Automatic Decomposition of IoT Aware Business Processes with Data
and Control Flow Distribution
Francisco Martins
1,2 a
, Dulce Domingos
1 b
and Daniel Vitoriano
LASIGE, Faculdade de Ci
encias, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal
University of the Azores, Portugal
Internet of Things, BPMN, Process Decomposition.
The Internet of Things (IoT) is generally seen as a distributed information gathering platform when used in
business processes (BP). IoT devices have computational capabilities that can and should be used to execute
fragments of BP that present benefits for both the devices and the BP execution engine. In fact, executing
parts of the BP in the IoT devices may result in the reduction of the number of messages exchanged between
the IoT network and the BP execution engine, increasing the battery lifespan of the IoT devices; also, it
reduces the workload of the BP execution engine. However, processes are still defined following a centralised
approach, making it difficult to use the full capabilities of these devices. In this paper, we present an automatic
decomposition solution for IoT aware business processes, described using the Business Process Model and
Notation (BPMN). We start from a BP model that follows a centralised approach and apply our decomposition
method to transfer to the IoT devices the operations that can be performed there. This transformation preserves
the control and the data flows of the original process and reduces the central processing and the number of
messages exchanged in the network. The code that IoT devices execute is automatically generated from the
BPMN process being decentralised.
The Internet of Things (IoT) is one of the key dimen-
sions of the new industrial revolution that is trigger-
ing a paradigm shift in business methodologies and
in people’s daily life. It is a paradigm that makes the
things that surround us into active actors of the Inter-
net, generating and consuming information.
Motivated by the rapid development of digital
technologies, the IoT is characterised by the presence
of things, equipped with RFID tags, sensors, actua-
tors, and mobile devices that, through single address
schemes, can interact with each other and cooperate
with their neighbours to achieve a common goal. In-
terconnected things pose several challenges that have
been addressed by state of the art literature, such as:
energy consumption, the scarcest resource in the IoT;
scalability, since the number of devices can be quite
high; reliability, since the network can be used to re-
port alarm events; and robustness, as the nodes of
the network are susceptible to a wide variety of fail-
ures (Atzori et al., 2010; Moreno et al., 2014; Rault
et al., 2014; Lee and Kim, 2010; Zorzi et al., 2010).
A business process model is a conceptual descrip-
tion of how businesses conduct their operations, by
specifying activities, events, states, and flow control
logic, among other factors. Process models are crit-
ical for the optimisation and automation of business
processes and are often represented in a graphical no-
tation, such as BPMN (OMG, 2011). These processes
can use IoT devices to read and act based on their
surrounding environment (Yousfi et al., 2016). They
can even take advantage of the IoT to decentralise
part of their execution flow when properly decom-
posed (Haller et al., 2008).
Business processes interact with IoT devices fol-
lowing a request-response or a publish-subscribe
scheme to gather information and to trigger actuators.
These interaction schemes promote the exchange of
messages between IoT devices and the execution en-
gine, which results in a high power consumption pro-
file from the IoT device. Notice that communication
is one of the most battery demanding tasks performed
by the IoT devices. An alternative scheme would be
to transfer part of the business process logic to the IoT
Martins, F., Domingos, D. and Vitoriano, D.
Automatic Decomposition of IoT Aware Business Processes with Data and Control Flow Distribution.
DOI: 10.5220/0007766405160524
In Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2019), pages 516-524
ISBN: 978-989-758-372-8
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
devices and let them make some of the business deci-
sions and actuate on the environment without having
to exchange information with the execution engine.
This approach offers two benefits: it reduces the num-
ber of exchanged messages, increasing battery lifes-
pan, and alleviates the execution engine by decentral-
ising part of the execution of the process to the edges
of the network (the IoT devices). Of course this extra
execution will consume power of the IoT device, but
the energy consumption of the migrated tasks is much
smaller than that used on communication.
