stand how many concurrent requests the presented
microservice architecture can handle given limited
hardware resources and how scalability should be ad-
dressed. Regarding the scalability, as a follow up, ad-
ditional tests will aim at finding out which services are
more stressed and according to the results a proper al-
gorithm for managing scalability will be studied and
implemented. In future works scalability will be prop-
erly automated according to these results and each mi-
croservice will be instantiated according to its work-
load and independently from the others. When mul-
tiple instances are present, workload distribution and
data synchronization among different instances must
be addressed too.
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ERDF (European Regional Development Fund), PO
Sardegna FESR 2007-2013, PIA 2013 (project: n.295
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ICSOFT 2019 - 14th International Conference on Software Technologies