Figure 4 shows the total cost of solutions found by
each DM algorithm. Analyzing this figure we observe
that the CM has the worst performances. Since its so-
lutions are based only on the RSSI, we observed that
it frequently finds no feasible solution, i.e., it chooses
network that has good RSSI, but does not meet the
minimum flow requirements (e.g., in terms of PDR,
DR or Latency). This behavior impacts negatively the
KPI, and consequently increases the TC.
The AD4ON algorithm outperforms the other al-
gorithms. It found better solutions for streaming, con-
versational and interactive flows in all simulated sce-
narios, as shown on Figures 4a, 4b, and 4c. For the
safety flow (Figure 4d), the AD4ON outperforms the
others in most of scenarios, and in the worst case,
presents the same quality as TOPSIS.
In this paper, we proposed the AD4ON, an ACO-
based DM algorithm to solve the problem of assigning
multiple data flows over heterogeneous access net-
works in real time.
We compared the AD4ON algorithm with three
others: the TOPSIS, a variation of TOPSIS and the
one used in most of smartphones (CM). Simulations
results have demonstrated that the AD4ON outper-
forms the other algorithms by increasing the total flow
satisfaction, limiting the ping-pong effect and conse-
quently increasing the decision stability. This shows
that ACO algorithms are good candidates for the im-
plementation of such decision algorithm in routers
used to manage vehicular communications.
This work presents a reactive algorithm, (i.e. one
that finds new solutions by reacting to the observa-
tion of network conditions). However, vehicles can
move at high speed frequently changing network en-
vironment. Due to such highly dynamic mobility,
it is desired a DM capable to make proactive deci-
sions. Therefore, as future work we aim to enable the
AD4ON to take into account the near future predic-
tion of network environment in its decision process.
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