Summarizing research results regarding energy as-
pects of the discussed model, we conclude: (1) Learn-
ing Energy redistribution flow among the system ob-
jects can be observed and controlled by the main
system algorithm, (2) Learning Energy Ecosystem
model’s Energy Quantity is constant for every sim-
ulation run, (3) proposed Learning Energy Ecosystem
for Virtual Student evolution has clear operating con-
ditions to simulate the learning process based on the
energy balance principles, (4) proposed Virtual Stu-
dent will produce more synthetic data ready for vali-
dation of correlation with real user behavior data.
For future works, we consider the following con-
cept point: cognition for every autonomous agent is
subject independent. To approve such a concept we
consider: (1) tudy Virtual Student model computer
implementation depending on model Verification re-
sults on the model validation stages, (2) translate the
conceptual model to operational one and verify it by
implementation into real Virtual Learning Environ-
ment, (3) build the computerized model, (4) apply
the proposed model in a blended learning process for
comparing both real and virtual students operating in
one shared virtual learning environment.
Further research by applying validation to the pro-
posed model with an implementation in the Virtual
Learning Environment might clarify the aspect of Vir-
tual Student’s potential.
This research has been supported by a grant
from the European Regional Development Fund
(ERDF/ERAF) project ”Technology Enhanced
Learning E-ecosystem with Stochastic Interdepen-
dences - TELECI”, Project No.
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Review of Cognitive Energy Flow Model Concept for Virtual Student