Generating Education in-Game Data: The Case of an Ancient
Theatre Serious Game
Nikolas Vidakis
1 a
, Anastasios Kristofer Barianos
, Apostolos Marios Trampas
Stamatios Papadakis
2 b
, Michail Kalogiannakis
2 c
and Kostas Vassilakis
Department of Informatics Engineering, Technological Educational Institute of Crete, Heraklion, Crete, Greece
Department of Preschool Education, Faculty of Education, University of Crete, Greece
Department of Electronic Engineering, Technological Educational Institute of Crete, Heraklion, Crete, Greece,,
Keywords: Learning Analytics, Serious Games, Unity 3D, Experience API, Learning Record Store, ThimelEdu.
Abstract: Learning Analytics have become an indispensable element of education, as digital mediums are increasingly
used within formal and informal education. Integrating specifications for learning analytics in non-traditional
educational mediums, such as serious games, has not yet reached the level of development necessary to fulfil
their potential. Though much research has been conducted on the issue of managing and extracting value from
learning analytics, the importance of specifications, methods and decisions for the initial creation of such data
has been somewhat overlooked. To this end, we have developed a custom library that implements the
Experience API specification within the Unity 3D game engine. In this paper, we present this library, as well
as a representative scenario illustrating the procedure of generating and recording data. Through this work we
aim to expand the reach of learning analytics into serious games, facilitate the generation of such data in
commercially popular development tools and identify significant events, with educational value, to be
The rapid growth of ICT during the past decades and
the resulting significant lifestyle changes have not left
education and learning unchanged. Students, in our
digital age have developed different thought
processes, compared to students of the past that did
not use digital mediums, and thus education has to
transform in order to adapt (Prensky, 2001).
Additionally, this development and integration of
ICTs in our lives has also raised new demands in
education (Kalogiannakis and Papadakis, 2007;
Kalogiannakis, 2008). Ongoing research in the field,
aims to create innovations that will address students’
current and future needs (Livingstone, 2012). As a
result, a number of digital tools, devices and
platforms are now available to education
professionals. They can therefore rethink and reshape
educational and assessment practices, methods and
environments to be the best fit for their students, with
less ties to traditional teaching and grading methods
and practices (McFarlane et al., 2002). Such digital
resources include interactive media, learning
management systems (LMSs), massive open online
courses (MOOCs), distance learning and e-learning
platforms, blended learning, educational video
games, learning analytics etc.
Educators, convinced of the benefits new
technologies carry, are actively exploring
technologies and methodologies, though often
hindered by factors such as technological
acclimatization (Kalogiannakis and Papadakis, 2007;
Kalogiannakis, 2008). Utilization of such resources,
along with innovative thinking have brought changes
to education, creating learning opportunities through
activities that would not traditionally be considered
educational, such as the usage of robotics to learn
math and sciences or the utilization of gaming for the
Vidakis, N., Barianos, A., Trampas, A., Papadakis, S., Kalogiannakis, M. and Vassilakis, K.
Generating Education in-Game Data: The Case of an Ancient Theatre Serious Game.
DOI: 10.5220/0007810800360043
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2019), pages 36-43
ISBN: 978-989-758-367-4
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
development of social, personal and creative skills
(Vidakis et al., 2015; 2014).
Traditional assessment with explicit grading
systems are still the most prominent method used by
educators, as it is thought of as robust. However, this
model is considered to be problematic as it fails to
reflect accurate information regarding the overall
learning process and instead it is focusing on very
firm subsections. To overcome these impediments, a
more holistic appraisal of learners must be explored,
as a more trustworthy system that bares more
similarities with realistic situation (Sadler, 2009).
Additionally, active collection of learning data,
through behaviour and interaction during learning
activities, and the resulting analytics, offer the
potential of gaining actionable insights (Arnold,
2010; Elias, 2011). The assessment and grading
system that can emerge could facilitate a shift in focus
of observation, from quizzes and scores to a more
holistic and subjective approach.
Furthermore, learning analytics can be a powerful
addition to the educators’ toolbox of digital and
online learning, not only for evaluation, but also for
improvement of processes and to bring forth the best
in every student. In this paper we work with the
creation of raw data for learning analytics in the
context of a serious game and the design and
implementation of a software library that allows the
recording of learning analytics in a serious game
developed with the Unity 3D engine.
2.1 Educational Data
Learning has evolved to a state where personalized,
learner-centred experiences are created (Shen et al.,
2009). This shift in the educational balance has led to
a research interest in the subject of data mining within
education. Data collected from historical or
operational sources from various educational
institutes (dos Santos Machado and Becker, 2003; El-
Halees, 2009; Mostow and Beck, 2006) has research
value aiming to understand and boost student
performance, to assist educators and improve the
educational processes in general (Romero and
Ventura, 2007).
All this vast amount of educational data that
becomes available needs to be analysed and
processed so that conclusions can be drawn and
learning tools can be enhanced. Furthermore, failure
to utilize such data within digital learning processes
makes assessment a difficult task, comprised by many
layers (Béres et al., 2012). This brings extra obstacles
in blended learning settings. Educators must handle
assessment in many forms, including physical and
digital data at the same time. Recording data during
the learning and evaluation process can offer multiple
benefits. By utilizing complementing tools for
processing and analysing the generated data, valuable
conclusions can be drawn.
Thus, simplifying the procedure, accelerating the
grading process (Gaur, 2015) and offering insights
that educators could possibly overlook during manual
handling of all the aforementioned data. Digital
educational environments that enclose usage data can
be met in official educational institutions such as
schools and universities, and unofficial learning
settings such as digital educational games. This
fragmentation of data is desirable as learning is not
confined to a single physical or digital location and it
is distributed and diversified through numerous
locations and many forms (Vidakis et al., 2014).
Through learning analytics, educators and teachers
can predict students’ performance in the educational
process. Educators, by analysing previous data of
learners’ behaviour, can foresee and develop a clear
view of learners’ progress in the learning
environment. For instance, teachers can predict if a
student will pass or fail a course, or if there is a need
for additional assistance (Drachen et al., 2013;
Prensky, 2001).
Furthermore, in case that a challenge or exercise
is too difficult for some learners, educators, assisted
by learning analytics, have the opportunity (a) to
identify the difficulty and (b) to make necessary
changes to the learning process to meet learners needs
and thus create a personalized educational process,
which meets student’s needs. According to the above,
fewer students will fail or abandon the learning
process (Drachen et al., 2013; Prensky, 2001).
As a result, learning analytics are not only useful
for tracking and observing learners in a learning
environment. Instead, they offer groundwork for
educators to have facts to accurately plan their
teaching process and thus to transform the learning
environment and the relationships within the
classroom, by creating favourable conditions and
motivating students (Kalogiannakis and Papadakis,
2007; Kalogiannakis, 2008; Papadakis, 2018). The
utmost goal is a powerful, live and adaptable
educational procedure with main purpose to educate
and train. Digital educational environments can thus
act as a learning setting where raw data for learning
analytics is generated.
Generating Education in-Game Data: The Case of an Ancient Theatre Serious Game
2.1.1 Serious Games Generated Data
Educational or serious games belong to the category
of interactive games that have as main objective to
educate or train and as secondary objective to
entertain (Makarius, 2017). Through the gameplay,
players can reach new or enhance existing knowledge
on a specific topic (McFarlane et al., 2002; Vidakis et
al., 2015). Moreover, serious games improve the
player’s awareness on a specific topic and help to
change its attitude and perspective of this topic.
During gameplay each game has the potential to
create information, in the form of raw usage data,
about player’s behaviour inside the game. This
information can be thought as traces of the learner,
that mirror how he seeks, acquires and comprehends
knowledge. Different serious games may record
different data, like questions, interactions and
completion in order to calculate the learning process
We can classify those data as static or dynamic.
Static data are not changing overtime, while dynamic
do (Serrano-Laguna et al., 2017). Based on the above,
standards and specifications were created concerning
the creations of raw data from serious games
(Makarius, 2017).
