providing mobile service to a group of vehicles can
share equivalent information with other nodes regard-
ing individual or global resource allocation. This is,
the current radio resources being demanded by the
served group and a prediction of the potential future
demand could be reported to other eNBs on the rode.
Hence, eNBs that will soon serve the same group
could reserve the same or equivalent resources in ad-
vance, providing lower hand-over times or the pos-
sibility to instruct vehicles to start safety modes in
case resources cannot be allocated. Figure 5 shows
two groups of communicating cars whose V2I com-
munication is being served by two different eNBs.
The backhaul network communicating them can be
used to transmit collaborative data between nodes or
for QoSM at vehicles. Such potential implementation
shows how scalable our collaborative and distributed
scheme can be.
In this position paper,we propose a conceptfor a HLL
implementation. The proposed scheme, called Qual-
ity of Service Manager (QoSM), aims at obtaining re-
silient applications for V2X communication. We ar-
gue that using QoS indicators to quantify and eval-
uate resilience, and adopting the concept of Always
Resiliently Connected will lead to resilient safety-
critical applications. To achieve this, our approach
proposes a collaborative and distributed solution that
seeks to increase and diversify the sources of informa-
tion for prediction of QoS parameters and selection of
configuration settings of HetVNETs. Our approach is
highly scalable since it enables QoSMs to group hi-
erarchically, as well as the definition of technology-
independent profiles, which results in agnostic man-
agement of HetVNET.
Future work includes the implementation and re-
sults analysis of the proposed scheme to ensure the
communication performance for collective function-
alities of autonomous driving such as sensor-data
sharing and see-through application.
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