Game Jams: An Innovative Education Experience in Higher Education
D. Gledhill and M. Novak
Department of Computer Science, University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, U.K.
Team based Learning, Project based Learning, Immersive Learning, Game-based Learning.
Team based learning has been a significant component of games design/art and programming courses at the
University of Huddersfield, but not without challenges. A solution that maintains the benefits of team based
learning while solving some of the challenges was sought. Game Jams are a popular method for rapid game
development. The Game Jam idea is refined for the higher education sector and details presented, with pos-
itive results mostly focused on student engagement but also includes more achievable scoping and improved
The two games courses at the University of Hudder-
sfield, Computer Games Design and Computer Sci-
ence with Games Programming, have included team
based learning (TBL) modules on all 3 years of the
full time degrees since their beginnings in 2006 and
2004 respectively. (Michaelsen and Sweet, 2008)
highlights the three main concepts of TBL as:
1) group work being central to exposing students to,
and improving their skills in, course content
2) the vast majority of time being focused on group
3) that there are multiple group assignments designed
to improve learning and promote self managed teams.
(Michaelsen and Sweet, 2008) expands the concepts
with four essential elements of TBL as:
Groups must be properly formed and managed
Students must be accountable for the quality of
their individual and group work
Students must receive frequent and timely feed-
Group assignments must promote both learning
and team development
To meet the four essential elements, each of them
can be linked with the TBL modules as follows.
Groups are self determined in the first instance, usu-
ally around friendship groups, with the rest of the co-
hort distributed amongst those nascent teams. The
groups are managed by the module team on a weekly
basis, with local management implemented through
the use of agile development methods, for example
SCRUM, and democratic decision making. Account-
ability is also derived from the agile development
methods and through a peer assessment system im-
plemented at the end of the module. Frequent and
timely feedback is given weekly during tutorial ses-
sions where each group presents their progress on the
game development and the module team can feedback
in real time. Finally, the assignment to build a game
prototype promotes team development and skill learn-
ing and improvement, both skills being necessary to
build a successful prototype.
Despite many years of operation, the TBL ap-
proach in the module does include several challenges.
A solution that maintains the benefits and four es-
sential elements of TBL whilst also attempting to
solve some of the weaknesses is the focus of this pa-
per. This paper presents the traditional approach used
in these modules in detail, followed by the presen-
tation of an alternative approach, its refinement for
use in higher education and its implementation in the
2018/2019 academic year. Observed changes, both
positive and challenges still to overcome, are pre-
sented followed by some interesting and somewhat
unexpected outcomes finishing with conclusions.
When the games courses were being developed the
idea of team based learning (TBL) was considered an
essential part of the learning process. The software
skills and approaches from other modules would be
brought together with team based working skills to
Gledhill, D. and Novak, M.
Game Jams: An Innovative Education Experience in Higher Education.
DOI: 10.5220/0007768304890494
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2019), pages 489-494
ISBN: 978-989-758-367-4
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
allow the students to build a small game. The bene-
fits of TBL are well documented (Michaelsen et al.,
2002) and so are not the focus of this paper. In all
three years of the full time degrees, the team modules
follow the same basic approach.
1) Teams are formed in the first week. In the first year
these tend to be a little more random as students have
not yet had time to form friendship groups. In second
year they tend toward friendship groups and in final
year it is a little more mixed as there is a combination
of students continuing directly from second year and
some students returning from a placement year in in-
dustry. Students are also more aware of each others
skills and capabilities and often form teams for suc-
cess rather than just friendships.
2) Game concepts are developed and presented to the
module tutors over the next few weeks. This includes
some level of skills gap analysis on behalf of the team
and an overview of scoping for the module team.
3) Prototypes and alpha versions are built during
the first semester and presented before moving into
semester 2. User testing, re-scoping, design tweaks
and technical experimentation all form part of this
4) The final phase which lasts all of semester 2 is to
work through the rest of a software development cycle
of beta, including further player testing, and release
Throughout this process, the module team are there to
monitor and feedback on progress and decisions being
made. There is also an element of project manage-
ment, although there is certainly a focus on the teams
self managing their workloads.
2.1 Challenges
The teaching teams have many years experience lead-
ing TBL modules and have experienced myriad chal-
The students take 6 modules in first year, 5 mod-
ules in second year and 4 modules in final year (dif-
ferent size modules but always a total of 120 credits).
All modules run over the full 24 week academic year.
One of the more intrusive disruptions to team based
modules is the impact of workload and assessment in
the other modules. Workload is relatively consistent
over the year with the inevitable peaks around assess-
ment time, but as those assessment dates approach,
the team project module is most often the first module
to be abandoned. Near assessment dates, output drops
to almost nothing, always with the best intentions of
catching up later, but very rarely actually recovering
enough to be at the expected stage of development.
With such a long project and only a few hours per
week dedicated to the module content, idea fatigue
and general boredom at the slow progress occur, par-
ticularly in teams where members are not all enthusi-
astic about the idea or it is being heavily led by one or
two members. Another impact of longevity relates to
ongoing health or mental health issues with students
and the impact on the overall team.
Communication issues are one of the biggest chal-
lenges that develop. Different levels of enthusiasm,
workload peaks at different times, external factors
such as employment, family or social and even sleep
patterns can impact on team communication. Missed
attendance at weekly sessions means team members
can be out of touch for 2-3 weeks and lose motivation
to continue with the project. Poor communication of
ideas, personality conflicts, task allocation and feed-
back within the team all lead to challenges.
These major issues and a myriad smaller chal-
lenges result in disengagement and inevitably poor
achievement in the module. The module teams re-
quire a system that maintains the benefits of team
based learning while trying to solve the challenges
Since the first “Indie Game Jam” in 2002 (Kultime,
2015), the game jam has given game developers
a method of rapidly prototyping game ideas, with
some real-world successes (Wikipedia, 2019) evolv-
ing from those embryonic “compressed development
processes” (Zook and Riedl, 2013).
Game jams have taken many forms over the years.
Themes can be as simple as a single word, picture,
sound or sentence, to more societal concerns or sen-
sitive subjects to solving challenging problems. Time
frames can be from 1 hour (0hgame, 2018) to 2 weeks
(Game Jolt, 2017) and take place in myriad locations,
from Universities to castles, planes to trains (Lindvay
and Wallick, 2019).
Game jams give students a better understand-
ing of prototyping practices in software development
(Fowler et al., 2013) and develop effective collabora-
tion skills (Musil et al., 2010)
Others have used game jams as an educational
tool, for example (Scott and Ghinea, 2013) using
game jams to teach issues of accessibility in games.
It would be remiss not to mention the most suc-
cessful game jam, the Global Game Jam, which in
2018 had 42,811 participants in 108 countries mak-
ing 8,606 games (Global Game Jam, 2019), and about
which many papers have been written (Shin et al.,
; Hrehovcsik et al., 2016; Fowler and Arya, 2013).
CSEDU 2019 - 11th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
The huge impact of the Global Game Jam inspired
the module team to consider game jams as a potential
solution to the team based learning challenges faced
at Huddersfield.
For the second year team project module, a novel and
innovative approach that attempts to solve some of
the concerns of the traditional module structure while
maintaining all of the benefits of team based learning
The main considerations for the new approach
1. Maintain the benefits of team based learning
2. Improve attendance and engagement
3. Maintain enthusiasm
4. Reduce the opportunity for conflicts to arise
5. Improve retention and attainment
(Kultime, 2015), after studying many papers, de-
fines a Game Jam as “... an accelerated opportunistic
game creation event where a game is created in a rel-
atively short timeframe exploring given design con-
tsraint(s) and end results are shared publicly”. This
provided a potential solution to the problem, shorten-
ing the timeframe being a key factor, but also meeting
the considerations above.
Guidance for the “rules” of a Game Jam were sug-
gested by (Musil et al., 2010) as being:
1. Rapid prototyping
2. Thematic constraint
3. Anyone can participate (if one can contribute)
4. Time constraint of 24-48 hours
5. Ad-hoc teams and small team sizes
6. Software and hardware agnosticism
7. Public presentation and judging at the end of the
These “rules” were further refined and to some ex-
tent softened later by (Fowler and Arya, 2013; Fowler
et al., 2013) and presented as:
1. Goal of small and experimental games within a
limited timeframe
2. Previously unknown theme
3. Anyone can participate (if one can contribute)
4. No team formation before the event and limited
size of teams
5. Hardware and software agnosticism
6. Public presentation (sometimes) and judging at
the end of the event
These two sets of “rules” for a Game Jam were
developed within the constraints of the academic en-
vironment to create a proposed new set of “rules”:
1. Game Jams would be one week long and take
place outside of the normal teaching weeks to
minimise disruption and maximise time on the
2. Three Game Jams are undertaken to meet the min-
imum number of hours required for a module.
3. There are also 4 lectures for academic content de-
livery, such as an introduction to agile software
development methodologies and tools and for re-
flection after each of the game jams
4. Each Game Jam would have a unique theme
5. Teams are alternated for each of the Game Jams
to allows students to work with as many of their
peers as possible
6. Hardware and software agnosticism within the
constraints of University provision
7. Final game presentations to all peers and an “open
house” demonstration for all students and staff
Because of the restrictions placed on university
scheduling some structure had to be implemented to
ensure the smooth running of the Game Jams. This
has to be balanced with the minimum contact hours
for university module tutors. The structure for each
Game Jam evolved to give more emphasis to the
teams working independently of the academic tutors,
with more contact in the first jam, less in the second
and least in the third. As an example, Game Jam 1
has 15 hours of tutor contact and 20 hours of directed
study and the third game jam is 10 hours of tutor con-
tact and 25 hours without.
To allow for some planning the teams and theme
are announced the week before the game jam starts.
The first two game jam team structures of 6 de-
signer/artist roles and 2 programmers are decided by
the module team. They are randomly allocated in the
first game jam and then randomly sorted for the sec-
ond ensuring no student works with another student
they have worked with in the first game jam. For the
third game jam, students are asked to form their own
teams. Although it is inevitable that some teams will
form around friendship groups, several teams have
formed around strength of skillset or desire to under-
take an enterprise placement year and form a com-
pany based on their game idea.
Each Game Jam week follows a similar structure
over the 5 days:
Game Jams: An Innovative Education Experience in Higher Education
Monday: Introduction, concepts, art bible develop-
ment and early programming experimentation
Tuesday: The first early prototypes start to appear,
with some level of game play possible, albeit with
programmer art
Wednesday: Major leaps forward in development are
made here with more of the art assets starting to ap-
Thursday: Further leaps forward are made with
playable demos for testing and refinement of design
and art taking place
Friday:Last minute fixes for the programmers with the
designers and artists moving to presentation building
followed by presentations in afternoon after a short
”open house” session for other students and staff to
see the outcomes
Although the results of the Game Jams are pre-
sented to the whole cohort, including members of the
academic staff and students from across the degree,
there still a requirement for summative grading. The
teams are awarded a higher percentage of their grades
based on team performance rather than the product
that they develop to ensure a team with weaker skilled
members can still perform at a high standard. This
is moderated through a peer-assessment exercise with
individual grades awarded based on a peer driven
shifting of the awarded team grade. There is also a
reflective element to the assessment through a final
individual assessment which considers a minimum of
three aspects of their Game Jam experience from a list
of nine points:
Technical Knowledge
Professional Conduct
Working with Others
In order to evidence the process for quality assur-
ance purposes, each team is given a notebook. This
took a physical form in the first game jam, but was
replaced with a cloud based collaborative document
in the second. There is also a discord
server for
team communication which is locked to each team.
The programmers use Git to version control their code
with also shows how the programming developed. To-
gether, these form a ”paper trail” for the module tu-
tors to follow all discussions, minuted meetings, logs
and see how the ideas evolved over the week and how
well the team worked together across all assessed el-
ements. Final games are compiled and submitted and
the presentations are filmed for review and external
A summary table of the changes between the tra-
ditional approach and new approach can be seen in
Table 1: Summary of changes in approach.
Old New
Timescale 2 hours per
week for 24
3 one week
Teams Same team all
year, chosen
at random
Change team
each Jam
Theme One theme One theme
per Jam
Presentation 3 presenta-
tions spread
across the
One presenta-
tion per Jam
After completing two of the three game jams for this
academic year, observations have been similar for
both of them. In each game jam, 8 games were made
(i.e. 1 per team) to various states of completion. Other
than 2 students, the most rewarding outcome was to-
tal and uninterrupted engagement from all students
across the full 5 days, with a significant number of
students working outside of the official hours. There
were no significant communication issues or conflicts
to resolve and everyone was still very energised at the
end of the week.
5.1 Positives
By far the most positive outcome of these first two
game jams has been the level of engagement seen
amongst the whole cohort. Students were excited and
enthusiastic before the game jam, were present for all
of each day, were engaged in the development with-
out drifting onto other module work and were still ex-
cited when it came to the final presentations on the
Friday. No other team based learning module has ex-
perienced close to that level of engagement over the
last 15 years.
This increased engagement and excitement has
meant that in every team, at least a prototype/alpha
build was achieved. An unexpected but very wel-
CSEDU 2019 - 11th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
come outcome in several instances was that the de-
veloped games far exceeded most games made in pre-
vious years, despite only 1 week of work versus a full
academic year in the past.
