In this paper a buffer system is introduced that acts as
an assisting system for the automated draping of tex-
tiles. The issue of length differences when deposition-
ing textiles on double curved surfaces is addressed.
As a solution, an adaptable material buffer which can
independently control the two edge lengths of the fab-
ric during the application process is proposed. For this
solution the mechanical design, the control architec-
ture and the mathematical background for controlling
the buffer system are presented. The suggested ap-
proach was implemented and evaluated by an experi-
mental investigation. The results were emphasized
and improvements like layup quality, material guid-
ance as well as the occurring disadvantages are dis-
cussed. Future works have as goal the improvement
of the interaction between the supply roll and the
buffer system, as well as the correction of the material
drift by deflecting the adjustable roll of the material
buffer. The geometrical velocity offset, passed onto
the drives of the draping roll, must also be fully inte-
grated. Nevertheless the present approach is a prom-
ising solution which can contribute to the automated
draping of textiles.
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