Collaborative and Distributed QoS Monitoring and Prediction:
A Heterogeneous Link Layer Concept towards always Resilient V2X
Daniel Hincapie, Ahmad Saad and Josef Jiru
Fraunhofer Institute for Embedded Systems and Communication Technologies, Munich, Germany
Access Network Selection, Quality of Service, Prediction, Monitoring, Resilient Communication, Au-
tonomous Driving, Vehicle-To-X Communication.
Vehicle-To-Everything (V2X) communication is a fundamental pillar of autonomous driving. It enables the
exchange of safety-critical data between vehicles, infrastructure and pedestrians to enhance the awareness of
the surrounding environment and coordinate the execution of collective functionalities vital to achieve full
automation. Due to the safety-critical nature of the interchanged information, V2X communication must be
resilient, so that it provides reliable connectivity despite of the very dynamic characteristics of both its environ-
ment and network topology. In this position paper, we propose a novel concept that aims at achieving resilient
V2X communication. We introduce the Quality of Service Manager (QoSM), a collaborative and distributed
implementation concept for the Heterogeneous Link Layer (HLL) that operates on the top of the Medium
Access Control (MAC). The QoSM first monitors and predicts QoS indicators of Radio Access Technologies
(RAT) in Heterogeneous Vehicular Networks (HetVNET). Then, it determines, under the principle of Always
Resiliently Connected (ARC), and sets timely the configuration settings of RAT that meet performance and
reliability requirements of autonomous driving applications. Should it not be possible to fulfill applications
demands, the QoSM can instruct applications in advance to lower the requirements or run in a safe mode.
Like in many autonomous driving applications, the concept of our proposed QoSM is distributed and collab-
orative to enhance accuracy, self-awareness and safety. QoSMs shall be grouped hierarchically according to
correlation of applications demands, conditions of communication links and mobility information. Group’s
members share monitored and predicted indicators, as well as configuration settings. This information is used
to determine collectively the configuration of the HetVNET. On the one hand, sharing information among
QoSMs increases the amount of correlated data used by prediction algorithms, which improves prediction
accuracy. On the other hand, hierarchical groups allow to extend the proposed methodology to other hierar-
chical elements of the access and core network. With this position paper, we intend to open the discussion on
the importance of implementing protocols for sharing parameters that allow distributed and collaborative QoS
management for resilient V2X communication.
Autonomous driving systems rely on collective and
safety-critical applications that must meet stringent
performance and reliability requirements. Thanks
to the rapid development of wireless communication
technologies, Vehicle-To-Everything (V2X) commu-
nication is expected to boost the development of au-
tonomous driving by enhancing the detection of sur-
rounding conditions and allowing coordinating the
execution of collective functionalities (Zheng et al.,
2015b; Zheng et al., 2015a). However, provisioning
satisfactory performance in V2X communication is a
difficult task for wireless access networks due to the
mobility of involved entities, i.e., vehicles, infrastruc-
ture and pedestrians, and dynamic change of network
topology (Zheng et al., 2015b). To counteract this
issue, entities are equipped with Heterogeneous Ve-
hicular NETworks (HetVNET) that integrate different
Radio Access Technologies (RAT) such as Long Term
Evolution (LTE) and Dedicated Short Range Commu-
nication (DSRC). Communicating entities must then
select the interface that best suits running applications
needs in a decision process known as Access Network
Selection (ANS).
Hincapie, D., Saad, A. and Jiru, J.
Collaborative and Distributed QoS Monitoring and Prediction: A Heterogeneous Link Layer Concept towards always Resilient V2X Communication.
DOI: 10.5220/0007801706010608
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems (VEHITS 2019), pages 601-608
ISBN: 978-989-758-374-2
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
1.1 HetVNET
Having technology diversity, i.e., different RAT, aims
to provide communicating entities with complemen-
tary technologies. Mobile cellular networks such as
LTE can provide wide geographical coverage, but
cannot efficiently support real-time information ex-
change for local areas. Conversely, DSRC is de-
signed for short-range communications and supports
well real-time safety messages distribution in a very
limited service area (Zheng et al., 2015a). Technol-
ogy diversity also offers alternative connectivity paths
when the degradation of a technology threatens appli-
cations functionalities.
