Zimmermann, 1989) dealing with divide and conquer
algorithms) or specific parts of the code (such as loops
in (Demonti
e et al., 2015)). Our approach is more
general, it is not constrained by the type of algorithm
used in the analyzed method. We focus on an entire
method that has the additional benefit that the instru-
mented code used to collect runtime data is less costly
since our only concern is the execution time of the
In this paper we have introduced an approach for auto-
matically determining the algorithmic complexity of a
method from a software system, using runtime mea-
surements. The results of the experimental evaluation
show the potential of our approach. Although the ap-
proach has a good accuracy, further improvement is
possible by analyzing the particularities of the mis-
classified examples.
The next step would be automatizing this whole
process and making it readily available to developers.
The research and experiments described in this paper
serve as solid groundwork for creating such a tool that
allows for real time algorithm complexity verification.
The need for this functionality becomes clear when
one considers the benefits gained, such as the abil-
ity to easily identify potential performance or security
misconceptions developers might have when writing
the code. The exact manner in which said tool might
function still needs analysis and experimentation, but
a possible form might be akin to unit tests that are ex-
ecuted within a continuous integration environment.
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