Exploring DDoS Mechanisms
Bruno de Souza Neves, Filipe Mour
ao Leite, Lucas da Silva Jorge, Rahyan Azin Gondin Paiva,
Juliana de Melo Bezerra and Vitor Venceslau Curtis
Department of Computer Science, ITA, S
ao Jos
e dos Campos, Brazil
DDoS, Botnet, Election, Network Topology.
The concern about cyber security has attracted attention by organizations and public services over the last
few years due to the importance of confidentiality, integrity, and availability of services and sensitive data.
Many recent episodes of cyber attacks causing strong impact have been performed using extremely simple
techniques and taking advantage of the hidden weaknesses of current systems. This article has the main
purpose to motivate the academy to mitigate unexpected potential threats from the attacker’s perspective,
exposing the latent weakness of current systems, since the majority of such papers focus only on the defense
perspective. We analyze the potential impact of Denial of Service (DoS), a very popular cyber attack that
affects the availability of a victim server, through different mechanisms and topologies. Specifically, we
simulate and analyze the impact of Distributed DoS (DDoS) using the List and Binary Tree topologies along
with Continuous or Pulsating stream of requests. In order to improve the potential of the analyzed DDoS
methods, we also introduce a new technique to protect them against mitigation from security systems.
Over the last decade, we have seen technologies as
streaming, deep learning, IoT, blockchain and big
data disrupting traditional business and enabling a
prolific market of network-based systems where data
are the principal value. In this context, secure and
reliable systems are very important to not tarnish the
image of a company and crucial in critical systems
and public services.
A good example of potential damage a network
cyber attack could lead was recently revealed by (Mc-
Callie et al., 2011). They expose the fragility of the
Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-
B) system of the global air traffic control. Using about
$1,000 worth of radio equipment, a hacker could sim-
ply flood the air traffic control system with as many
fake airplanes as it wants.
In 2016, Mirai botnet attacked the Internet Ser-
vice Provider (ISP) for sites such as Twitter, Amazon,
PayPal, Spotify, Netflix, and others, making them un-
reachable for several hours. In such attacks, a worm
propagates through networks and systems taking con-
trol of poorly protected IoT and embedded devices
such as IP cameras, thermostats, Wi-Fi enabled clocks
and washing machines (Kolias et al., 2017). At its
peak, Mirai infected over 600,000 vulnerable devices
and was able to attack the OVH services with a vol-
ume of network traffic around 1Tbps (Antonakakis
et al., 2017).
These episodes expose considerable negligence by
companies in the past years regarding security, which
now reflects as latent threats to computer systems.
Forecastings estimate that IoT and small devices will
represent more than 75% of the global Internet reach-
ing 10 billion in 2020 and representing a true potential
threat specially because of new connected solutions
with poor security pop up every day by small business
and startups, (Rose et al., 2015), (Columbus, 2018).
With this scenario, we propose that the academy
encourage more research papers from the attacker’s
perspective rather than the defense to force the expo-
sure of current hidden weaknesses of computer sys-
tems as a measure of prevention from real potential
attacks to organization and states.
According to (Schatz et al., 2017), the current ter-
minology to discuss security aspects of digital devices
and information is cyber security and it is basically
defined as the actions and technologies followed by
organizations and states to protect confidentiality, in-
tegrity, and availability of data and assets used in cy-
Among the cyber threats, the Denial-of-Service
(DoS) is a very easy and common kind of cyber at-
Neves, B., Leite, F., Jorge, L., Paiva, R., Bezerra, J. and Curtis, V.
Exploring DDoS Mechanisms.
DOI: 10.5220/0007835304600467
In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Software Technologies (ICSOFT 2019), pages 460-467
ISBN: 978-989-758-379-7
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
tack that violates the availability of systems. Besides
it looks harmless at first, as cited by the examples
above, it can cause severe damages to organizations
and public services. Furthermore, due to the con-
temporary importance of confidentiality and value of
data, cyber attacks can cause an important devaluation
of brands by inducing distrust about the integrity and
confidentiality of personal data or services, becoming
even a tool to commit financial crimes by influencing
the stock markets.
In this article, we motivate the attacker’s philoso-
phy of cybersecurity by analyzing the performance of
some Distributed DoS (DDoS), a non-trivial kind of
DoS, as a way to analyze the potential damage a real
scenario powered by the growth of IoT devices could
First, we present some basic concepts of DoS and
DDoS in section 2, followed by a common taxonomy
of the main methods of DDoS based on some behav-
ior mechanisms. Section 3 describes how to simulate
the main methods of DDoS introduced in the previ-
ous section and the limitations of these simulations.
Section 4 discusses the results of the simulations and
the potential of each mechanism. In section 5, we pro-
pose a new technique difficulting DDoS mitigation by
protecting the attacking network and, finally, 6 cites
the main conclusions of this work.
DoS is a cyber-attack in which the perpetrator seeks
to make a machine or network resource unavailable to
its intended users by temporarily or indefinitely dis-
rupting services of a host connected to the Internet
(Soltanian and Amiri, 2016), and it can be achieved
by different methods.
Usually, the most common method of attack oc-
curs when the hacker floods a network server or re-
source with superfluous or incorrect requests in an at-
tempt to decrease its availability to attend legitimate
requests and blocking all users at once. One exam-
ple of such attack is known as SYN flood, where one
sends a request to connect but never completes the
connection through a three-way handshake. The in-
complete handshake leaves the connected port in an
occupied status and unavailable for further requests.
Many of these DoS attacks are easy to identify and
block by only checking the source of the requests. Be-
cause of this, hackers usually use DDoS, which im-
plements distributed computing to coordenate multi-
ple attackers from different sources to send malicious
traffic to a targeted server.
Internet devices
Infected devices
Figure 1: Arquitecture example of a DDoS botnet with one
zombie, in red, blocked by the target firewall.
A DDoS starts with the hacker first spreading ma-
licious softwares called malware with the intention to
infect an army of Internet-connected devices, named
zombie computers, with backdoors running in back-
ground and waiting for commands from a Command
and Control (C&C) server, as shown in Figure 1, con-
figuring a network of zombies called botnet.
After many devices infected, the hacker initiates
a DDoS through the C&C, which is responsible to
spread the attack command over the botnet, and each
zombie performs the attack by requesting some ser-
vice over the network to the target infrastructure. It
makes the defense much more difficult since block-
ing one IP, see Figure 1, has almost no effect because
of the massive amount of attacking points spread over
the Internet.
DDoS is also much more powerful than a simple
DoS because it multiplies the capacity of sending fake
request to the target, the massive amount of available
resources enables requests with signatures very close
to genuine requests, and it can be implemented with
no central point of C&C, making the interruption of
an attack much more difficult.
In the literature, there are some taxonomies trying
to capture all the methods involving DDoS. (Mirkovic
and Reiher, 2004) and (Bhardwaj et al., 2016) clas-
sify DDoS attacks by the following main categories:
Degree of Automation (DA), Exploited Weakness to
Deny Service (EW), Source Address Validity (SAV),
Attack Rate Dynamics (ARD), Possibility of Charac-
terization (PC), Persistence of Agent Set (PAS), Vic-
tim Type (VT) and Impact on the Victim (IV), as
described by Figure 2. For more information about
the details of this taxonomy and the characteristics of
each component, please, see (Mirkovic and Reiher,
2004) and (Bhardwaj et al., 2016).
