Application of Open Coding using the Grounded Theory Method to
Identify the Profile of Information and Commucation Technology
Companies in the State of Pará from Brazil
Elziane Monteiro Soares and Sandro Ronaldo Bezerra Oliveira
Graduate Program in Computer Sciense, Institute of Exact and Natural Sciences,
Federal University of Pará, Belém, Pará, Brazil
Keywords: Experimental Software Engineering, Grounded Theory, Open Coding, Customer and Market, MOSE.
Abstract: The use of methods inserted in the context of Experimental Software Engineering as the experimental study,
case studies, opinion surveys and controlled experiments, has intensified in recent years. Considering this
context, this study aims to present the application of the Open Coding proposal in the experimental method
of Grounded Theory (GT), in order to contribute to the definition of the profile of Information and
Communication Technology (ICT) companies in the State of Pará from Brazil, since the results generated in
this work favor the development of the next steps of the GT method. The context explored happened under
the perpescence of the MOSE model, more specifically in the Customer and Market (CM) dimension, once
the investigation was based on information related to the concepts present in this dimension, aiming to know
the form that occurs the development of the CM competence in the daily life of each company participating
in this research.
According to SOFTEX (2016), the changes that are
occurring in business environments have motivated
companies to modify their organizational structures
and production processes, moving from the
traditional view based on functional areas towards
customer-centric process networks. Therefore, for
companies to improve the quality of software
products and related services, such as the processes of
production and distribution of software, leads to
obtaining competitive advantage in the current
market of software development companies.
In view of the above, this work aims to
contribuite, from the application of the open coding
proposed in the experimental method GT, to define
the ICT companies’ profile in the State of Pará, from
Brazil, since the results generated in this work favours
the development of the next steps that compose the
GT method.
To structure that perception, this work will
provide a consistent view better of the way these
companies operate under CM’s perpective, and thus
to contribuite to making the reality of the companies
of the State of Pará in the current market being known
by all, in order to foster investiments of public
orgnizations and / or private in their projects, aiming
potentially to increase the competitiveness of the ICT
companies of the State of Pará in the brazilian market.
The MOSE model (Rouiller, 2017) was selected
as a reference for the development of the research in
order to deal with the lack of visibility of the
companies from Pará in relation to other states about
the competitive market, by treating in detail the
procedures to maintain a good organizational
environment, quality management of products and /
or services, good relationship with customers,
competitiveness of the company in the market and
innovation, among other factors. MOSE is composed
of five competences dimensions: Society and
Sustainability, Human Talent, Quality, Customer and
Market and Innovation, however this work focuses on
the Customer and Market (CM) competence, which is
seen as substantial for a company which is starting or
already has a few years of experience in the market,
helping to remain competitive and innovative in its
services offered and / or goods produced, while other
skills can be worked after the company acquires
stability in the market.
The definition of the context in this work, based
on the information about the MOSE model, favored
the development of the Grounded Theory
Soares, E. and Oliveira, S.
Application of Open Coding using the Grounded Theory Method to Identify the Profile of Information and Commucation Technology Companies in the State of Pará from Brazil.
DOI: 10.5220/0007832701940201
In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Software Technologies (ICSOFT 2019), pages 194-201
ISBN: 978-989-758-379-7
2019 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
methodology, since it requires a well-defined context
of the phenomenon to be studied, since this context
provides the basis for definition problem or the issues
that guided the research.
According to Bandeira-de-Melo and Cunha
(2003), the method of grounded research is a
qualitative research method that uses a set of
systematic data collection and analysis procedures to
generate, validate substantive theories about
essentially social phenomena or comprehensive
social processes.
In the quest to create a theory that more accurately
portrays the profile of companies in the scenario of
Pará, the Grounded Theory method was selected
precisely because the empirical data base provides a
closer approximation to reality by allowing behavior
analysis to be performed with patterns and more
appropriate procedures for the discovery of the
The core element of Grounded Theory is coding,
which is the process of data analysis (Conte, 2009).
Coding refers to the procedures used to label and
analyze the data collected (Glaser and Strauss, 1967).
Therefore, the interpretation of the data is the essence
of qualitative research, whose function is to develop
the theory, helping in the decisions about which data
will be worked (Flick, 2004).
To assist in the collection of empirical data, a
survey was developed and applied in ICT companies
in the state of Pará in order to collect information
related to the Customer and Market competence area,
which is part of the MOSE model, in order to know
the form that the development of CM competence
occurs in the daily life of each one.
Thus, the use of an experimental study is applied
precisely for the purpose of discovering something
unknown or to test a hypothesis (Zendler, 2001 apud
Cruzes, 2007), where the population, the research
method, the method of collection and the form of
analysis of the data collected.
Thus, Experimental Software Engineering (ESE)
is the subject of Software Engineering that
investigates theories, methods and techniques by
experimentation. Typical approaches to experimental
evaluation are case studies, opinion surveys and
controlled experiments (Wohlin et al., 2000).
In view of the above, the benefits of the
application of experimental studies are related to
obtaining results that justify the use or not of a
technology, based on some indication that it can
contribute to the improvement of product quality or
software process. The use of a process to conduct the
studies contributes to the control and execution of the
same, validation, generalization of results and
replication, since the theory generated must be able to
be applied in another context.
In addition to this introductory section, this paper
is organized as follows: Section 2 presents some
related works on the study carried out, Section 3
briefly presents the survey conducted, Section 4
presents in detail the open coding of the Grounded
Theory method, Section 5 presents the evalutation
used in this work and Section 6 discusses the results
obtained with the research and possible future work.
From a bibliographical review in the literature, in
order to find previous works that have themes related
to the one proposed by this work, some works were
analyzed, which will be described next.
A study conducted by Santos (2011) showed the
importance of analyzing the human aspects, as these
can influence the success of a Software Process
Improvement (SPI) program, in order to obtain a
better understanding of these influences. Therefore,
in this work a research was presented on the influence
of human aspects in SPI programs, in order to deepen
the understanding of these influences, considering the
human aspects, and with the purpose of helping these
programs in future successes. For data collection, we
chose to use semi-structured interviews and for data
analysis the researchers used the Grounded Theory
method, precisely to create the substantive
propositions about the influence of human aspects.
Melo (2008) reports that studies show that
activities that are inadequate to the requirements
engineering process are a critical factor for the
success of software projects. Based on this, he
presented an empirical research carried out with
Requirements Engineers, aiming at a better
understanding of the importance and difficulties
existing during the requirements elicitation phase.
Thus, it provides the main characteristics and
necessary profile, which involves a good
requirements elicitor, as well as aid to the project
managers during the selection of the most appropriate
profile of their team to carry out the elicitation task,
obtaining, therefore, the better results for software
Pereira (2001) developed a research with the
entrepreneurs the western of State of Paraná from
Brazil, based on a qualitative study, with qualitative
approaches to the analysis of the data collected. The
general objective of this work was to analyze the
profile of the successful entrepreneur from western
Paraná and to identify the influences of the profile in
Application of Open Coding using the Grounded Theory Method to Identify the Profile of Information and Commucation Technology
Companies in the State of Pará from Brazil
its business in Mercosur. The data collected came
from the interviews with entrepreneurs selected from
a population universe from industry, wholesale and
In his work, Pereira was able to conclude that the
interviewees live in constant professional instability,
due to the economic and political factors coming from
the international market, mainly from countries with
border connections.
The work presented show approaches to data
collection and analysis with the aim of creating
approaches for improvement during the software
development stage, either from analyzes on the
influences of human factors and even support
mechanism, taking into account the reports of people
who participate in the stages in the development
process. In other works, the objective was to create a
profile for requirements elicitors and entrepreneurs,
thus following another research context.
Unlike the related works, this research considers
using the Grounded Theory research method to create
a replicable approach of a process for the
identification of the profiles of companies focused in
the area of information technology, from the
perspective of Customer and Market competence area
belonging to MOSE model.
As a way to reach the objective of the work, a survey
was developed and applied in information and
communication technology companies in the state of
Pará in order to collect information related to the
Customer and Market competence area, which is part
of the MOSE model, in order to know the
development of these skills in the daily life of each
For the definition of the subjective questions that
compose this questionnaire, an exploratory research
was carried out based on the bibliographic survey
about the assets of the MOSE model, more
specifically in the analysis of the goals and expected
results of the CM competence dimension that is part
of this model, selected to support the research of this
The survey was applied in order to collect
qualitative data by structured interviews and applied
in a face-to-face manner in companies. The
application was made with the representatives of each
ICT company participating in this research, which
had as target audience 14 companies, of which 11
were the sample of participants, all of them operating
in the state of Pará, specifically those located in the
capital of state of Pará, with a time in the ICT market
between 4 and 30 years, but the people selected as
respondents were those who have knowledge of
business strategies, customer' understanding of
opportunities, that is, a broad management vision of
the products and / or services provided by the
companies in question, which favors the achievement
of more significant results, within the context
investigated, in the competencies chosen in the
MOSE model. All the companies are registered in
ParaTIC - Association of Companies the State of Pará
of Software and ICT (
The execution and the results obtained initially
with the survey application were published in (Soares
and Oliveira, 2018).
From the production of the data set, obtained with
the application of the survey, the process of analysis
and codification was started, belonging to the
Grounded Theory research method. Coding can be
interpreted as an analytical process from which data
are broken, conceptualized and integrated to form a
theory (Strauss and Corbin, 1998).
Therefore, in order to guarantee the application of
the three types of analysis procedures proposed in the
Grounded Theory method, a set of steps were defined
and executed, and in this work only the Open Coding
context is discussed.
In the search to construct the substantive theory, in
relation to the profile of the ICT companies of the
State of Pará, the Grounded Theory (GT) research
methos was applied considering only the CM
It is emphasized that the Grounded Theory is a
methodology of qualitative research, endowed with
mechanisms, whose purpose is to aid in the
development of theories from data collected in a
certain empirical reality.
In order to support and streamline the procedures
for coding and interpreting the data in the application
of the GT method, Atlas.ti (
was selected. This tool has extensive mechanisms for
managing, extracting, comparing, exploring and
reassembling significant pieces of large amounts of
data in a creative, flexible and systematic manner that
effectively supports the interpreter (researcher) in
qualitative research.
Although Atlas.ti facilitates many of the activities
involved in the analysis and interpretation of
ICSOFT 2019 - 14th International Conference on Software Technologies
qualitative data (particularly selection, indexing /
coding and annotation), its purpose is not to generate
automatic interpretation of the text, since it is the
researcher to carry out the creative and systematic
work of seeking to conceptualize and associate the
Therefore, to facilitate the understanding and
development of the application of the GT method, the
following steps were defined for the present work:
1) Transcript of the interviews, organized by
competence goals and companies,
2) Identification of the codes based on the
competence goals and questions applied in the
3) Definition of the main network between the codes,
4) In each question identify snippets from the codes
already defined,
5) Identification of new codes for each specific
competence goal,
6) Construction of a new network between the new
codes and the specific codes of the competence
goal (primary codes),
7) Mark the excerpts from the texts, referring to the
transcriptions of the interviews with the new
8) Identification of common factors among codes,
9) Definition of the substantive theory of the profile
of companies in the capital of Pará.
In order to ensure that the data coding steps
proposed in the Grounded Theory were achieved, a
relationship was established between the previously
listed steps and the three coding levels of the method,
being it open, axial and selective, as may be shown in
Table 1.
Table 1: Relationship between the coding type and the steps
defined in this work.
Coding Types Steps defined for this Work
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7
Step 8
Step 9
In Step 1, the interviews were recorded in full,
organized by competence goals and companies,
which provided the initial analysis in the CM context
in the companies, with the results presented in the
paper about the application of the survey (Soares and
Oliveira, 2018), but in this work these data will be
further refined by the coding of the GT method.
With the conclusion of Step 1, which dealt with
the transcription of the interviews, organized by
competence goals and companies, Step 2 was started,
in order to continue the other activities listed in the
steps of development of the GT method.
To help analyze the data and identify the codes
based on the competence goals and questions applied
in the survey (procedure related to Step 2), the
documents with the transcripts were imported into the
Atlas.ti tool, precisely to assist in the manipulation of
the qualitative data.
The documents imported into the tool, with the
transcripts, were separated by competence goal, since
the CM competence dimension has nine competence
goals (Table 2), so nine documents were created, with
their respective research question, in these
documents, letters of the alphabet were attributed to
the companies that participated in the research, as a
form of representation in all nine documents, thus
ensuring anonymity (Soares and Oliveira, 2018).
Table 2: Goals and expected results of the Customer and
Market (CM) competence dimension.
CM Competence Goal) Expected results
CM.1 Agreements with
customers are established an
Agreements with customers are
expected to be established an
managed. It is also expected to be
observed whether goods an
services are being delivered an
whether customers are making
their commitments to signed
CM.2 Actions to promote the
consumption of goods and / o
services are carried out
It is expected that actions are
taken to promote the consumption
of goods and / or services of the
usiness unit (in some
environments are called sales) and
that these are preferably
CM.3 Customer service is
In this goal, Customer Service
means receiving your request,
rocessing it, asking questions
and arranging for the delivery o
goods and services purchased.
This goal addresses aspects
related to ensuring tha
agreements and contracts with the
customer are met.
CM.4 Relationship with
customers is carried out
The business unit is expected to
observe the satisfaction of its
customers in relation to the
experiences of consumption of the
goods and services, and that
actions are developed to solve
roblems that may tarnish its
Application of Open Coding using the Grounded Theory Method to Identify the Profile of Information and Commucation Technology
Companies in the State of Pará from Brazil
Table 2: Goals and expected results of the Customer and
Market (CM) competence dimension. (cont.)
CM.5 The portfolios of goods
and / or services are defined an
It is expected that the main goods
and / or services offered by the
usiness unit will be organized in
ortfolio. It should be emphasized
that each good and service must
be specified in the portfolio,
considering its target audience, its
categorization and prioritization,
competitors and among others.
CM.6 Prospection of new
demands are detailed
considering the assets and / o
services of the portfolio
Customers (internal or external to
the company) are expected to be
categorized into profiles and tha
rospecting, retention an
conversion actions of new
customers are carried out. It is also
necessary to make a detailed
analysis of the generation of new
demands, now considering
specific time goals for the goods
and services defined in the
CM.7 Approaches to custome
service are established an
It is expected that channels will be
established to meet custome
requests and deliver the goods an
/ or services produced by the
business unit.
CM.8 Relationship approaches
with customers are established
and maintained
It is expected that channels o
relationship and communication
with customers will be established
and maintained (and market-
focus, where relevant). There
should also
e studies to see if the
form of customer relationship
(and market-focus) is being
effective and adjustments shoul
e made when this
communication has no positive
effects on the business.
CM.9 Incidents are recorded,
analyzed and preventive actions
are carried out
It is expected that incidents o
delivery of the goods and / o
services will be handled in time
not to generate wear and tear with
the customer. In addition to the
need to solve these incidents,
these should be recorded and
eriodic reviews should be made
with the intent to prevent them.
Also in Step 2, in order to identify the codes, a
detailed analysis line by line was made in the
sentences transcribed from the interviews, precisely
to search for the key words or expressions, which
allowed generating the preliminary data and their
possible relations. Basically, during the open coding
the researcher separates the data into distinct parts,
examines and compares them rigorously for
similarities and differences.
Therefore, this step must involve a careful and
contextualized reading of the transcribed lines, in this
way it allows to generate codes, from a part of the text
or in some moments of a word for assignment
(conceptualization) of a code name that reflects the
text segmented (Maciel, 2011).
Thus, from this detailed analysis, the first codes of
this work, generated by the researcher's vision and
interpretation, appeared.
With the emergence of the first codes, it was
possible to define the main network between the
codes, corresponding to Step 3. The network
visualization allows expressing relations between
codes, and was created observing the interrelation or
interdependence between the competences goals, that
is, the relationship established between the codes in
this work considered the structure provided in the
MOSE. Figure 1 shows the structure of
interdependence between competence goals.
Figure 1: Interdependence of competence goals required by
In MOSE, the relationship established among the
nine competence goals considers the
recommendations required by profile, based on the
size and number of employees that the company
obtains, in order to meet the diversities of companies
in relation to the size and the number of employees,
the competence goals are allocated considering three
profiles: Small (PEQ), Medium (MED) and Large
(GRD), according to relationship shown by Figure 1.
Step 4 proposed in each question to identify
excerpts from the codes already defined and was
executed in parallel to Step 2, since the generated
codes reflect the texts (excerpts) considered
important from the perspective of the researcher, in
the explored context, with the association between a
code and a citation, in order to capture meaning in the
data and also serve as identifiers for specific
occurrences in the data.
Thus, with the completion of the steps that
compose the open coding, the first results were
obtained, being these results primordial to the follow
up of the next steps referring to the axial and selective
ICSOFT 2019 - 14th International Conference on Software Technologies
coding. It is remarked that the results of the axial and
selective steps are under analysis for publication in
the annals of another conferences.
4.1 Results of the Grounded Theory
Method for Open Coding
This section presents the results obtained through
analyzes performed on the data, that is, resulting from
the open codification process, with its due
descriptions and foundations, which formed the initial
basis for the construction of the substantive theory of
definition of the ICT companies profile, considering
CM competence.
The main network, seen in Figure 2, emerged as a
result of the microanalyses performed in the
transcribed texts, with the extraction of the initial
codes, occurring in the steps related to the open
coding. The initial set of codes refers to the concepts
that characterize the participants' responses to the CM
competence goals addressed in each question
formulated in the survey.
It is also worth noting that the organization of the
codes in the diagram does not represent a pre-
established order of importance, since their
hierarchical order observed in the figure does not
express their degree of relevance, for example, the
code incident handling, of the diagram does not have
a high level of importance compared to others, this
code was only positioned to improve the visual
presentation field of the diagram, as well as all others
present in the primary code diagram, since the main
point of this result is the presentation of codes and
how the relationship between them occurs.
For Bandeira-de-Mello and Cunha (2003), the
codes generated in the open coding should be
classified as: a) first order codes, directly associated
to the citations (called "in vivo" codes), b) and
abstract or theoretical codes associated with other
codes. The connectors used to associate the code
generated in the Figure 2 were of type “is associated
with”, where the source code and destination code
have specific concepts related; while in the type “is
part of”, the source code is a part that composes
together with other parts of destination code.
For a better understanding of the codes presented
in the diagram (seen in Figure 2), Table 3 was
developed with the purpose of presenting a detailed
description of the first codes extracted in the research,
with the following specifications: (a) MOSE
competence goal, which CM goal in which the code
originated, (b) code, presents the name that was
assigned to the code in the analysis, (c) grounded
(degree of reasoning), indicating the number of times
the code was applied, (d) density, indicating the
number of links between the code and other codes, (e)
related codes, where the names of the codes with
which there is the relationship in the diagram are
Posteriorly, a structure graphic, with occurrences
of citations, was developed to each code, in order to
point out text snippets that provide proper evidence to
main concept related to code, wich consequently
aided in the accounting of the quantity of time that
code was applied (grounded).
Thus completing the open coding phase, having
already the initial codes estructured in network, it can
proceed to next steps that compose the GT method,
wich is axial and selective coding, developed in future
Figure 2: Primary code Network.
Application of Open Coding using the Grounded Theory Method to Identify the Profile of Information and Commucation Technology
Companies in the State of Pará from Brazil
Table 3: Primary code specifications.
Customer and Market
Competence Goal (MOSE)
Code Grounded Density Related Codes
Contracts and agreements
21 1 Portfolio of Goods and Services
Promote Goods and Services 19 1 Prospecting New Customers
Make an Attendance 12 1 Maintain an Attendance
Conduct Relationship 15 1 Maintain Relationship
Portfolio of Goods an
11 3
Contracts and agreements established, Prospecting
ew Customers, Maintain an Attendance
Prospecting New Customers 13 3
Promote Goods and Services, Portfolio of Goods
and Services, Maintain Relationship.
Maintain an Attendance 13 4
Make an Attendance, Portfolio of Goods and
Services, Maintain Relationship, Inciden
Maintain Relationship 11 4
Conduct Relationship, Prospecting New
Customers, Maintain an Attendance, Inciden
Incident Treatment 15 2 Maintain an Attendance, Maintain Relationship.
In order to guarantee the veracity of the results,
evaluations were carried out based on the previous
knowledge of an expert in the area of experimental
software engineering, being certified as a consultant-
implementer and leading evaluator of the MPS.BR,
others, working for more than 5 years in deployments
of models to improve the process or software product
in organizations from different regions of Brazil.
The evaluations performed on the results occurred
at the end of each coding step, guided by specific
criteria proposed by Strauss and Corbin (1998) to
evaluate substantive theories based on data, which
Fit - the theory must be appropriate to the
substantive research area and must correspond to
the data,
Understanding - the theory makes sense for
professionals in the area studied,
Generality - the theory must be abstract enough to
serve as a general guide without losing its
Control - the theory acts as a general guide and
enables a person to fully understand the situation.
In order to standardize and organize the
evaluation, a scale was defined and applied to the
criteria presented previously, in order to assign a
classification for each doubt or inconsistency found
in the coding steps, specified below:
NA (No Attendance): indicates that a problem has
been found in an item that, if not changed, will
compromise the theory,
PA (Partial Attendance): indicates that a coding
problem has been found which should be changed,
FA (Full Attendance): indicates that the analysis
performed on the data is complete and contributes
to the theory.
In general way the expert evaluated the research
results of open codification as a full attendance with
fit, unsderstanding, generality and control because the
research report had consistency about the MOSE
assets. This way, the researcher started the axil and
selective conding using the results obtained from
open coding.
The objective of this study was to present an
application of the open codification proposed in the
Grounded Theory experimental method carried out in
the data that were collected by the application of the
survey with the participation of 11 respondents, with
time in the ICT market between 4 and 30 years. The
open codification was carried out in order to
contribute to the definition of the profile of
Information and Communication Technology
companies in the capital of Pará from Brazil, as it
generated results that favor the development of the
next stages of the GT method. The explored context
occurred under the perpescence of the MOSE model,
more specifically in CM dimension.
Thus, it is intended as future work to further
refines this research from the application of the other
ICSOFT 2019 - 14th International Conference on Software Technologies
stages, axial and selective, that makes up the GT
research method. This fact, therefore, will contribute
to the creation of the central and substantive theory
regarding the profile of the companies that operate in
the ICT technology market of the State of Pará.
The authors would like to thank the Dean of Research
and Postgraduate Studies at the Federal University of
Pará (PROPESP/UFPA) for providing financial
support through the Qualified Publication Support
Program (PAPQ).
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Application of Open Coding using the Grounded Theory Method to Identify the Profile of Information and Commucation Technology
Companies in the State of Pará from Brazil