Selecting effectively the access technology that
fulfills the performance of running applications ac-
cessing the HetVNET is not trivial. From the tech-
nological point of view, RAT performance depends
on numerous radio and network resources, so the
universe of variables that have to be taken into ac-
count by ANS algorithms is large and tends to in-
crease in amount and complexity for the coming 5G
technologies. Regarding the applications accessing
the HetVNET, they must remain agnostic of the het-
erogeneity of the underlying infrastructure driven by
vertical handover procedures that offer service conti-
nuity, robustness/availability, and consistency main-
tained transparently (Gustafsson and Jonsson, 2003;
Louta and Bellavista, 2013).
Whereas handover procedures have received spe-
cial attention in fourth Generation (4G)-related re-
search and several standardization efforts provide a
framework for seamless vertical handover, decision-
making methods have not been standardized (Louta
and Bellavista, 2013). Nevertheless, ANS solutions
can be broadly divided into two categories: user-
and network-initiated algorithms. In user-initiated
schemes, no cooperation between technologies of
the Heterogeneous Networks (HetNet) is considered,
so entities individually take selfish RAT selection
decisions to maximize individual utility functions,
which may not provide a globally optimum solution.
Conversely, network-initiated (also called network-
centralized) ANS algorithms seek to optimize global
network performance parameters, since decisions are
taken by a centralized controller that has an overall
view of the network (Roy et al., 2018). However,
there are downsides to centralized network-controlled
HetNet derived from the fact that information gath-
ering and decision tasks are not distributed. Chief
among these and very critical for V2X communica-
tion are the issues of timeliness of switching, scal-
ability of the system to multiple clients with multi-
ple interfaces, and the issue of how to obtain global
control of client-RAT association (Wang et al., 2016).
Representative vertical handover schemes with em-
phasis on both user- and network-initiated decision
process for ANS are presented and analyzed in (Louta
et al., 2011; Wang et al., 2016; Mohamed et al., 2012;
Lahby et al., 2015; Trestian et al., 2012; Wang et al.,
Independently of the scheme chosen to select the
access technology, decision-making methods must
define criteria to quantify and evaluate RAT perfor-
mance. We now take a look at the Always Best Con-
nected (ABC) concept, a decision criterion commonly
employed in ANS algorithms for HetVNET.
1.2 Selection Criteria
The ABC concept suggests that entities shall be not
only always connected, but also connected through
the best available technology at all times (Gustafs-
son and Jonsson, 2003). In line with the ABC
principle, but also lack of unity regarding the char-
acteristics and parameters used as decision crite-
ria, selection algorithms rely on performance indi-
cators of RAT that they monitor periodically (Louta
and Bellavista, 2013). Performance indicators can
be, but not limited to: Link quality measurements
such as Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR), Received Sig-
nal Strength (RSS), and Carrier-to-Interference-Ratio
(CIR); network-related indicators considering cover-
age, bandwidth availability and load; and Quality of
Service (QoS) aspects such as throughput, latency, jit-
ter and Packet Delivery Rate (PDR). They all or a
sub-set of them are retrieved from available RAT and
analyzed to select the access that outperforms and of-
fers the best connectivity (Louta and Bellavista, 2013;
Zheng et al., 2015a). After deciding which interface
should be used to transmit data and when it should be
activated, handover involving seamless transition to
the new network point of attachment has to take place
(Louta and Bellavista, 2013).
Resilience describes an autonomous system that
continues to function reliably despite of the occur-
rence of expected or unexpected changes (Fraunhofer
ESK Institute, 2018). Wireless technologies play
a crucial role in autonomous driving (Zheng et al.,
2015b), particularly, because its safety-critical appli-
cations require ultra-reliable V2X connectivity able to
at least ensure minimum performance requirements
for their functionalities. In case those requirements
cannot be met under extreme degradationof RAT con-
ditions, a mechanism should alert safety-critical ap-
plications in advance, so that they start failure pro-
cedures and modes that guarantee basic functionali-
ties. Hence, ANS in HetNets for V2X communica-
VEHITS 2019 - 5th International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems
tion should not only aim to obtain high performance
in terms of link, network and QoS indicators, but also
to achieve resilient connectivity. To the best of our
knowledge, there does not exist any ANS algorithm
that takes account of resilience as decision criterion.
1.3 Contribution of this Position Paper
Towards the goal of supporting the dynamic and in-
stant composition of HetVNET, the work in (Zheng
et al., 2015a) introduced the Heterogeneous Link
Layer (HLL). The HLL operates on the top of
Medium Access Control (MAC) layer and enables
global managementof network resources to meet QoS
requirements of safety/non-safety services. However,
a unified approach to enable cooperation among mul-
tiple systems is difficult to achieve due to the huge
amount of radio resources and unique characteris-
tics of RAT. In this position paper, we propose a
novel HLL concept that aims to achieve resilient ap-
plications: the Quality of Service Manager (QoSM).
Since our purposed QoSM is oriented to achieve re-
silience, we introduce the concept Always Resiliently
Connected (ARC) (an adaptation of the ABC vision
(Gustafsson and Jonsson, 2003)) according to which
applications accessing RAT of HetVNET must always
be connected to the access technology that provides
the most resilient configuration profile. A configura-
tion profile is the object containing all general techno-
logical resources offered by RAT and target QoS in-
dicators. Resources may include features such as car-
rier aggregation, dual-connectivity, or methodologies
such as traffic steering, packet duplication, among
others; target QoS indicators on the other hand, in-
dicate the values that are intended to be achieved
by configuring the corresponding features. This ap-
proach allows the QoSM to address the problem of
unified management by grouping the particularities
of RAT in a more abstract concept: the configuration
profile. Consequently, according to our approach, the
problem of selecting an access technology under the
ABC principle turns into the problem of selecting the
most resilient configuration profile. In regards of eval-
uation, we define, conceptually based on link qual-
ity, network status and QoS indicators, three quanti-
fiers of configuration profiles resilience: Predictabil-
ity, stability, and flexibility. To achieve ARC applica-
tions, the proposed approach is both collaborativeand
distributed. This enables functional grouping to coun-
teract the scalability and timeless problems of central-
ized solutions, as well as the lack of global overview
of entity-based approaches.
This paper is organized as follows. Section 2 de-
fines the indicators used to qualify and quantify re-
silience. Section 3 describes the concept, character-
istics and tasks of the QoSM. Section 4 presents our
distributed and collaborative monitoring and predic-
tion approach, and how it can be scaled to improve
the QoS performance of higher hierarchical elements
of the access network. Concluding remarks and future
work are given in Section 5.
In order to determine the characteristics that shall
rule Configuration Profile Selection (CPS) for ARC
safety-critical application, it is necessary to define the
resilience indicators to be evaluated by the decision
algorithm. Resilience of systems is determined by
numerous components: memory, robustness, redun-
dancy, resourcefulness, and the capacity to recover
quickly from failures and adapt to them (Connelly
et al., 2017; Linkov, 2018). However, resilience fea-
tures can not be straightforwardly used as decision
criteria for CPS, because they are abstract concepts
on which there is not general consensus to quantify
Based on the aforementioned characteristics and
with the purpose of quantifying them, we define (for
the moment conceptually) three resilience indicators:
Predictability, Stability and Flexibility.
2.1 Predictability
Predictability quantifies, for prediction horizon, the
prediction accuracy of the QoS indicators that result
from selecting a given configuration profile. This fea-
ture allows to rank configuration profiles according to
the certainty about their future performance. A pre-
dictability quantifier could be, for example, the Mean
Squared Prediction Error (MSPE) of throughput or
latency. For some latency-sensitive applications, it
would be important to choose the configuration pro-
file that lasts the longest in order to avoid latency
caused by hardware reconfiguration and overheads
accessing the network. In that case, an approach to
quantify this resilience indicator would be to fix a
maximum MSPE for a the set of QoS indicators (those
of interest for the application), and then evaluate the
maximum prediction horizon that can be achieved by
the configuration profiles without exceeding the max-
imum MSPE value.
2.2 Stability
This concept intends to represent the capacity of
a configuration profile to keep QoS indicators in a
Collaborative and Distributed QoS Monitoring and Prediction: A Heterogeneous Link Layer Concept towards always Resilient V2X
steady state or regime. A configuration profile shall
be able to absorb changes in conditions to a certain
extent (Connelly et al., 2017). If a disruptive condi-
tion, e.g., an interferer, perpetuates changes in con-
ditions that exceed some intrinsic tolerance threshold
of the configuration profile, e.g., minimum SNR, the
profile must adopt a regime where the resources of the
profile are fundamentally different. Some quantifiers
of this indicator could be: jitter, gradient of through-
put or latency with respect to SNR, and covariance
between QoS and link quality indicators.
2.3 Flexibility
Stability may not be sufficient to keep functionality of
a system. A configuration profile may be very stable
and sustain its regime against one type of disturber,
but it may fail when the nature of the disturbance
changes (Connelly et al., 2017). For example, using
a configuration profile that implements interleaving
is effective to preserve the PDR in environments ex-
posed to impulsive noise. The same profile can vary
the interleaving depth according to the impulse width
to sustain the targeted PDR, i.e., it is a stable config-
uration profile for PDR (but maybe not for latency).
However, if the noise source is not impulsive but con-
stant, such configuration profile may experiment low
PDR, i.e., it is considered as poorly flexible. In con-
trast with stability, in which the nature of agents is
invariant and only their characteristics (e.g., magni-
tude or duration) vary, flexibility measures the pro-
file capacity to maintain the value of QoS indicators
when the environment conditions change fundamen-
tally. Indicators of flexibility can be derived from the
same stability quantifiers when they are obtained un-
der well known different scenarios, e.g., noise sources
interfering different frequency bands.
RF interfaces
RF transmission
RF interfaces
Figure 1: Role of the Quality of Service Manager (QoSM)
in the protocol.stack. The QoSM interacts with both ap-
plications and MAC layers of RAT via Application Profile
Commands (APC) and Interface Profile and Status Com-
mands (IPSC), respectively.
All three resilience indicators may be strongly cor-
related: QoS indicators of unstable profiles tend to
be difficult to predict; very flexible profiles should
exhibit stable QoS indicators that can be accurately
predicted; flexible profiles should also be stable, but
stable profiles may not be flexible. However, estimat-
ing the inter-dependencies between them is complex
due to the huge cardinality of resources that can de-
fine configuration profiles. Additionally, applications
may differ regarding their resilience necessities. For
example, some applications may need a very stable
link with low throughput requirements; in this case
stability and predictability have priority over flexibil-
ity to select an access technology. Conversely, other
applications may require high data rate in all possible
scenarios, so flexibility must have a higher weight to
select the link to be established. Therefore, resilience
indicators are required to be weighted according to
applications needs when the selection process takes
Adaptive Management, the spacial and temporal
feature of resilient systems that allows them to dy-
namically adapt to emergent conditions, reduce un-
certainty, and enhance learning in safe-to-fail manner
(Connelly et al., 2017) is the key to pursue our goal:
ARC applications. The QoSM is in essence the con-
cept of an adaptive management system for proactive
CPS and corresponding configuration of resources in
the available RAT. The following section details the
functionalities and components of the QoSM.
The HLL has been defined to enable unified process-
ing, offer a unified interface to the higher layers, and
adapt to the underlying RAT (Zheng et al., 2015a). A
QoS-oriented implementation of this layer can be de-
scribed as a continuous control functionality: receive
QoS requests from upper layers, gather and monitor
QoS performance indicators of available RAT, select
network resources that meet QoS requirements, and
instruct both application and RAT to function coher-
ently with each other. The QoSM proposed in this
position paper is a HLL concept oriented to achieve
ARC safety-critical applications. Details on its tasks,
internal blocks and flow of information are given as
VEHITS 2019 - 5th International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems
3.1 Functionalities
Figure 1 shows the role of the QoSM in an exemplary
service-user connection. High-Layer Frame (HLF)s
are generated by applications at the service side and
go through the QoSM, which determines their re-
quested/specified QoS, hereinafter referred to as Tar-
get Quality of Service (TQoS), before forwarding
them to low level layers, i.e., LINK, MAC and phys-
ical (PHY). Applications can indicate QoS perfor-
mance requirements, for example, marking Layer-3
header with a code in its Differentiated Services Code
Point (DSCP) field as it is done in LTE and 5G archi-
tectures (3rd Generation Partnership Project, 2018).
The QoSM shall be able to read this marking system
and determine QoS requirements in terms of indica-
tors, i.e., throughput, latency, jitter. The QoSM in-
teract with applications via Application Profile Com-
mands (APC). APCs inform applications about the
the achievable QoS, so that they select coherent func-
tional modes matching QoS conditions, e.g., report
the communication throughput to a video streaming
service which shall set video resolution accordingly;
or warn applications of coming degradation of con-
nection quality, so that they can activate safety modes
or mechanisms. Via APC, applications can also spec-
ify QoS requirements (in case they do not use an ex-
plicit marking system in their HLFs), and request sta-
tus of QoS indicators to the QoSM.
Whereas APC enable communication with up-
per layers, Access Network Configuration Com-
mands (ANCC) and Access Network Status Com-
mands (ANSC) are used for the interaction between
the QoSM and MAC layers of RAT. On the one hand
ANSC retrieve link quality, network-related and QoS
indicators directly from each MAC layer of RAT. On
the other hand , ANCC contain the configuration pro-
file, to be set at each RAT.
As a HLL concept implementation towards ARC
applications for autonomous driving, our proposed
collaborative and distributed QoSM shall:
Determine the TQoS of applications accessing to
RAT. This is done either by extracting it from
marks in HLFs or directly via APC.
Receive HLFs from RAT MAC layers and for-
ward them to upper layers.
Retrieve indicators of link quality, network condi-
tion and QoS from all available RAT via ANSC.
Quantify and analyze resilience indicators based
on gathered indicators.
Predict QoS indicators with a given prediction
horizon. The cardinality and complexity of the
variables that determine QoS indicators is ex-
pected to be high: increasing number of RAT
and resources in 5G, numerous interdependent
and parallel applications, highly dynamic environ-
ment and network topology, among others. This
suggests the use of machine learning algorithms
for this purpose.
Share collected and predicted QoS indicators with
QoSMs at other entities.
Share the Profile Quality of Experience (PQoE).
This resembles the resilience feature of memory
(Connelly et al., 2017), and indicates the perfor-
mance obtained by setting a giveninterface profile
under specific conditions, e.g., relative position
and velocity, SNR, noise floor, current throughput
demand, etc.
Evaluate the overhead costs of configuration pro-
files in terms of hardware reconfigurationand syn-
chronization times, random network access and
any aspect that may increase communication la-
Determine the configuration profile that shall en-
sure the target QoS of running applications with a
very high probability.
Set configuration profiles of available RAT using
If it is allowed by the application, communicate
with applications via APC to inform QoS condi-
3.1.1 Functional Components and Interface
Management for V2X Communication
Until now, only generic functionalities of the QoSM
have been described. We now focus on its internal
Interface Manager
Link status
Interface 1
V2X Application
QoS Manager
Interface 2
Interface N
Figure 2: Functional blocks of the Quality of Service Man-
ager (QoSM) .
Collaborative and Distributed QoS Monitoring and Prediction: A Heterogeneous Link Layer Concept towards always Resilient V2X
components and their functionalities to achieve ARC
applications in the V2X communication context. Fig-
ure 2 details the functional blocks of the QoSM and
their interactions with both applications and inter-
faces of a HetNet used to transmit V2X data. HLFs
generated at the V2X application side are analyzed
by a QoS classifier in the QoSM to extract the TQoS.
After obtaining the TQoS, the classifier forwards the
analyzed HLFs to the Interface Manager to trans-
mit them over the physical interfaces of the HetNet.
Concurrently, an application is running at every en-
tity generating and receiving periodically Cooperative
Awareness Message (CAM)s, which provide infor-
mation of presence, positions as well as basic status
of communicating Intelligent Transport System (ITS)
stations to neighboring ITS stations that are located
within a single hop distance (European Telecommu-
nications Standards Institute (ETSI), 2019). Using
the information contained in this messages (position,
velocity, acceleration and steer angle) and records of
QoS indicators, the QoS Predictor estimates the per-
formance parameters of the interfaces, i.e., Predicted
QoS, for a given time horizon. Both target and Pre-
dicted QoS are sent to the Profile Selector, which is
the functional block in charge of selecting the config-
uration profiles of RAT.
Figure 3 depicts the concept of configuration pro-
files, which not only specify technological resources
specific for each RAT, but also application-specific
and technology-independentdescription of target per-
formance. Profile parameters may be grouped accord-
ing to specific requirements of an application. Table 1
exemplifies the definition of profiles. Applications re-
quiring high performance are mapped to one of four
profiles that aim at obtaining high data rate rather than
very high PDR and low latency. On the other hand, re-
liability and safety profiles aim to ensure low PDR at
cost of data rate and latency. The task of the Profile
Selector is to use the predicted QoS to select the pro-
99.5% 99.9%
Value 3
Value 1
Value 2
Value 4
Throughput/Data rate
Parameter N
FEC Interleaving
technological resources
Figure 3: Concept of Configuration Profile. Target QoS in-
dicators and technological resources are grouped to define
a more abstract representation.
file that ensure the Target QoS with very high proba-
bility, and inform the application via APC whether the
required performance can or cannot be met to adjust
its requirements accordingly.
Configuration profiles are agnostic descriptions,
i.e., technology-independent. However, RAT of the
HetVNET have to be configured using their own
set of specific commands. The task of the Inter-
face Manager is to translate the high-level descrip-
tion and parameters of profiles into interface-specific
settings and corresponding configuration commands.
Then, agnostic commands coming from the pro-
file selector, e.g., ”SetPerformanceProfile”, must be
mapped to specific technology commands such as
”SetWiFiChannel(5gHz), SetWiFiOFDM(), SetWiFi-
TransmitPower(13.5dBm)”. The tasks of the Inter-
face Manager include routing HLFs via the selected
interface(s) and retrieving measurements, link status
and current configuration settings of the RAT.
QoS Predictor and Profile Selector are the core el-
ements of the QoSM. The capacity of the QoS Predic-
tor to accurately estimate QoS indicators, determines
the timely selection of suitable configuration profiles
performed by the Profile Selector. On the other hand,
the Profile Selector must choose ”wisely” among a set
of configuration profiles, and shall be able to mod-
ify them and add new entries to the profile table. To
achieve these goals, we propose a collaborative and
distributed scheme for QoSM functionalities. In this
approach, predicted QoS, PQoE and link status mea-
surements are multi-casted along a group of QoSMs.
This provides prediction and profile selection func-
tions with more data to accomplish their tasks. The
following session explains how such scheme shall be
developed and how it would contribute to achieve re-
silient V2X communication.
Table 1: Profile definition. Example of performance pa-
rameters that are combined to define high-level descrip-
tions based on application requirements such as high per-
formance, reliability and safety.
Application Data PDR latency (ms)
Requirement Rate
High Maximize 95 5
Performance 8 Gbps 95 10
6 Gbps 95 10
4 Gbps 95 10
Reliability 2 Gbps 99 20
1 Gbps 99 20
100 Mbps 99.5 50
Safety 10 Mbps 99.9 50
1 Mbps 99.99 100
VEHITS 2019 - 5th International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems
Figure 4 illustrates a group of 5 vehicles that can
communicate with each other via two links: over
Vehicle-To-Vehicle (V2V) communication, e.g., WiFi
802.11p, and the infrastructure using mobile technol-
ogy, e.g., acLTE. Red and blue arrows indicate active
links. Now, let us assume the following hypothetical
Car B is located at 10 m and 45
from car A.