According to this classification, our proposed
Exploring DDoS Mechanisms
DDoS Attack Mechanisms
Manual (DA-1)
Semi-automatic (DA-2)
Automatic (DA-3)
Direct (CM-1)
Indirect (CM-2)
Random (HSS-1)
Hitlist (HSS-2)
Signpost (HSS-3)
Permutation (HSS-4)
Local subnet (HSS-5)
Central (PM-1)
Back-chaining (PM-2)
Autonomous (PM-3)
Semantic (EW-1)
Brute-force (EW-2)
Filterable (RAVS-1)
Non-filterable (RAVS-2)
Characterizable (PC-1)
Non-characterizable (PC-2)
Constant rate (ARD-1)
Variable rate (ARD-2)
Increasing (RCM-1)
Fluctuating (RCM-2)
Disruptive (IV-1)
Degrading (IV-2)
Host (VT-2)
Application (VT-1)
Network (VT-4)
Infrastructure (VT-5)
Constant set (PAS-1)
Variable (PAS-2)
Spoofed (SAV-1)
Valid (SAV-2)
Non-routable (AR-2)
Routable (AR-1)
Random (ST-1)
Subnet (ST-2)
En route (ST-3)
Classification by
degree of automation (DA)
Classification by
host scanning strategy (HSS)
Classification by
propagation mechanism (PM)
Classification by
communication mechanism (CM)
Classification by
attack rate dynamics (ARD)
Classification by
rate change mechanism (RCM)
Classification by
possibility of characterization (PC)
Classification by
relation of attack
to victim services (RAVS)
Classification by
source address validity (SAV)
Classification by
victim type (VT)
Classification by
persistence of agent set (PAS)
Classification by
impact on the victim (IV)
Self-recoverable (PDR-1)
Human-recoverable (PDR-2)
Classification by
possibility of
dynamic recovery (PDR)
Classification by
exploited weakness (EW)
Classification by
address routability (AR)
Classification by
spoofing technique (ST)
Non-recoverable (PDR-3)
Fixed (ST-4)
Resource (VT-3)
Horizontal (VSS-1)
Vertical (VSS-2)
Coordinated (VSS-3)
Stealthy (VSS-4)
Classification by vulnerability
scanning strategy (VSS)
Figure 2: Taxonomy of DDoS attacks.
methodology has the following characteristics:
Semi-Automatic (DA): the attack is initiated by
the user command, while all the other processes
are automatic;
Brute Force (EW): it sends a high volume of
seemingly legitimate requests to exhaust the vic-
tim’s capacity;
Valid Source Address (SAV): the attacker does not
use a spoofed source address;
Constant or Variable Rate (ARD): both dynamics
are tested;
Non-Characterizable (PC): no specific protocol or
application from the victim was chosen to be tar-
geted. The attack only intends to consume net-
work bandwidth;
Constant Agent Set (PA): when a node is infected,
it becomes a permanent participant in each of the
subsequent attacks;
Network Attack (VT): the attacks mean to exhaust
the bandwidth of a target;
Disruptive (IV): the attack has the object to dis-
rupt the entire target’s resources, even though
sometimes it cannot accomplish it.
Among these characteristics, the Degree of Au-
tomation and Attack Rate Dynamics are crucial in our
experiments once our goal is to measure the efficiency
of a botnet. Thus, the following subsections 2.1 and
2.2 respectively describe in more details the mecha-
nisms of DA and ARD analyzed in our simulations.
2.1 Degree of Automation
The infection of new zombies, the dynamic man-
agement of the network, and the control of a botnet
may be implemented in different degree of automa-
tion (Bhardwaj et al., 2016):
Automatic: zombie nodes autonomously organize
themselves, including a pre-programmed attack
Manual: the hacker starts all the commands: at-
tack, network management and infection;
Semi-automatic: some degree of automation.
In this work, we preferred the semi-automatic de-
gree of automation once the automatic restricts the
flexibility of attack and the manual exposes the bot-
net network with many control messages. The semi-
automatic approach is better once it has all the bene-
fits of common distributed systems: no-central server,
resilient to failures, scalable, etc.
Our semi-automatic solution implements a dis-
tributed botnet system that dynamically adapts the
network, the topology of zombie nodes, once they
become available or not due to a new successful in-
fection or mitigation by a security system. Only the
start of an attack command is kept manual in order to
have more control of the experiments, while the dis-
semination of any command in the botnet continues
Botnets can be formed in different network struc-
tures, topologies, for which the most common are:
Star topology: there is a C&C server with the bots
organized around it;
ICSOFT 2019 - 14th International Conference on Software Technologies
Hierarchical topology: bots organized in layers of
C&C servers;
Random topology: Peer-to-Peer (P2P) communi-
cation among bots.
The star topology was chosen to facilitate the im-
plementation of the semi-automatic attack, since there
is a central server that can receive manual input from
a user and then transmit a flow of commands in the
direction from the root to leaves.
A weakness of this topology is the possibility of a
security system to explore the center of each start. Us-
ing this vulnerability, it is possible to reach the C&C
and make it unavailable. In order to avoid this type
of mitigation and still preserve the manual control of
the attack, in section 5, we propose a new method of
automation which controls the botnet with resilience,
where zombies have only partial information about
the topology.
2.2 Attack Rate Dynamics
A DDoS can also follow different dynamics depend-
ing on the duration, form, and distribution of the traf-
fic in the stream of superfluous requests, where the
more similar its signature is to a genuine request, the
more difficult it is to detect the DDoS. A taxonomy
with two main classes of ARD patterns are described
in (Liu et al., 2012).
Figure 3: Typical FDoS waveforms.
Flood DoS (FDoS), as showed in Figure 3, has
three typical types of a waveform based on the ARD:
classical constant rate flood, increasing rate flood,
fluctuating rate flood. In constant rate, the botnet
attacks the target with full force; in increasing rate
flood, the botnet gradually increases the attack rate
resulting to slow exhaustion of victim’s resources;
and in fluctuating rate, the botnet performs any other
waveform, including occasional changes.
Figure 4: Typical LDoS waveforms.
Low Rate DoS (LDos) is similar to fluctuating rate
flood but it sends just one short burst, usually a square
wave pattern, every each T period. For large botnets,
T may even be long in order to difficult the detection
of the malicious attack. The Figure 4 presents some
typical different patterns of LDoS.
In this work, we analyze two main patters of a
ARD: a continuous stream and a pulse waveform. The
first is very similar to the constant rate FDoS and the
second is closely related to LDoS pattern. However,
it is important to note that the propagation delay of
a command from the C&C into the botnet may dras-
tically change the waveform, resulting in interesting
In this work, the two common mechanisms of ARD
described in Section 2.2 are analyzed, each using two
network topologies: a tree-based, where each node in
the botnet has some children, and list-based network,
where each node can forward an attack only to one
next node.
In order to simulate the experiments, we
implemented programs in GoLang supported by
lightweight threads to achieve a high scale for the bot-
Exploring DDoS Mechanisms
net simulation. Basically, the simulations are com-
posed by three programs:
Server: It is basically the C&C server, responsible
for the botnet commands and for tracking when a
node first joined the botnet;
Client: It is the zombie node, a node in a bot-
net network, capable of autonomously discover-
ing other zombies and handling attacks;
Targeted Server: It represents the target infras-
tructure and stores the attack data for further anal-
All programs communicate with each other
by UDP packets and the Client implements dis-
tributed solutions to handle the network topology au-
tonomously. All the information about the simula-
tion is retrieved from logs and the packets exchanged
among the nodes of the network. More specifically,
each packet contains:
Sent to the Targeted Server: an identification of
the sender, a timestamp of a sent packet, and a
sequence number to help identifying lost packets;
Ordering a attack (to zombies): the Targeted
Server identification, the type of the attack, and
a timestamp identifying the initial attack time in
case of a pulse DDoS pattern;
Regarding the botnet construction: identification
of the new Client (zombie).
Using data of the packages sent to the Targeted
Server it is possible to acquire information regarding
the packet loss, packet delay and transmition delay
throughout the botnet. We use these data to imple-
ment two kinds of attack patterns: constant (Clients
begin the attack as soon as they receive the mes-
sage), and the pulse-like (a timestamp states when the
Clients should start the attack).
Since the experiment was not performed in a
real network, real computers with their latencies and
bandwidth, we had to simulate these characteristics
by controlling the rate of the package exchanges
among the nodes of the network.
The latencies are simulated by implementing two
basic botnet topologies: a list topology and a random
binary tree topology. In both cases, the addition of a
new zombie is decided by the zombies already set in
the network: it greedily accepts a new zombie as its
own child (two in the case of binary tree and one for
list) or ramdonly choose one of its children to delegate
the addition in a recursive way. The goal is to simulate
a balanced tree that minimizes its depth (information
delay among bots) and the message passing, and fur-
ther compare it to a topology with high latency, i.e.,
the list-based topology.
All the codes are available open-source for further
researches. Please, contact the authors for getting ac-
cess to it.
This section presents the main results of our simu-
lations for the tree-based and list-based topologies
using continuous stream and pulse wave pattern of
DDoS attacks. From the logs obtained by the simu-
lation, the most relevant measurements extracted are
the package loss and the attack propagation delay.
The tests were performed in different machines
configurations and the results were similar. In the
following sections, we preferred to show the results
for a single regular Windows PC with the following
configuration and tools: Windows 10 O.S., Intel Core
i7 processor, 8GB(RAM). The amount of lightweight
threads is described in each experiment.
4.1 Attack Propagation Delay
In a real scenario, a central server of a star topology
usually contaminates zombies around it in a tree-like
structure. Thus, in order to simulate this approach,
we implemented the system with a binary tree topol-
ogy. Furthermore, to observe the effects of having a
large number of levels in the tree architecture with a
reasonable number of nodes, we use a botnet with list
structure, which in practice is unlikely to happen but
it is enough to observe results.
0 100 200 300 400
Reached nodes
Elapsed time (in ms)
Figure 5: Propagation delay within a botnet with 500 nodes
using constant DDoS in binary tree topology.
During the contamination phase, for a similar
number of nodes, the list-based topology presents a
bigger number of layers than a tree-based topology,
implying in a larger delay of propagation through the
botnet. Because of this, we use 100 nodes for the list
implementations. For the binary tree topology, since
ICSOFT 2019 - 14th International Conference on Software Technologies
0 100 200 300 400
Reached nodes
Elapsed time (in ms)
Figure 6: Propagation delay within a botnet with 500 nodes
using pulse DDoS in binary tree topology.
0 20 40
80 100
Reached nodes
Elapsed time (in ms)
Figure 7: Propagation delay within a botnet with 100 nodes
using constant DDoS in list topology.
the height tends to be proportional to log
n, we use
500 nodes in the simulation to get more levels and
make the effect of the topology clear in the results.
The results are presented in Figures 5-8.
Using pulse DDoS mechanism, Figure 6 and Fig-
ure 8, it can be noticed that almost all nodes attack
at the same time, delay near 0ms, except for outliers
that do not attack immediately for some unexpected
0 20 40
80 100
Reached nodes
Elapsed time (in ms)
Figure 8: Propagation delay within a botnet with 100 nodes
using pulse DDoS in list topology.
fail or oscillation, a phenomena also present in a real
The graphs of the constant DDoS mechanism,
Figure 5 and Figure 7, show how the nodes are grad-
ually mobilized by the attack wave, exposing the hi-
erarchy of a network with many layers. Particularly,
the propagation delay using constant DDoS and list
topology, Figure 7, results in perfect straight line once
the information in the list is passed from node to node
with a similar delay.
4.2 Package Loss in Target Server
The graphs on Figures 9-12 show that the binary tree
topology is much more effective in damaging the traf-
fic of the target server. Even considering a margin on
a simulation where a tree-based topology has 5 times
more node than a list-based topology, 500 nodes ver-
sus 100 nodes, the difference of the results is much
bigger than this proportion.
0 20 40
80 100 120 140
Elapsed time (in ms)
Amount of lost packages
Figure 9: Package loss for each ten thousand packages us-
ing constant DDoS in Binary Tree topology.
0 20 40
80 100
Elapsed time (in ms)
Amount of lost packages
Figure 10: Package loss for each ten thousand packages us-
ing pulse DDoS in Binary Tree topology.
This can be interpreted as a consequence of the
small delay in propagating commands from the C&C
Exploring DDoS Mechanisms
0 100 200 300 400
Elapsed time (in ms)
Amount of lost packages
Figure 11: Package loss for each ten thousand packages us-
ing constant DDoS in List topology.
Elapsed time (in ms)
Amount of lost packages
Figure 12: Package loss for each ten thousand packages us-
ing pulse DDoS in List topology.
to far nodes in the botnet for a smaller number of lev-
els. In the list, even though the DDoS algorithm or-
ders that all nodes attack at the same time, the delay
of the propagation makes the attacks to reach the tar-
get asynchronously resulting in a very ineffective ap-
As it can be seen in both topologies, Figure 9 and
Figure 11, respectively, the tree-based and list-based
topologies, the constant rate DDoS presents a consid-
erable delay before achieving a stable rate of package
loss. It is the time necessary to mobilize all the nodes
in the botnet.
On the other hand, Figure 10 and Figure 12 show
that the pulse DDoS presents a stable rate since the
first time of the attack, given that the C&C orders that
all nodes attack at the same clock time, and resulting
in a more powerful capacity for using it against big
Thus, we may conclude that that the shorter the
attack propagation delay is, the worse are the impacts.
As it can be seen in Figure 10 and Figure 12, it is very
likely that no action could be taken before the server
is down, the worse case scenario. In constant attacks
patterns, like the ones from the Figures 9 and 11, it is
possible to identify the increasing workload and take
action to protect the servers before it is too late.
In a real botnet over the Internet, zombie nodes may
be turned off at any time. As the transmission of the
C&C commands is forwarded node by node on the
topology, it may brake the botnet. Usually, botnets
solve it by implementing some distributed solution to
autonomously adapt the topology on such cases.
Security systems may take advantage of this sit-
uation by infiltrating a zombie spy in the botnet and
blocking the other nodes in such a way to push it as
close as possible to the root of the tree topology. Us-
ing this strategy, the invader could raise hierarchically
in the topology and get a huge part of the tree as its
descendant. Since the command flow occurs from the
root to the leaves, the spy can stop sending malicious
traffic to this part of the botnet or sabotage it.
child 1 child 2
child 3
Figure 13: Child detects the absence of it failed parent.
child 2
child 1
child 3
Figure 14: Oldest child (2) replaces the missing parent.
Next, we describe a solution to protect the botnet
against this kind of security systems. If a node detects
that its parent is missing, it starts an election process
to decide a new one. In the adopted strategy, exempli-
fied in the Figures 13 and 14, the oldest child of the
missing parent takes its place.
The timestamp on the system clock, when the
zombie joined the botnet, is used to compare the zom-
bie nodes and to decide who is the oldest brother. This
ICSOFT 2019 - 14th International Conference on Software Technologies
is sufficient to avoid an invader from forging its own
time by pretending to be older in order to substitute
a missing parent. Since the malware in a real system
could take hours or even days to spread, the invader
has to wait for a time of the same order of magnitude
to ascend a substantial level in the hierarchy. Mean-
while, the other branches of the tree grow indepen-
dently of what the security system is doing in the spy
branch. This is more than enough for the botnet to
make substantial damage to the server.
It is important to notice that, in our botnet con-
figuration, each node is only able to get information
about its adjacent nodes: child, parent, and some
close nodes (siblings and grandparent) due to the elec-
tion procedure. This prevents a possible attacker to
have easy access to the control server and allows a
semi-automatic Degree of Automation.
Another approach to avoid the vulnerability of
having a centralized server taken down is to change
the hierarchy to peer-to-peer, in which each node
would be exposed only to its adjacent bots and ev-
ery node can be a command center. However, this
would forbid the manual control by the Server: time,
rate and the dynamic. Thus, the implemented topol-
ogy is similar to a P2P in the way nodes join the bot-
net and communicate with neighbors, but it is similar
to a hierarchical network in the way command flows
throughout the level of the topology.
The simulation of DDoS mechanisms implemented in
this work achieved interesting results preserving the
functionality of a real DDoS and clarifying the dis-
semination of information within a botnet along with
its interacting behavior.
The list-based implementation exposed the differ-
ences in each ARD mechanism, since it generated
many levels of hierarchy in the topology using a rel-
atively small number of nodes. Thus, phenomena as
the network propagation delay can be noticed easier:
the time to mobilize all bots in the network is more
expressive and the two mechanisms of attack gener-
ate very different results.
In terms of package loss in the targeted system,
both mechanisms (Continuous and Pulsating) gener-
ated similar outputs. This is expected for a limited
target infrastructure and it can be interpreted as the
botnet having more network bandwidth capacity than
the target.
We also proposed a new election strategy to man-
age the dynamic structure of the botnet network, when
zombie nodes detect failed parents, improving the se-
curity against mitigation from security systems. The
proposed method theoretically meets the objective of
preventing the botnet mitigation by outside invaders.
However, since the simulation of a real scenario of se-
curity system attacking botnets is not trivial, we pre-
ferred to explore such simulations in future projects.
As DDoS from the attacker perspective is not a
common topic in the academia, we expect that this
work can be used as material to new computer net-
work and distributed system courses in order to im-
prove the security discussions.
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