Decomposition breaks a system into progressively
smaller subsystems that implement fragments of the
domain problem. Decomposition is also a means to
model large systems and to facilitate the reuse of par-
tial models because it reduces coupling, helps in con-
trolling specification complexity, and allows for mul-
tiple levels of detail to coexist. Consequently, models
become easier to understand that, in turn, facilitates
their validation, redesign, and optimisation (Caetano
et al., 2010).
Despite the benefits of decentralisation, business
processes are still defined following a centralised ap-
proach. Our solution automatically decomposes busi-
ness processes, transforming the original process into
one that takes advantage of the computational re-
sources that IoT devices make available. We begin by
generating a graph from a BPMN model that captures
the control and data flow dependencies of the tasks.
Then, we identify paths that only contain BPMN el-
ements capable of being executed in IoT devices and
that can be transferred. Then, based on these paths,
we check which ones fall within the patterns that we
have identified, and apply the corresponding transfor-
mation procedure. Finally, we redesign the BPMN
model with the achieved solution.
The decomposition procedure is based on parti-
tion techniques, which group together activities in
sub-processes and assign them to separate partici-
pants. These techniques were previously applied to
generic workflow models with simplified approaches
that omit data dependencies (Sadiq et al., 2006) or re-
quire designers to define the possible execution loca-
tion of activities (Fdhila et al., 2009; Xue et al., 2018).
We are using BPMN diagrams to determine data and
control dependencies, as well as execution location of
activities. This proposal is a step forward from our
previous work (Domingos et al., 2014) as it reduces
the number of steps of the algorithm and improves
the way it identifies the tasks to transfer to IoT de-
vices. Beyond reducing centralised execution of busi-
ness processes, this solution also reduces the number
of communications performed with IoT devices.
This paper is organised as follows: the next sec-
tion presents the related work; Section 3 presents our
approach to process decomposition illustrated via a
case study; Section 4 shows the developed prototype,
and the last section concludes the paper and discusses
future work.
The Mentor project presents one of the first proposals
on process decomposition (Wodtke et al., 1996). To
model processes, the authors use state diagrams and
partition processes taking into account control and
data flows.
The growing use of the Web Services Business
Process Execution Language (WS-BPEL) (OASIS,
2007) justified the development of decomposition
proposals of such processes. Nanda et al. (2004) cre-
ate new subprocesses for each service of the original
process, which communicate directly, reducing the
synchronisation and message exchange that the cen-
tral process execution engine has to perform. How-
ever, these authors do not consider the possibility of
grouping services in the same subprocess.
Sadiq et al. (2006) and Fdhila et al. (2009) decom-
pose generic process models by grouping various ac-
tivities into subprocesses and by distributing the exe-
cution of these subprocesses among different execu-
tion engines. The former only considers control flow
dependencies, while the latter also considers data flow
dependencies. A subsequent work by Fdhila et al.
(2014) optimise subprocesses composition taking into
account several quality of service parameters, such as
cost, time, reliability, and availability. Yu et al. (2016)
use genetic programming to create partitions (subpro-
cesses) of WS-BPEL processes that intensively use
To make use of the advantages offered by the
cloud to execute fragments of business processes,
Duipmans et al. (2012) divide business processes into
two categories: those that run locally and those that
can run in the cloud. With this division, the authors
intend to perform the most computationally intensive
tasks in the cloud, whose data is not confidential. The
identification of these tasks is performed manually.
Povoa et al. (2014) propose a semi-automatic mecha-
nism to determine the location of activities and their
data based on confidentiality policies, monetary costs,
and performance metrics. Hoenisch et al. (2016) opti-
mise the distribution of activities taking into account
some additional parameters such as the cost associ-
ated with delays in the execution of activities and the
unused, but paid, time of cloud resources.
In (Domingos et al., 2014) we present a prelimi-
Automatic Decomposition of IoT Aware Business Processes with Data and Control Flow Distribution
nary approach to the decomposition problem of IoT
aware BPMN business processes. The decomposi-
tion is based on dependency tables, as in (Sadiq et al.,
2006; Fdhila et al., 2009) and takes into account con-
trol flow as well as data flow. Unlike related work, the
partitions that IoT devices can execute are identified
automatically, taking into account the capabilities of
these devices.
