The preliminary results are promising. It is worth
pointing out that when the infectiousness is low, i.e.,
the p
at lower level, the disease control agency
only has to monitor its progress, when the infectious
is very high, there is not much the agency can do.
Therefore, the interesting cases are those in the mid-
dle. We note that the prediction is more accurate with
higher level infectiousness. Also our choice of the
utility functions more or less reflect the real applica-
tions. For the prediction of peak value, we do not
use fix length partition, which corresponding to the
idea of absolute error. Instead, we use variable length
interval, which is corresponding to relative error. We
believe this trick can be applied elsewhere. When pre-
dicting next day, we feed the model with the sequence
of the differences between two consecutive days, this
corresponding to take the derivative of the epidemic
curve at given day. This is also an interesting trick
which might be useful in other situations. We note
that the deep learning performed not so well for pre-
dicting the index date. One possible interpretation is
that this is really a difficult problem even in the sim-
plified simulated world. The hope to get a good esti-
mation in the real world might even be more difficult.
Therefore, a not so positive result can shed light on the
limitation of what can be learnt in real world and we
might want to frame the problem differently to hope
for better results.
We plan to try other machine learning approaches,
especially regression based ones like SVR so that one
might get better understanding about the capacity and
limitation of deep learning methods on simulated epi-
demiology data. From disease control perspective,
one obvious future direction is to include mitigation
strategies, such as vaccination, and social distancing
so that the outcome of various combination of miti-
gation can be learned. The parameter spaces will be
much larger when mitigation strategies included, and
the power of deep learning can be further explored.
To use more detailed information of a simulated epi-
demic, such as geographic location is also an inter-
esting and important next step. Furthermore, how to
apply the trained model in the real situation, is also a
very important yet challenging problem. We can start
by introducing additive random noise to the output of
simulation system to mimic the background or base-
line disease states in real world and feed the perturbed
data into the learning system. One exciting idea is
to use the generative adversarial model (Goodfellow
et al., ) to train a generative model to generate simu-
lation results without running the simulation.
This study is supported in part by MOST, Tai-
wan, Grant No. MOST107-2221-E-001-017-MY2
and MOST107-2221-E-001-005 and by Multidisci-
plinary Health Cloud Research Program: Technology
Development and Application of Big Health Data,
Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan.
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SIMULTECH 2019 - 9th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications