Cloud-based Conversational Agents for User Acquisition and
es Jes
us Galindo Bello
Cumulocity IoT Core R&D, Software AG, Germany
Dialog Systems, Chatbots, Cloud Computing, Artificial Intelligence, Natural Language Processing.
The benefits of cloud computing have driven different companies from diverse sectors to migrate their products
and services to the cloud. In the last decade many businesses have adopted web and mobile applications to
offer better customer service as well as used social networks for advertisements and marketing campaigns
aiming to acquire, engage and retain their customers. This paper presents a case study combining the areas
of chatbots, cloud computing and customer service, acquisition and engagement targeting the gastronomy
industry; it evaluates and compares the implementation of a chatbot as a cloud-native application (Platform
as a Service) versus one built utilizing an authoring tool (Software as a Service); and it demonstrates how a
gastronomic business could attract with ease new customers by interacting with them using chatbots embedded
into instant messaging apps.
Cloud computing has experienced a significant
growth over a short period of time and companies
have implemented and/or migrated their products and
services to the cloud. With the addition of cognitive
services and natural language processing capabilities,
cloud providers are currently offering a broad catalog
of services that can be used to implement a plethora of
intelligent applications such as conversational agents
also known as chatbots. In the beginning there was the
computer and web interfaces, then smartphones came
along and mobile interfaces were introduced. Chat-
bots are going to revolutionize the software industry
likewise web and mobile technologies did. Chatbots
are a user interface that is changing the way people in-
teract with machines. Every day people perform sim-
ple tasks such as searching for images on a text-based
chatbot as well as using voice commands requesting
to play one’s favorite song or asking for navigation
instructions. Whether aware or not, people are al-
ready immersed in the era of chatbots. Companies
know that to achieve success they must offer excellent
customer service in a variety of channels, and chat-
bots are another way to reach the customers and pro-
vide them a 24/7 service. Communicating with cus-
tomers, showing empathy, being reliable at all times
and responsive to their needs are essential to create
customer loyalty (Parasuraman et al., 1991).
1.1 Problem Description
Something that has been seen over the years is that
technology can improve customer service and gastro-
nomic companies have implemented web systems and
mobile apps to achieve this goal. However, most of
the times such software brings high costs to the com-
panies as the user interface (front-end) as well as the
business logic (back-end) have to be developed, de-
ployed and maintained. In the majority of the cases,
gastronomic businesses opt to acquire such software
from third parties and thus save some implementation
costs. Nowadays people use mobile apps to locate
restaurants and check their details to make reserva-
tions. Also, users are bound to install distinct apps
on their smartphones for ordering pizza, coffee, tacos,
the groceries, and the list continues. It can be annoy-
ing to create a user profile for each and every app
and add the payment method afterwards. It should
not be overlooked that smartphones do not have in-
finity storage and many users have faced the problem
of not being able to install apps due to a lack of stor-
age space. In the other hand, chatbots do not need
a particular graphic user interface when they get ac-
cessed inside messaging apps, thus keeping the same
user experience of the platform and messaging app
their run on. So, could a gastronomic business im-
prove its customer service by adopting a chatbot in
order to acquire customers and keep them engaged?
Bello, M.
Cloud-based Conversational Agents for User Acquisition and Engagement.
DOI: 10.5220/0007766105280534
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER 2019), pages 528-534
ISBN: 978-989-758-365-0
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
1.2 Objectives
Cloud computing and software engineering practices
shall be followed to develop two versions of a chatbot:
one from scratch deployed as a cloud-native applica-
tion on a Platform as a Service, and another utilizing
a chatbot-building tool (Software as a Service) with
the purpose of evaluating the benefits and drawbacks
of each approach, and determine which option would
be more suitable for a gastronomic business. It shall
be analyzed whether it is feasible or not for a gas-
tronomic business to acquire and engage customers
by the adoption of a chatbot. This shall be done em-
ploying current customer acquisition and engagement
techniques in combination of a chatbot implemented
for one of the most popular messaging apps. The main
functionality of the chatbot shall be to provide rele-
vant information about a gastronomic business, e.g. a
restaurant or coffee shop. This information shall be
its location, opening hours and the menu.
1.3 Research Statements
In accordance with the foregoing objectives, it is pos-
sible to hypothesize that:
1. A restaurant can opt to use chatbots to offer a bet-
ter customer service providing relevant informa-
tion such as the menu and opening hours.
2. Customers may get a satisfying experience inter-
acting with a chatbot and getting the needed infor-
mation promptly. Hence, they are willing to come
back and recommend the place to others.
3. A restaurant may acquire new customers and keep
them engaged by means of a chatbot.
4. A chatbot deployed on a Platform as a Service
may offer better performance and scalability than
a chatbot-building tool (Software as a Service).
Researching about cloud computing, customer ser-
vice and conversational agents is not new. These
fields have been widely discussed over the past decade
in both academic and practitioner literature due
to new methodologies and technologies that have
emerged to revolutionize customer service through
social networks and conversational agents available
day and night thanks to the power and benefits of the
cloud. The effectiveness of traditional advertising and
the insights generated through business-to-consumer
messages on Facebook were analyzed (Vries et al.,
2017) in a research for brand-building and customer
acquisition attempts. “Can machines think?” was the
question that drove Turing to propose a new sort of
problem that could be described in terms of a test
called the imitation game (Turing, 1950). Turing in-
troduced the idea to develop human-machine interac-
tions in 1950. From 1964 to 1966 Weizenbaum devel-
oped a text-based computer program named ELIZA
(R. Rising et al., 1978) with which one could establish
a conversation in the English language. Since then,
conversational agents have continuously been the sub-
ject of research and controversial debates concerning
moral aspects such as the fear of reducing the value
of human interaction and communication, the limita-
tions of dialog systems compared to real natural lan-
guage interactions between humans, and others. Con-
versational agents, dialog systems, virtual assistants
and chatbots are terms that have been used indistinctly
in different papers but referring to the same concept
where the basic idea is to establish a conversation
with a machine in a dialogical way using natural lan-
guage. Several researchers (Fadhil, 2018; Brandtzaeg
and Flstad, 2017; Shawar and Atwell, 2007) have ana-
lyzed how useful chatbots can be and why people use
them, finding that the major reasons are productiv-
ity, entertainment and curiosity. During 2000s several
companies implemented chat services on their web-
sites for customer service using chatbots in order to
reduce the costs of having a call center and the bene-
fits of adopting chatbots for live support were evalu-
ated (Braun, 2003). Predictions have been made (Or-
acle, 2018) stating that 75% of cloud technology sup-
pliers will enrich their current products with artificial
intelligence and machine learning capabilities; chat-
bots will turn out to be highly specialized and with the
capacity to learn and collaborate with other chatbots,
and by 2020 the dominant part of customer service
will be led by chatbots.
Though there is not a universal definition for cus-
tomer acquisition, one clear and simple is “the num-
ber of newly acquired customers per week” (Vries
et al., 2017). Customer service, acquisition and en-
gagement are interrelated areas always in a constant
cycle. Customers have to be acquired and companies
shall provide them constant quality service; moreover,
responding promptly to their needs is a way to main-
tain them engaged and loyal. Acquisition and engage-
ment techniques vary depending on the target market
and segment of customers; thus one technique that
works perfectly for one business may not necessarily
work for another. Before modern technology and so-
Cloud-based Conversational Agents for User Acquisition and Engagement
cial networks existed, one technique was used and it
is still being used in the present day: words-of-mouth.
In the gastronomy industry, it is impossible to adver-
tise the taste of a particular meal or drink, therefore
people tend to review online comments about a spe-
cific restaurant or to ask directly to friends that have
already visited such place. Analyzing online cus-
tomers’ behavior and shopping tendencies by means
of artificial intelligence has become a common prac-
tice of big companies aiming to build a customer en-
gagement ecosystem (Maslowska et al., 2016).
Chatbots are nothing more than computer pro-
grams in charge of performing specific tasks based
on user input in the form of a conversation
(Galindo Bello, 2018a). Chatbots are a new way to
expose software services through a conversational in-
terface (Shevat, 2017). Nevertheless, the chatbot is
not to be mistaken as the service itself as it is only the
interface to consume the service. In contrast to desk-
top applications and mobile apps, chatbots are not de-
ployed as native applications of specific platforms. In
that sense, chatbots are not installed in mobile mes-
saging apps rather connected to these apps through
an application programming interface (API). Figure 1
presents the most common architecture of a chatbot
exposing its services to a messaging platform that it
is used by messaging clients (apps or browser-based).
This type of architecture keeps secure the clients and
provides to chatbot developers a clean interface for
connecting to the platform. Users may install a mes-
saging app in different operating systems (OS) like
iOS or Android, and chatbot developers do not need
to worry about the client-side implementation as chat-
bots are OS-agnostic.
Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning
(ML) capabilities have been enhanced during the past
decades. Often people think that a chatbot is an arti-
ficial intelligent program, but that does not hold true
for all chatbots. For instance, a chatbot can be imple-
mented to take as an input the name of a city and re-
turn the current weather of that city; AI is not required
in such case. Most elaborated chatbots can present the
menu of a restaurant with rich interactions for each
day of the week and grouped by the type of the meal.
Though the menu would create chat flows, AI is not
required either. Chatbot developers would choose to
incorporate AI and ML capabilities depending on the
goal of the chatbot.
The process to recognize human speech uses nat-
ural language processing (NLP) to derive the user’s
input (also known as user intent) from the natural
language of the user (Shevat, 2017). NLP can be
integrated into voice-based and text-based chatbots.
Currently, some cloud providers offer cognitive ser-
vices and they include NLP frameworks and APIs,
e.g. IBM Watson Assistant (formerly Watson Conver-
sation). Industry-leading AI powers the underlying
natural language models of Watson Assistant
understand users and provides training recommenda-
tions for the chatbot on the fly. There are also open
source options to add NLP capabilities when develop-
ing chatbots, e.g. NLP.js is a general natural language
library for Node.js. Visual authoring tools (VAT) can
be used to create a chatbot without the need of know-
ing programming languages and connect it to differ-
ent messaging platforms. Such tools offered as SaaS
may have AI and NLP capabilities and are able to host
the chatbots, so the user only needs to worry about the
design and specific tasks that the chatbot will perform.
Building a chatbot using a VAT, e.g. Chatfuel
, can be
as simple as assembling LEGO blocks.
Chatbots are different from one another in vari-
ous aspects such as the implementation, e.g. a chat-
bot for Facebook is not implemented in the same way
as one for Telegram. Also, a chatbot may have a
single-user focus to serve as a personal assistant or
to have a team-focus to be used in chat rooms for
a particular task, e.g. a poll bot. Another differ-
ence is the way a user may interact with them and
currently there are voice-based and text-based chat-
bots. Well-known voice-based chatbots that are cur-
rently present in smartphones are Apple’s Siri and
Google Assistant. Voice-based chatbots are activated
by the user employing a voice command, e.g. “hey
Siri”, or by pressing a button. Text-based chatbots are
usually present in messaging apps such as Facebook
Messenger (or Messenger for short), Slack, Telegram
and others, and users may start a conversation with
a chatbot by writing a text message. At the time of
this paper, Messenger is the leading consumer plat-
form for chatbots (Shevat, 2017) and it provides bot-
building APIs
. A chatbot implemented for Facebook
can interact with a user through Messenger (mobile
or browser-based), and this implementation connects
the chatbot to a page or app inside Facebook using a
webhook, which is the Messenger’s core bot experi-
ence. This webhook resides inside the chatbot’s code
and it is used to receive and send messages.
Figure 1: Architecture of a messaging platform connected
to a chatbot service.
Refer to
Refer to
Refer to
CLOSER 2019 - 9th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
Experimenting by means of a prototype is the
sine qua non of the scientific prototyping method
(Galindo Bello, 2018b). Nevertheless, building and
deploying a chatbot are not straightforward tasks as
it is required to manage the cognitive services of the
interface and bind it to an external API and services
of the target platform. Moreover, extensibility, scal-
ability and maintenance have to be taken into ac-
count while engineering a full-fledged chatbot as it
is a comprehensive matter worthy of a book. In or-
der to achieve the objectives of this research, it was
chosen Messenger Platform Core set of bot-building
APIs. Node.js was chosen to the implement the chat-
bot’s back-end server for handling the allocation of
requests (REST API), MongoDB to store the users’
data and IBM Cloud (Platform as a Service, PaaS)
to deploy the chatbot as a cloud-native application
and considering its cognitive services for future work.
The chatbot was continuously enhanced until all re-
quirements were incorporated. Rich interactions were
added (i.e. buttons, image gallery) and a basic NLP
engine was integrated to derive the user intents. Fig-
ure 2 shows the architecture of the system where a
user sends messages using the Messenger platform
(mobile or browser-based). The Facebook’s page is
linked to the webhook which receives the user’s pub-
lic data and processes all intents. If the user does not
exist in the database, his/her information is stored.
Figure 2: High-level system architecture of the imple-
mented chatbot prototype.
The webhook receives two types of events: mes-
sages and postback messages. If the user intent con-
tains only text, the NLP engine derives it and de-
termines the action to be executed by the message
module. This module executes the action and pre-
pares the response payload. The response handler
takes the payload and sends the response message
to the user employing the Messenger’s Send API. If
the NLP engine cannot determine the action, the mes-
sage is stored as text in the database for later analy-
sis and the response handler sends a default message.
When the user taps a button inside the conversation,
the webhook receives a postback event and the post-
back module prepares the payload of the requested
option, passes it to the response handler and the re-
sponse message is sent to the user.
Once the prototype reached a mature grade and
experimentation was conducted, a second prototype
was required for the final experiments but utilizing a
chatbot authoring tool (Software as a Service, SaaS).
Chatfuel was used to jump-start the implementation
of a second prototype keeping the same mature grade,
quickly integrate AI/NLP capabilities and ease the
data collection and analysis. Following the design
of the first prototype, creating the second one was
straightforward and required zero lines of code. The
visual authoring tool was advantageous to quickly
create rich interactions and the main menu showing
the options in form of a gallery of images with but-
tons. An option to share the chatbot with other Mes-
senger users was also incorporated.
Attributable to the nature of the system (Messenger
chatbot) and its inputs (user intents), black box testing
was done following a logic-based technique (cause-
effect) where each user intent derives a chatbot action.
System and acceptance testing were conducted with
the end users and all the functional requirements were
tested in both cases.
Aiming to validate the foregoing research state-
ments, experimentation was conducted by testing the
chatbot prototypes (PaaS and SaaS implementations)
directly with the users in their natural environment,
which in this case were customers of the university’s
canteen (Mensa) chosen randomly. Direct observa-
tion plus user feedback helped to detect the flaws of
the prototypes. In order to improve usability and user
experience, the PaaS prototype was enhanced after
each test (iteration) and new users were acquired on
each one. The SaaS prototype was utilized during the
last iteration.
Cloud-based Conversational Agents for User Acquisition and Engagement
The chatbot was able to send messages on arbi-
trary days asking to all the reachable users to kindly
respond some questions. Segmentation was done
based on the users’ data. Table 1 presents the final
number of users and main segments. More segments
were identified by employing the chatbot to ask ques-
tions only to the users that were students and only 71
answered the questions. Only 4 students indicated to
have previous experience with chatbots, 59 would use
a chatbot to place an order, 3 would use a chatbot to
pay for an order and 65 would like to get a free beer.
Users were asked about their messaging app prefer-
ence and how often they are in Messenger finding
that WhatsApp is the most used app with a total of 69
users, followed by Telegram with 20 users. None of
the users marked Messenger as their most used mes-
saging app, nevertheless they use it sometimes (53
users) or seldom (36 users). Qualitative data did not
undergo into content analysis following a particular
method; it was primarily gathered by user feedback
and utilized to improve user experience and usability
of the chatbot prototype. Some data were collected
during the experiment at Mensa and other data were
provided by the users in the form of text messages us-
ing the feedback option of the Messenger chatbot. In
total, only 47 users wrote their feedback messages.
Table 1: Segmentation of Users.
Segment Number of Users
Acquired directly at Mensa 30
Acquired by words of mouth 59
Total reachable users 89
Female / Male 51 / 38
Vegan or vegetarian 14
Enrolled in the university 80
This section presents the validation of the hypothe-
ses and evaluation of different parts of the research
work. A comparison of the PaaS and SaaS prototypes
is done to discuss which approach would be more
suitable for a gastronomic business. Facebook and
Chatfuel provide analytics tools, graphs and insights
activity. Descriptive statistics was used to summarize
all the collected data, construct the different graphs
and interpret the results.
6.1 Interpretation of the Findings
During the experimentation phase a total of 30 cus-
tomers were directly acquired and asked to talk with
their friends about the idea of using chatbots in restau-
rants. Advertising was done by creating a Face-
book page for the Mensa and following the tech-
nique business-to-consumer messages. Words-of-
mouth was used to acquire more customers as it has
proven to be one of the most effective acquisition
techniques (Wangenheim and Bayn, 2007). The fi-
nal number of customers increased almost 200% in a
lapse of four weeks, which can be represented as an
average of 22 acquired customers per week. There-
fore, it can be stated that both techniques function
effectively for customer acquisition as previous stud-
ies (Vries et al., 2017; Wangenheim and Bayn, 2007)
demonstrated it. There were students without Face-
book profiles and others who refused to participate
in the experiment due to privacy concerns or just not
being interested in chatbots. As it is in any other sec-
tor, users are free to choose whether or not they try
a product and buy it afterwards. Messenger was not
the users’ first option for text-based communication
notwithstanding that they have Facebook profiles. On
average only 65% of all the acquired customers were
re-engaged during the experimentation phase.
Gastronomic businesses have used incentives such
as giving discount codes or free food if the customers
provide their feedback with an online survey. This
technique has proven to be effective to retain and en-
gage customers, thus making them to come back to
their establishments and consume more. Although the
customers (students segment) of this experiment did
not receive a free beer as an incentive, 81.2% of them
indicated their desire to get it. From the same seg-
ment, only 5% indicated having used chatbots before
and 73% would be willing to use them as a means to
place an order. However, only 3.7% would pay an
order using a chatbot due to privacy concerns.
One user asked if the Mensa chatbot could pro-
vide also the price and calories of the meals this
would be an added value for certain users. Providing
the information that users want and being available
at all times by means of a chatbot may help restau-
rants to improve their customer service and have a
more effective channel of communication. This is to-
tally congruent with previous studies (Brandtzaeg and
Flstad, 2017; Fadhil, 2018; Shawar and Atwell, 2007)
reporting that users employ chatbots when there is an
incentive or added value.
6.2 Objectives and Hypotheses
The objective of implementing a chatbot to determine
if it would be suitable for a gastronomic business was
reached. It was demonstrated that it is feasible for a
restaurant to offer services by means of a chatbot and
CLOSER 2019 - 9th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
thus acquire and keep customers engaged. In the last
decade restaurants have improved their service and
acquired more customers by technological updates
such as the adoption of mobile apps and online sys-
tems. In a similar way, it is possible to adopt chatbots
as another channel of communication and customer
service. Furthermore, chatbots can be used for adver-
tising in order to acquire new customers and to cre-
ate marketing campaigns in social networks and thus
keeping engaged the different segments of customers.
These facts from the foregoing literature were proved
with the implemented chatbot, hence hypothesis 1 and
3 are valid. Previous studies state that technology may
improve customer service, quality customer service
attracts more customers and happy customers recom-
mend a product or service. Therefore, by implement-
ing a chatbot to offer 24x7 service and providing to
the customers the desired information, they may con-
tinue visiting a restaurant and recommend it to others;
hence hypothesis 2 is valid. The PaaS implementation
of the chatbot was designed to be a platform-agnostic
application and not depend on a proprietary cloud ser-
vice; its modules are stateless and run inside contain-
ers which can be scaled automatically on demand; a
load balancer improves the distribution of workloads
and can also be scaled on demand. These capabil-
ities for a better performance and scalability can not
be configured in Chatfuel, hence hypothesis 4 is valid.
6.3 Chatbot Implementations
The PaaS prototype evolved until all functional re-
quirements were incorporated and tested with the
users. The NLP engine was limited as it does not fol-
low powerful AI algorithms nor has ML capabilities,
and in distinct occasions it did not perform properly.
On repeated occasions the users wrote messages in
German language and the NLP engine was not able to
understand the user intents as it was only set for En-
glish. For the chatbot menu (options), it was observed
that a simpler menu with options as buttons had a bet-
ter usability than a menu as an image gallery. The
quality of the implemented PaaS prototype was eval-
uated according to the standard ISO/IEC 9126-1, so
the user was able to utilize the chatbot (functional-
ity) and received correct information when using the
chatbot options (reliability), the chatbot responds im-
mediately to user inputs (efficiency), it is compliant
with the system architecture (maintainability) and it
can be deployed on any PaaS that supports Node.js
applications and NoSQL databases (portability).
The SaaS prototype was implemented in a very
short period of time thanks to the drag-and-drop fea-
tures and all functional requirements were covered.
The non-functional requirements were partially ad-
dressed as some parts are managed by the chatbot-
building tool, i.e. hosting the chatbot, creation of a
webhook, HTTPS ports and database. NLP capabili-
ties were integrated using the tool’s AI engine, how-
ever it was not able to process some user inputs and it
also failed to process messages in German as it only
understands English. A bug was observed on Mes-
senger running under iOS, Android, some browsers
(Safari, Chrome) and it happened randomly; some
users were able to write text and others were not. The
tool’s documentation suggests purchasing a PRO ver-
sion to solve the bug. Notwithstanding that the au-
thoring tool truly eases the creation of chatbots, its
documentation is not extensive and it is not a flexible
tool. For instance, it is not possible to broadcast mes-
sages only to users celebrating their birthdays because
this would require the execution of custom code, but
the tool does not have such feature. Furthermore, it is
not possible to export the gathered user data neither
import data from other chatbot.
Which approach would be more suitable for a gas-
tronomic business? It depends. Several aspects need
to be considered such as the approximate number of
initial users, who will be in charge of the implementa-
tion and maintenance and how fast it is required to go-
live. An important aspect to take into account when
choosing an approach is the main goal of the chat-
bot and the type of information that it will provide to
the customers. For instance, the Mensa is the type of
restaurant that changes its menu every week; this im-
plies changing the pictures of the meals, description,
ingredients, prices, calorie information and other de-
tails. For this type of restaurants, a PaaS implemen-
tation would be more suitable. Also, if there will be
active advertising and engagement through notifica-
tions and target of segments, the PaaS implementation
would be ideal. In the case of a small restaurant or
cafeteria with menus maintaining the same products
and prices over the year, then the information is static
and a chatbot authoring tool would be more suitable,
even at no cost when starting with a free version and
considering an upgrade depending on the number of
users and benefits to receive within the upgrade.
6.4 Business Perspective
Online systems have reduced the stress of making
table reservations, waiting in queues at restaurants,
placing orders and also making payments. It is then
crucial for gastronomic businesses to keep up with
technology and continue offering quality service em-
ploying different channels chatbots adoption is one
of them. Social networks have tremendously in-
Cloud-based Conversational Agents for User Acquisition and Engagement
creased their popularity and number of monthly ac-
tive users over the past years, and it should be used
by gastronomic businesses as a strategy to acquire
and engage customers. Social networks and chatbots
could significantly reduce the costs of traditional ad-
vertising, customer service, acquisition and engage-
ment compared to online systems and mobile apps.
For instance, a restaurant could employ a chatbot to
send messages to all female customers on the Interna-
tional Women’s Day inviting them to come and get a
free beverage or special discount. This may be a win-
win situation because the customers would consume
more due to the special celebration. Besides saving
implementation costs, gastronomic businesses should
not overlook all the benefits of adopting chatbots.
In the same way that hardware has evolved from
computers to mobile and wearable devices, also soft-
ware has evolved and continues to do so. Compa-
nies continue to migrate their products and services
to the cloud; mobile interfaces have become plain,
simpler and more usable; and chatbots are becoming
a common user interface as well a trend. For better
or worse, AI and ML capabilities continue to grow
and chatbots will become more intelligent in the next
years. Companies have already started to incorporate
chatbots within their Facebook business pages, web-
sites and other social networks such as Twitter. Soon
chatbots will be an essential part of customer service.
It was demonstrated in this research that users
would be willing to try a new trend and use the ser-
vices of a chatbot when there is added value. In the
same way that restaurants use web and mobile apps
to offer services, chatbots will also become another
channel for communication with the potential benefit
of having lower costs of implementation and mainte-
nance compared to web and mobile applications.
Running different modules of the system in con-
tainers makes it easy to manage and secure applica-
tions independently of the infrastructure that supports
them. With this approach, if one module is down
(fails), others can continue working while the failed
module gets restarted. Cloud-native capabilities such
as Serverless allow running dynamic workloads and
pay-per-use compute time in milliseconds. As part of
the future work, the implemented PaaS chatbot is be-
ing redesigned following cloud software engineering
principles to migrate it fully to a microservice archi-
tecture and thus target more instant messaging apps.
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