2.2 Learning Analytics
Learning analytics can be thought of as systems with
a set of operations to store and analyse usage data and
create valuable information about students and the
learning process (Vidakis et al., 2014). Furthermore,
learning analytics can be a collection of data relating
to learner’s behaviour in a learning environment. The
development of learning analytics is used in
educational environments for measuring, collecting,
analysing, recording and visualizing progress,
behaviour and interactions within a learning
By creating learning analytics and studying their
results it is possible to enhance and create more
effective learning environments (Drachen et al.,
2013; Prensky, 2001). To effectively utilize learning
analytics, it is crucial that both learners and educators
use the outcomes to improve all aspects of the
learning procedure (Arnold, 2010). Learning
Analytics elements can be utilized to collect, store
and process educational data. In a serious game
setting those elements would specifically be
represented by a learning analytics component.
Traces of player’s interactions in the game are being
recorded in real time, without affecting the game’s
flow and in various formats, such as relational
databases or structured files.
Future analysis and processing of this data can
lead to valuable conclusions regarding the learner, the
learning process, and the assessment form which, in
turn, can be used to optimize the learning experience.
Raw data for learning analytics can be recorded with
three different types of triggers (Drachen et al., 2013;
Prensky, 2001): (a) Event based: Data are tied to in-
game events, (b) State based: Game’s information is
recorded at a specific frequency, rather than at a
specific event, and (c) Initiated events: Recording
data depends on data that are switchable, i.e. can be
enabled or disabled.
2.2.1 Learning Analytics Frameworks
SCORM: SCORM specification (Advanced
Distributed Learning, 2009) is a standard in the
development of educational resources, it has been
used to create learning analytics and it was introduced
by ADL (Advanced Distributed Learning Initiative,
n.d.) in 1999. With SCORM specification it is
possible to record learner’s progress, answers to
questions, interactions, completion and success
status. Furthermore, it is possible to record
interactions, objectives and goals in the context of a
serious game. However, there is a huge drawback in
the SCORM specification. It is designed to record
results and thus although data like interactions can be
captured, they cannot be analysed (Drachen et al.,
2013; Lukarov et al., 2014).
Activity Streams: Activity Streams specification
(W3C, 2017) was developed to solve SCORM’s
drawback. In this specification actions are being
represented as activities, users as actors and actions
as verbs. Composing this triple, it is possible to record
“who did what” in the context of a learning
environment or an educational game. This
specification was initially applied to record user’s
interactions in social networks. IMS Caliper and ADL
Experience API (xAPI) were based on this
specification (Lukarov et al., 2014; Serrano-Laguna
et al., 2017).
IMS Caliper: IMS Specification of Learning
Measurement for Analytics (IMS Caliper) (Romero
and Ventura, 2007), is a comprehensive specification
for learning measurement created by IMS and it was
developed by the IMS Global Consortium. Preceding
specifications act as the IMS Calipers core, making
the specification robust and offering levels of
maturity. This also offers backwards and future
compatibility for data and statistics. As a framework,
it provides abstract recommendations on the process
CSEDU 2019 - 11th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
of gathering and sharing learning data (Avila et al.,
2016). The main logic behind Caliper is the event
triggered data triples, which consist of (a) the event,
(b) an action, actor or object and (c) the activity
context. Those triples are grouped into Metric
Profiles that model activities. Transportation and
communication of data is achieved through the
Sensor API, handling documents in JSON-LD form
(“Caliper Analytics Specification,” n.d.).
Additionally, Caliper describes the services and
operations that the Learning Record Store will
Experience API: The Experience API (Rustici
Software, n.d.) is based on the Activity Streams
specification and was developed as an open source
API. The xAPI was created for the purpose of
capturing activities and recording learning analytics
within different learning environments. The xAPI,
defines each learning activity as a statement. The
statement’s format is based on Activity Streams
philosophy of “who did what”. Statements consisted
of actors (users), verbs (actions) and activities
(objects). Each statement can include additional
information like the resulting outcome of an activity,
a timestamp, an API’s version and many more
(Drachen et al., 2013; Rustici Software, n.d.).
Experience API saves statements in a Learning
Record Store (LRS). LRS is a data record store, where
recorded statements are being saved in sequential
order. “The LRS is the heart of any Experience API
ecosystem (Ferguson, 2012; Rustici Software, n.d.).
It is responsible for receiving, storing and retrieving
learning data about learner’s activities, interactions
and experiences. Different LRSs can communicate
and exchange data with each other. The xAPI’s main
advantage, as ADL argues, is the freedom that
provides in respect to the statements, history, device
and workflow.
Experience API provides a huge vocabulary of
verbs and activities. Statements follow the
philosophy of “who did what” and xAPI is
characterized by its cross compatibility throughout
different devices. Based on the above and according
to the requirements of our system, that are elaborated
at the next sections, we chose to base our design and
implementation on the Experience API (xAPI)
Our goal is to design and develop a software library
that can be used by the Unity3D game engine, to log
the activity during a gameplay session. We focus on
raw learning data of educational games; however, the
library can be used by any game created with
Unity3D. Our aim is to create an infrastructural
component, as presented in Figure 1, with cross-
platform compatibility to create and store in-game
activity data into a Learning Record Store (LRS). The
current implementation of our library is developed
with the C# programming language, under the Mono
framework, and is based on the stock .NET
implementation for xAPI (Rustici Software, 2015).
Therefore, it is not compatible with other game
engines. Nevertheless, our architecture can be
adapted to serve other game engines.
3.1 Ecosystem Architecture
The architecture of our library, that allows the Unity
3D game engine to create gameplay data, is based on
a layered modules approach (see Figure 1).
Specifically, the design architecture is based on four
modules. The first layered module refers to the
different devices and platforms that the user can use
to interact with the game, such as smartphones,
desktop PCs, consoles and tablets (see upper left
corner of Figure 1). The next layered module involves
the game constituents and the associated user roles
(see lower left corner of Figure 1). The third layered
module is the core of our library (see centre of Figure
1) with all the necessary procedures to create and
record gameplay data, during play. The fourth layered
module (see upper right corner Figure 1) incorporates
the data types and the dataspace where all the
gameplay data are stored as dictated by the xAPI
framework and the LRS that is in use. Using a device
of any kind, a tablet for instance, a game is being
played by a user. This triggers our library to create
gameplay data and store these data in an LRS. Then
these data can be used to create learning analytics, i.e.
statistics and visualizations.
Figure 1: Ecosystem Architecture.
3.2 Unity xAPI Library Architecture
The design of our xAPI library for Unity3D, as
presented in Figure 2, consists of five basic
components. Those components combine and realise
Generating Education in-Game Data: The Case of an Ancient Theatre Serious Game
Figure 2: Unity xAPI Library Architecture.
the efforts to parse JSON strings and files, generate
xAPI Statements, connect and send the data to the
Learning Record Store.
The statements are xAPI entities, represented by
the triples but carrying a semantic value with actors,
verbs, etc. This JSON structure is illustrated in
Exhibit 1. These statements must be prepared for
every recordable action within a specific game and
then they are dynamically created at playtime, with an
event-triggered mechanism.
The LRS that will be used is also predefined, and
upon each event that generates a statement, a
connection to this LRS is established and the data is
sent in JSON format.
To illustrate some of the concepts described so far and
to provide insight in our xAPI library for Unity 3D,
we modified the game ThimelEdu (Vidakis et al.,
2018), adding our library and thus support for xAPI.
A Learning Locker (HT2 Labs, n.d.) server was also
set up to serve the LRS for the system. Additionally,
we describe a representative scenario emphasizing
the data being recorded at play time (see Exhibit 2).
According to our scenario at Exhibit 2, as the
lesson starts, learner Paul must login to ThimelEdu
and start navigating inside the virtual world of an
ancient theatre. This activates several parallel
activities through the gameplay. Our collaborative
xAPI library for Unity 3D records learner’s data in
specific triggered events inside the gameplay. These
parallel activities of the gameplay are being described
below as play steps. When Paul, logs in the game,
Figure 3 (i) (a), an event is triggered. According to
this game event our xAPI library for Unity3D creates
a statement (see Figure 3 (i) (b)), and through the
library the statement is sent to and saved in our LRS.
As the game proceeds and Paul moves around the 3D
virtual world of the ancient theatre, he reaches a point
of interest (see Figure 3(ii) (a)). Points of interest are
highlighted with a blue halo to make them visible to
the player. When user interacts with a point of interest
the user’s first name and last name and as well as the
interest point are saved in the LRS (see Figure 3(ii)
(b)). The result of Learner Pauls interaction with a
Exhibit 1: xAPI Statement represented in JSON format
{ "id": 4,
"description": "Statement if answer is correct",
"verb_id": "",
"verb_language": "en-US",
"verb_text": "answered",
"activity_game": null,
"completion": true,
"success": true }
Exhibit 2: Paul is a student. His teacher in history, decided
to teach Greek ancient theatre through an interactive
educational game, called ThimelEdu. Through play Paul
will achieve appropriate knowledge via blended learning
processes such as study of multimedia material in 3d
worlds, discovery learning models and explorative learning
(Bruner, 2009). As the lesson starts, Paul must login to
ThimelEdu and start navigating inside the virtual 3D world
of an ancient theatre. By interacting with scattered points,
he can read material, study photos see videos, as well as
contemplate and reply to questions. The eduGame finishes
when Learner has interacted with all artifacts.
CSEDU 2019 - 11th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Figure 3: Game Steps.
game artefact (interest point) is that all available
material concerning this specific interest point is
presented to him in the form of text, photos and video.
Paul is now able to browse through the available
material as seen in Figure 3(iii) (a). When Paul has
studied all material and presses the “OK” button a
xAPI statement is configured and saved in our LRS
in the form presented in Figure 3(iii) (b). Once the
studying material step is completed then the
answering question step is followed for those interest
points that include questions. Paul answers a question
as shown in Figure 3(iv) (a) and the xAPI statement
is adjusted and saved in the LRS, in the form
presented in Figure 3(iv) (b).
4.1 Learning Analytics Results
As Paul or any other player/learner, in distinct game
instances, wander around the 3D virtual word of
ThimelEdu and interact with the various artefacts of
the game the LRS is updated with statements in the
form of triples as shown in Figure 4. These learning
analytics statements hold information about the
players’ educational status, progress and learning
outcomes. These triples can be used by analytics tools
to visualize learner’s behaviour in the learning
environment which, in our case, is a serious game,
and thus, extract data and conclusions about student’s
learning experience. According to these conclusions
an educational expert can then intervene in the
learning process and adjust the context, the learning
or assessment process, the grading algorithm, or any
other educational elements to provide a better
educational experience with increased benefits for the
learner. Furthermore, through studying learning
analytics in general, educators can predict students’
performance and draw conclusions that will be used
to enhance the educational process according to each
student’s individual behaviour.
Figure 4: Saved Statements in LRS.
Educators can change the educational material
and content, such as readings, question etc. In
addition, serious game developers, based on
educators’ conclusions, can adjust games and change
gameplay, in order to improve educational tools and
Generating Education in-Game Data: The Case of an Ancient Theatre Serious Game
Figure 5: Learning Locker Dashboard.
change the existing teacher-centred learning process
Figure 5 shows a dashboard within Learning
Locker with indicative visualizations. Upper left
corner shows individual students and their successful
and failed attempts at answering questions. Bottom
left corner shows the overall attempts, during a
specified session. Upper right corner shows a pie
chart with the number of players that played the
game, quit the game without completion and those
who completed, over a period of a month. Because of
the way the pie is constructed, a rough ratio can also
be quickly estimated by the visual representation.
Finally, in the lower right corner a counter is showing
how many players have completed the game during
the specified game session.
According to the current research, learning analytics
is a powerful tool for monitoring a learner’s
behaviour in the new educational era. Its power can
assist educators in drawing important conclusions
about learner’s educational behaviour, process and
needs. Although analytics specifications were first
developed for social networks, they are now capable
to build the fundamentals of new and modern
pedagogical environments and therefore of a new e-
Learning world. The development of standards and
specifications through the years has made developers
able to monitor and record learner’s behaviour,
interactions and knowledge. Experience API is a
state-of-the-art specification for the development of
learning analytics. The plain structure of Experience
API along with the rich vocabulary of verbs and
activities, make the library an integral part of learning
analytics development. On the other hand, potential
obstacles for the learning analytics approach to
education with games can be (a) time demanding
nature of some games, (b) lack of updated and
expensive hardware in schools, (c) price of games and
(d) unfamiliar teachers with technology. Future
developments include the standardization of our
library and the development of a specification for
developers that want to use it in their games.
Moreover, we plan to run large scale experiments in
different classes with pupils of varying ages.
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Generating Education in-Game Data: The Case of an Ancient Theatre Serious Game