
of abstract individual component within the same
abstract container, and 2) inter-container level
concerns the definition of navigational structure
among abstract container. The interest is focused
in this paper on the second one. Rule 4 shows an
example of a” Sequential” spatio-temporal
arrangement between two abstract containers.
o Rule 4: for each couple of abstract container
connected by a relationship from the
Sequential type, create a relationship
between them “Sequential”.
Algorithm 1: Task Tree Traversing.
for each task in task tree do
if task has sub tasks then
Create an AbstractContainer
if task is System then
if UserAction is View then
Create Abstract component
from the Output type
end if
if UserAction is StartGoTo
or StopEndComplete or
PerformReturn then
if TaskItem is Operation
Create Abstract
component from the
Control type
end if
if TaskItem is Container
Create Abstract
component from the
Navigation type
end if
end if
end if
if task is Interactive then
if UserAction in Select, Create,
Delete, Modify, Move, Duplicate
Create Abstract component from the
Input type
end if
end if
if task is User then do nothing
end if
end if
end for
MBUID approach can contribute to the automatic
generation of software process. One of the reasons
that disallow the MBUID to have the expected
success is the lack of standards and norms about
concepts and terminologies used to design user
interfaces. The objective of this paper is to elaborate
a design framework aiming to unify concepts and
terminologies required for user interfaces design. In
this respect, a part of the intended proposition is
presented allowing the generation of an abstract user
interface from a task model. A uniform meta-model
is presented for each level of abstraction allowing the
design of the user interface. In addition, a set of
transformation rules are presented showing the
mapping process between the task model and abstract
UI model. In the expected framework, a user interface
undergoes three transformations starting from a task
to automatically obtain the final user interface. Future
works includes the full implementation of this step
from the development process (T&C to Abstract UI)
and the consideration of the other levels of abstraction
Towards a Uniform Model Transformation Process for Abstract User Interfaces Generation
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ENASE 2019 - 14th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering