On the Energy Consumption of Quantum-resistant Cryptographic
Software Implementations Suitable for Wireless Sensor Networks
Michael Heigl
1, 2
, Laurin Doerr
1, 2
, Martin Schramm
and Dalibor Fiala
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of West Bohemia, Pilsen 301 00, Czech Republic
Institute ProtectIT, Deggendorf Institute of Technology, 94469 Deggendorf, Germany
Keywords: Wireless Sensor Networks, Post-quantum Cryptography, Energy Consumption.
For an effective protection of the communication in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) facing e.g. threats
by quantum computers in the near future, it is necessary to examine the applicability of quantum-resistant
mechanisms in this field. It is the aim of this article to survey possible candidate schemes utilizable on sensor
nodes and to compare the energy consumption of a selection of freely-available software implementations
using a WSN-ready Texas Instruments CC1350 LaunchPad ARM® Cortex®-M3 microcontroller board.
The set consisting of base stations and multiple tiny
autonomous devices interconnected via an ad-hoc
communication is called WSN. Nowadays, they have
permeated many technological areas mainly driven by
the Internet of Things (IoT). The sensor nodes are
composed of a microcontroller, a radio transceiver,
a power supply (typically battery-powered), memory
and one or more sensors to collect data from the im-
mediate environment and transmit it wirelessly. Ap-
plication areas are boosted by the IoT ranging from
simple measurements of environmental data such as
temperature or smoke towards IoT-enabled Smart
Cars (Bartolomeu et al., 2018).
The ever-increasing and more advanced attack
capabilities and strategies pose an enormous chal-
lenge and demand IT-security for WSN in the near
future. The sophistication of attacks utilizing dis-
tributed, cloud or even quantum computation (Sen,
2013) forces classical IT-security to change into sus-
tainable cyber resilience. However, the application of
viable cryptographic schemes vital for holistic secu-
rity solutions are often seen as an undesirable over-
head cost and therefore neglected in the design of
WSN. Due to the inherent resource limitations in
terms of memory size, processing speed as well as
energy consumption, attacks towards WSN are man-
ifold (Costa et al., 2017). Because of the open com-
munication nature of the wireless radio channel, at-
tackers can easily eavesdrop on, intercept, inject and
forge the exchanged information. Especially when
it comes to the transmission of confidential informa-
tion, for instance measurements in the medical or mil-
itary area, cryptographic schemes are inevitable to
preserve the protection goals confidentiality, integrity
and authenticity. The application of these schemes on
the other side still imposes several limitations since
the known resource issues and other constraints pre-
sented in (Sen, 2013) inhibit the deployment in WSN.
Furthermore, with the advent of quantum comput-
ers, quantum computation will have a tremendous im-
pact on a major field of cryptography not only erupt-
ing WSN-security. It has the potential to break or
weaken asymmetric schemes including the Elliptic-
Curve Diffie-Hellman (ECDH) key exchange often
applied in the embedded domain.
Thus, in this work possible state-of-the-art cryp-
tographic schemes are proposed which are resistant
to the power of quantum computers. A selection of
freely-available software implementation candidates
are integrated on a WSN-ready microcontroller board
and evaluated in terms of their applicability in WSN.
The remainder of this paper is structured as follows:
Section 2 discusses the threats from quantum comput-
ers towards cryptographic schemes. A state-of-the-art
review on cryptographic mechanisms with regard to
quantum-resistance for WSN is provided in Section 3.
Details on the measurement setup and integration of a
selection of freely-available software implementation
candidates on the Texas Instruments CC1350 Launch-
Pad microcontroller board are presented in Section 4.
The evaluation in Section 5 deals with energy con-
sumption measurements with respect to fundamental
cryptographic components and discusses their com-
putational and communication cost. A short conclu-
sion and a glance at the future work of the ongoing
research work finalizes the article in Section 6.
Heigl, M., Doerr, L., Schramm, M. and Fiala, D.
On the Energy Consumption of Quantum-resistant Cryptographic Software Implementations Suitable for Wireless Sensor Networks.
DOI: 10.5220/0007835600720083
In Proceedings of the 16th International Joint Conference on e-Business and Telecommunications (ICETE 2019), pages 72-83
ISBN: 978-989-758-378-0
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Quantum computing is founded on the microscopic
physical phenomena of quantum mechanics. Instead
of using bits with observed states 0 and 1 on contem-
porary computers, quantum computers are based on
quantum bits (qubits). Qubits are particles that can
exist in both states simultaneously, by the effect of
superposition, and are able to exploit true parallelism
due to quantum entanglement (Jozsa, 1997). In the
era of having first viable quantum computers, the so-
called quantum nervousness begins and represents a
new type of threat for cryptography in general.
Shor’s algorithm (Shor, 1997) makes use of the
quantum Fourier transform to extract the required in-
formation from the superposition of quantum states
which allows to break all contemporary asymmet-
ric cryptography such as RSA, DSA or Elliptic-
Curve Cryptography (ECC) based schemes. Espe-
cially ECC is widely deployed in IoT-environments
due to the more efficient arithmetic, low memory
usage, shorter key sizes and lower CPU consump-
tion compared to RSA or DSA (Mani and Nishamol,
2013). Even if asymmetric cryptography with ade-
quate key sizes (BSI, 2018) is considered very safe
today, the underlying mathematical problems such as
efficient integer factorization e.g. in RSA or the cal-
culation of the discrete logarithm e.g. in ECC can be
solved with Shor’s algorithm in a reasonable amount
of time if a powerful quantum computer can be uti-
lized. Even if such efficient machines are currently
far from being practically feasible, the NIST states
that a quantum computer capable of breaking RSA-
2048 or ECC-256 in a matter of hours could be built
by 2030 (NIST, 2016).
A breakthrough has recently been announced by
Google regarding its 72-qubit capable Bristlecone
paving the way for large scale quantum comput-
ers (Kelly, 2018). Those will also affect symmet-
ric cryptography such as AES. Even if Grover’s al-
gorithm (Grover, 1996) has been initially intended to
search unsorted databases, it can be applied to crack
symmetric ciphers. However, the impact is far less
than with Shor’s algorithm since currently it is as-
sumed that doubling the key length mitigates its harm.
According to the authors of (Amy et al., 2016), cryp-
tographic hash functions are not affected by quan-
tum computers. They state that both SHA-256 and
SHA3-256 need around 2166 logical qubit cycles to
be cracked and even if the quantum correction is han-
dled by hardware, running at a few million hashes
per second, Grover’s algorithm would still need about
1032 years.
The protection of communicated data in WSN to
achieve the stated security goals is mainly founded on
hash functions, symmetric-key and asymmetric-key
algorithms composed of the following crucial com-
ponents: message authentication, message encryption
/ decryption, key exchange, digital signature. Es-
pecially with the threat of quantum computers to-
wards asymmetric cryptography, practical alternatives
for contemporary schemes in WSN such as ECDH or
DSA must be researched.
Post-quantum cryptography (PQC) refers to cryp-
tographic schemes that can function on classical
non-quantum machines but promise to withstand
the impact of Shor’s or Grover’s algorithm run-
ning on quantum-accelerated computers. Several
different families of PQC are presented in (Bern-
stein et al., 2009) including hash-based, code-
based, lattice-based, multivariate-quadratic-equations
and secret-key cryptography. Supersingular elliptic-
curve isogeny cryptography is much closer to classi-
cal ECDH-schemes, but it is very young and not well
researched (Bogomolec and Gerhard, 2018).
Recommendations for cryptographic schemes to
be used in the quantum-era, not intended for embed-
ded domains, are provided by (PQCRYPTO, 2015).
Even if some PQC software implementations aimed
for low-cost devices exist (Xu et al., 2018), a major
demerit is the poor resource-efficiency especially in
terms of communication overhead of most of the post-
quantum schemes compared to contemporary cryp-
tography which makes them hardly applicable on
resource-constrained devices. Another uncertainty
with PQC is that there could be a currently unknown
algorithm that breaks even such schemes in the near
future. Thus, a combination with contemporarily used
mechanisms could be a possible tradeoff. An exam-
ple is Google’s CECPQ1 which is a key exchange that
concatenates the results of an X25519 and NewHope
key exchange. X25519 is a Diffie-Hellman-based key
exchange applying Curve25519.
The following sections discuss the cryptographic
key components with respect to the application in
WSN by stating contemporary applied schemes and
possible PQC-alternatives. With respect to the secu-
rity level, schemes providing 128-bit will be consid-
ered, since the 112-bit security level should be phased
out by 2031 (NIST, 2016). For each key component
respective candidate software implementations appli-
cable on resource-constrained devices are identified,
later compared and evaluated.
On the Energy Consumption of Quantum-resistant Cryptographic Software Implementations Suitable for Wireless Sensor Networks
3.1 Message Authentication
Message Authentication Codes (MAC) are used to
achieve message integrity and authentication. MACs
are used to identify unauthorized and corrupted mes-
sages and can be either defined over symmetric ci-
phers as modes of operation or, more commonly, on
one-way hash functions such as HMACs. Regarding
the threat of quantum computers, HMAC is demon-
strably resistant (to 128-bit security level) even if
an adversary can obtain the MAC of chosen mes-
sages, under weak hypothesis for SHA-256 (Bellare,
2015). Alternatives for assembly-optimized HMACs
targeted for WSN environments are for instance
the lightweight MAC Chaskey proposed in (Mouha
et al., 2014), the LMAC of (Chowdhury and Das-
Bit, 2015), the LightMAC (Luykx et al., 2016) or an
assembly-optimized Poly1305. Recommended by the
PQCRYPTO project are the GCM mode of AES us-
ing a 96-bit nonce and an 128-bit authenticator and
Poly1305 (PQCRYPTO, 2015).
3.2 Message Encryption / Decryption
Symmetric cipher schemes are mainly used for mes-
sage encryption / decryption and can be gener-
ally divided into block ciphers (e.g. AES, RC5,
RC6, Skip Jack, HIGHT, BSPN) and stream ci-
phers (RC4, Sosemanuk, HC-128, Dragon, LEX or
Salsa20/ChaCha20) (Karuppiah and Rajaram, 2012;
Zhang et al., 2012; Meiser et al., 2008). The re-
quirements of symmetric schemes with respect to
WSN are energy consumption, program memory
(storage), temporary memory (RAM) and execution
time (Karuppiah and Rajaram, 2012). In (Meiser
et al., 2008) various schemes have been implemented
in assembler and ported to an 8-bit AVR microcon-
troller. Considering the encryption speed, all stream
ciphers except Salsa20 outperformed AES and, in
terms of memory needs, Salsa20 and LEX are al-
most as compact as AES. For high throughput re-
quirements, Sosamuk turned out to be the most suit-
able cipher if its considerable higher memory needs
can be tolerated. The authors of (Zhang et al., 2012)
compared different block and stream ciphers in soft-
ware and suggest that utilizing AES achieves bet-
ter performance for a wide range of channel qual-
ities and provides significant improvement in en-
ergy efficiency compared to other schemes. The
PQCRYPTO project recommends the AES-256 and
Salsa20 with a 256-bit key. Assembly-optimized
Salsa20 or the assembly-supported AES as shown
in (Schwabe and Ko, 2017) seem to be promising
candidates for quantum-resistant WSN-devices. Both
providing a 256-bit security level which guarantees
sufficient security for encryption / decryption even in
the presence of moderate quantum computers.
3.3 Key Exchange
Key management in WSN is a systematic process
consisting of the key deployment/pre-distribution, the
key agreement as an authenticated key exchange,
the member/node addition, the member/node evic-
tion and the key revocation (Kumaran et al., 2016).
The obtained shared secret can then be used to de-
rive a symmetric message encryption key. Protocols
for key management in WSN are discussed in (Sen,
2013) and for key agreements in (Kumaran et al.,
2016). Those comprise methods using symmetric-
keys, asymmetric-key agreements as well as ones uti-
lizing a trusted third party. Symmetric schemes re-
quire less computing power but suffer from the issue
of an initial key exchange over an insecure channel.
In addition to this, the problem occurs when the num-
ber of nodes in a WSN changes dynamically. Using a
trusted third party is also unattractive since large sen-
sor networks are characterized by multi-hop commu-
nication and demand more energy compared to asym-
metric solutions. Most widely deployed in WSN are
ECDH variants which allow two parties, each having
an elliptic-curve key pair, to establish a shared secret
over an insecure channel. However, many implemen-
tations, e.g. (Mani and Nishamol, 2013), are based on
curves such as secp160r1. According to the SEC 2
(Certicom Research, 2000) standard they do not guar-
antee adequate security and referring to the German
BSI (BSI, 2018), the use of mechanisms that achieve
a security level of at least 120 bits is recommended
for the prediction period beyond the end of 2022.
PQC key exchange mechanisms, in the following
including key encapsulation mechanisms, based on
lattices, e.g. Frodo, Kyber, Round5, some of them im-
plemented in the Open Quantum Safe project (Open
Quantum Safe Project, 2018), are not optimized for
the usage in WSN (ETSI, 2017). For SIDH or
SIKE currently only an implementation for the ARM
Cortex-A15 and Cortex-A8 has been optimized uti-
lizing the NEON instruction set (Jalali et al., 2018;
Seo et al., 2018). Even if a prominent PQC-ready ex-
ample, NTRU, could be used for a key exchange as
proposed in (Lei and Liao, 2013), it is associated not
only with a large computational cost but also with a
high communication overhead due to large key sizes.
Meanwhile an implementation of the NTRUEncrypt
public-key cryptographic scheme exists, which can
be used for a NTRU key exchange, optimized for
a Cortex-M0 microcontroller, but no source code is
SECRYPT 2019 - 16th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
publicly available (Guillen et al., 2017). It is not
only suitable for use in battery-operated devices but
also patents on the cryptosystem expired in 2017 or
will expire in 2021 respectively. With various generic
and platform-specific optimization, promising candi-
dates for an IoT-enabled post-quantum key exchange
guaranteeing 128-bits of post-quantum security are
NewHope (Xu et al., 2018) or Saber which both have
been ported to ARM Cortex-M architectures (Alkim
et al., 2016; Karmakar et al., 2018). In addition,
NewHope and Saber are among the 17 second-round
candidates for key exchange algorithms of NIST’s
PQC standardization process (NIST, 2019). Even if
according to (Alkim et al., 2016) NewHope outper-
forms ECDH implementations in terms of execution
time, the large number of bytes to be exchanged in
both algorithms must be considered in terms of tim-
ing and energy consumption.
3.4 Digital Signature
Digital signatures based on public key cryptography
are necessary in order to authenticate for instance
the key exchange process. In contrast to message
authentication and encryption / decryption schemes,
the requirements regarding memory or execution time
are smaller since signing and verifying messages in
WSN is often only used for partner identification
during the initial key exchange or key renewal pro-
cess. Mainly applied in WSN are ECDSA variants
due to their efficiency (Ateniese et al., 2017). How-
ever, since also belonging to asymmetric schemes
founded on the discrete logarithm problem, the men-
tioned approaches provide no protection in the era
of quantum computers. Possible PQC schemes with
regard to (NIST, 2019) based on lattices are Fal-
con, Dilithium and qTesla. Multivariate-based signa-
ture schemes are GeMSS, LUOV, MQDSS or Rain-
bow. However, recent work shows the vulnerabil-
ity of lattice-based signature schemes to differential
fault attacks (Bruinderink and Pessl, 2018). Tar-
geted to WSN, the PQM4 library provides candidate
implementations for the Cortex-M4 (PQM4, 2019)
and (G
uneysu et al., 2018) focuses on implementa-
tions of GLP, BLISS and Dilithium for the M4 which
do not claim protection against side-channel attacks.
The work in (Margi et al., 2017) compares differ-
ent post-quantum signature schemes on a 128-bit se-
curity level. The most prominent ones are either
based on lattices such as NTRUSign (Driessen, 2007),
BLISS (Howe et al., 2015) or on hash functions such
as extended Merkle’s signature scheme (XMSS) with
similar approaches for IoT-environments (Pereira
et al., 2016) or ARMed SPHINCS (H
ulsing et al.,
2016). Compared for instance to lattice-based PQC-
schemes, hash-based signatures are well understood
and the security relies on the underlying and thus
very well studied security of hash functions. XMSS
and SPHINCS are recommended by the PQCRYPTO
project. Especially ARMed SPHINCS based on
SPHINCS-256 is a promising implementation for the
use on embedded systems. It is a high-security
post-quantum stateless hash-based signature scheme
and provides an effective replacement for signa-
tures by combining XMSS and other techniques to
overcome the drawback of statefulness of XMSS.
SPHINCS+ is furthermore among the 9 second-
round candidates for digital signatures of NIST’s PQC
standardization process (NIST, 2019). Even if the
most advanced approaches for practical hash-based
signatures SPHINCS-256 and the multi-tree variant
are well studied hash-based schemes, re-
cent work shows different attacks on them (Kannwis-
cher et al., 2018).
The evaluation of various freely-available crypto-
graphic software implementations is performed us-
ing LaunchPad boards equipped with a 32-bit ARM
Cortex-M3 processor. The scope of the evaluation
are measurements regarding the energy consumption
such that a statement on the applicability of quantum-
resistant schemes for WSN can be made. Thus, in the
case of asymmetric schemes, especially threatened by
Shor’s algorithm, a comparison with contemporary
mechanisms in terms of computational and communi-
cation cost is conducted. For programming the boards
via the onboard debugger, the Code Composer Stu-
dio in Version has been used. As basis
projects, rfEasyLinkEchoTx and rfEasyLinkEchoRx
are used from the Texas Instruments TI Resource Ex-
plorer which demonstrate the usage of the EasyLink
API. A DC voltage source providing V
= 3.3 V is
used to source one board with an interconnected low-
side shunt resistor of R = 10 . A 1 GHz oscillo-
scope with a maximum of 20 GS/s is used together
with a passive probe to measure the voltage drop over
the shunt in order to compute the energy consump-
tion. The oscilloscope settings are DC coupling with
1 M, an ERES noise filter +3bits, a sinx/x interpola-
tion, a trigger slope with rising edge and time settings
with maximum sample points of 500 kS/s with real-
time sampling and a delay of 1.6 s. In order to only
measure the energy consumption of the CC1350, the
onboard debugger needs to be disconnected.
The reference project was extended with the rel-
On the Energy Consumption of Quantum-resistant Cryptographic Software Implementations Suitable for Wireless Sensor Networks
evant source files of each cryptographic software im-
plementation. The task functionality for transmitting
and receiving was disabled for the following mea-
surements since these where easier without the power
management of TI-RTOS. Therefore, for each library,
a dedicated test function is executed after initializa-
tion performing the relevant cryptographic algorithm.
Each oscilloscope diagram shows two curves. For
signal C1, a voltage drop at the beginning based on
the switching off of an onboard LED signals the start
of the respective cryptographic functions. After the
start and between each relevant function some delays
of simple nop-commands in assembler are introduced
in order to measure each cryptographic component in
the zoomed curve Z1 of signal C1. During the idle
phases, a voltage of approximately 76 mV is mea-
sured resulting in a current of 7.6 mA.
The following candidates of freely-available soft-
ware implementations have been selected for eval-
uation on the candidate WSN board with respect
to the cryptographic key components of Section 3.
Even if ARM Cortex-M0 and M4 microcontrollers
are very popular for realizing IoT-applications (Kar-
makar et al., 2018), the evaluation using a Cortex-M3
whose instruction set is only downwards compatible
excludes the utilization of M4-optimized implemen-
tations to be more restrictive in terms of resources
for WSN. For the sake of comparison, even if not
quantum-resistant, some ECC-based implementations
for asymmetric schemes have been chosen. For eval-
uating different MAC candidates, the LightMAC
plementation based on the publication (Luykx et al.,
2016), Chaskey
and HMAC as well as Poly1305 both
taken from the embedded-optimized cifra
library do-
nated as HMAC SHA-256
and Poly1305
been utilized. Comparative energy consumption re-
sults on different processor architectures can be found
in (Chowdhury and DasBit, 2015). For symmetric
message encryption / decryption, the tiny AES
, the
assembly-supported AES on ARM Cortex-M3/M4
library from the paper (Schwabe
and Ko, 2017), the Salsa20
taken from the cifra
library and the assembly-optimized chacha20
library of the cipher ChaCha20 have been tested.
For comparing with implementations on a 133
MHz StrongARM processor refer to the results
of (Großsch
adl et al., 2007). For evaluating a
software-based key exchange process between two
boards, the SafeCurve (Bernstein and Lange, 2014)
implementation of an X25519 curve25519-donna
ANSI C, the assembly-supported ECDH
brary having an ECDH function and the post-quantum
algorithms Saber
and NewHope
for ARM Cortex-M0 have been selected. Com-
parative results on the energy consumption utiliz-
ing different processor architectures can be found
in (Moon et al., 2016; Großsch
adl et al., 2007;
Bianchi et al., 2010). For the testing of signature
generation and verification, the assembly-supported
library having an ECDSA function,
the C implementation lamport-OTS
of the crypto-
graphic Lamport-style One-Time-Signatures (OTS),
the implementation SPHINCS
with the aim to
port ARMed SPHINCS on a Cortex-M3 based on the
source code of the paper (H
ulsing et al., 2016) and
the Shorter Merkle Signatures
implementation of
the paper (Pereira et al., 2016) have been chosen.
For comparing with implementations on other proces-
sor architectures refer to the results of (Rehana et al.,
2010; Rehana et al., 2012; Ateniese et al., 2017).
5.1 Message Authentication
For each message authentication evaluation 64 bytes
of input data have been used. In Figure 1 an exem-
plary plot of the oscilloscope output for the HMAC
implementation is shown. The upper
curve (signal C1) of Figure 1 shows the measured
voltage of one MAC computation on a single board
and signal Z1 the zoomed square wave of the MAC
signal in more detail. The average amplitude of the
signal for only message authentication is approxi-
mately 528 µA and the duration 3.52 ms. Thus, the
energy consumption only for message authentication
is approximately 6.13 µJ. For the sake of comparison
with the symmetric ciphers, the 64 byte results are
converted to 16 bytes resulting in a message authen-
tication taking approximately 880 µs and consuming
master/SABER ARM
SECRYPT 2019 - 16th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
about 1.53 µJ. Including the board energy consump-
tion for the execution of the message authentication
this results in approximately 23.6 µJ.
Figure 1: Measurement of HMAC SHA-256
Table 1 summarizes the measurements for the
MAC implementations. Information is represented in
Table 1 as follows. The column labelled “Library”
gives the name of the used message authentication
library. The total time the message authentication
takes for 64 bytes is provided with column “Time”.
The column “Energy” provides information about the
energy consumption only of the message authentica-
tion without considering the total board energy con-
sumption. Thus, column “Total” of Table 1 provides
the total energy consumption of the tested schemes
on the CC1350 board for an idle current of 7.6 mA
computed for the execution time of each algorithm
excluding delays. For the sake of comparison with
the symmetric cipher schemes, the column “Total
lists the naively computed values for the total board
energy consumption of generating message authenti-
cation codes from 16 bytes input data. The imple-
mentations of the widely accepted SHA-256 HMAC
and Poly1305 of the cifra library perform quite sim-
ilar in terms of energy consumption and execution
time. The lightweight implementations Chaskey and
LightMAC, however, outperform the others. Espe-
cially LightMAC is a good candidate to be applied
for WSN in terms of energy consumption.
5.2 Message Encryption / Decryption
For AES-based libraries, AES-256 has been cho-
sen since, if a moderate quantum computer utilizing
Grover’s algorithm is realized, it seems prudent to
move away from 128-bit keys (Grassla et al., 2016).
In Figure 2 an exemplary plot for the Salsa20
surement is shown. The upper curve (signal C1) of
Figure 2 shows the measured voltage of one encryp-
tion and decryption. The key setup and initialization
vector setting function had no influence on the mea-
sured signal and thus has been neglected. Signal Z1
shows the zoomed square wave of the encryption /
decryption signal in more detail. The average am-
plitude of the signal is approximately 460 µA and
the duration 22.6 ms. Thus, the computed values for
16 bytes referring to one block in AES is approxi-
mately 88.28 µs. The energy consumption for the en-
cryption of one block only is approximately 134 nJ.
Figure 2: Measurement of Salsa20
encryption / decryp-
Table 2 summarizes the measurements for the
symmetric cipher schemes. For AES schemes, the
column “Type” names the used AES bit sizes and the
respective applied modes. In the column “Time” the
total time for encryption (enc) and decryption (dec)
is provided. It is clear that the aes-armcortexm li-
brary greatly outperforms tiny AES since it is an
assembly-supported library presented in (Schwabe
and Ko, 2017) for the ARM Cortex-M3 and M4.
However, in terms of energy consumption tiny AES
is competitive to the weaker AES-128 implementa-
tion presented in (Großsch
adl et al., 2007) whose en-
cryption and decryption for one 128-bit block requires
approximately 13.9 µJ. In contrast energy costs for
both tiny AES modes are less than 10 µJ. However,
in terms of execution time tiny AES is inferior. The
ChaCha20 stream cipher achieves good performance
which is almost competitive to the aes-armcortexm
block cipher and slightly better than the Salsa20 im-
plementation. In terms of energy cost both schemes
outperform the implementation of (Großsch
adl et al.,
2007) by a factor greater than 70 (for chacha20
and 150 (for aes-armcortexm). It must be noted that
the chacha20
library is optimized for the Cortex-
M0 whereas the aes-armcortexm library is aimed at
the more powerful Cortex-M3 and M4, thus, a direct
comparison is not possible with the used libraries.
5.3 Key Exchange
In Figure 3 an exemplary plot for the practical
ARM Cortex-M0 ported NewHope implementation
is shown. The upper curve (signal C1) of Figure 3
shows the measured voltage of the relevant key encap-
sulation computations on a single board. The random
byte generation at the beginning of the algorithm has
been neglected. Signal Z1 shows the zoomed square
wave of the key exchange components in more detail.
Those are not equal in terms of amplitude and dura-
tion as it is the case with other libraries. The average
On the Energy Consumption of Quantum-resistant Cryptographic Software Implementations Suitable for Wireless Sensor Networks
Table 1: Summary of the measurements regarding the message authentication schemes.
Library Time (ms) Energy (µJ) Total (µJ) Total
3.52 6.13 94.40 23.6
3.55 5.93 94.96 23.74
Chaskey 2.24 2.63 58.81 14.7
LightMAC 0.65 0.47 16.77 4.19
Table 2: Summary of the measurements regarding the symmetric cipher schemes.
Library Type Time (µs) enc/dec Energy (nJ) Total (µJ)
tiny AES AES-256 CBC 1290/8000 1610/3990 33.96/204.6
Salsa20 88.28/88.28 134/134 2.35/2.35
ChaCha20 50.78/50.78 92.95/92.95 1.37/1.37
aes-armcortexm AES-256 CTR 25.98/29.96 20.73/24.50 0.67/0.76
amplitude of the signal executing the key generation
is approximately 465 µA and the duration 35.7 ms.
The average amplitude of the signal executing one
partners’ shared secret is approximately 515 µA and
the length 54.8 ms. The average amplitude of the sig-
nal executing the other partners’ shared secret is ap-
proximately 294 µA and the duration 9.5 ms. The
key exchange excluding the introduced delays and
transmitting as well as receiving operations between
two parties takes approximately 100 ms. The energy
consumed by the key exchange yields approximately
0.15 mJ.
Figure 3: Measurement of NewHope
key exchange.
It must be noted that in contrast to NewHope’s
three relevant key exchange computations necessary
for the key encapsulation mechanism (key gener-
ation, encapsulation and decapsulation), ephemeral
ECDH-based key exchange protocols are composed
of four computationally expensive scalar multiplica-
tions. The security strength of the used key exchange
schemes must be comparable. For this reason, to com-
pare the elliptic curve based implementations with the
PQC ones, elliptic curves offering 128 bit security
were chosen. Thus, for the ECDH
library the
curve secp256r1 was utilized. Apart from the chosen
elliptic curves from the SEC 2 standard, Curve25519
offers 128 bits of security as well and in contrast to
the other libraries is a representative of a safe elliptic
curve (Bernstein and Lange, 2014). Table 3 summa-
rizes the measurements for the key exchange libraries
each having a security strength of 128 bit. “Curve”
names the used curves for the ECC-based libraries.
Curve25519 is not only considered a safe curve
but also significantly faster for the use in ECDH oper-
ations. The plain execution time of a key exchange on
a single board takes approximately 1.48 s. For this li-
brary the power consumption is the highest of all eval-
uated ones, but the energy and total consumption is
moderate. It must be noted that the curve25519-donna
library is not using any assembly and is comparable to
the assembly-optimized ones. The key exchange with
the secp256r1 curve of ECDH
for instance
takes approximately 1.2 s and is slightly more effi-
cient in terms of power and energy consumption than
Curve25519. NewHope
outperforms the succes-
sive libraries in all metrics. It is optimized in all
performance-critical routines for constrained devices
in ARM assembly. Because of this optimization,
the key exchange lasts only approximately 100 ms
and is more efficient than ECDH
by a fac-
tor of 10. Saber is comparable to ECDH
inferior to NewHope’s results. However, Saber
is CCA-secure in contrast to NewHope
. A
good and secure competitor to NewHope would
be an assembly-supported curve25519-donna library.
In (D
ull et al., 2015) curve operations in assembly are
presented for different microcontroller architectures,
which would significantly speed up the curve25519-
donna library. However, according to a comparison
mentioned in (Alkim et al., 2016), the NewHope im-
plementation still outperforms Curve25519 of (D
et al., 2015) by more than a factor of two. Following
the example of CECPQ1, a combination of an assem-
bly CCA-secure NewHope with an optimized X25519
would be a reliable solution for WSN.
SECRYPT 2019 - 16th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
Table 3: Summary of the measurements regarding the key exchange schemes.
Library Curve Time (s) Energy (mJ) Total (mJ)
curve25519-donna Curve25519 1.48 (4 x 370 ms) 4.05 41.17
secp256r1 1.20 (4 x 300 ms) 1.78 31.88
- 1.15 (292 ms / 390 ms / 472 ms) 1.51 30.44
- 0.10 (35.7 ms / 54.8 ms / 9.5 ms) 0.15 2.66
5.4 Digital Signature
In this evaluation some of the less publicly avail-
able implementations for digitally signing and veri-
fying on embedded devices are tested. In Figure 4
an exemplary plot for the ECDSA implementation
of the micro-ecc library is shown. ECDSA
was tested for signature generation and verification
of 32 bytes based on ECC curve secp256r1 on the
CC1350 board. The upper curve (signal C1) of Fig-
ure 4 shows the measured voltage of the key gen-
eration, signature generation and signature verifica-
tion. Signal Z1 shows the zoomed square waves of the
components in more detail. The average amplitude of
the signals is approximately 415 µA. The execution
time for key generation is about 313 ms, for signature
generation about 364 ms and for signature verification
about 340 ms. Thus, the energy consumption is ap-
proximately 429 µJ, 498 µJ and 466 µJ. Including the
board energy consumption the cost is approximately
8.3 mJ, 9.6 mJ and 9.0 mJ.
Figure 4: Measurement of ECDSA
digital signa-
The most promising implementation targeted for
an ARM Cortex-M3 is ARMed SPHINCS presented
in (H
ulsing et al., 2016). However, the provided
source code is not directly applicable for the CC1350
since it is optimized for the STM32L1 sensor node.
The portation SPHINCS
for the Arduino Duo
board was used for the evaluation with the provided
parameter set. Unfortunately, the verification func-
tion has not been ported so far and the library cur-
rently does only implement the plain SPHINCS-256
without any optimization. It must further be noted
that SPHINCS has many parameters to adjust because
of the composition of other schemes which makes it
quite complex for a practical usage. The lamport-OTS
implementation is for educational use and was tested
for signature generation and verification of 32 bit.
The weak hash function in the reference code has
been replaced by the cryptographically secure SHA-
256 implementation
. The Shorter Merkle Signature
implementation of the scheme presented in (Pereira
et al., 2016) was tested for signature generation and
verification of 32 bytes on the CC1350 board. Pa-
rameters have been adjusted because otherwise the
execution would take too long. Those include the
tree height with value 5, the MSS K with value 3
of the treehash algorithm BDS being used and the
W INT ERNIT Z W parameter with value 2 for a sig-
nature size speed tradeoff. The parameter set allows
the generation of 32 signatures and the first signature
was used for signing and verifying. If the n-th signa-
ture is used, the process will take longer for larger n.
The key generation process with larger parameter set-
tings to create more signatures takes quite long but the
signature generation and verification is significantly
faster in comparison (minutes vs. seconds). Thus, it
might be possible to perform the key generation and
distribution to sensor nodes a priori.
Table 4 summarizes the measurements for signa-
ture generation and verification schemes. The total
time the key generation, signature generation and ver-
ification takes is provided with the columns “Time”
(key/sig/ver). The easiest form on which hash-based
signatures are founded on are OTS whose key pair can
only be used once. To sign multiple messages, Merkle
trees composed of many OTS are proposed. The im-
plementation lamport-OTS outperforms the other im-
plementations but has severe drawbacks which makes
it unpractical. Not only the one-time usage of a key
pair is a problem but also if multiple keys are gen-
erated in advance, one must keep track of a large
number of signatures. Therefore, the Shorter Merkle
Signatures and the ARMed SPHINCS portation have
been proposed. Due to the high timing cost for sign-
ing of about 200 s, SPHINCS
is not practically ap-
plicable. Even if the timing aspect for the public key
authentication process is not critical, since it does not
happen often, the signing time in the original paper of
approximately 18.41 s is still too much. The reason
behind the significant lack in performance lies in the
cost for eliminating the state which makes SPHINCS
On the Energy Consumption of Quantum-resistant Cryptographic Software Implementations Suitable for Wireless Sensor Networks
Table 4: Summary of the measurements regarding the digital signature schemes.
Library Time (s) key/sig/ver Energy (mJ) key/sig/ver Total (mJ) key/sig/ver
0.31/0.36/0.34 0.43/0.5/0.47 8.3/9.6/9
lamport-OTS 0.021/0.011/0.00032 0.043/0.0221/0.00065 0.57/0.29/0.0087
7.5/200/- 11/295/- 199/5311/-
Shorter Merkle Sig. 4.1/2.9/0.098 4.1/0.2/0.06 107/5.14/1.57
to a stateless scheme. In contrast the stateful XMSS-
based implementation Shorter Merkle Signatures of
the paper (Pereira et al., 2016) is practically feasible.
However, the key generation process for a larger num-
ber of signatures would take significantly longer and
should be performed in advance.
5.5 Transceiving Messages
The energy efficiency for secure data transmission
does not only rely on the computational cost of the
used cryptographic algorithms but also on the com-
munication cost. The latter can be split into the energy
necessary not only for transmitting but also for receiv-
ing. This energy depends on the radio transmit power
level, the distance between sending and receiving
node and the time required for sending the message
which is proportional to the message length. Even if
the energy decomposition presented in (Bianchi et al.,
2010) is mainly dominated by asymmetric cryptogra-
phy, the main influence on the energy consumption
over the battery lifetime is for transmitting and receiv-
ing in combination with the decryption of messages
and/or the computation of MACs.
The rfEasyLinkEchoTx and rfEasyLinkEchoRx
reference projects without the TI-RTOS have been
modified in order to evaluate the communication cost
on the CC1350 board. The curve of Figure 5 (sig-
nal Z1) shows the zoomed square wave of the trans-
mitting (peak) and receiving (square wave) signal
for 10 bytes transferred in detail. The used Phy
setting is EasyLink
Phy Custom. However, other
Phy settings for instance EasyLink Phy 50 kbps2gfsk
(Sub1G 50kbps data rate, IEEE 802.15.4g GFSK)
yielded quite similar results in terms of energy con-
sumption and transmitting as well as receiving time.
Figure 5: Current measurement of transmitting and receiv-
ing 10 bytes.
In various measurements the transmit and receive
time duration as well as the respective energy cost for
different payload sizes has been determined. It must
be noted that the payload size includes 1 byte for the
length field and 1 byte for the destination address.
Even if the maximum packet length supported by the
TI 15.4 stack is 2047 bytes, the maximum payload
size for transmitting and receiving on the CC1350
board using the reference projects is limited to only
125 bytes.
5.6 Key Exchange Overhead Costs
For the examined curve25519-donna based key ex-
change, with a public key size of 32 bytes, the
resulting communication overhead is approximately
2×320 µJ for the transmission and 2×380 µJ for the
reception. This results in a total of approximately
58 mJ for the key exchange regarding the computa-
tion and communication overhead including the board
energy consumption. With the ECDH
ing a public key size of 64 bytes, the resulting over-
head yields approximately 34 mJ. Some of the PQC-
schemes are according to (Margi et al., 2017) unsuit-
able for environments such as WSN since for instance
transmitting a code-based public key would require
about 1900 messages when applying IEEE 802.15.4
standard with a frame size of 127-byte. Something
similar applies to the Saber/NewHope key exchange
since one partner needs to transfer 992/1824 bytes
and 1088/2048 bytes must be sent back. However,
since this only applies to ideal conditions, it is sug-
gested to not transmit packets of this size. Other-
wise, it can lead to an increased power consumption
in the case of retries when consuming a large air time
slot. Thus, for an easy comparison based on the data
from the message transmission and reception mea-
surements, the packets for Saber and NewHope are
fragmented using messages of up to 100 bytes. This
yields a total board energy consumption for Saber of
approximately 59 mJ and for NewHope of 56 mJ.
Table 5 summarizes the key exchange measurements
considering both the computational and the communi-
cation energy cost including the board consumption.
“Comp. Time” names the duration the computation
of the key exchange takes. The total time the commu-
nication of the key exchange takes is provided with
SECRYPT 2019 - 16th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
column “Comm. Time”. The columns “Total
and “Total
provide information about the total
energy consumption of the computation and commu-
nication of each key exchange algorithm including the
total energy consumption of the CC1350 board.
Even if the NewHope implementation is outper-
forming the other libraries in terms of computational
cost, the communicative overhead with the large
amount of bytes to be transferred for a single key ex-
change is dominating the energy consumption and the
execution time. It must be noted that the compari-
son is based on the calculation of fragmented mes-
sages. Increasing the message size could significantly
reduce the communication overhead but, in contrast,
makes the transmission more error prone. Consider-
ing both, the computational and communication en-
ergy consumption, the quantum-resistant implemen-
tations for Saber and NewHope show reasonable re-
sults compared to the ECC-based ones. Compara-
tive work investigating energy cost and communica-
tion overhead of cryptographic protocols on different
processor architectures is given in (Großsch
adl et al.,
2007; Meulenaer et al., 2008).
This work compares various freely-available software
implementations of cryptographic schemes including
post-quantum applicability targeted to the usage in
WSN. Security goals are stated and the emerging
attack vector by quantum computers are discussed.
Cryptographic mechanisms including message au-
thentication, symmetric encryption / decryption, key
exchange and digital signature are reviewed and rec-
ommendations of candidates for WSN are provided.
The evaluation mainly deals with measurements of
the energy consumption including the discussion of
computational and communication cost for candidate
schemes on a dedicated WSN-ready reference plat-
form. Chaskey and LightMAC seem to be promising
candidates for message authentication in WSN. How-
ever, message authentication is more computationally
complex than symmetric ciphers such that in a com-
bined authenticated encryption an ARM assembly-
optimized AES-256-GCM or ChaCha-Poly1305 im-
plementation is desirable. For symmetric encryp-
tion / decryption the aes-armcortexm implementation
with highly optimized ARM Cortex-M3 assembly uti-
lizing AES-256-CTR provides the best results fol-
lowed by the Cortex-M0 optimized ChaCha20 imple-
mentation. The greatest threat of quantum comput-
ers is targeted to asymmetric cryptography. Thus,
from the key exchange perspective, the NewHope
for ARM seems a promising candidate which has
been efficiently implemented on ARM architectures.
Drawbacks on the other side are the missing protec-
tion against CCA which Saber’s ARM implementa-
tion provides and the large amount of bytes to be
transferred for NewHope which constitutes the main
part of the energy consumption. Including the total
computation and communication overhead NewHope
and Saber seem applicable candidates for WSN com-
pared to ECDH
or curve25519-donna imple-
mentations providing the same pre-quantum security
strength. The impact of the generation of random
numbers on the energy consumption has been ne-
glected in this article, but with respect to a real-world
application, this must be considered in a future work.
The evaluated PQC signature implementations
based on the research of (Pereira et al., 2016) and
SPHINCS-256 are hash-based and neither seem ap-
plicable in real environments since XMSS schemes
are stateful and SPHINCS-256 has a too high timing
cost. Other schemes are currently either not feasible
for the embedded use or still face threats by various
attacks. Thus, more research in PQC-schemes is nec-
essary in the future. With NIST’s announcement on
round 2 PQC candidates very recently only a lim-
ited number of optimized software implementations
are available which still are mainly targeted for the
Cortex-M4 architecture. Also shown with NewHope,
dedicated assembly implementations for the Cortex-
M families are necessary for the embedded domain
since often additional hardware acceleration is not
feasible due to financial reasons. Even if the Cortex-
M family is backward compatible meaning that a M0
optimized assembly code is able to run on a M3 or
M4, the instruction set capability is larger the more
performant the processor resulting in a lower energy
consumption. Various versions of implementations
are desired aimed for the manifold existing embedded
architectures. Porting or evaluating M4-optimized
implementations, e.g. SIKE, Round5, Frodo, qTesla
or Dilithium (PQM4, 2019) for less-powerful micro-
controllers is part of future work. Similar to clas-
sical ECC, supersingular isogeny-based ECC seems
a promising approach in terms of smaller key sizes
and moderate signature sizes compared to other PQC-
schemes for the application in WSN. More research
must be done regarding this field since e.g. SIDH
is according to the authors of (Bogomolec and Ger-
hard, 2018) very young and not well trusted. How-
ever, the large number of recent publications and Mi-
crosoft Research projects (referring to (Jalali et al.,
2018)) actively working on these algorithms underpin
their importance in the future.
On the Energy Consumption of Quantum-resistant Cryptographic Software Implementations Suitable for Wireless Sensor Networks
Table 5: Summary of the computational and communication energy cost of the tested key exchange schemes.
Library Comp. Time (s) Comm. Time (s) Total
(mJ) Total
curve25519-donna 1.48 0.11 41.17 1.40
1.20 0.14 31.88 2.16
1.15 1.68 30.44 28.45
0.10 3.15 2.66 53.59
This research work has been supported by the projects
no. 16KIS0539 and 13FH645IB6 of the German Fed-
eral Ministry of Education and Research and the Min-
istry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Re-
public under grant no. LO1506.
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On the Energy Consumption of Quantum-resistant Cryptographic Software Implementations Suitable for Wireless Sensor Networks