An Evaluation between Global Appearance Descriptors based on
Analytic Methods and Deep Learning Techniques for Localization in
Autonomous Mobile Robots
Sergio Cebollada
, Luis Pay
, David Valiente
, Xiaoyi Jiang
and Oscar Reinoso
Department of Systems Engineering and Automation, Miguel Hern
andez University, Elche, 03202, Spain
Department of Computer Science, University of M
unster, M
unster, 48149, Germany
Mobile Robots, Omnidirectional Images, Global Appearance Descriptors, Localization, Deep Learning.
In this work, different global appearance descriptors are evaluated to carry out the localization task, which is
a crucial skill for autonomous mobile robots. The unique information source used to solve this issue is an om-
nidirectional camera. Afterwards, the images captured are processed to obtain global appearance descriptors.
The position of the robots is estimated by comparing the descriptors contained in the visual model and the
descriptor calculated for the test image. The descriptors evaluated are based on (1) analytic methods (HOG
and gist) and (2) deep learning techniques (auto-encoders and Convolutional Neural Networks). The localiza-
tion is tested with a panoramic dataset which provides indoor environments under real operating conditions.
The results show that deep learning based descriptors can be also an interesting solution to carry out visual
localization tasks.
Nowadays, the use of visual information to solve mo-
bile autonomous robotic tasks is widely expanded.
In these cases, the robot must be able to build a
map within the environment and estimate its position
within that environment. These tasks are known as
mapping and localization. Among the different sen-
sors used, the omnidirectional cameras introduce an
interesting solution since they are able to provide in-
formation that covers a field of view of 360 deg.
Global appearance descriptors have been pro-
posed by several authors to extract characteristic in-
formation from images and use this information for
mapping and localization. For instance Zhou et
al. (Zhou et al., 2018) propose the use of the de-
scriptor gist to solve the localization through match-
ing the best keyframe in the dataset based on the given
robot’s current view. Korrapati and Mezouar (Korrap-
ati and Mezouar, 2017) introduced the use of omnidi-
rectional images through global appearance descrip-
tors to create a topological mapping approach and a
loop closure detection method. More recently, Rom
et al. (Rom
an et al., 2018) evaluate the use of global
appearance descriptors for localization under illumi-
nation changes. In this work, several distance mea-
surements were also evaluated with the aim to obtain a
similitude distance between images which represents
the geometrical distance between the positions where
those images were captured.
The computation of these descriptors is based on
analytic methods, nevertheless, during the last years,
some authors have proposed the use of deep learn-
ing techniques to create global appearance descrip-
tors. For example, on the one hand, Xu et al. (Xu
et al., 2016) proposed the use of auto-encoders to de-
tect histopathological images of breast cancer. On the
other hand, Xu et al. (Xu et al., 2019) used a CNN-
based descriptor to obtain the most probable position
within an indoor map through Monte Carlo Localiza-
tion and also to solve the kidnapping problem; Pay
et al. (Pay
a et al., 2018) proposed also the use of
the CNN-based descriptors but in this case for hier-
archical mapping. Both works are based on the net
places (Zhou et al., 2014). The descriptors extracted
from this network correspond to the ones calculated
in some of the fully convolutional layers within the
Through this work, we carry out a comparison
between global appearance descriptors based on an-
alytic methods and global appearance descriptors
based on deep learning techniques to solve the visual
localization task. The goodness of these methods are
measured according to the accuracy (error of localiza-
Cebollada, S., Payá, L., Valiente, D., Jiang, X. and Reinoso, O.
An Evaluation between Global Appearance Descriptors based on Analytic Methods and Deep Learning Techniques for Localization in Autonomous Mobile Robots.
DOI: 10.5220/0007837102840291
In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO 2019), pages 284-291
ISBN: 978-989-758-380-3
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
tion) and computing time (to calculate the descriptor
and to estimate the position of the robot).
The remainder of the paper is structured as fol-
lows: Section 2 explains the algorithm used to esti-
mate the position of the test images within the en-
vironment. After that, section 3 outlines the global
appearance descriptors which will be evaluated. Sec-
tion 4 explains and presents the dataset used as well
as the experimental results and the discussion about
them. Finally, section 5 outlines the conclusions and
future research lines.
The localization task consists in an image retrieval
problem. This is, obtaining the image which presents
higher similitude in relation to the new captured im-
age. For this purpose, the robot has previously ob-
tained visual information from the environment, i.e.,
global appearance descriptors that are calculated from
the N
images captured from different positions of
the environment. This task is known as mapping and
this step must be carried out before starting the lo-
calization. Therefore, the localization task is solved
through the following steps:
The robot captures a new omnidirectional image
from an unknown position.
That image is transformed to panoramic (im
and after that, the corresponding descriptor is cal-
culated (
Once the descriptor is available, the robot cal-
culates the cosine distance (selected in (Cebol-
lada et al., 2019) as the best distance method for
global appearance descriptors) between the test
descriptor (
) and each descriptor from the vi-
sual model (
, where j = 1, ..,N
A vector of distances is obtained as
,..., h
} where h
t j
= dist{
The node which presents the minimum
|t = argmin
t j
) corresponds to
the estimated position of the robot.
Visual localization has been commonly solved either
using local features along a set of scenes or using a
unique descriptor per image which contains informa-
tion on its global appearance. These second methods
are know as global appearance description and have
been used to solve the localization task since they al-
low straightforward localization algorithms. For in-
stance, Naseer et al. (Naseer et al., 2018) propose a
localization method from global appearance (by us-
ing histogram of oriented gradients descriptors and
features from deep convolutional neural networks) to
solve the localization problem and to keep in parallel
several possible trajectories hypotheses.
Basically, the steps to calculate a global appear-
ance descriptor are the following: (1) The starting
point is a panoramic image expressed as a bidirec-
tional matrix (im
). (2) Then the specific
mathematical calculations are applied and a vector
which characterizes the original image will be ob-
tained (
and corresponds to the image im
The first global appearance descriptors used in
computer vision were descriptors based on analytic
methods. Nevertheless, during the last years, the
emergence of the deep learning techniques have em-
powered the use of descriptors based on these new
3.1 Methods based on Analytic Methods
These methods are basically based on calculations of
gradients and orientation of the different pixels which
compose the image. Their use has been quite often
to solve mobile robotics issues. For instance, Su et
al. (Su et al., 2017) used a global descriptor to reduce
pose search space with the aim to solve the kidnapped
robot problem in indoor environments under different
conditions. An interesting study was carried out by
an et al. (Rom
an et al., 2018) which evaluates
the use of global appearance descriptors for localiza-
tion under illumination changes. More recently, Ce-
bollada et al. (Cebollada et al., 2019) evaluate the use
of global appearance descriptors to build hierarchical
maps through clustering algorithms and then to solve
the localization in those maps.
Among the different methods, this work proposes
the use of HOG and gist, which have been used in pre-
vious works (Cebollada et al., 2019) and have proved
to present interesting results for localization tasks.
Regarding the HOG descriptor, it was introduced
by Dalal and Triggs (Dalal and Triggs, 2005) to
solve the detection of pederastians. In this work,
the procedure is the one proposed by Leonardis
and Bischof (Leonardis and Bischof, 2000): the
panoramic image is divided into k
horizontal cells
and a histogram of gradient orientation (with b bins
per histogram) is compiled per each cell. Finally, the
set of histograms are arranged in a unique row to com-
pose the final descriptor
d R
An Evaluation between Global Appearance Descriptors based on Analytic Methods and Deep Learning Techniques for Localization in
Autonomous Mobile Robots
As for the gist descriptor, it was introduced by
Oliva et al. (Oliva and Torralba, 2006). In this work,
the version used consists on: (1) obtaining m
ferent resolution images, (2) applying Gabor filters
over the m
images with m
different orientations,
(3) grouping the pixels of each image into k
zontal blocks and (4) arranging the obtained orien-
tation information into one row to create a vector
d R
3.2 Methods based on Deep Learning
During the last years, the use of deep learning meth-
ods to solve computer vision issues has extensively
grown. Regarding the localization task through the
use of visual information, this work studies the use of
Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) and the use
of auto-encoders. The idea is to obtain vectors which
characterize the images through some deep learning
technique. On the one hand, these methods can re-
sult very interesting since their use can be focused on
specific kind of images (such as indoor environments
in our case) and, hence, providing more efficient de-
scriptors. On the other hand, these methods lead to
previous training which normally implies huge pro-
cessing data and noteworthy time.
Regarding the use of CNNs, these networks have
been commonly designed for classification. In this
sense, (1) a set of images correctly labeled are col-
lected and introduced into the network to tackle the
learning process and after that, (2) the network is
properly available to face the classification (test image
as input and the CNN outputs the most likely label op-
tion). The CNNs are composed by several hidden lay-
ers whose parameters and weights are tuned through
the training iterations. In this work, some hidden lay-
ers outputs are used to obtain global appearance de-
scriptors. This idea have already been proposed by
some authors such as Mancini et al. (Mancini et al.,
2017), who use them to carry out place categorization
with the Na
ıve Bayes classifier or Pay
a et al. (Pay
et al., 2018), who proposed CNN-based descriptors
to create hierarchical visual models for mobile robot
localization. The CNN architecture that has been used
in this work is places (Zhou et al., 2014), which was
trained with around 2.5 million images to categorize
205 possible kinds of scenes (no re-training is carried
out in this work). Fig. 1 shows the architecture of
the places CNN, which is based on the caffe CNN.
The net basically consists in (1) an input layer, (2)
several intermediate hidden layers and (3) an output
layer. Within the intermediate layers, the first phase
consists in (2.1) layers for featuring learning (whose
layers incorporate several filters and the output gen-
erated are used as input for the next layer) and (2.2)
layers for classification (whose layers are fully con-
nected and they generate vectors which provide infor-
mation for classification).
In this work, we have evaluated the output infor-
mation from 5 layers. Three fully convolutional layers
(’fc6’, ’fc7’ and fc8’) whose output size are 4096 ×1,
4096×1 and 205×1 respectively. Moreover, we have
obtained two descriptors from the output of 2D con-
volution layers (’conv4 and conv5’). These layers
apply several sliding convolutional filters to the input
images with the aim to activate certain characteristics
of the image. Hence, the output of these layers is a set
of images which are the input image after being fil-
tered. Finally, a descriptor is basically obtained from
these layers through selecting an image from the out-
put dataset and arranging the data (matrix) in a single
row (vector). Since the size of the output images is
13 × 13, the size of the descriptor is 169 × 1.
As for the use of auto-encoders, the aim of these
neural networks is to reconstruct the output through
compressing the input into a latent-space representa-
tion (Hubens, 2018). The fig. 2 shows the architecture
design of the auto-encoders. These networks firstly
compress the input (encoding) and secondly recon-
struct the input departing from the latent space rep-
resentation (decoding). The idea consists in building
a latent representation to obtain useful features with
small dimension, i.e., training the auto-encoder to ex-
tract the most salient features. For example, Gao and
Zhang (Gao and Zhang, 2017) used auto-encoders
to detect loops for visual Simultaneous Localization
And Mapping (SLAM).
For this experiment, two types of auto-encoder
are proposed. Both have been trained using the
same parameters (Coefficient for the L
weight reg-
ularizer, 0,004; Coefficient that controls the impact
of the sparsity regularizer, 4; Desired proportion of
training examples a neuron reacts to, 0.15; Encoder
Transfer Function, “Logistic sigmoid function”; and
Maximum number of training epochs, 1000) and
also both have been trained using a GPU (NVIDIA
GeForce GTX 1080 Ti), but whereas the first option
(auto-enc-Frib) is trained with the images obtained
from the dataset used to evaluate the localization (ex-
plained in sec. 4), the second alternative (auto-enc-
SUN) is trained with images obtained from a dataset
(SUN 360 DB (Xiao et al., 2012)) which contains
generic panoramic images. The aim of this second
option is to create a generic auto-encoder based on
indoor panoramic images which provides a good-
enough solution to obtain descriptors for panoramic
images independently the environment. This solution
would solve the handicap that introduces the descrip-
ICINCO 2019 - 16th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
Max pooling
RELU layer
Max pooling
RELU layer
output layer
Figure 1: CNN architecture design of the pre-trained ’caffe’ model.
Figure 2: Auto-encoder architecture design and extraction
of features departing from the latent representation.
tor based on auto-encoders regarding the need to carry
out a previous training before calculating the descrip-
tors. For auto-enc-Frib, the training dataset consists
in 519 panoramic images whose size is 512 × 128;
for auto-enc-SUN, the training dataset consists in 541
panoramic images whose size is also 512 × 128. Fur-
thermore, the auto-encoders are trained varying the
size of hidden representation of the auto-encoder (this
number is the number of neurons in the hidden layer)
and the resultant descriptor size obtained depends di-
rectly on that number (N
× 1). Regarding
the computing time to train these auto-encoders, the
computer needs between 6 min and 2,94 hours, being
directly proportional to the number of neurons (the
more number of neurons there are, the more comput-
ing time is required).
4.1 Dataset
The experiments were carried out through the use
of the COLD dataset (Pronobis and Caputo, 2009),
which contains visual information along a trajectory.
It contains three indoor laboratory environments in
three cities (Freiburg, Saarbr
ucken and Ljubljana) and
three different illumination conditions. Nevertheless,
for the experiments purposes, only the images related
to the Freiburg environment were used and no illu-
mination changes have been considered, i.e., the im-
ages used were only captured under cloudy conditions
(during the light hours but the sunlight does not con-
siderably affect the shots). This lack of illumination
changes is due to the fact that this work is focused on
studying the goodness of the descriptors for localiza-
tion task, however, in future works, an extension to
study the illumination changes effects will be consid-
ered. This dataset includes changes in the environ-
ment such as people walking or position of furniture
and objects. An example of these dynamic conditions
can be seen in fig. 3.
Figure 3: Panoramic image from COLD database.
Among the different paths, the red one was se-
lected for this experiment because it is the longest.
Afterwards, the images are split into two datasets:
training and test datasets. Training dataset is com-
posed by 519 images which present an average dis-
tance around 20 cm between an image and the follow-
ing one. The test dataset is composed by 2595 images
and the average distance between images is 4,10 cm.
The table 1 shows the information about the datasets
in detail.
An Evaluation between Global Appearance Descriptors based on Analytic Methods and Deep Learning Techniques for Localization in
Autonomous Mobile Robots
Table 1: Number of images in each room of the training and
test datasets created from the Freiburg environment.
of images
in Training
of images
in Test
Printer area 44 223
Corridor 212 1044
Kitchen 51 255
Large Office 34 175
2-persons office 1 46 232
2-persons office 2 26 131
1-person office 31 154
Bathroom 49 247
Stairs area 26 134
Total number 519 2595
4.2 Evaluation of the Localization
To evaluate the goodness of each descriptor method
for localization, two parameters are considered: On
the one hand, (1) the average localization error, which
measures the Euclidean distance between the position
estimated and the real position where the test image
was captured. To obtain this value, the ground truth
provided by the dataset is used. Nevertheless, the
ground truth is only used for this purpose (it is not to
solve the localization task). On the other hand, (2) the
average computing time, which is analyzed through
two values, (2.a) the computing time to calculate the
descriptor and (2.b) the computing time to estimate
the position of the test image.
The results obtained through the use of ana-
lytic descriptors (HOG and gist) and the descriptors
based on deep learning (auto-encoders and CNNs) are
shown in the tables 2, 3 and 4. These tables show
the size of the descriptor, the average localization er-
ror (cm), the average computing time to calculate the
descriptor (ms) and the average computing time to es-
timate the position of the test images (ms).
Regarding the results obtained through the use of
descriptors based on analytic methods (see table 2),
for the HOG case, the localization error does not sig-
nificantly decrease as the size increases; the comput-
ing time to calculate the descriptor is also barely con-
stant but the time to estimate the pose increases as
the size of the descriptor does. Hence, the descrip-
tor whose size is 64 is considered the best option, be-
cause this configuration presents good accuracy and
the minimum computing time. Regarding the gist de-
scriptor, the localization error decreases millimetres
as the size of the descriptor increases, however the
time to calculate the descriptors as well as the time
to estimate the pose increases significantly as the size
does. Therefore, in this case, the minimum size is se-
lected as the best option.
As for the descriptors obtained through the use
of auto-encoders (see table 3), for both cases (auto-
enc-Frib and auto-enc-SUN), the outputs obtained by
using the auto-encoders whose size of hidden repre-
sentation (number of neurons) is 10 show the worst
localization error results. In the case of auto-enc-
Frib, the descriptors obtained from auto-encoders
with N
= 50500 behaves well (localization
error between 7,04 and 7,45 cm), but for the auto-enc-
SUN, only the case N
= 500 outputs similar
values. Regarding the computing times (to compute
the descriptor and to estimate the pose), the longer
the size of the descriptor is, the more time the method
needs. Furthermore, the computing time values in-
crease severally as the size does. For instance, in
the case of N
= 500, with auto-enc-Frib and
auto-enco-SUN, the average time are 1166 ms and
1125 ms respectively. Therefore, for auto-enc-Frib,
the best configuration is reached through the auto-
encoder whose number of neurons is 100, because the
localization error is the minimum and the computing
time is the third lowest. For auto-enc-SUN, despite
the configuration with N
= 500 presents the
worst times, it is selected as the best one because the
rest of options do not provide solutions that can be
used to solve the localization task.
Finally, for the CNN-based descriptors case (see
table 4), in general, all the layers evaluated present
good results. The first layers achieve an accuracy of
around 5 cm. This behaviour is reasonable since the
aim of the first layers in a CNN is to obtain global
characteristic information from the images and the
further CNN layers are focused on optimizing the
classification task. Special consideration for the lay-
ers ’conv4’ and ’conv5’, whose use to obtain global
appearance descriptors is scarce until today and they
present very optimal solutions. Regarding the com-
putation time to calculate the descriptor, none of the
layers need high values and, as it was expected, the
further the corresponding layer is, the higher the time
is. Moreover, the computing time to estimate the pose
is directly proportional to the size of the descriptor,
but the layer ’conv5’ needs less time than ’conv4’.
Hence, ’conv5’ is selected as the best layer to calcu-
late descriptors.
In this work, a study is tackled regarding the use of
global appearance descriptors for localization. This
task is solved as an image retrieval problem. A dy-
ICINCO 2019 - 16th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
Table 2: Results obtained through the use of global appearance descriptors based on analytic methods (HOG and gist) to solve
visual localization.
Descriptor Size Error loc. (cm)
Time comp.
descriptor (ms)
Time pose
est. (ms)
64 16,34 ± 0, 78 44, 64 0,38
128 16,23 ± 0, 73 45, 27 0,51
256 16,22 ± 0, 69 45, 33 2,48
512 16,17 ± 0, 69 46, 52 4,75
128 5,19 ± 0, 18 10,30 0,45
256 5,11 ± 0, 17 11,98 2,19
512 5,09 ± 0, 16 21,21 4,17
1024 5,08 ± 0, 16 40,07 10,72
Table 3: Results obtained through the use of global appearance descriptors based on auto-encoders (auto-enc-Frib and auto-
enc-SUN) to solve visual localization.
Descriptor Size Error loc. (cm)
Time comp.
descriptor (ms)
Time pose
est. (ms)
10 599,83 ± 3, 83 49,79 0,25
50 8,61 ± 2, 29 138,64 0,44
100 7,04 ± 0, 85 249,55 0,59
200 7,45 ± 0, 23 473,59 0,93
500 7,22 ± 0, 19 1166,49 4, 54
10 362,73 ± 22, 77 54,99 0,28
50 520,85 ± 29, 66 138, 61 0,43
100 916,16 ± 31, 58 252, 39 0,59
200 327,25 ± 21, 39 477, 48 0,90
500 5,31 ± 0, 34 1125,06 4, 66
Table 4: Results obtained through the use of global appearance descriptors based on places CNN (layers ’conv4’, ’conv5’,
’fc6’, ’fc7’ and ’fc8’) to solve visual localization.
Layer Size Error loc. (cm)
Time comp.
descriptor (ms)
Time pose
est. (ms)
conv4 169 5,03 ± 0, 02 6,64 1,62
conv5 169 5,09 ± 0, 17 6,66 0,63
fc6 4096 5,14 ± 0, 18 7,42 34,38
fc7 4096 16,71 ± 0, 84 8, 58 33, 22
fc8 205 24,22 ± 6, 44 8, 88 0, 72
namic dataset with panoramic images has been used
to evaluate the experiments. Five global appearance
descriptors have been evaluated: two based on an-
alytic methods (HOG and gist), two based on auto-
encoders and one based on CNN layers. The size of
each descriptor is varied through either tuning some
parameters (such as the number of bins in HOG or the
size of hidden representation of the auto-encoders) or
selecting a different layer in the CNN case. The lo-
calization error, the computing time to calculate the
descriptor and the computing time to estimate the po-
sition of the robot have been used as parameters to
measure the efficiency of these descriptors. The fig. 4
shows the results obtained for the best configuration
of each descriptor evaluated. From that figure, we can
conclude that the minimum localization error is ob-
tained through the CNN-based descriptor option, but
the gist descriptor and the auto-enc-SUN descriptor
show results quite similar. The CNN-based descrip-
tor introduces also the best option regarding the com-
puting time to calculate the descriptor. Nevertheless,
regarding the time to estimate the pose of the robot,
HOG is the fastest.
Regarding the use of auto-encoders, using an auto-
encoder which has been trained with images that
belong to the environment outputs good-enough ac-
curacy results. The general auto-encoder proposed
through training a generic panoramic dataset works
acceptably in the case of high size of hidden represen-
tation, hence this leads to high computing times. Nev-
ertheless, its use as tool to obtain global appearance
descriptors for panoramic images would be valid and
An Evaluation between Global Appearance Descriptors based on Analytic Methods and Deep Learning Techniques for Localization in
Autonomous Mobile Robots
Error loc. (cm)
Time comp.descriptor (ms)
Error loc. (cm) Time comp. descriptor (ms)
Figure 4: Summary of the best configuration for each de-
scriptor studied.
the advantage of this method is that the auto-encoder
is trained just once, then the tool is suitable indepen-
dently the environment.
As for the use of CNN-based descriptors, we have
proved that the first layers can output very interest-
ing descriptors despite these are not fully convolu-
tional layers (typically proposed to obtain descrip-
tors). Moreover, the descriptors related to the ’conv4’
and ’conv5’ layers have produced the optimal local-
ization solutions among all the methods evaluated:
size of descriptor relatively small (which leads to fast
times to estimate the position), low computing time
to calculate the descriptor and very accurate localiza-
tion (average error around 5 cm for a test dataset and a
training dataset whose average distance between im-
ages is around 4 cm and 20 cm respectively).
This work has been supported by the Generalitat Va-
lenciana through grant ACIF/2017/146 and by the
Spanish government through the project DPI 2016-
78361-R (AEI/FEDER, UE): “Creaci
on de mapas
mediante m
etodos de apariencia visual para la nave-
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