Adaptive Controller for Uncertain Multi-agent System Under
Sergey Vlasov
, Alexey Margun, Aleksandra Kirsanova and Polina Vakhvianova
Faculty of Control Systems and Robotics, ITMO University, Kronversky Pr. 49, St. Petersburg, 197101, Russia
Adaptive Control, Robotics, Robust Control, Parametric Uncertain.
This research is devoted to solving the problem of adaptive control algorithm synthesis for a mobile robots that
is part of a multi-agent system. Proposed approach consists of trajectory planner and inner agent controller.
The case of the passway intersection by the group of mobile robots is considered. Trajectory planner is based
on intersection management approach. Adaptive consecutive compensator used for agent controller synthesis.
Proposed approach provides control scheme which doesn’t depend on plant parameters. A group of mobile
robots is built for experimental evaluation of proposed approach. Obtained results confirm effectiveness of the
developed algorithms.
Robotic systems are widespread in different spheres
of human activity. They are widely used in indus-
try, daily life, entertainment. Autonomous systems
that simplify people’s lives are becoming increasingly
popular. Among them there are multi-agent systems,
which consist of many robots, connected in a com-
mon network. Today, mobile multi-agent systems are
widely used by various major corporations, such as
Aliexpress, Amazon, etc. Robots perform various
functions, such as transportation of goods, cleaning of
premises, delivery of correspondence. Different algo-
rithms of automatic control are used for solving com-
plex tasks for the movement of robots and goods. Be-
sides, robots with different inner controllers are con-
trolled by one system to solve different tasks. Agents
have different parameters, for example, various en-
gines, which will give a various moment of force on
the motor shaft, can also have special wheels or al-
ternative wheel bases. Moreover some parameters
are nonstationary during functioning. All these pa-
rameters affect the synthesis of automatic control al-
gorithms, thereby complicate the development of the
whole system. If on the manufacture or warehouse
moving a lot of robots the crossroad become bottle
Scientific community conducts research in this
field. The article(Li et al., 2011) is about the
finite-time consensus problem for leaderless and
leader–follower multi-agent systems with external
disturbances. The paper (Olfati-Saber, 2006) de-
scribes theoretical framework for design and analysis
of distributed flocking algorithms, two cases of flock-
ing in free-space and presence of multiple obstacles
are considered. The article (Lauer and Riedmiller,
2000) focuses on distributed reinforcement learning
in cooperative multi-agent-decision-processes, where
an ensemble of simultaneously and independently
acting agents tries to maximize a discounted sum of
rewards. Our team also have achievement in this area.
The article(Bazylev et al., 2014) proposes a new con-
trol design of quadrotor with attached 2-DOF robotic
arm. In this research we make new control system for
new robotic agents.
The paper propose use of adaptive controller
which doesn’t depend on agents parameters for con-
trol of mobile robots group. Formal problem state-
ment is in the Section 2. Planing controller design for
system is in Section 3. Inner controller synthesis and
its stability analysis is in Section 4. Robots setup de-
scribed in Section 5. The results of experiments of
obtained control laws are shown in Section 6. Finally,
the research is summarized in Conclusions.
Vlasov, S., Margun, A., Kirsanova, A. and Vakhvianova, P.
Adaptive Controller for Uncertain Multi-agent System Under Disturbances.
DOI: 10.5220/0007827701980205
In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO 2019), pages 198-205
ISBN: 978-989-758-380-3
2019 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved