How to Boost Customer Relationship Management via Web Mining
Benefiting from the Glass Customer’s Openness
Frederik Simon B
aumer and Bianca Buff
Semantic Information Processing Group, Paderborn University, Warburger Str. 100, 33098 Paderborn, Germany
Customer Relationship Management, Web Mining, Local Grammars.
Customer Relationship Management refers to the consistent orientation of a company towards its customers.
Since this requires customer-specific data sets, techniques such as web mining are used to acquire information
about customers and their behavior. In this case study, we show how web mining can be used to automatically
collect information from clients’ websites for Customer Relationship Management systems in Business-to-
Business environments. Here, we use tailored local grammars to extract relevant information in order to
build up a data set that meets the required high quality standards. The evaluation shows that local grammars
produce substantial high-quality results, but turn out to be too rigid in some cases. In summary, our case study
demonstrates that web mining in combination with local grammars is suitable for Business-to-Business CRM
as long as the information demand can be defined precisely and the requested information is available online.
The goal of Customer Relationship Management
(CRM) is to establish, maintain and make use of
successful customer relationships (Link, 2001; Chen
and Popovich, 2003; Zeng et al., 2003). In order
to achieve this, CRM combines and generalizes cus-
tomer information to provide helpful answers to a
great number of business-relevant questions (Buttle
and Maklan, 2015). Although CRM has long been
perceived as business strategy in the Business-to-
Consumer (B2C) sector, it can be applied in both
Business-to-Business (B2B) and B2C environments
(Kurt et al., 2018; Buttle and Maklan, 2015). Its im-
plementation in companies can range from a single
marketing tool to an enterprise-wide strategy.
Regardless of the conditions of use, the acqui-
sition and maintenance of the underlying customer
database is very important for a successful CRM. Ac-
cording to Kurt et al. (2018), the care of necessary
customer data is challenging because customer data
is not often stored in CRM systems but in separate
files. This is particularly the case in B2B environ-
ments, where key account managers or consultants
manage a smaller number of clients and where per-
sonal loyalty has a high priority (Kurt et al., 2018).
This results in incomplete, outdated and conflicting
data sets, which are no operation basis for an effi-
ciently working CRM. Modern CRM systems are not
only seeded with information provided by customer
service and sales staff, but also gather data from e-
commerce systems, access logs or behavior analysis
tools. Information is automatically collected, pro-
cessed and enriched, both in B2C and B2B environ-
ments. A common example are personal usage pro-
files on web shops. In this case study, we focus on
clients’ company websites as data source for CRM
systems in the B2B context. In the following, we ex-
plain how Web (Content) Mining (WM) can be used
in B2B CRM and how local grammars (LGs) can be
applied to create high quality data sets (Gross, 1993).
Sec. 2 presents related work. Based on this, the show
case (Sec. 3) and a system design for a WM system
will be presented (Sec. 4). The system will be eval-
uated (Sec. 4.3.3) and its results are then discussed
(Sec. 5). Finally, a research outlook is given in Sec. 6.
In the following, we describe existing work with fo-
cus on CRM in B2B companies as well as on WM
and LGs, which can be used in CRM to create and en-
rich underlying databases (Gross, 1997). Besides very
different definitions of CRM, numerous CRM goals
exist (Kurt et al., 2018). The primary goal of CRM
can be described as an increase in corporate value and
corporate success, whereby the three secondary goals
Bäumer, F. and Buff, B.
How to Boost Customer Relationship Management via Web Mining Benefiting from the Glass Customer’s Openness.
DOI: 10.5220/0007828301290136
In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications (DATA 2019), pages 129-136
ISBN: 978-989-758-377-3
2019 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
(1) improvement of customer loyalty, (2) improve-
ment of customer profitability and (3) improvement
of customer acquisition are named (Kurt et al., 2018).
In this case study, we focus on improving customer
profitability through the acquisition of CRM-relevant
information from the World Wide Web (WWW). This
information extraction (IE) and monitoring task can
be done manually or with computational assistance.
Since it is important to identify profitable customers
and perceive business-relevant changes as quickly as
possible and to react adequately to them, extensive
automation is desirable. At this point, WM reveals its
value for CRM.
The idea of WM is to use the wide range of in-
formation offered by the WWW for a multitude of
questions. However, WM is defined ambiguously
in the literature (Zhao and Bhowmick, 2003; Kosala
and Blockeel, 2000; Cooley et al., 1997). Within the
scope of this work, WM can be defined as IE us-
ing the WWW as data source with the goal to col-
lect predefined information about B2B clients. How-
ever, WM can be used and implemented in many dif-
ferent ways. Some existing approaches use pattern-
based WM to build databases for question answering
or to build web IE systems (Zhang and Lee, 2002;
Chang et al., 2001). A follow-up of this approach is
the use of (linguistic) grammars to extract informa-
tion, relations, etc. from natural language (NL) texts.
As finite state machines, such grammars are used in
many fields of computational linguistics. “From the
linguistics point of view, finite state machines are ade-
quate for describing relevant local phenomena in lan-
guage research and for modeling some parts of NL,
such as its phonology, morphology, or syntax” (Paji
et al., 2013). Therefore, LGs describe sequences of
words forming semantic units and syntactic struc-
tures. In addition, they provide information about
the morpho-syntactic properties of the elements de-
scribed therein, which can be syntactically or seman-
tically shaped (Geierhos, 2010). Therefore, they are
well suited for the analysis of the structure of proper
names, can deal with domain-specific knowledge and
sub-languages and capture the interdependencies of
the lexemes among themselves.
In general, LGs are visualized in the form of
graphs. The combination of parameterized graphs
with a dictionary can be extremely effective for the
syntactic analysis of simple sentences (Lee and Geier-
hos, 2011). Graphs are very user-friendly and intu-
itive representations for local grammars, which are
far superior to equivalent formalisms such as regu-
lar expressions. With the help of various drawing
programs, local grammars can easily be created, ex-
tended and edited.
While Iftene and Balahur-Dobrescu (2008) apply
grammar induced patterns on Wikipedia to extract re-
lations between named entities, Paji
c et al. (2013)
use finite state machines for large Web Monitoring.
Therefore, the potential main benefit of automatic
data acquisition is the following: It saves time and
reduces CRM administration costs. Furthermore, it is
not practicable for e.g. the sales staff to acquire and
maintain information for each single customer manu-
ally even in B2B context with a smaller number of
customers since they are not CRM experts or knowl-
edge engineers. This refers especially to information
that does not occur in everyday business processes.
An example is meta data such as the number of em-
ployees of a client’s company to assess the sales po-
tential. However, existing work is mostly dedicated
to WM as an effective technique to extract business
value from companies’ own websites, web shops and
social network channels mostly with focus on B2C
companies (Mouthami et al., 2013; Kietzmann et al.,
2011; Culnan et al., 2010). But for an overall un-
derstanding of the business market, some companies
also need to monitor activities and analyze informa-
tion on their competitors social media channels and
business websites in order to increase competitive ad-
vantage (Sheng et al., 2005; Croll and Power, 2009).
For example, He et al. (2013) use WM to analyze
user-generated texts on social media sites of the three
largest U.S. pizza chains in order to learn more about
the communication behavior of competing compa-
nies. The better a company is informed about its com-
petitive activities, the better it can manage its own ac-
tivities. Therefore, there exist business software so-
lutions that already offer WM and also implement in-
terfaces to CRM systems in the B2B area. This usu-
ally includes the extraction of non-sector-specific in-
formation such as address data, the names of the man-
aging director or other executives. Depending on the
information need of companies, however these gener-
alized approaches can be too short-sighted. Basically,
the tools, which are necessary to conduct WM in the
context of B2B CRM, are not new: Machine Learn-
ing (ML) and WM techniques have already been ap-
plied on IE tasks on user-generated content (Tsytsarau
and Palpanas, 2012; Freitag, 2000, 1998) and used
in CRM (Cioca et al., 2013). LGs as IE technique
have also proven themselves (Gross, 1993; Geierhos,
2010). Even though the individual techniques taken
by themselves are well established in various contexts
and use cases, we are not aware of a work that collec-
tively applies them as a combined B2B WM system
to a real business case.
DATA 2019 - 8th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
In the following, we will take a closer look at the use
of WM in B2B CRM systems to discuss the appli-
cability in this context. As show case, we present
the experiences we have gained in cooperation with
a medium-sized special tool production and distribu-
tion company for craft businesses.
The company is active in the B2B sector and
supplies craft businesses with focus on e-commerce
but still relying on traditional sales. The sales staff
receive client-related information from a CRM sys-
tem, which contains both online sales and information
about direct sales, client communication, meta infor-
mation such as number of employees, business areas
in which the client’s craft businesses operates and fur-
ther notes. As this is a highly competitive market, it is
necessary to react quickly to relevant changes among
clients. If there are indications that, for example, a
client is entering a new business area (which is cov-
ered by the company) or that the client’s staff is grow-
ing (additional tools and equipment might be needed),
the sales department is automatically informed.
However, since the number of clients is constantly
growing, manual maintenance of the CRM database
is no longer possible. While the sales staff is used
to update information about the clients manually, this
will be increasingly automated in the future. In the
scope of this paper, we focus on the following meta
information, which is to be stored in the CRM system:
1. Foundation of the client’s business (e.g. 1995)
2. Number of employees (e.g. 20)
3. Business areas (e.g. “painters and varnishers”)
This is a selection of information that the company
uses to analyze the potential of clients and to make
the sales department as effective as possible. We have
chosen these three types of information because they
can be expressed very differently in NL and therefore
have to be collected in different manner. While, for
example, the company foundation is given almost en-
tirely as (numerical) date (e.g. 1998”, “1 February
1998”), the number of employees varies in format (“A
large team of 10 employees”, “we are more than four-
teen hard-working men”).
This circumstance must be taken into account dur-
ing WM. The overall assumption is that customer’s
potential can be read off at least in part from this infor-
mation. For instance, a growing number of employ-
ees awaits selling more equipment and tools. In addi-
tion, an expansion or change in operations, for exam-
ple from painting to painting and refurbishment, may
also indicate that new equipment can be sold. So far,
this information has been entered into the CRM sys-
tem by the sales staff. For this purpose, some rough
estimates have been made: The number of employ-
ees, for example, can be estimated from the number
of company vehicles. The year of foundation often
results from publicly accessible documents and the
classification into business areas can be derived from
the sold products. However, this is a time-consuming
For this reason, alternatives were searched for and
it turned out that more than 60% of the clients have a
company website (already available in CRM) and that
often the searched information is available on these
websites. In order to automatically acquire the infor-
mation needed to maintain the CRM system, it is nec-
essary to develop a WM software that automatically
searches and extracts the information. We give insight
into our work on a WM system in the following.
The system to be developed should be able to extract
a predefined information from a given website of a
client. All relevant information bits should be col-
lected and transmitted to sales employees, who can
finally check it and transfer it into the existing CRM
system or reject it. Since the data in the CRM system
must be of high quality, manual verification of the in-
formation is an absolute requirement by any company.
However, in order to keep the maintenance time as
short as possible, a very high extraction quality (pre-
cision) should be guaranteed.
4.1 Data Set
As a starting point for our work we have received
2,000 website URLs of existing clients. Of these ad-
dresses, only 1,680 (84%) were still available online.
This does not shed a good light on the current CRM
database. In order to learn more about the way in
which the required information is presented online,
the websites were analyzed manually and correspond-
ing texts were stored.
In addition, we searched the WWW for further
websites of craft businesses and gathered the rele-
vant text. This way, a text corpus of 6,571 sentences
(118,805 tokens, 19,056 types) was created. Exam-
ples for such sentences are: When the company was
founded on 1st December 1992, only three men were
employed. or “Today, an average of 100 employees
work on major projects throughout Germany” (Trans-
lated from German).
How to Boost Customer Relationship Management via Web Mining Benefiting from the Glass Customer’s Openness
Table 1: Number of annotations in the training corpus per class.
Class Annotations Sample sentences
No. Employees 1,778
Unser Team besteht zur Zeit aus 23 Mitarbeitern
Our staff currently consists of 23 employees
Founding year 2,516
Seit 1996 sind wir Ihr Malerbetrieb in Berlin
Since 1996 we are your painting company in Berlin
Business area 4,736
Zum Beruf des Malers geh
ort auch Wissen
uber Brandschutz
The profession of a painter also includes knowledge about fire protection
4.2 Data Acquisition via Web Crawling
In general, a crawler is a software application that
systematically processes a defined, but not necessar-
ily limited, dataset ad infinitum with regard to de-
fined goals and based on configured instructions for
action. The term (World Wide) Web Crawler refers
to a tool whose targeted data set results from the con-
tent of the WWW (Castillo, 2004). The goals behind
web crawling are diverse: While global search en-
gines aim at the complete indexing of existing web
resources, so-called focused crawlers limit the results
with regard to given criteria (Menczer et al., 2004).
This can be a Top Level Domain (e.g. “.de”), a sub-
ject area (e.g. painting tools) or the relevance to an
information need. To extract information from web-
sites and to monitor websites for changes, a focused
web crawler is required that iteratively accesses given
URLs from the CRM database, downloads the source
codes (HTML) of all relevant pages and stores the
collected data with a timestamp for further process-
ing (cf. Fig. 1). However, the relevance criterion is
difficult to define, basically all sub-pages of a website
are relevant, which can potentially contain relevant in-
formation. During the initial analysis of clients’ web
pages during text corpus creation, we were able to
create a list of URL patterns, which served as a black-
list to speed up the crawling process. For example, it
is not necessary to access support pages (“/faq/”) or
privacy pages (“/datenschutz/”) because they mostly
do not contain relevant information. Furthermore, we
limited the crawling depth to a maximum of four sub-
pages and the maximum number of pages per client to
150. Even with these limitations, the average acquisi-
tion time is 3.5 minutes per website, which is mainly
due to weak web servers
We have tried classification techniques to detect
and ignore irrelevant sub-pages, but the relevant infor-
mation is often represented on sub-pages with com-
pletely different content, so we had too many false
positives and there was a considerable loss of infor-
mation. Therefore, all pages that are not blacklisted
are currently passed to the IE component.
It is necessary to reduce the crawling speed in order not
to attract negative attention, cause damage or be banned.
Get (initial) URL
Download HTML
Extract n hyperlinks
Save HTML of i/n
i +=1,
i < n
i = n
Figure 1: Basic functionality of the web crawler.
4.3 Information Extraction
The automatic transformation of HTML-source-code
into a semantically structured document (template) is
challenging and requires text preprocessing such as
HTML-stripping and sentence splitting in order to
achieve good results (cf. Sec. 4.3.1). In the follow-
ing, IE is conducted by means of LGs. While ML
methods have proven to be robust in the context of IE
in the past (Chang et al., 2006; Dollmann and Geier-
hos, 2016), LGs are convincing due to their high pre-
cision (Bsiri et al., 2008), since the linguistic con-
text of searched information can be defined very pre-
cisely (Gross, 1993; Geierhos, 2010). As Bsiri et al.
(2008) show, LGs can also achieve a high recall on
user-generated content from the WWW, but require
extensive preprocessing. By choosing LGs, we hope
to meet the high demands on data quality made by our
practice partner.
4.3.1 Data Preprocessing & Data Annotation
We applied data preprocessing to each accessed page
of a client’s website which is structured into the fol-
lowing steps: (1) HTML-removal in order to get
the plain text including removing boilerplate con-
tent, such as navigation, headers and footers
, (2)
Paragraph cleaning via regular expressions to remove
We used:
DATA 2019 - 8th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
paragraphs that are too short (less than four words),
(3) Sentence splitting
as IE has to be done on a sen-
tence basis in order to make the annotation of the
relevant information for the practice partner as fast
and simple as possible. The initial annotation of the
sentences with regard to the requested information
(cf. Sec. 3) was carried out by the research team. We
have token-based annotations in three classes (“Em-
ployees”, Foundation and Keyword”). It is very
important for the resulting WM system that it is con-
tinuously fed with new annotated data to improve. For
this reason, we have developed a convenient graphi-
cal annotation interface which enables company em-
ployees to annotate single tokens from sentences re-
garding the matching class by simply drag’n’drop the
tokens. Table 1 shows the number of annotations for
each class.
The annotation of tokens for the company founda-
tion and the annotation of keywords for later alloca-
tion to business areas is not challenging due to the low
number of structural variants. Years are usually given
in two-digit (“99”), four-digit (“1999”) notation or as
a date (“09.02.1988”). Keywords are diverse in their
lexical form, but consist mainly of one or two words.
The number of employees is more difficult to anno-
tate: On the one hand, the numbers are often written
out (“ten skilled workers”), which increases the num-
ber of variants. On the other hand, teams are often
subdivided with regard to their function (“The team
consists of 3 painters and 2 electricians”) or given as
a rough estimation more than 20”. In these cases, all
relevant tokens are annotated.
4.3.2 Local Grammars
We employed LGs
to transform the preprocessed text
into a semantically structured form. This means that
the original text is automatically enriched with an-
notations that allow the information to be extracted.
This task is conducted by a multitude of LGs that al-
low the modeling of a high degree of syntactic vari-
ation. This flexibility could not be reached by stan-
dard string search, where a list of collected phrases
would be matched with the document, since minor
morpho-syntactic variation prevents the match. Here,
bootstrapping with LGs (Gross, 1999) is a much more
promising method, as illustrated by the following ex-
ample (translated from German).
“The story of our company, which has 350 quali-
fied employees, began in 1927.
“I have a team of twenty men.
We used:
We used the multilingual corpus processing suite Uni-
“The company employs more than hundred peo-
ple worldwide in 18 national companies.
Though these three phrases are different on the
morpho-syntactic level, they contain the same type
of information. By using a LG, it is possible to ef-
ficiently represent all three phrases (cf. Fig 2). In the
following, we describe the process of LG modeling
by using the example “number of employees”.
Altogether, the sentences related to employ-
ees in the corpus are composed of 25,406 tokens
(4,306 types). In order to be able to derive pat-
terns, we have examined the context in which the
relevant information is embedded in more detail.
We have found a total of 34 general identifiers
such as Mitarbeiter” (employees), “Beschftigte (co-
workers), Fachkrfte (skilled workers), Mnner
(men), Leute (people) and Personen (persons) as
well as 270 specific job identifiers such as Maler
(painter), Lackierer (varnisher), Zimmermann
(carpenter), Dachdecker (roofer) and Heizungs-
und Sanitrtechniker (heating and sanitary techni-
cian). The context is further defined by location or
company specifications such as “Firma” (firm), Un-
ternehmen (company) and Branche (sector). Ex-
amples for frequent syntactical constructions are:
{who} employ(s) {adv.} {number} {identifier}
{identifier}: {number}
{number} {identifier} are employed by {who}
Particularly frequent adverbs are zurzeit
(presently) and inzwischen (meanwhile). Another
specialty are words, which relativize the concrete
number of employees. Examples are circa”, rund
(around) oder durchschnittlich (average) and
insgesamt (in total). Because LGs support lists,
lexica and sub-graphs, the lexical variants can easily
be considered. However, only what is known can
be modeled. So there will always be constructions
that have not yet been taken into account. With our
current LG (cf. Fig. 2), we are able to cover 88% of
the annotated sentences in the corpus (cf. Tab. 2).
Table 2: Covered sentences in the training corpus [%].
Class Coverage
No. Employees 0.88
Founding year 0.91
Business area 0.85
Some cases cannot be covered because no addi-
tional context is given. This is, for example, the case
if the number of employees is not embedded in a sen-
tence but given as a single number with no context.
How to Boost Customer Relationship Management via Web Mining Benefiting from the Glass Customer’s Openness
Figure 2: LG for extracting numbers of employees (simplified).
4.3.3 Evaluation
To evaluate the quality of our WM system regarding
the LGs, we designed a manually annotated test cor-
pus composed of 1,000 sentences. This test corpus
allows us to provide values for recall and precision of
the automatically retrieved results.
Table 3: Evaluation of the LGs performances [%].
Class Precision Recall F-score
No. Employees 0.89 0.72 0.80
Founding year 0.91 0.75 0.82
Business area 0.82 0.47 0.60
Table 3 shows promising results of precision (87%
on average) and recall (65% on average). The ex-
pected low recall value can be explained by uncov-
ered syntactic constructions and missing entries in the
word lists, which have to be constantly maintained
and extended. However, the precision suffers above
all from lexical ambiguities that can arise when the
LGs are weakened in the sense of a higher recall as
can be seen in the following example: “[...] Lukas
32 angestellter Maler [...]” (“[...] Lukas 32 em-
ployed painter [...]”). Here, 32 employees are de-
tected, since the adjective “angestellter” (employed)
is equated with the noun Angestellter” (employee)
in the LG. The argument that the initial sentence is
grammatically questionable does not apply, because
this is a basic assumption for user-generated content
that LGs have to face. In our case, since the recog-
nized information is checked again, such an error can
be intercepted. However, it is necessary to consider
such cases in future work.
Moreover, knowing that IE is nowadays essen-
tially influenced by ML methods, we have also ap-
plied an established method to our topic as a compar-
ative value. For short text like the sentences used in
this paper, the MIT Information Extraction (MITIE)
was already used in the past (Geyer et al.,
We used:
2016; King, 2009). MITIE is an open source NLP
library focused on Named Entity Extraction and is
known for state-of-the-art statistical ML. Applied to
our test corpus, MITIE
could convince with a good
average recall value (0.82), but had a comparatively
low precision (0.67). This result may be due to the
small amount of data in the corpus and is not suitable
for a final judgment. In fact, MITIE shows very good
results in the extraction of keywords. Its exclusive us-
age can be promising and sensible in an area where
precision is less important due to the large number of
information bits per website and the creation of LGs
is too time-consuming due to the number of variants.
4.4 Monitoring & Data Integration
The monitoring currently includes an automatic re-
visit of the websites once a week. The system stores
extracted information in a database to detect changes
when pages are revisited. If no change is detected
during revisit, no data is transferred to the CRM sys-
tem. However, if a change is detected (this also in-
cludes if the website is not accessible), a change no-
tification is sent for review. A notification contains
information about the source (URL), the paragraph,
the sentence, and the extracted information. In this
way, the employee can disambiguate and review in-
formation (e.g. conflicting foundation data), merge in-
formation bits (e.g. several entries on the number of
employees), and detect overseen information that oc-
curs in the same paragraph. As exchange format, we
chose JSON, which seemed to be suitable because of
the lower overhead compared to XML. A client ap-
plication was developed on the part of the practice
partner, which receives the JSON and presents it to
an employee in a user-friendly way. The employee
makes the final decision to transfer the extracted in-
formation to the CRM system. If the extraction result
is erroneous, the employee can reject it. In this case,
an error is reported to the IE system and stored in the
Dictionary: 200,000 words, No. Features: 271.
DATA 2019 - 8th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
database. On the one hand, this is valuable informa-
tion for the revision of the LGs and on the other hand,
it is very important training data for further work with
ML techniques. This way, we have fulfilled both the
initial requirement for strict data reviewing and cre-
ated further training data by the help of an expert-in-
the-loop approach.
The approach described in this case study is work in
progress but very promising: information stored or to
be stored in CRM can be automatically updated or
added. The use of LGs proves to be effective because
the achieved quality of information can be regarded
as very high. However, challenges remain that re-
quire further work: The IE system reliably extracts
the type of information we are looking for. However,
this type of information occurs in different contexts
on the clients’ websites. For example, there are web-
sites that present the clients’ company’s history and
contain several (sometimes contradictory) data on the
foundation and expansion of the company. Further-
more, sentences such as 1997: The company cel-
ebrates its 120th anniversary with seven employees,
including office workers and trainees include an in-
dication of when the company was founded (1877),
but the automated identification is challenging. The
situation is similar for statements such as For more
than 60 years”, which do not allow any temporal map-
ping. Complex syntactic and semantic constructions
such as In the meantime our team includes 5 jour-
neymen, two trainees as well as my wife Nicole and
my daughter Stefanie in the office” are also very diffi-
cult to grasp, both for LGs and ML techniques. Here
it could turn out to be an advantage that experts re-
view the sentences and can interpret them before the
data is transferred into the CRM. In the future, such
records are to be extracted and transferred as flagged
From the point of view of B2B CRM, we can re-
port that 83% of the processed websites could be as-
signed to a business area on the basis of the extracted
keywords. In addition, we were able to find and ex-
tract information on the foundation of the respective
company in 31% of all processed websites. In com-
parison, the information on the size of the team could
be extracted much less often automatically, only in
12% of the cases such information was extracted in
live operation.
As could be shown in this case study, WM com-
bined with suitable IE can lead to noteworthy results
in B2B CRM contexts. In order for such an imple-
mentation to be successful, some challenges and as-
sumptions have to be taken into account. The chal-
lenge for LGs is of course the poor quality of the NL
texts and the lack of context. While the poor text
quality can be partly compensated by a weakening
of the LGs (which probably damages the precision),
a missing context cannot be compensated because a
LG cannot apply on the one hand and on the other
hand cannot disambiguate important information. As-
sumptions that have to be made are that the relevant
information can be defined as a kind of pattern and is
available online on the company’s website. For exam-
ple, addresses and tax numbers can easily be acquired
from public websites, especially thanks to their struc-
tured character, whereas individual product names or
general product characteristics are more difficult to
extract. In future work, we will create more LGs to
acquire further information for the B2B CRM. More-
over, we will improve the reliability of the current
LGs by improving the coverage of the used linguis-
tic resources (e.g. domain-specific dictionaries).
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