The work we present in this paper goes a step for-
ward by avoiding the generation of dependency tables
and by using a more fine-grained selection algorithm
for candidate partitions (or sub-paths). Our proposal
is based on the graph we generate from BPMN pro-
cess definitions, which captures control and data flow
restrictions. Then, we identify sub-paths that only
contain BPMN elements that IoT devices can execute
and we transform them with the three patterns that we
have identified, as detailed in the next section.
This section describes our business process decompo-
sition method focused on reducing communications
between IoT devices and the central system by mov-
ing fragments of the business process to IoT devices.
We illustrate it using a simplified automatic irrigation
business process.
3.1 Case Study
The irrigation system we describe automatically de-
termines when to irrigate, based on the soil moisture.
The water used for the irrigation comes from tanks,
whose water level is also controlled by the system. It
is possible to check the water level of the tanks and
fill them whenever necessary.
The water level values are stored in a historical
record file for future expenses audit. In addition, the
system periodically contacts IoT devices to gather soil
moisture levels. If the level is below a given threshold,
a signal is sent to the IoT network that triggers the
irrigation process. Soil moisture values are also kept
in a historical record file.
Figure 1 illustrates the simplified BPMN model of
our case study. It consists of two pools: the Irrigation
Process and the IoT network (WSN). The irrigation
process represents the central server responsible for
executing the business processes. It contains two exe-
cution flows: the top describes tank refilling; the other
specifies the irrigation process itself.
The top execution flow is triggered manually (S1
start event) and starts by requesting the tank’s water
level (sendT1), sending a message to the IoT pool
(SM1). The sensors read the tank’s water level (T11)
and forward this information back to the irrigation
process (sendT12). The Receive Water Level task (re-
ceiveT2) blocks until a message arrives. Upon mes-
sage arrival, it sends a message (sendT3) with the re-
ceived information to the actuator. This information is
transmitted to the Refill Water Tank task that sets the
tank’s water level to the top. Meanwhile, Save Refill
Record task (T4) stores this occurrence by writing it
to the Historical Record data store (H1).
The bottom execution flow executes periodically
(ST1), starting by determining if the soil moisture lev-
els provided by the IoT device are acceptable. For
this, it requests this information (sendT5) to the IoT
pool that starts the process (SM3), reads the soil mois-
ture (T13), and sends a message with this information
(sendT14) back to the irrigation process. Then, the
process checks if it is necessary to start an irrigation
cycle. For this, the exclusive gateway Check Moisture
Values (IF1) forces the process to follow only one of
its paths. If the moisture value is below the defined
threshold, it computes the irrigation time based on
the moisture level received and signals the actuators
(sendT8) to start irrigating (T15). The purpose of the
irrigation intermediate timer event (ST2) is to wait for
the irrigation time before sending a signal (sendT9) to
stop the actuator (T16). Finally, the process records
the soil moisture level (T10) into the historical record
data store (H2). The purpose of the converging gate-
way is to forward the process to task T10, regardless
of the path taken by the process.
This process, despite using IoT devices, follows
a centralised approach. In the following sections, we
use it to illustrate the various steps of our decomposi-
tion procedure.
3.2 Decomposition Patterns
This section presents the patterns that we have identi-
fied as ineffective uses of the computational capabili-
ties of IoT devices. The main concern on the identifi-
cation of the patterns, and their respective transforma-
tions, is to minimise the number of communications
between the central process and to preserve the execu-
tion flow of the initial business process. This means
that the tasks still execute in the original order after
the transformations.
Figure 2a presents an example of the first pat-
tern taken from our running example. The pattern is
identified by a receive task (receiveT2) followed by a
send task (sendT3) in the central pool that are, respec-
tively, preceded and followed by a send and a receive
task or start message event belonging to the same IoT
ICEIS 2019 - 21st International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 1: BPMN model of an automatic irrigation system - a case study.
pool. This includes an unnecessary communication
between the two pools: the transformation eliminates
SendT3 and SM2. To enforce the original control
flow, receiveT2 is connected to T4 and sendT12 is
connected to T17, as Figure 2b illustrates.
An example of the second pattern is shown in Fig-
ure 3a. The central pool has a process that starts
with a timer event (ST1) and is followed by a send
task (sendT5) and a receive task (receiveT6), both
to/from the same IoT pool. By moving the timer to
the IoT pool, we eliminate one communication be-
tween sendT5 task and SM3 (typically, IoT devices
have timer operations), as Figure 3b shows.
Figure 4a contains an excerpt of our running ex-
ample that illustrates the third pattern. Typically, IoT
devices have sufficient computational capabilities to
perform logical and mathematical operations, so it is
possible to transfer gateways to the IoT network, as
long as the data for making the decision is available.
Also script tasks that compute mathematical expres-
sions can be moved to IoT devices as it is the case
for task 7. This pattern is characterised by a mes-
sage flow from the IoT pool to the central process
(from sendT14 task to receiveT6 task), which after-
wards branches (IF1 gateway) based on the received
data. The goal is to transfer as much tasks as possi-
ble to the IoT pool, while preserving control and data
flow dependencies. Figure 4b illustrates the applica-
tion of this pattern on our running example. The mes-
sage flow from the IoT pool to the central process is
postponed as long as the central process has BPMN
elements that can be moved to the IoT pool. This
set of BPMN elements includes exclusive gateways,
script tasks that only compute mathematical expres-
Automatic Decomposition of IoT Aware Business Processes with Data and Control Flow Distribution
(a) Centralised model.
(b) Decentralised model.
Figure 2: Pattern 1 example taken from the case study.
(a) Centralised model.
(b) Decentralised model.
Figure 3: Pattern 2 example taken from the case study.
sions, timer events, and send tasks targeted at the IoT
3.3 Decomposition Procedure
This section describes the procedure we propose to
decompose IoT aware business processes by transfer-
ring fragments of the process to be executed by IoT
devices. This procedure includes the following steps:
1. Generate a graph, from a BPMN business process
model, that captures control and data flow depen-
dencies of the BPMN elements. Figure 5 illus-
trates the graph that captures the control and data
flow dependencies of the BPMN model of our
running example. Each node contains the iden-
tification of the BPMN element its pool name.
2. Generate a list of sub-paths (that we call candidate
sub-paths) that can be transferred to IoT devices.
For each initial node of the graph, the algorithm
traverses it to list sub-paths that: (1) contain, at
least, one message flow exchanged between the
central pool and an IoT pool, (2) only include
BPMN elements that are part of the IoT pool or
BPMN elements (events, send tasks, receive tasks,
gateways, script tasks computing mathematical
expressions, data objects) that can be executed on
IoT devices. At the end, paths that are sub-paths
of other paths are removed.
In our running example, we obtain the following
candidate sub-paths:
[T1, SM1, T11, WL, T12, T2, WL, T3, SM2, WL,
T17, E7],
[ST1, T5, SM3, T13, SM, T14, T6, SM, IF1, T7,
IT, ST2, T9, SM5, T16, E6],
[ST1, T5, SM3, T13, SM, T14, T6, SM, IF1, T7,
T8, ST2, T9, SM5, T16, E6],
ICEIS 2019 - 21st International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
(a) Centralised model.
(b) Decentralised model.
Figure 4: Pattern 3 example taken from the case study.
[ST1, T5, SM3, T13, SM, T14, T6, SM, IF1, T7,
T8, SM4, T15, E5].
For instance, path [T1, SM1, T11, T12, T2, T3,
SM2, WL, T17, E7] is removed because it is a
sub-path of [T1, SM1, T11, WL, T12, T2, WL,
T3, SM2, WL, T17, E7].
