demonstrated event-related desynchronization in both
β and µ frequency bands, which is expected result
considering that the ”nature” of the KI pattern is more
related to the motor action (Neuper et al., 2005; Guil-
lot et al., 2009). On the contrary, the event-related
synchronization was found in the VI subjects.
Then, we enhanced our results using artificial neu-
ral network. First, we classified unoptimized magni-
toencephalographical dataset with 102 channels and
achieved up to 70% accuracy using the low-frequency
filter with cutoff below 15 Hz. The same level of ac-
curacy was achieved with KI by applying the high-
pass filter with cutoff above 30 Hz. Finally, in or-
der to see how data optimization affects the artificial
neural network performance, we selected 14 channels
over the motor-related area and revealed no signifi-
cant changes for KI. On the other hand, the VI group
shown the possibility to enhance artificial neural net-
work performance with particular set of channels and
frequency cutoffs.
Thus, despite the fact that KI is easier to clas-
sify and the KI pattern is more pronounced in time-
frequency structure of the MEG signal, there is a
possibility to achieve comparable results with the
VI. Since the VI mode is more common for un-
trained subjects, we suggest that obtained results can
be useful for implementation of the artificial intelli-
gence systems for MI patterns classification for brain-
computer interfaces, exoskeletons, wheelchairs and
other robotics devices.
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Foundation (Grant 17-72-30003).
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ICINCO 2019 - 16th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics