A Creation Tool for Serious Puzzle Games
Gaëlle Guigon
, Mathieu Vermeulen
and Jérémie Humeau
IMT Lille Douai, Institut Mines Télécom, 941 Rue Charles Bourseul, Douai, France
Keywords: Puzzle Game, Serious Game, Escape Game, Design, Tool.
This article aims to present a tool for designing serious games with riddles, such as escape games. This
multilingual tool will be available online freely and presented as a form on a website with a database to save
and share one’s projects. After completing the form, a graphic overview of the project is presented to the user.
It is based on different Serious Escape Games and Serious Puzzle Games realized in the past three years and
on several websites giving advice to create this type of activity. This tool is at its early stages and the prototype
has been tested by a few Serious Escape Games designers on their previous projects. Feedback will be used
to improve the tool. Following the validation of the prototype, computer development has begun: the tool
meets the needs of the designers and fits to the different tested projects. Intended initially for teaching after a
few requests, it is expected to be used by a wide audience and to respond to the various needs related to the
creation of this type of activity.
For several years, serious games have regularly been
used in the field of education. Many games exist
in various fields and their usefulness is no longer to
justify. More recently, the Serious Escape Games
(SEG) (also called Educational Escape Games), have
appeared in this field (Sanchez and Plumettaz-Sieber,
2019; Eukel et al., 2017; Dietrich, 2018; Guigon
et al., 2017; Connelly et al., 2018; Pun, 2017)
and brought many benefits: cooperation, collabora-
tion, organization, communication, reasoning, team-
building, application of the course in a different con-
text ... Indeed, this activity likened to a serious game,
is a multi-player life-size escape game, which typi-
cally involves escaping from a room or a succession
of rooms in a limited amount of time (Borrego et al.,
2017). To do this, a group of players must find and
collect a number of clues and objects in order to solve
riddles (Guigon et al., 2018). However, designing this
type of activity is not always easy for teachers which
prevents them from designing this type of activity for
their students. To overcome this obstacle, we decided
to create a tool to help the teachers in the designing
process. The problem is to define whether a Serious
Escape Game model and its reification into a tool fa-
cilitates the design of SEG for teachers? Based on
the previously created SEGAM model (Serious Es-
cape GAme Model) (Guigon et al., 2018) (Figure 1),
the tool presented in this article allows to build step
by step an educational escape game or another serious
game with riddles and to obtain a preview of the orga-
nization of steps, riddles and clues. To quickly present
the SEGAM model, it is inspired by the DISC model
(an acronym for Domain, Interaction, Scenario, Con-
text) created by (Vermeulen et al., 2017; Vermeulen
et al., 2019) to produce role-playing serious games
with steps. SEGAM kept from the DISC model the
separation between levels and the case studies are rep-
resented as riddles. Riddles are independent and a
red thread is present throughout the scenario, as in
the DISC model.
In our knowledge, no model (other than SEGAM) and
no specific tool to design SEG have been published.
However, there is a real need for it, in particular for
teachers and novice designers.
This article propose a tool to co-design SEG with
them. A first experiment made it possible to test this
tool as a prototype on already realized SEG. Firstly,
we present our tool and its features. The second part
deals with the testing phase of the prototype and the
associated feedback. Finally, we conclude with the
perspectives of the project.
Guigon, G., Vermeulen, M. and Humeau, J.
A Creation Tool for Serious Puzzle Games.
DOI: 10.5220/0007796405560561
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2019), pages 556-561
ISBN: 978-989-758-367-4
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Figure 1: SEGAM, Serious Escape GAme Model.
As a result of SEG’s growing production, the creation
of a tool to structure and collect all the information
needed to design escape games quickly became a
necessity for many teachers. In addition, most of
them have no instructional designer or game designer
to help them in this process. When creating such
activity by themselves, teachers can get easily over-
whelmed by the quantity of information to deal with.
A lot of websites give tips and tricks to help build
this type of activity but the information is scattered
across the web. The tool proposed in this article is
therefore intended to guide them step by step so that
they can create a serious game with riddles (escape
game type) more easily and in an organized way.
The methodological approach used to conduct this
research is based on Mandran’s work (Mandran
and Dupuy-Chessa, 2017): the THEDRE research
method for Traceable Human Experiment Design
REsearch. This method is based on the improvement
process Plan-Do-Check-Act (Sokovic et al., 2010)
and thus on iterative cycle with indicators to evaluate
the quality of the research. Furthermore, THEDRE
was developed for human centered research. In this
article, we propose the results of the first research
cycle and thus, the first iteration of a tool to help
teachers to design SEG.
