eliminate this drawback, 1/2D calculation models are
identified by the results of 3D calculations. The latter
have minimal assumptions and show the best
accuracy among the calculation methods known
today. Based on the comparison, corrective
corrections are found for the 1/2D model. 3D models
in turn are identified by the test results. When creating
identification blocks, “learning” algorithms for 1/2D
and 3D models are proposed.
An algorithm for identifying simplified models
using high-level models is developed and
successfully tested.
The developed algorithms and pilot samples of the
virtual compressor test bench are the first steps of a
fully-featured “bench”, which will be able to replace
most of the field tests. The virtual bench will allow to
model a larger range of impacts on the object under
study, including those that cannot be reproduced on
existing benches or require huge material and energy
costs. Modern development of automated tools and
tools for the design of gas turbine engines,
processing, management and accumulation of
information allows us to believe in the successful
solution of this problem and the achievement of a
qualitative leap forward in the characteristics and
capabilities of virtual test benches.
This work was supported by the Russian Federation
President's grant (project code МК-3168.2019.8).
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