3 and 4. The results of the Intel RealSense reveal that
in no frames markers were detected. The reason for
the very poor detection performance based on the data
provided by the Intel RealSense can be seen in Table
4: Due to the reduced illumination in the room also
the infrared light by external emitters is reduced, so
that the structured-light dominates in the IR-images.
That is the reason why the markers are pictured with
bright dots. As the detection algorithm is based on
the gradient image, the necessary edges for extracting
the marker are not calculated appropriately. Accord-
ing to the expectations the RGB-image based detec-
tion does not work fine with low illumination. But
interestingly the Kinect still detects the markers since
a small light emitter was placed in the room. Conse-
quently, the exposure adjustment of the Kinect sup-
ports the marker detection. The Kinect shows a rea-
sonable performance with the Retro 1 marker regard-
ing the IR-image. The detection behaviour with IR-
images of the paper printed marker in the underex-
posed room is similar to the results described in Table
1. The detection of the Retro 2 marker is due to the
already explained effects of the reflectance not accu-
Conclusively the best marker detection performance
can be achieved with the Kinect camera and the
Retro 1 marker. Due to the very accurate detection
with daylight and the reasonable behaviour on the IR-
image data a parallel detection in both images and a
following merging step stabilizes the detection due to
We presented an augmented reality marker based on
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IR-images. The usage of retroreflective material im-
proves the marker detection in IR-images remarkably.
Due to active perception by IR-capable camera sys-
tems the negative impact of external disturbances like
change of light conditions on the marker detection is
minimized. As different retroreflective materials in-
fluence the image quality depending on the camera
system, we also examined two different retroreflec-
tive materials and compared the performance of the
Kinect V2 and the Intel RealSense D435 regarding
the detection probability depending on the distance of
the augmented reality marker to the camera. Accord-
ing to our results the Kinect together with the micro-
prisms based material for the markers shows the best
detection performance. Since the marker detection is
parallel processed on the IR- and RGB-image, it is
stabilized due to redundant sensor fusion.
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An Approach to Marker Detection in IR- and RGB-images for an Augmented Reality Marker