The teams were generally very good at scoping
within the time frame. Given a whole academic year,
students consistently over scoped but with such a
short time frame they focused better and created more
realistic ideas.
Communication was excellent throughout the
whole week, from in person during the day to online
on the discord servers in the evenings. Being in the
same place for 6-8 hours over 5 days forced the stu-
dents into regular verbal discussion without the long
quiet periods of whole year projects.
5.2 Challenges
One student did not engage in the second game jam
and has now left the course. One student partially en-
gaged in both game jams and despite repeated discus-
sions offered no reason for only partial engagement.
This impact on the 2 teams was mitigated through re
scoping and careful task allocation.
For the first game jam, a paper based approach
was used for recording and evidencing, i.e. minutes
of meetings, game designs, art bibles, programming
logs etc. This was quickly realised to be a problem.
Only one team member could write in the log at once,
one team left it at home for one day and it was chal-
lenging to print content only to be glued into the book.
For the second game jam, a cloud based collabora-
tive document was used. This could be edited by all
team members simultaneously, couldn’t be physically
left anywhere and by using different colour fonts for
each team member can be reliably used for evidenc-
ing team members contributions.
The discord server proved to be a double edged
sword in the first game jam. Because students were
expected to evidence their communications during the
week, one team decided to speak very little and main-
tain a detailed discord log. On reflection they felt that
this hindered their communication somewhat. Clarity
was added for the second game jam and much more
appropriate use of discord was used alongside verbal
Other than the aforementioned significant improve-
ments seen to engagement and attendance with the
team project module, an increase in excitement for
the module and the possibilities was observed. This
manifested in some teams meeting before the start of
the game jam to discuss early concepts, a more socia-
ble yet productive working environment and a general
sense of giddiness throughout the week.
A reduction of 20 credits of the typical second
year workload during the teaching weeks has seen
an increased output in the other 100 credits across all
modules. Skills developed during the game jams, hav-
ing been honed in a short time frame, are being seen
in other modules with an overall increase in perfor-
mance across the board being observed, although this
can not be proven until the end of the year once results
are calculated.
One unexpected observation has been an improve-
ment in a few students social engagement with the rest
of the cohort. Being forced to work with new peo-
ple and spending a large portion of time with them
culminating in a presentation to the whole group has
”brought them out of their shell” and led to much bet-
ter integration in the peer group.
There have been some unexpected changes in the
module tutors. Spending a compressed time with the
students, without the usual week long breaks, has
made it much easier to learn and remember the stu-
dents names. This makes for easier communication
in other modules and an improved sense of belonging
for the students.
A second benefit is a greater understanding of
each students capabilities, including those not usually
taught by the team, i.e. the programming students.
Seeing the teams at work and their ideas evolving
is infectious and creates a lot of excitement for enter-
prise placement year and placements in general.
Some unintended, although somewhat expected, ben-
efits have been observed in other modules by running
the team project in this game jam approach.
Students have appeared to be more engaged
in their other modules compared to previous year
groups. The perceived benefits to student engagement
is that other module leaders have anecdotally noticed
the lack of using team project as a previously com-
mon excuse for not progressing on assignments. Stu-
Game Jams: An Innovative Education Experience in Higher Education
dents have previously used the focus on team work
and peer pressure as a reason for disengagement or
lack of progress on other assignments.
The approach has been so successful that the final
year team project is planning to adopt part of the ap-
proach for the next academic year. As a double size
module there is work being undertaken to run half of
the module traditionally and half following the game
jam method. The game jams will be used to make
significant leaps forward in progress and the weekly
sessions between used for refinement, player testing
and bug fixing alongside design/programmer experi-
Outside of the games programs, traditional com-
puter science and information systems module tutors
are now considering ways to implement the ideas into
their modules, through similar game jams or blend-
ing the theories with “hackathons” and developments
more appropriate to the disciplines.
The challenges faced by year long team based learn-
ing modules for games design/art and programming
students have led to difficulties with engagement and
ultimately achievement. A solution that maintains the
benefits of team based learning while solving some or
all of those challenges is presented here following the
ideas of a game jam. Two of the three planned game
jams have taken place with remarkable improvements
in engagement and unexpected results in other areas.
Minor changes were made between the first and sec-
ond game jams as the module team adapt to student
behaviours and refine the methodology. It has been so
successful that other year groups and modules teams
from other courses are looking at ways to integrate the
ideas into their team based learning modules.
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Zook, A. and Riedl, M. O. (2013). Game Conceptu-
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CSEDU 2019 - 11th International Conference on Computer Supported Education