referring to what like my, I, he, your, or she. Some of
the terms seem to be specific to more than one topic.
Like the afore mentioned drugs or the term marriage
which can be seen as literal or proverbial.
Our contribution is three-fold: We firstly developed a
classifier for argument-stance recognition, which is
explainable by the features it uses. As such, it serves
as basis for creating an ontology of argument stance
features that aids in the construction of the overall
argument ontology of the RecomRatio project. We
secondly proposed our thesis of general and topic
specific features, which is supported by our
experiments. These can be of further use to structure
the argument stance feature ontology and connect it
to topic specific ontologies. Such integrated topic
specific argument stance ontologies form the basis for
explainability in a non-semantic application.
Secondarily, the short development time needed
to generate these results proves the versatility of the
C3 microservices and its utilized trainer/athlete
pattern, which we see as our third contribution.
Neural-symbolic integrated applications are easy to
develop if one only has to focus on the symbolic part
as the machine learning based aspect is encapsulated
behind an easy to use API that does not require any
hyper-parameter tuning to produce useful results.
This is includes the design philosophy to
automatically generate model parameters, e.g. the
category weights and controlled vocabulary.
In future experiments, we are aiming to precisely
identify general and topic specific argument stance
features for the specific knowledge domains of our
research project. This means, that we aim to extend
existing medical ontologies with an explainability-
dimension that specifies, whether concepts are
features for certain classification algorithm concepts.
These algorithms are in turn linked to explanation
templates and the corpora from which their model
was generated. To the best of our knowledge, existing
medical ontologies lack this explainability angle,
which we identify as important extension.
Based on these ontologies, additional lexicon
based classifiers including modifier terms can be
created and put into a committee with the proposed
TFIDF-SVM classifier.
As the new lexicon-based system as well as our
existing system are explainable, the committee
decision can also be explained by referring to the
individual classifications and mentioning, how well
these classifiers performed in evaluations.
Additionally, evaluation results for the individual
mutually exclusive classes can be taken into account
when computing combined classification decisions.
We also intent to generalize our approach to
determine arguments from non-arguments as we
expect that there are also sets of general and topic
specific words for this task. Comparing them to those
identified in argument stance recognition can further
aid in developing a feature ontology, capable of not
only explaining why something is considered pro- or
contra but also why it is an argument at all.
This work has been funded by the Deutsche
Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) within the project
Empfehlungsrationalisierung, Grant Number 643018,
as part of the Priority Program "Robust
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