The Effect of Educational Game on Children Learning Experience in
a Slovakian School
Nour El Mawas
, Peter Truchly
, Pavol Podhradský
and Cristina Hava Muntean
CIREL(EA 4354), University of Lille, Lille, France
Slovak University of Technology, Bratislava, Slovakia
School of Computing, National College of Ireland, Dublin, Ireland
Keywords: Game based Learning Education, Solar System Concepts, STEM in Primary School Education.
Abstract: Preparing our children for the rapid economic, scientific and technological developments ahead is a top
research aspect for many research communities and state institutions. In this context, STEM topics have an
important role in the earlier educational stage and more specifically at primary school level. This paper
investigates the learning impact of using Final Frontier, an immersive educational video game in a Slovak
school for teaching concepts related to the solar system. The experimental study involved 44 children
divided in two groups, a control group and an experimental group. The aim of this paper is to present an
investigation on the effect of educational game on the learning outcome of the children when the Final
Frontier game is used. The results show that Final Frontier game based learning brought better knowledge
gain values. In addition, the majority of children perceived learning more entertaining and they believed that
the game helped them to learn through problem solving tasks and interactive exploration of the planets
virtual environment.
STEM education is very important nowadays as the
entire economy and our general well-being rely
heavily on by science, technology, engineering, and
math. In order to motivate the young generation to
follow an engineer or scientist career path, STEM
topics must be introduced at primary school level to
show to the children what an engineer or scientist
can do. Research has proved that STEM subjects
should be highlighted long before students begin to
choose their specialisms at secondary school, high
school or university. The young people are already
aware that STEM is all around in their daily lives
and they are curious to know how they can better
use their STEM knowledge to solve problems in the
world. Teachers have also recognized the need to
equip our young people with a strong STEM
foundation and they are willing to participate in
hands-on professional learning activities that prepare
them on how to introduce STEM topics to children.
Interactive computer-based educational games
have gained wide recognition as an effective way to
create interactive and constructivist learning
environments through the use of technology. Game-
based learning teaching approach has been
introduced in both formal and informal education
worldwide for teaching STEM related subjects.
Recent studies that proposed and/or evaluated
educational games for teaching concepts related to
the solar system are presented in the next section.
A part of game based learning other approaches
such as hands-on projects, lab experiments, inquiry-
based learning, use of Virtual Reality (VR) and
Augmented Reality (AR) have been investigated by
researchers and applied when introducing STEM
topics to young children. Gamification can provide
another means of promoting students’ active
participation and investment into something beyond
the academic expectations of a lesson (Papadakis
and Kalogiannakis, 2017). Digital games are gaining
wide recognition as an effective way to create
socially interactive and constructivist learning
environments (Papadakis, 2018).
The team of researchers, scientists, engineers,
educators, psychologists and developers part of
NEWTON project
have instigated innovative
technologies to be used in primary schools,
secondary schools and Universities for teaching
NEWTON Project -
El Mawas, N., Truchly, P., Podhradský, P. and Muntean, C.
The Effect of Educational Game on Children Learning Experience in a Slovakian School.
DOI: 10.5220/0007764104650472
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2019), pages 465-472
ISBN: 978-989-758-367-4
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
STEM topics. NEWTON Project’s innovative
technologies include Augmented Reality and Virtual
Reality (Bogusevschi et al. 2018a) (Bogusevschi et
al. 2018b), Virtual Teaching and Learning
Laboratory (Bogusevschi et al., 2019), adaptive and
personalised multimedia and multiple sensorial
media (Bi, et al., 2018; Moldovan & Muntean, 2017;
Moldovan et al. 2016), personalisation and
gamification (El Mawas et al., 2018a) and
interactive educational computer-based video games
(El Mawas et al., 2018b). Different innovative
pedagogical approaches are also deployed as part of
the STEM teaching and learning process such as
flipped classroom, game-based and problem-based
learning (Muntean et al., 2018; Muntean et al., 2017;
Zhao et al., 2018; Zhao et al., 2019; El Mawas et al.,
2018c; Zhao et al., 2019; Bradford et al., 2014; Chis
et al., 2018).
In the context of NEWTON project this paper
presents a case study that involved the use of an
educational immersive game to teach concepts
related to the Solar System in a Slovak primary
school. The most important findings include the fact
that game based learning brings a comparable level
of knowledge acquisition over a teacher based
learning approach and even higher level when we
concentrate on a knowledge gain.
The paper is organized as follows. Section 2
presents research work done in the area of education
games, focusing on solar system related games.
Section 3 introduces the research methodology of
the case study and a description of the Final Frontier
game. Section 4 presents the results of the case
study. Section 5 summarizes the conclusion of this
paper and presents its perspectives.
Few studies have proposed and/or evaluated
educational games related to planets or the solar
system and they are presented next.
Titans of Space
is a free educational game that
offers to the learners a guided virtual tour of the
solar system. The player travels through the planets
and stars inside a small spacecraft. There are many
tour stops where the player can look around, read the
information panel and proceed to the next
destination when he feels ready. Note that the
number and the duration of stops can be configured
by the player. The learning objective of the game is
to learn about the planets from the solar system. The
Titans of Space -
game is designed to look inside the solar system
with the following route: Earth, Mercury, Venus,
Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto.
However, the game was either not evaluated or the
results were not published. The game does not
provide planet exploration though problem solving
tasks and therefore it does not support development
of problem solving skills.
(Chakraborty, 2015) is an interactive
simulation game to learn concepts of the solar
system. The game consists of navigation menus to
look at various objects from different vantage points.
Many topics can be studied like Lunar Phases,
Seasons of Earth etc. Setting a particular date in the
date picker shows the state of the Solar System on
that particular date. Odyssey serves as a medium for
the teachers to explain various phenomena like
phases of moon, apparent retrograde motion of
planets, and path of the Halley’s Comet. Students
are expected to read from their textbooks and then
test out their understanding through Odyssey. They
can also explain various concepts like the changing
of seasons due to the earth’s tilt through Odyssey.
However, there are no research papers that evaluate
this game.
(Majgaard et al., 2017) introduces the design of a
learning application about the Solar System suitable
for 6th graders. Students participated in the design
phase to increase their motivation and help them to
overcome difficulties related to the understanding of
the Solar System. The students learn via the
application the distances between the Sun and the
planets and their proportions relative to each other,
as well as planetary motion through space. The
application is based on augmented reality design in
order to make unobservable objects visible in a
learning context. Moreover, the authors of the paper
(Majgaard et al., 2017) consider that the application
promotes an engaging learning experience but there
is no research that proves that.
Space Rift
(Peña and Tobias, 2014) is an
educational game that teaches children concepts
about the solar system. The player explores planets
in a virtual environment. In this game, the player is
free to navigate around the solar system with full
control rather than just be fixed with the tour stops.
Information about planets is visible when the player
hovers close to a planet. Space Rift was tested with
fifth-grade students. The students described the
game as enjoyable and immersive, although they had
CSEDU 2019 - 11th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
problems distinguishing some of the images due to
lack of sharpness. However, the game evaluation
involved only 5 students and was mostly focused on
usability rather than educational aspects.
(Ranka et al., 2018) proposes Space Invaders, an
educational game in a virtual reality mode that
allows users to discover facts about the planets that
exist in the Solar System. Each planet constitutes a
level in the game, while the player tries
simultaneously to evade and defeat aliens that are
encountered. Initially, the main screen is displayed,
which consists of all the planets, along with the Sun.
Then the learner has to select Mercury as his first
level and clear it by combatting the aliens. Once all
the aliens on this level are killed, before the time
runs out, the player will be able to attempt a quiz,
otherwise the player loses. Once the level is
completed the player will be taken to the next level.
And in the similar way the player has to invade the
space by capturing all the planets. Several
experiments have been conducted to illustrate that
the game can work effectively on any personal
system and smartphone but there is no study on the
learning impact of the game.
SolarSystemGO (Patricio et al., 2018) is an
augmented reality based game with astronomical
concepts. The game's aim is to provide awareness of
the vastness and proportionality of the Solar System
objects, such as the Sun and the planets. The player
embarks on a voyage through the Solar System and
its planets. He collects points as he reaches each
planet. The planets are augmented objects placed on
a scale with the Sun position, in a real outdoor
space. The work reported in (Patricio et al., 2018)
presents an evaluation of the game performance,
especially on low-end devices and discusses the
need to include other objects types such as satellites
and asteroids.
The Final Frontier educational game that
supports learning through problem solving, direct
experience, challenges and fun interactive tasks.
This paper in particular analyses the impact of the
educational game on the learning process when the
Final Frontier game was deployed in a primary
school from Slovakia.
This research study is focused on knowledge
acquisition of students when an educational game is
incorporated in pedagogical process.
3.1 Final Frontier Game Description
The Final Frontier, immersive and interactive
computer-based educational game investigated in
this paper, was developed as a part of the Earth
Science Large scale NEWTON pilot (Bogusevschi
et al., 2018) and it was used through the NEWTELP
platform by 10-13 years old children in three
European schools.
The Final Frontier game supports knowledge
acquisition on 4 rocky planets and 4 giant gas
planets from the Solar system, e.g. Mercury (Figure
1) and Venus (Figure 2). A game level corresponds
to each planet to be explored. For each level, game
objective (i.e. mission to collection stars or
meteorites) and constrains (e.g. coolant time) are
defined. The stars, meteorites, jetpack and coolant
time are ludic elements in the game; they are very
important to ensure the balance between the
gamification and the learning scenario. Once a level
is completed, the player must answer correctly a
multi-choice question in order to progress to the next
level. The player is allowed to try to answer the
question multiple times if a wrong answer is
provided and extra information is provided.
Figure 1: The player on the Venus surface.
Figure 2: The player with jetpack on Mercury.
The Effect of Educational Game on Children Learning Experience in a Slovakian School
Figure 3: The evaluation process scenario (FF1/2 Final Frontier game part 1/2).
Details on Final Frontier game description and
the game design methodology are presented in (El
Mawas et al., 2018b; Muntean and Andrews, 2017).
The game can be played in 6 different languages:
English, Slovak, Czech, Spanish, Italian, and
Romanian. The paper (El Mawas et al., 2018b)
presents a case study on using the game in Irish
primary school. This research paper investigates the
use of the game in the Slovak school.
The game was deployed in pedagogical process
to analyse its impact on a state of acquired
experience and knowledge compared to the standard
(classical) educational process.
3.2 Research Methodology
As this research study is focused on knowledge
acquisition aspect of game-based learning in a
STEM-related topic, pre- and post-test assessments
were run before and after the use of the game.
The research methodology applied in this case
study involved a random distribution of the children
that took part in the case study into two groups: a
control group (CG) and the experimental group
(EG). The experimental group learned about the
planets by playing the educational game. The control
group was exposed to the classic teacher-based
learning. The case study consisted of several phases
which cover the collection of assent and consent
forms, description of the realised course, special pre-
questionnaires, knowledge pre-test, learning
experience, knowledge post-test, and other post-
questionnaires. Figure 3 shows a simple draft of the
case study process where only phases related to the
knowledge acquisition and evaluation are depicted.
The learning process for Solar System subject
taught by the Final Frontier game was divided into
two parts (lessons): the first one devoted to rocky
planets and the second one to giant gas planets. Each
one lasted one teaching hour. All learners from both
groups (EG and CG) did two knowledge tests one
before (pre-test) and one after each lesson (post-
test). The learning process depends on a group the
learner belongs to. It means learners of the
experimental group played the Final Frontier game
(part 1 during Lesson 1 and part 2 during Lesson 2)
NEWTON approach. Each learner played the
game individually in the computer room with a
teacher present in the room, but the teacher did not
answer any question related to the subject. The
control group was presented with a classical
approach of the same content using PowerPoint
presentations created by the NEWTON team
members and presented by a school teacher. The
information content of the game and presentations
had to be the same. NEWTON representatives (pilot
leader and local researchers) took part in both
approaches for observational purposes.
In order to evaluate learners’ level of knowledge
on the subject prior the particular pedagogical
approach both groups did the same pre-test 1 (within
Lesson 1) and the same pre-test 2 (within Lesson 2).
Similarly, the same post-tests were provided in both
groups to analyse and evaluate level of acquired
knowledge. Table 1 shows questions of pre- and
post-test 1 applied during the Lesson 1. The pre- and
post-tests creation followed requirements such as
they should last max. 10 minutes, both (pre- and
post-) tests should have very similar content and
identical concept. These tests consist of a single
choice and simple answer questions.
Based on knowledge tests results an average
score can be calculated for both groups of students,
both knowledge tests and for both lessons. By
comparing average pre-test and post-test scores a
knowledge gain can be calculated. And by
comparing knowledge gains for particular lessons
and groups it is possible to evaluate which
pedagogical approach provides better results with
respect to knowledge acquisition.
In addition to knowledge tests evaluation the
implemented research methodology is also based on
results acquired from several questionnaires learners
of the experimental group took before and after
CSEDU 2019 - 11th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Table 1: The pre-test and post-test questions deployed in
Final Frontier Part 1 (Lesson 1).
lessons, observations carried out during lessons as
well as interviews and discussions with learners.
