A Framework for the Consistent Management of eHealth
Interoperability in Greece
Dimitrios G. Katehakis
and Angelina Kouroubali
Institute of Computer Science, Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas (FORTH), Heraklion, Greece
Keywords: Interoperability, Electronic Health Record, Public Health, Models and Frameworks, Enterprise Architecture
Adoption and Governance.
Abstract: This work presents an approach for the organized development of a countrywide framework to address the
ever-growing demand for acquiring, exchanging and exploiting patient information to support high quality
and cost-effective healthcare delivery. The national electronic health (eHealth) landscape in Greece is
examined within the context of the recent recommendation on a European electronic health record (EHR)
exchange format. Improving quality of life and well-being, in a secure and safe manner that respects the
patients’ privacy, is the key challenge. Interoperability of information and communication technology (ICT)
systems is central for reliable and efficient collaboration between the involved stakeholders, including the
patient and associated caretakers. In order to accelerate transformation towards citizen empowerment and a
more sustainable health system, national authorities need to address issues relevant to mutually beneficial
goals in a coherent manner. Practical implications are related to the sustainability of the underlying national
infrastructure required to support reliable and secure exchange of meaningful EHR data, for both primary and
secondary use, and by defining technical specifications for well-defined use cases, in a legitimate and
standardized manner, under a highly regulated environment.
Electronic health records (EHRs) have the potential
to improve significantly the quality of healthcare
outcomes and as such, they are an important tool for
coordinated care. They aim at improving health
outcomes through the delivery of healthcare services
from multiple providers by ensuring that care is not
delivered in silos (McDonald, et al., 2007). As stated
in (Katehakis, et al., 2018), prerequisites for enabling
data reuse and workflow automation include well-
defined use cases, agreed terminology, and reliable
clinical content. Effective coordination of care
requires collaboration, goal oriented care planning,
tracking care activities and interventions, as well as
continuous assessment and review.
Increased healthcare needs will require a more
resilient healthcare system. This is due to population
ageing, the rising occurrence of chronic conditions,
and an increase in demand for long-term care
(OECD/EU, 2018).
In order to use and interpret EHR information in a
clinical relevant context, certain requirements are
considered to be of great priority, including
contextual information related to medical encounters
and decisions, privacy and confidentiality of
information, and disclosure law (Katehakis and
Tsiknakis, 2006).
The widespread adoption of mobile technologies
facilitates the introduction of new and innovative
ways to improve healthcare delivery. Citizens can
now use them to manage their own health and
promote healthy living and active ageing by accessing
useful information and linking to useful resources
when needed; healthcare professionals and patients
included (Kouroubali, et al., 2019). Mobile devices
are becoming an integral part of the healthcare
industry, changing how care is delivered and
received. The use of electronic medical records
(EMRs) and electronic prescription is growing across
the European Union (EU) countries, and growing
numbers of EU residents use the Internet to obtain
health information and access health services. Despite
Katehakis, D. and Kouroubali, A.
A Framework for the Consistent Management of eHealth Interoperability in Greece.
DOI: 10.5220/0007796906890695
In Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2019), pages 689-695
ISBN: 978-989-758-372-8
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
the fact that citizens have the right to access their
personal data, including their health data, as provided
for by (European Union, 2016) most citizens cannot
yet access (nor securely share) their health data
seamlessly across the units of their national
healthcare system.
In spite of the fact that large amounts of health
data are generated and stored electronically, during
and between citizen encounters with national and
regional health systems across Europe, they continue
to reside in data silos. Opportunities to reuse data for
better healthcare are often missed, due to the limited
interoperability among digital health solutions
(Beerenwinkel, et al., 2018). A framework to provide
for the specific set of standards, protocols,
procedures, best practices and policies to help
professionals and patients improve the cost-
effectiveness of the eHealth solutions they design,
implement, and use is considered to be essential
(Barbarella, et al., 2017; Lamine, et al., 2017).
A recent study by the Healthcare Information and
Management Systems Society (HIMSS) Europe
points out the fact that eHealth professionals should
pay more attention to the patient over the next years,
mainly due to the patient-generated data (through
wearables or other tools and gadgets made for
“consumers”) as well as health records that are owned
and managed by patients/citizens. Once a country has
reached a certain level of Electronic Medical Record
(EMR) maturity - the priorities shift towards patient
empowerment. Successful digital transformation is a
team play.
Healthcare in Greece is provided by the national
health system (NHS). It consists of a universal
healthcare system provided through national health
insurance, and private healthcare. During the past few
years, a multitude of eHealth services has been
introduced, in line with EU priorities, to control costs
and improve services in a secure manner. These
include electronic prescription (ePrescription),
electronic dispensation (eDispensation) and
electronic referral (eReferral) for primary care
electronic confirmation (eConfirmation) for
insurance status verification
, electronic
reimbursement (eReimbursement)
, electronic
appointment (eAppointment) for booking doctors’
appointments for primary care
, and a business
intelligence system (Bi-Health)
that automates
online retrieval of operational data for the Hellenic
Ministry of Health (MoH).
Despite the fact that significant progress has been
made to effectively link hospitals, regional health
systems, and primary care (Katehakis, et al, 2012),
still no uniform access to EHR is available
nationwide (Katehakis, 2018).
Relevant challenges for the Greek NHS have to do
with the non-optimal use of available data due to the
lack of base registries (i.e. a trusted and authoritative
source of information which can and should be
digitally reused by others), within the context of an
interoperability framework for the exchange and use
of data across different organizations. For example, a
number of organizations process information
regarding drugs administered to patients. However,
the lack of a consistent, good quality, complete,
centralized drug registry creates a number of
problems for doctors, nurses and pharmacists across
the country that eventually affect patients.
The lack of a well-defined interoperability
framework also affects other important patient care
scenarios such as the management of available beds
in public hospitals as well as providing medication for
the chronically ill.
The development of services built upon
international standards and best practices, under the
provisions of national and EU legislation, turn out to
be very important. The appropriate legal framework
and governance, independently of the maturity of the
technologies used, are key ingredients for
establishing a successful framework for accessing
and sharing EHR data at a national level, in line with
the recently introduced recommendation on a
European EHR exchange format (European
Commission, 2019). The aim of interoperability with
regard to EHR exchanges is to allow for the
processing of information consistently in a way that
the recipient can meaningfully interpret
communicated information.
In the following section, the EU framework of
cooperation towards the digital single market is
presented together with interoperability guidelines
and standards, including security and policy
considerations. The road towards developing a
national EHR, addressing relevant challenges for the
Greek NHS, is subsequently described in section 3.
Emphasis is paid on governance and sustainability
towards the development of a national domain
ICEIS 2019 - 21st International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
interoperability framework (DIF) for eHealth,
highlighting critical research and practical issues. The
paper concludes with some key recommendations.
EU member states have to make their eHealth
systems more interoperable to support citizens in
gaining greater control over their health data, to
improve clinical outcomes, and to manage the
economic and social aspects of healthcare. Technical
challenges for the implementation and adoption of
EHRs and personal health records have mostly to do
with issues relevant to interoperability, device
connectivity, security, compliance with national and
international legislation, as well as with local policies,
usability and accessibility from different devices by
users with different profiles (Katehakis, et al., 2017).
Data generated within an organization can be used
in a different manner by another organization, while
information exchange can occur within a small
network or it can expand to regions, nations and
cross-national initiatives (Sheikh et al., 2017). For
example, in order to provide effective care, clinicians
need comprehensive longitudinal data sets, while
researchers and policy makers need quality data, in
order to conduct research and support health
planning. Deeper understanding and effective clinical
interventions, as in the case of bioinformatics and
personalized medicine, require innovative use of
existing data. Standardization in medical informatics
enables the interconnection and the interoperability
between both care and research systems. Local
clinical systems can be better aligned for easier data
integration by preserving the meaning across
information systems. Both transmitter and recipient
interpret the shared information identically in
different geographical locations, with possibly
different local languages.
Interoperability is not possible without formal
standards and specifications. Organizations such as
Health Level Seven International (HL7
) and
Personal Connected Health Alliance (PCHAlliance
help towards the delivery of standards-based, open
specifications that can support the flow of data from
the point of capture into EHRs in the same format and
coded content. Consensus on systems requirements is
also important. Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise
) describes how standards may be used
effectively. Standard can be used with third party
terminologies such as the Current Procedures
Terminology (CPT
) code set, the Systematized
Nomenclature of Medicine Clinical Terms
), the Logical Observation Identifiers
Names & Codes (LOINC
), and the International
Classification of Diseases (ICD
) codes.
In an effort to guarantee the secure and free flow
of data within the EU, the new European
Interoperability Framework (EIF) was announced in
2017 (European Commission, 2017). The new EIF
provides guidance to public administrations, through
a set of recommendations, on how to improve
governance of their interoperability activities,
streamline processes supporting end-to-end digital
services, establish cross-organisational relationships,
and ensure that existing and new legislation do not
compromise interoperability efforts.
The eHealth domain in Europe uses the refined
eHealth European Interoperability Framework
(ReEIF) (eHealth Network, 2015) as the common
framework for managing interoperability in the
context of the eHealth Digital Services
supported under the Connecting
Europe Facility Programme
. Member States have
taken important steps to foster interoperability with
the support of the Commission, through the activities
of the eHealth Network established under Article 14
of Directive 2011/24/EU of the European Parliament
and of the Council (also known as the cross border
healthcare directive).
The ReEIF and the new EIF provide the tools to
support the creation of a national DIF for eHealth.
According to (European Commission, 2017) four
layers of interoperability form the basis for the
interoperability framework, as presented in Figure 1.
Legal interoperability ensures that organizations
operating under different policies, legal frameworks
and strategies are able to work together.
Organizational interoperability refers to the way in
which public administrations align their
responsibilities, business processes and expectations
to achieve mutually beneficial goals. Semantic
interoperability refers to both the meaning of data and
A Framework for the Consistent Management of eHealth Interoperability in Greece
Figure 1: From EIF model to the ReEIF one (eHealth
Network, 2015).
the exact format of the information to be exchanged.
Technical interoperability covers the applications and
infrastructures linking systems and services,
including interface specifications, data presentation
and secure communication protocols.
Citizens across Europe want to access and share
their health data (European Commission, 2018). They
also want to be able to provide feedback on quality of
treatments. The slow deployment of interoperable
digital health solutions across European countries
remains a barrier for scaling-up integrated care
(COCIR and IHE-Europe, 2017).
In order to secure the citizen’s access to and
sharing of health data the EU is moving towards the
development of specifications for a European EHR
exchange format, based on open standards, taking
into consideration the potential use of data for
research and other purposes. The recommendation on
a European EHR exchange format sets out a
framework (European Commission, 2019) to achieve
secure, interoperable, cross-border access to, and
exchange of, electronic health data in the EU. The
framework includes:
a set of principles that should govern access to and
exchange of EHRs across borders in the EU;
a set of common technical specifications for the
cross-border exchange of data in certain health
information domains;
a process to take forward the further elaboration
of a European EHR exchange format.
The aim is to deliver the right data, at the right
time, for citizens and healthcare providers, and allow
for the secure access, sharing and exchange of EHRs.
The baseline includes patient summaries,
ePrescription/ eDispensations, laboratory reports,
medical images and reports, and hospital discharge
reports, in alignment with established priorities at a
European level.
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
(European Union, 2016) requires patient data to be
protected and properly secured so that its
confidentiality, integrity and availability are ensured.
In addition, citizens and their healthcare professionals
must have online access to their EHRs using secure
electronic identification means (eIDAS Regulation)
(European Union, 2014), while EHR systems rely on
secure networks and information systems in order to
avoid data breaches and minimise the risk of security
incidents (Directive on security of network and
information systems - NIS Directive) (European
Union, 2016b).
The EU Agency for Network and Information
Security has published several documents on
strategies and ways of implementing privacy by
design (European Union Agency for Network and
Information Security, 2018).
The development of national EHR in Greece implies
a vision for the provision of healthcare in the country
and significant technical knowledge. It has to follow
best international practices and be combined with the
existence of a national strategy. It is a long term,
evolutionary process that requires the gradual
integration and deployment of EHR information
domains over time. Already the majority of EHR
system components, within the information and
communication technology (ICT) infrastructure of
healthcare organizations, are operational in the
country (Katehakis, 2018). Key EHR information
exchange providers in Greece include:
IDIKA (e-Government Center for Social Security
) for eConfirmation (for insurance
status verification), ePrescription/ eDispensation,
eRDV (for appointment booking directly
accessible to citizens), AHFY (citizen EHR
focused on primary care aiming to become the
backbone of the national EHR system, under
development), and NCPeH (cross border services
for ePrescription and patientsummary).
EOPYY (National Organization for Health Care
) for eReimbursement (e-ΔΑΠΥ) and
also registries for Hepatitis C and Chronic
Myelogenous Leukemia.
Healthcare Professionals.
The eHealth and telemedicine landscape in the
country is filled by several EHR systems, including
ICEIS 2019 - 21st International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
clinical and non-clinical ones (e.g. for clinical trials),
communicating mostly application to application.
Despite the wide availability of EHR systems, there
exists large fragmentation of information, limited out
of the box interoperability capabilities among them,
and questionable data quality. An outstanding
example is the fact that many organizations are
directly involved in the management of
pharmaceutical products without the existence of a
common registry of medicinal products to serve as a
common point of reference (Katehakis, et al., 2018).
Synthesis of information required about medicinal
products is fragmented within the above-mentioned
entities. Communication between them, in the context
of handling their business processes related to drug
administration, is done by means of email exchanges
and spreadsheet files. Data used by each entity is
incomplete and not always up to date. Safety rules do
not usually apply on the roles and responsibilities of
data controllers involved in data management.
The Bi-Health system of the MoH
supports the
automated extraction of certain data sets from public
hospitals, related to patients, the cost of care per
hospital, the use of consumables, and others. Bi-
Health aims towards supporting documented
decisions for the improvement of public health by
extracting hidden knowledge through big data
analytics. Initial data sets, collected online, included
inpatient and outpatient data (admission, discharge
and transfer notes, charging, etc.), materials, human
resource and financial management data, as well as
appointment booking data. Still not all points of care
in the country are linked with Bi-Health.
Digitising health records and creating systems so
that citizens can access and securely share them
within and between the different actors in the health
system is an important step towards integrating digital
technologies into healthcare. That integration
requires EHRs, to be interoperable across the NHS
whereas currently many of the formats and standards
in EHR systems used across the country are
incompatible. This is because
Solution providers propose implementations
without consulting each other.
Interoperability agreements are too generic or
No national semantic authority, responsible and
accountable for the provision of national
terminology services, is in place.
Interoperability standards, such as HL7, are not
used in a consistent manner.
The key issue is that no national framework is in
place to manage consistently interoperability in the
country. Since the use case-driven approach is the
foundational methodology for documenting user
needs, the practical approach for achieving
interoperability can be summarized in the following
identify use cases from an end-user perspective;
select profiles and standards that support the use
refine data content, including master files, and
prepare implementation guides;
organize component interoperability and cross-
implementer connectivity testing;
educate end-users;
support communities of practice to promote
sustainable standards-based implementation.
For each of the proposed use cases, rules need to
apply in order to determine how to accomplish
interoperability at each of the following levels:
Legal: for providing a thorough check of how
public services will be established in regards to
consistency with relevant legislation and
corresponding data protection requirements, when
drafting legislation.
Organizational: for documenting and integrating,
or aligning, business processes and relevant
information exchanged, while at the same time
aiming to meet the requirements of the user
community by making services available, easily
identifiable, accessible and user-focused.
Semantic: to make sure, through the development
and use of standardized vocabularies and formats,
that the meaning of exchanged data and
information is well understood by the different
parties, resolving any possible ambiguities
regarding the notions in the healthcare domain.
Technical: in order to ensure the use of formal
technical specifications and widely accepted and
used standards.
A national EHR will only become available when
the EMRs generated and maintained by physicians
and healthcare providers apply internationally
recognized interoperability standards (Aanestad, et
al., 2017) in a regulated manner. Interoperability
should be guaranteed in a sustainable way and not as
a one-off target or project.
In order to achieve this vision within the Greek
NHS, the following need to be in place:
A Framework for the Consistent Management of eHealth Interoperability in Greece
a roadmap for the development and maintenance
of national specifications, re-usable services and
other assets;
national, reusable interoperability specifications,
compatible with the corresponding European
ones, developed through open and transparent
mechanism and tools for compliance control,
testing and certification;
a national semantic authority.
The introduction of a conformity assessment
scheme, considering ISO, IHE CAS
and other
successfully deployed in member states is expected to
promote the adoption and take-up of interoperability
testing of eHealth solutions and products against
identified eHealth standards and profiles. This will
require the establishment of a test and compliance
control centre in the country.
Foreseen benefits include less effort in the
introduction of new services, lower cost for the
application of new solutions, a solid ground to
support better research, less red tape, and more
empowered patients in control of their diseases.
A key and essential pillar to establish a National EHR
in Greece is the design and implementation of an
interoperability framework that, with the appropriate
open governance, will enable the systematic
implementation of the necessary user cases that will
populate the EHR with valid and quality elements.
Transparency will allow other public administrations,
citizens and businesses to view and understand
administrative rules, processes, data, services and
Appropriate governance and legislation will
guarantee that consistent management of eHealth
interoperability in Greece will be applied and that all
involved parties, including health organizations and
ICT solution providers, will comply with it. For that
to happen, a thorough research is required of relevant
best practices and corresponding level of maturity
reached, in regards to eHealth interoperability and
governance, in other countries sharing a similar
profile to that of Greece.
Digitising health records and enabling their
exchange could support the creation of large health
data structures, which combined with the use of new
technologies, such as big data analytics, and artificial
intelligence can support the search for new scientific
This work has been funded, in part, by the Center for
eHealth Applications and Services, and was
implemented in co-operation with the Computational
Biomedicine Laboratory of the Institute of Computer
Science, of the Foundation for Research and
Technology Hellas. Any opinions, results,
conclusions, and recommendations expressed in this
work are those of the authors and do not necessarily
reflect the views of the Hellenic Ministry of Health or
the European Commission.
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A Framework for the Consistent Management of eHealth Interoperability in Greece