Car C is located at 13 m and 57
from car D.
Car B is located at 16 m and 72
from car E. They
are currently experiencing very good performance
while implementing the first configuration profile
in Table 1.
According to current positions, velocities and ac-
celerations of vehicles informed via CAMs, commu-
nicating pairs (A,B) and (D,C) are expected to be lo-
cated in 100 ms at the same current relative position
of pair (E,B), i.e., 16 m and 72
from each other. If
cars A, B, C and D are experiencing increment of the
performance demanded by their applications, it would
be very useful for their QoSMs to receive the cur-
rent PQoE of pairs (E,B), so that their profile selectors
can configure timely their RAT to fulfill the potential
future conditions. The same reasoning can be used
for the Vehicle-To-Infrastructure (V2I) communica-
tion of vehicles A and C, and also in the prediction
of QoS performance at the QoS predictor. The gen-
Figure 4: Collaborative and distributed scheme for monitor-
ing, prediction and profile selection. Enabling task distribu-
tion and data sharing of data useful for QoS prediction and
profile selection, help to obtain resilient V2X communica-
Figure 5: Scaling collaborative and distributed scheme.
Shared data of V2X and V2I communication can be trans-
mitted beyond local coverage. Access network entities such
enhanced Node B (eNB)can benefit from shared data to per-
form resource allocation and reserve resources for groups of
cars approaching to its coverage range.
eral reasoning is that increasing the amount of useful
data should derive in a more accurate predictions and
resilient communication.
The problem of grouping entities can be addressed
by analyzing the correlation of conditions, predic-
tions and profiles: entities with similar QoS indica-
tors, configured profiles, performance demand and
mobility should be encourage to collaborate. Addi-
tionally, some entities may be able to produce more
accurate predictions due to their relative positions,
number of links or time of membership within the
group. Then, each group could select the best en-
tity to rule group’s profile configurations and be rep-
resentative to share group’s PQoE, QoS prediction
and link status measurements with other groups. This
would reduce the traffic of shared data and add fea-
tures of self-organization to HetVNETs. Cooperative
and non-cooperativegame theory algorithms could be
considered for the selection of groups’ members.
4.1 Scaling the Collaborative and
Distributed Scheme beyond Local
Whereas the information contained in CAMs is lim-
ited to be received by a geographically-defined group
of entities (European Telecommunications Standards
Institute (ETSI), 2019), data such PQoE, link status
measurements and predicted QoS may be useful for
groups of entities located out of the vicinity. In mo-
bile networks such as LTE, an evolved Node B (eNB)
Collaborative and Distributed QoS Monitoring and Prediction: A Heterogeneous Link Layer Concept towards always Resilient V2X
providing mobile service to a group of vehicles can
share equivalent information with other nodes regard-
ing individual or global resource allocation. This is,
the current radio resources being demanded by the
served group and a prediction of the potential future
demand could be reported to other eNBs on the rode.
Hence, eNBs that will soon serve the same group
could reserve the same or equivalent resources in ad-
vance, providing lower hand-over times or the pos-
sibility to instruct vehicles to start safety modes in
case resources cannot be allocated. Figure 5 shows
two groups of communicating cars whose V2I com-
munication is being served by two different eNBs.
The backhaul network communicating them can be
used to transmit collaborative data between nodes or
for QoSM at vehicles. Such potential implementation
shows how scalable our collaborative and distributed
scheme can be.
In this position paper,we propose a conceptfor a HLL
implementation. The proposed scheme, called Qual-
ity of Service Manager (QoSM), aims at obtaining re-
silient applications for V2X communication. We ar-
gue that using QoS indicators to quantify and eval-
uate resilience, and adopting the concept of Always
Resiliently Connected will lead to resilient safety-
critical applications. To achieve this, our approach
proposes a collaborative and distributed solution that
seeks to increase and diversify the sources of informa-
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VEHITS 2019 - 5th International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems