emotional and behavioral recognition, indoor location
and gait analysis, physical and cognitive training
progress monitoring. Exploiting this information,
CAPTAIN will develop behaviour and AI algorithms
which will allow the system to provide personalised
advice, guidance and follow-up for key age-related
issues in daily life which impact the person's ability
to remain active and independent at their home. This
will include risk avoidance, nutrition guidance,
physical activity and cognitive training follow-up,
guidance for lifestyle and social participation. One of
the research question CAPTAIN is expected to
answer is how effectively can machine learning
techniques predict older adult’s profile and provide
behavioral guidance.
CAPTAIN has to deal also with the system’s
usability and acceptability. To this end, CAPTAIN
consortium has built an engagement and
dissemination plan in order to create a community of
stakeholders with strong support bonds to stay active
throughout the whole project. The so called
CAPTAIN community is the only official source of
requirements. While the multidisciplinary team of
CAPTAIN will suggest requirements, it will be up to
the active stakeholders’ network to decide their
adoption or not. The question raised is how to build
and maintain a network of stakeholders while gather
information that will assist on enhancing system’s
usability and acceptability.
CAPTAIN has adopted a fully user-centered,
participatory design approach based on agile
principles for technology development. Throughout
the project a combination of Design Thinking, Lean
Startup and Agile methods is applied. Design
Thinking (Plattner, Meinel and Leifer, 2011)is a
highly approved method for exploring the so called
wicked problems, which are complex problems not
adequately defined. Designers using the Design
Thinking method are also willing to redefine the
problem and investigate the frame that guides to the
solution. The Lean Startup method (Ries,
2011)allows the design team to rapidly define and
build the right things. The Build–Measure–Learn
loop encapsulates the core idea of the Lean Startup
methodology and emphasizes speed as a critical
ingredient to development. Based on the output of the
Design Thinking the team defines what they are going
to Build, followed by measuring the end-users
reactions and behaviors against the delivered system
and Learn from that in order to start Building again.
The Agile method aims to define how to build the
things right. In systems like CAPTAIN that are
complex, innovative and last for about 3 years, the
traditional software development methods are not
effective. Stable plans and accurate definition of the
components at the beginning are hard to get and might
not be needed. Agile development is based on an
iterative definition and implementation of small
functional parts of the whole system. At the end of
every iteration a working increment of the system and
validate its value.
In this work we explore the engagement of end-
users in the design process at an early stage of the
system. It is mostly an exploratory work on older
adults every day habits and problems.
CAPTAIN’s goal is to address a new participatory
design (PD) process to the field of funded EU projects
for providing technological solutions to older adults
and create a protocol that can lead to innovative
solutions. The idea of user-driven innovation
introduced by von Hippel (Hippel, 2005) seems to have
a higher appeal in the general marketplace. The
diversity of participatory design schemas (Halskov and
Hansen, 2015) and the particularities of EU funded
projects raise the need to find new design practices.
In (Kanstrup, 2012), Kanstrup presents the maXi-
project in which designers has worked with 17
families with one or more diabetic aiming to create an
interactive system to support everyday life with
diabetes. In the COGKNOW project (Mulvenna et
al., 2007) the design team iterates the development
three times and the goal of each cycle is to improve
the final system engaging also end users through
workshops and field trials. (Zouganeli et al., 2017)
support that the users should be involved all the way
in the design. Their work aims at involving people
with mild cognitive impairment, dementia and their
caregivers and family in the design of a technological
approach providing support in various aspects of the
everyday life.
CAPTAIN tries to go beyond that approaches by
defining a protocol of user-driven innovation
approach based on business innovation model
(Design Thinking, Lean Startup and Agile) and
responsible research and innovation (RRI).
This work presents the methodology and results of the
session of the Design Thinking process for
CAPTAIN project for the Greek pilot site hosted by
the Thessaloniki Active and Healthy Ageing Living