3. Redefine pools based on the candidate sub-paths.
Process pools are redefined when transferring ac-
tivities to the IoT pool or by eliminating commu-
nications. The redefinition occurs based on the
patterns that we previously described.
4. Create a new BPMN model.
We use Graphviz to generate the coordinates of
the elements of the modified BPMN model. Fig-
ure 6 illustrates the final solution of our use case,
after several iterations of our decomposition pro-
cedure. We performed some manual layout ad-
justments in order to make the overall process
more readable than that generated automatically
by our tool.
It is possible to observe that, considering the seven
message flows that the original model has be-
tween the irrigation process and the IoT pool, our
solution shows that only three are in fact neces-
sary if we take advantage of the capabilities that
IoT devices offer.
We conceived a prototype that performs the de-
composition procedures described in the pre-
vious section, whose source code is available
at github (
Our development environment uses the Java pro-
gramming language and the following tools:
jBPM (version 6.3.0);
Eclipse Luna (version 4.4.2) with BPMN2 Mod-
eller and SonarLint plug-ins;
This prototype builds on top of previous tools
we already developed that translate BPMN into
CALLAS (a high-level sensor programming lan-
guage (Lopes and Martins (2016))) and that automat-
ically transform the BPMN model to communicate
with the IoT network either using request-response or
publish-subscribe architectures (Domingos and Mar-
tins (2017a,b)).
jBPM is a JavaEE application that implements the
BPMN standard. This application is associated with
the Luna version of Eclipse. BPMN2 Modeller is a
BPMN graphical visualisation plug-in and SonarLint
a plug-in for enforcing source code quality. Graphviz
is a tool for drawing graphs specified in the DOT lan-
In order to execute the prototype, we provide a
BPMN file with the model to be decomposed.
One of the challenges of the implementation, be-
sides the decomposition of the model, was to calculate
the coordinates of the BPMN elements on the new
model generated by the prototype. For this, we use
Graphviz. We generate a DOT file for each pool of
the BPMN new model and use Graphviz that, through
its graphing algorithm, generates the coordinates that
we use as reference to lay down the BPMN elements
of decomposition. Then, we apply geometric trans-
Automatic Decomposition of IoT Aware Business Processes with Data and Control Flow Distribution
Figure 5: Graph generated from the BPMN definition.
formations to the coordinates generated so they are
aligned with the other components of the model.
This prototype also translates the IoT behaviour
into Callas bytecode to support the execution of all the
BPMN model, as detailed in (Domingos and Martins
We evaluated the prototype using various models
we built. In particular, the decomposition we present
here results from the application of the prototype.
Business processes are increasingly using information
made available by IoT devices to provide timely re-
sponses according to their context. In addition, IoT
devices have enough computational power to exe-
cute parts of business processes, thus reducing central
processing and the number of messages exchanged,
and, consequently, increasing the energy autonomy of
these devices.
Considering that business process modelling usu-
ally follows a centralised approach, the work pro-
posed in this paper allows for automatic decomposi-
tion of IoT-aware business processes. The decompo-
sition takes into account constraints imposed by both
control flow and data flows. This proposal reduces
the number of messages exchanged between a central
pool and IoT pools.
As for future work, we intend to generalise the
patterns we propose in this paper, to conclude the
work of checking whether script task can be executed
by IoT devices, and to use additional information of
the business processes history logs in the decompo-
sition procedure. We also plan to extensively assess
our approach, in particular, by measuring the amount
of time, energy, and exchanged messages saved when
using our algorithm.
We thank the anonymous reviewers for their com-
ments and suggestions on an earlier version of
this work. Some of their valuable comments will
be definitely considered in future developments of
our work. This work is partially supported by
ICEIS 2019 - 21st International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 6: BPMN model of the automatic irrigation system after decentralisation.
FCT funding through LASIGE Research Unit, ref.
UID/CEC/00408/2018, and by project DoIT, ref.
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