repairs. For this case, it is better to wait for more
maintenance data to validate if an improvement from
the mechanical system is visible and validate if the
stochastic process that defines the failures is then
a renewal process. Otherwise, it will be necessary
to consider modifying the maintenance policy by
implementing more preventive action in order to
follow up and repair the state of the system. However,
beyond the reality of imperfect maintenance, the
correlation between data can come from anomalies
may be related to insufficient data collection or other
situations not representative of the failure process.
In this study, the reliability and the probability density
from repairable mechanical system were evaluated.
The correlation test accepts the assumption of
dependency for failures data and thereby, they follow
a branching Poisson process. This process could
be modeled from the graph based on a logarithmic
scale and the equations defined in mathematical
formulation section. For practical purposes, the
estimated parameters of first order properties from
the modeling are sufficient to give an interpretation
of the branching process Poisson followed by the
failure data. Given the verification of the Branching
Poisson process model from the mechanical system,
the interest remains in the value of the failure rate λ
and the efficiency of the system repair E(S). Then,
the main utility of the branching Poisson process is
that it can be used to give a physical interpretation of
the deviation for the time between failures.
The authors are grateful to support of the Natural
Sciences and Engineering Research Council of
Canada (NSERC) and the Fonds de recherche du
ebec - Nature et technologies (FRQNT).
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