The prototype (the first iteration of the tool) proposed
here first appears as a form (Figure 2) written in
HTML and CSS to use it on the web.
Different types of criteria are requested in simple
Pedagogical. The purpose of this section is to
define the general educational objective of the ac-
tivity as well as the skills or learning objectives to
be achieved during the course of the game. There
may be prerequisites that are important to define
beforehand to conceive the riddles. For a serious
game, these elements are essential because they will
Figure 2: Screenshot of the tool.
guide all the riddles and help select the content to be
treated during the activity. It is important to focus
on this aspect as the riddles will be the pillars of the
activity and these will be based on the educational
Various Constraints. Many constraints are to
be taken into account for the creation of this type of
activity and will affect in particular the format of the
game: the available time, the number of sessions,
the number of learners, the place, the budget, the
supervisors during the session, etc.
Background. Here, it is a question of defining
the global plot, the scenario in which the learners will
evolve: what is the initial situation, the goal of the
game, what will happen in case of failure ? Are there
any important characters in the script? Is the game
collaborative or competitive? Keeping in mind that
the game can be competitive and educational, several
teams fighting for the same goal.
Organization. In this part, the designers will
define their project team, information concerning the
tests and the reengineering to be carried out before
the implementation of the activity. Indeed, the tests
are a key step in the design of an activity of this
type because the testers (having a profile as close as
possible to the target audience) will be able to give
A Creation Tool for Serious Puzzle Games
their feedback on the activity and each riddle will
then be tested: are the clues explicit enough ? Is there
any challenge inducing a state of flow (Csikszentmi-
halyi, 1990)? This step will also show the robustness
of the clues and if the reasoning of the designers
is the same as the users’. Then, it is the reengi-
neering step, and thus the changes needed. Some
may be done quickly, others may be only done for
the next session, requiring more time to achieve them.
Structure. Once the previous elements are de-
fined, the designer will be able to structure his
activity: how many steps will be necessary, what will
be the riddles that will compose them. The latter
will be associated with prerequisites and pedagogical
objectives defined beforehand. Another important
element is the definition of the clues to solve the
riddles: their form, the cost they represent, the step in
which they will be discovered in the game and where
will they be hidden.
Educational and Financial Report. Finally,
once all the elements are defined, the tool offers a
financial statement to check that the forecasts for the
equipment are compatible with the allocated budget.
And there is also a pedagogical review to make sure
that all the objectives and skills initially defined are
properly treated during the activity.
It has to be noted that most fields are optional,
so the designer can only enter information that
interest him. Only some information concerning the
steps, the riddles and the clues are required because
they make it possible to generate the representation
with the SEGAM model. Moreover, there is no order
to fill the form, the designer can fill the fields in the
order of his choice.
Thus, in a second step, thanks to the filled criteria,
the model SEGAM is completed with the different
elements of the escape game: steps, riddles and clues
(Figure 3). Clues referring to the same riddle have
the same background color. They can be distributed
in the steps preceding the solving of the riddle in
question and not only at the step of the riddle to
be solved. This brings some complexity for the
players who must then use them at the appropriate
moment. Notice that the SEGAM model has evolved
from its original version and now the term "Levels"
is replaced by "Steps"”. The term "steps" is more
representative because the concept of level could
induce a notion of difficulty, which is not necessarily
the case from one activity to another.
The tool must be practical and functional, but also
intuitive and quick to take in hand in order to be
Figure 3: Representation of the project.
used by everyone. Based on the prototype, the first
version consists in obtaining a form as complete as
possible and meeting the expectations of the target
audience (mainly teachers originally). The basic
outcome of the form is the pdf export to keep track
of the work done or to print it if necessary. A second
version is being developed. It will make the tool more
ergonomic and easier to use, offering the possibility
to add or delete steps, riddles or clues directly from
the SEGAM model and affecting the associated
fields in the form. Moreover, the technology used
to create the tool has evolved in order to have a
fast and efficient deployment. Angular allowed
that, it is a maintainable framework, with a large
community. The project will be easier to manage for
the next evolutions. Finally, the tool will remain in
responsive design, and therefore easily accessible on
smartphones, tablets and computers.
The tool was tested at first with several Serious
Escape Games and treasure hunts made by our team.
Three of them were created according to the SEGAM
model. The co-organizers of these SEG were the first
testers. Then the tests were expanded to other puzzle
games not designed with the SEGAM model. Here
is some feedback from these tests: Overall, the tool
is comprehensive and the user understands easily its
operation. He feels guided and all the information
necessary to the conception of the activity is present.
This tool seems to give inspiration to the designers,
discovering fields in the form they did not think
about. Here are some improvements for each section
of the form:
Background. Basically the activity is intended
to have only one end goal, assuming that all learners
play for a common purpose. However, by giving
them the idea that there may be multiple goals, this
can inspire designers to create different scenarios:
teams fight for different goals, or some players have
different roles and goals from the other players. The
target audience of this tool is looking for inspiration
CSEDU 2019 - 11th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
to create such activities and will therefore be fond of
tracks for their scenario.
Organisation. It would be interesting to have a
checklist in order to make the management of the
changes easier in the "Reengineering" part. The
progress of the improvements would thus be more
visual and practical.
In the current version, the possibility of having a
clue used in several riddles is missing. This op-
tion should be selected in the edition of the clue
in the form, giving a multicolored background
to this type of clue in the representation with
the SEGAM model. Each clue of the SEGAM
model would have a different number, except
those present in several riddles, which would then
be duplicated in the SEGAM model but not in the
If the activity has to be played by several teams si-
multaneously, it is possible that riddles are nearly
the same (to avoid cheating for instance). To save
time for designers, the clues and riddles should
therefore be duplicable and the possibility of indi-
cating whether a particular piece of data changes
from one team to another should be added. Fig-
ures 4 and 5 illustrate this possibility with a rid-
dle on logic gates for the purpose of displaying a
digit. Indeed, Figure 4 shows the different param-
eters depending on the groups: Group 1 has the
parameters: a = 0, b = 0, c = 0; group 2 has: a = 0,
b = 0, c = 1 etc. Thus the diagram in Figure 5 is the
same for all, but the electrical signals being differ-
ent for the three entries, the final solution will be
different for each group, while treating exactly the
same course notions.
For the sake of clarity and to decrease the mass of
displayed information, it would be wise when you
enter the number of steps in the tool, to have the
corresponding number of buttons below. Thus,
when one clicks on one of these buttons, the part
"Riddles" of the form appears. In this way, each
riddle is placed in the corresponding step. This
avoids having a very long form with all the rid-
dles of the game afterwards, making the naviga-
tion very ergonomic.
Moreover, in the same spirit, the fact of displaying
the questions by groups for the riddle part would
make this part less impressive by the number of
criteria to be informed. Indeed, it would be possi-
ble to display the questions step by step and thus
the questionnaire would seem lighter and easier to
To have a better visualization of the construction
of the activity, having the representation with the
SEGAM model always visible (on computer and
tablet) would help to see the progress of the struc-
ture of the game. The designer would thus have a
direct return of his actions making easier the read-
ing of the model.
Figure 4: Settings of the riddle.
Figure 5: Riddle on logic gates.
Representation. This is the most attractive part of the
tool, one that users will want to take in hand quickly.
During the creation of the tool this part was the fo-
cus of the design. The aim was to get the designer
motivated to use this tool rather than a sheet of paper.
Rolland Viau’s works (Viau, 1994), showed that mo-
tivation is necessary to persevere and to reach one’s
goal, that’s why this tool put the emphasis on that mat-
ter through its practical and ergonomic aspects. The
fact that the tool is accessible online at any time on
any device, shareable and recordable will provide a
significant advantage for users. They will be able to
print only the elements useful for them.
To facilitate the understanding that each riddle un-
locks a new step, one could add a padlock icon
opened at the end of a riddle on the line between
the last step of the riddle in question and the next
step. When hovering or clicking on this padlock,
the detail of the unlocked object would be dis-
The user may want to consult the constraints
quickly from the "Representation" part, an option
to display the list of these constraints could be
A Creation Tool for Serious Puzzle Games
useful (mainly on the computer and tablet version
but less convenient on the mobile version).
From the moment the user deletes a clue in the
SEGAM model, he should have the possibility to
reorder clues numbers. If he chooses to do so,
then he could do it manually: choose which clue
takes the number of another deleted or automatic:
all numbers are shifted to compensate for missing
Then, to facilitate the management of items in the
SEGAM model, it would be interesting to be able
to drag and drop clues from one step to another or
to reorder the riddles by dragging a line and place
it elsewhere.
Finally, to facilitate the management of groups, it
would be practical to be able to duplicate riddles
or clues and thus manage the different parame-
ters from one team to another. Knowing that all
changes made within the representation with the
SEGAM model would be reflected in the form.
It would be interesting for new users to have ac-
cess to an optional tutorial to briefly explain the
functions of the tool.
Some fields of the form may not have the same
meaning for different users, so it would be use-
ful for them to have an example of the form filled
with a real project to be inspired and understand
what is expected.
In the same spirit, it might be interesting to have
an explanatory bubble next to each field for a bet-
ter understanding of the criteria.
The tool can be used for puzzle games without ed-
ucational purpose, some sections of the form will
be no longer essential in this case.
It may be interesting to add a menu with improve-
ments planned in future versions of the tool, as
well as a place for users to make suggestions for
enhancement. The version of the tool would thus
be displayed and would make it possible to realize
if the tool has benefited from improvements since
the last use.
The goal is to give a maximum of elements so that
the designers can take in hand riddles activities.
For example regarding the escape game type, it
would be useful to add advice, tips and tricks to
the "Help" category. For instance with elements
concerning the introduction of the game to the
public like security advice classically stated, or
useful elements for the final debriefing. Indeed,
debriefing is essential (Lederman, 1992; Crookall,
2010) because the teacher will come back on each
riddle met during the activity and explain the
course notions and expected objectives. Rewind-
ing each riddle will allow people who have not
solved this riddle (as they were solving another
one in parallel for example) to return to the course
notions that he could not address and get feedback
on the notions seen by those who solved them.
Thus the debriefing will make them aware of their
learning, they will realize as well that they do not
come only to "play" but also to review several no-
tions of course and their detail.
Following these tests, the most relevant changes to
help designers create their activity will be integrated
in the next version of the tool, the others will be added
later. For now, a tester wanted to keep the prototype
to start a new project. Then, an instructional designer
heard about the project. She would like to have quick
access to this tool to test if her previous Escape Games
fit in the tool and to help her designing the next ones.
These first returns seem to confirm the important need
of this type of tool and will allow to develop it accord-
ing to feedback from the user community.
Given the first tests, this tool seems to facilitate the
design of SEG for teachers, being more guided to ad-
dress all the elements essential to the creation of this
type of activity. This tool will evolve with time and
user feedback, especially those mentioned above in
the "Tests and feedback" section. Improvements are
already planned: the third version of the tool will ask
to be authenticated on the site thus allowing to save
the project. Designers will be able to work on it in
several times. It is planned to include an automatic
backup to prevent unexpected data loss. Thanks to
a database, each user will be able to manage several
projects, to share them with other people, in public or
private mode, giving the rights of modification or not.
Another function will be the ability to archive a com-
pleted project: it will be saved separately, and avail-
able read-only. People with access could then find it
if necessary without cluttering their list of projects in
progress. Finally, users will have the option to delete
or duplicate a project if they want to create a variant.
Other more technical improvements are planned to
improve ergonomics and to consult, create, modify or
delete elements even more quickly with greater ease
than before, especially thanks to the SEGAM model.
To facilitate the organization of the project, it is also
planned to select the parts of the form that you want
CSEDU 2019 - 11th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
to export in pdf: for example only riddles and clues,
or the list of clues, the place of their hiding place as
well as associated codes for better management of the
elements on site during the activity. These first el-
ements were inspired by the different SEG realized
in various contexts as well as some websites help-
ing to design escape games (AcadémieDeParis, 2018;
S’CAPE, 2017; lelivrescolaire, 2018; Quesne, 2017).
The SEGAM model was used to build the structure,
but many other elements were written on separate
sheets and were useful during the design or imple-
mentation of our SEG. This tool makes it possible to
centralize all the data concerning the escape game, to
be accessible on mobiles, tablets and computers, by
several people and the content can be updated regu-
larly and easily. The next step is to spread it widely to
help as many people as possible create serious puzzle
games and get their feedback to make it evolve and
meet the needs of as many users as possible. Then,
based on the escape games that were designed with
the tool, an analysis will be made thanks to the collec-
tion of user traces (students and teachers). This anal-
ysis will help to classify the SEG and to determine
what type of SEG to use based on: educational objec-
tives, the type of activity (discovery, learning or eval-
uation) or the type of skill (soft or hard). The results
of this analysis will also allow to classify the riddles
(for example, based on intrinsic or extrinsic metaphor
(Fabricatore, 2000)). Thus, it would be interesting
that the tool, through these elements, guides users to
create riddles according to their needs by proposing
similar generic elements.
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A Creation Tool for Serious Puzzle Games