The research study was carried out at the school
located in Bratislava Lamač, Slovakia with
children from two standard classes. One class (the
total of 19 children at the age of 12-13) went
through the NEWTON approach (EG) and another
class of 25 children (of the same age) was exposed
to the classic teaching approach (CG). It is necessary
to note that grades 5-8/9 are considered in Slovakia
as basic/primary second stage schools (education)
whereas in most school systems these grades are
considered to be lower secondary schools. The
learning process took place during the school study
hours in the presence of the NEWTON team from
the Slovak University of Technology and the
teachers from the school. For the experimental group
all the tests were implemented in NEWTELP
platform developed within the NEWTON project
and provided to learners online. The control group
was provided with a printed version of all tests.
The research focuses on the knowledge acquisition
based on two different pedagogical approaches
(traditional learning and game based learning). The
evaluation was based on the results of knowledge
tests (i.e. pre- and post-tests) as well as
questionnaires which were taken by all learners.
4.1 Knowledge Assessment Results
Final results showing the level of learner
knowledge in percentage for all groups of learners,
both types of tests and both lessons of the Final
Frontier subject are depicted in Figure 4. It is
noticeable that both pedagogical approaches
increased knowledge level of learners. The highest
average (pre- as well as post-test) scores were
achieved by the control group (CG) in Lesson 1.
This result was influenced by the fact that learners of
this class/group already had some initial knowledge
in the subject what is also confirmed by the highest
pre-test score (85.42%). In this case (Lesson 1),
learners of the experimental group (using FF1 game)
achieved a lower value of the average pre- and post-
test scores. However, if we concentrate on the
analysis of the gained knowledge we can notice an
increase of 13.16% in the case of EG and only
8.33% in the case of CG. Therefore, the benefit of
game based learning can be observed.
Results for the Lesson 2 (FF2) show almost the
same average pre-test score for both groups (about
70%), i.e. all children have the same level of
knowledge in the researched subject prior the
learning activity. After the learning activity, the
level of their knowledge increased by 20.83% and
17.31% in the case of EG and CG, respectively.
To summarize the above analysis, we can see
that learning using the Final Frontier game (in both
lessons) brought better values of knowledge gain.
During the learning process (hours) representatives
of the NEWTON project have been observing how
learners behave and what they ask and say.
Moreover, we conducted special individual and
group interviews with students and teachers after the
learning process. Eight learners (from EG) took part
in these interviews (four arranged in a group and
others individually). Based on these activities and
Figure 4: Average pre- and post- test scores for
experimental group (EG) and control group (CG), for Final
Frontier part 1 (FF1) and Final Frontier part 2 (FF2).
The Effect of Educational Game on Children Learning Experience in a Slovakian School
their results, we can summarize that the majority of
learners consider learning more entertaining and the
game helped them to learn better by direct
experience with planets environment.
4.2 Percentage of Correct Answers
Using the pre- and post-test results we also
evaluated learner tests based on the number of
correctly answered questions for Lesson 1 in both
groups (Table 2). There is nobody in the used
sample of learners who answered all questions
incorrectly for this lesson and all learners answered
correctly at least two questions in the post-tests. We
can also see an increase by ca. 20% in a number of
learner post-tests with all four correct answers.
4.3 Questionnaires Results
Children of the experimental group completed two
types of questionnaires (motivation and usability)
after each lesson. Figure 5 shows results for both
questionnaires completed after the Final Frontier
part 1 and 2 lessons. From these results we see that
only 5% of learners would like to learn without
NEWTON technology (i.e. in a standard way
with a teacher),
only 5% of learners think lesson was boring,
77% of learners consider learning with the
game (Final Frontier) was really interesting
Bu using the game 46% of learners became
more interested in this STEM topic.
Table 2: Number of questions (in percentage) correctly
answered by students in Lesson 1.
4 out of 4
42 %
63 %
54 %
63 %
72 %
3 out of 4
37 %
21 %
28 %
32 %
23 %
2 out of 4
5 %
12 %
9 %
5 %
5 %
1 out of 4
16 %
4 %
9 %
0 %
0 %
0 %
0 %
0 %
0 %
0 %
It can be seen that the most of learners liked the
game-based learning approach. They liked the Final
Frontier game, its environment, style, freedom, and
interactivity. If we focus on results of the usability
oriented questionnaires (other six questions in
Figure 5), we can summarise that
73% of learners agreed that it is easy to use
(play) the game,
77% understood all parts and 86% of learners
said it is easy to learn to play the game,
only 5% disagreed that this game helped them
to learn better, and for example
64% thought the game saved their learning
time (27% felt neutral).
As was mentioned in Section 2 there are already
some educational games oriented to the Solar system
concepts but research studies were only performed
in one of them and only mainly from usability point
of view and on very small student sample (Peña and
Tobias, 2014). Our goal was to analyse developed
game from usability, motivation and knowledge
acquisition point of view and show its benefits.
The Final Frontier game was developed to be
easily played, understood and learned to play.
Analysis of questionnaire results confirmed these
aspects of the game and showed that it is one of the
key characteristics leading to successful learning
process. Complex games with difficult control and
low quality graphics can negatively influence
learners’ motivation (to play/learn), playfulness (to
have fun) and learning experience and reception
(Ranka et al., 2018). Standard hardware and
software requirements of the game also simplify its
deployment in the educational process and students
enjoy learning in a computer room.
By comparing pedagogical approaches: standard
teacher-based and game-based (using our game) for
Solar system subject the analysis of knowledge test
results showed a statistically significant increase in
the knowledge gain in both approaches and
confirmed that learning based on our game can
provide comparable knowledge acquisition. We
assume that the game benefits from a balance
between amount of textual information and
information transformed into visual and motional
experiences. It also helps learners to understand and
imagine abstract concepts (Zhao et al., 2018).
After the learning process, we also discussed
with some learners from the experimental group to
hear and evaluate their experiences and feelings.
Some students think that they learned more using
our game, they liked the game and they would prefer
to have more subjects available in this way. On the
other hand, two students (girls) would prefer (more)
the classical approach with teachers because they
missed a direct contact with a teacher. Some
students would like to combine both approaches
together, i.e. the game with interactivity with teacher
answering questions and explaining other facts.
CSEDU 2019 - 11th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Figure 5: Distribution of the learners answer for the questionnaires.
The research paper investigates the impact of game-
based learning on students’ knowledge acquisition
level. An educational video game about the Solar
system (Final Frontier) was developed and used
within NEWTON project. The learning process
consisted of two sessions that were assessed
separately. Two classes consisting of 44 children
(12-13 years old) from primary school took part in
this pilot testing. The sample consisted of 44
learners (12-13 years old). In order to evaluate and
compare results, one class was taught using this
game (experimental group) and other one used a
classical approach (control group), i.e. a teacher with
PowerPoint presentation. The evaluation process
was based on knowledge pre- and post-tests.
Evaluation results for the first lesson showed that
students of the control group achieved higher
average (pre- and post-test) scores than learners of
the experimental group. However, the knowledge
gain was higher for learners of the experimental
group. In the case of the second lesson (gas planets),
learners of the experimental group achieved higher
average post-test scores as well as the knowledge
gain. We can summarize that if all learners (of both
groups) start with the same level of knowledge from
the analysed subject the learning activity using the
Final Frontier game (in comparison to classical
approach) provides the higher knowledge gain
(approximately 4.2% in average) and learners feel
more entertained during learning (study).
Questionnaires showed that most of the learners
liked the Final Frontier game, they considered it
interesting and not boring and it was easy to play it.
This case study demonstrated that game-based
learning can achieve comparable results in terms of
the knowledge gain as classical learning with a
teacher. Games must be easy to control, understand
and learn to use with good picture quality. They
need a balance between amount of textual and non-
textual information. Students need freedom and
problems to solve in them. And they should be easy
to deploy in practise. These aspects greatly improve
learners’ motivation to play and learn via own
experience. It appears (in this level of Slovakia
schools) that combination of classical and game-
based learning is viable solution to improve the
knowledge acquisition but other studies are needed.
Future work will aim to expand the research
study to include a deeper statistical analysis of the
usability, the satisfaction, and the motivation of the
learners through the game. We are also working on a
personalized version of the game in order to address
the problem of learners’ diversity, their difference in
terms of prior knowledge and learning experience.
The game will also be used in schools with children
with special needs in order to evaluate the game
usability and learning outcomes for these children.
This research is supported by the NEWTON project
( funded under the
EU’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation
programme, Grant Agreement no. 688503.
The Effect of Educational Game on Children Learning Experience in a Slovakian School
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CSEDU 2019 - 11th International Conference on Computer Supported Education